I'd like to use ``build.error|urlize`` here, so we can have nice links.
However, this is not possible because we are using `data-bind="text: error"`
which means that Knockout.js will use the `.error` attribute to fill
the content of this tag dynamically.
Build exited due to unknown error: Error getting container 5d52c81de8abcc60b473c3e44fa890151a472028657c176cc86ad3217e036cf2 from driver devicemapper: Error mounting '/dev/mapper/docker-202:1-1065016-5d52c81de8abcc60b473c3e44fa890151a472028657c176cc86ad3217e036cf2' on '/var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/5d52c81de8abcc60b473c3e44fa890151a472028657c176cc86ad3217e036cf2': no such file or directory