Read the Docs build information Build id: 93669 Project: tiledb-inc-tiledb Version: latest Commit: None Date: 2018-03-14T16:35:11.346564Z State: finished Success: False [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-14T21:35:12.473955Z, end-time: 2018-03-14T21:35:12.484929Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git remote set-url origin [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-14T21:35:12.559384Z, end-time: 2018-03-14T21:35:13.852180Z, duration: 1, exit-code: 1 git fetch --tags --prune error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/dev': Unable to create '/home/docs/checkouts/': File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is running and remove the file manually to continue. From ! c5b87ae..57e24f4 dev -> origin/dev (unable to update local ref) + 047069a...299cace sp/any -> origin/sp/any (forced update) * [new branch] sp/brew_fix -> origin/sp/brew_fix