Read the Docs build information Build id: 93114 Project: tiledb-inc-tiledb Version: stable Commit: 035bda806d8a81894ed3e90e4f691698f7c8b1ac Date: 2018-03-12T19:55:56.102166Z State: finished Success: True [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:56.579622Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.136118Z, duration: 2, exit-code: 0 git clone --recursive . Cloning into '.'... [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.204837Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.214635Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git show-ref remotes/origin/035bda806d8a81894ed3e90e4f691698f7c8b1ac [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.290044Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.317403Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git checkout --force 035bda806d8a81894ed3e90e4f691698f7c8b1ac Note: checking out '035bda806d8a81894ed3e90e4f691698f7c8b1ac'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at 035bda8... Updated release notes in HISTORY [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.380691Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.391379Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git clean -d -f -f [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.456063Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.480588Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git submodule sync [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.546034Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.571978Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git submodule update --init --recursive --force [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.649343Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.657973Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git show-ref --tags edb02e3f56ebd70fe7e96f97a1599ca7cbb4b41f refs/tags/0.1.0 bc773aa31c7dbcc3618f3471f5c07a5bb6d52dbd refs/tags/0.2.0 058d9bb071f6a0a38893dd254a616b6594aa8048 refs/tags/0.3.0 40475b0d099c929deaad1f9efe9c0985b080ab0b refs/tags/0.3.1 a5b7de46323ff6f542ccfb053f0076905ae75c2d refs/tags/0.3.2 44c30540426725af0e72131f3959b3ea14047b7b refs/tags/0.3.3 b28795a5e5c7765b4e7607c1c10653013080c22a refs/tags/0.3.4 82ef689b7dd3b9fba51d0c7a29ee679ab895647f refs/tags/0.4.0 a54a7a7203d6d32864f16e04de0c78a5f3d73e7f refs/tags/0.5.0 33ad0355db215cb528162a74c16b706a059b0346 refs/tags/0.5.1 2d1fe95615302d787950af89db0619471e6d3ef8 refs/tags/0.5.2 2d6ce9d87d0da0a89a573acbd83610ecf957be31 refs/tags/0.6.0 106b72ba8558203f90d765f982adbf3743a2cd8c refs/tags/0.6.1 6fa7d91391e740b09210cc3fc8967ba4407e4131 refs/tags/1.0.0 24376e65c9253d335e26e44068d7634d827231af refs/tags/1.1.0 4d1a2054de12b31b37588f27ff791e59204d1030 refs/tags/1.2.0 035bda806d8a81894ed3e90e4f691698f7c8b1ac refs/tags/1.2.1 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.722005Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:55:59.730767Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git branch -r origin/3d_example origin/HEAD -> origin/dev origin/add_bzip2 origin/add_lpthread origin/allocators origin/backport-1.2.1 origin/basic_array origin/benchmarks origin/buffer_fixes origin/bug_real_coords origin/cmake origin/consolidation origin/coords_compression origin/dev origin/double_delta origin/examples origin/exists origin/filter_chunking origin/fix_cmake origin/fixlz4 origin/gdb_fix_cmake origin/generic_tile origin/hyp2dom origin/invalid origin/jcb/389 origin/jcb/cpp_dox_fixes origin/jcb/dlload_libhdfs origin/jcb/hdfs_config origin/jcb/include_cell_num origin/jcb/logger origin/jcb/readthedocs origin/jcb/readthedocs2 origin/jcb/tls_12 origin/jcb/uri origin/jcb/vfs_closed origin/license origin/master origin/memory origin/metadata_domain_bug origin/missing_env_vars origin/naming origin/new_data_types origin/npapa/s3-filesystem origin/npapa/s3-minio origin/osx_build origin/overflow_bug origin/prettyprint origin/readme origin/refactor origin/release-1.2.0 origin/release-1.2.1 origin/remove_hilbert origin/remove_tiledb_constants origin/remove_workspaces origin/revert-8-jcb/rmdep origin/rg/callback origin/rg/cppapi origin/rg/cppapi-2 origin/rg/cppapi-hide-sfinae origin/rg/cppapi-vs-fix origin/rg/doc-refactor origin/rg/general-types origin/rg/merge-cppapi origin/rm_array_name origin/rm_fragment_filename origin/rm_master_catalog origin/sp/1d origin/sp/272 origin/sp/316 origin/sp/326 origin/sp/332 origin/sp/335 origin/sp/357 origin/sp/433 origin/sp/437 origin/sp/array_schema origin/sp/array_type origin/sp/buffer_sizes origin/sp/cache_overwrite origin/sp/change_capi origin/sp/compile_error origin/sp/config origin/sp/config_error origin/sp/config_iter origin/sp/consolidation origin/sp/cpp_example_dl_issue origin/sp/cppapi origin/sp/dd origin/sp/docs origin/sp/empty_file origin/sp/expose_vfs origin/sp/fix_kv origin/sp/fix_non_empty_api origin/sp/fix_s3 origin/sp/fix_tests origin/sp/frag_rename origin/sp/free origin/sp/get_config origin/sp/gs origin/sp/hdfs_segfault origin/sp/is_kv origin/sp/key_value origin/sp/kv_bug origin/sp/latest_cmake_build origin/sp/license origin/sp/link origin/sp/ls origin/sp/max_buff_size origin/sp/metadata_cache origin/sp/metadata_file_size origin/sp/more_vfs origin/sp/new_ver origin/sp/non_empty origin/sp/non_empty_fix origin/sp/null_extents origin/sp/out_of_bounds origin/sp/rename_some_funcs origin/sp/rm_domain_type origin/sp/rm_dot_dir origin/sp/s3-filesystem origin/sp/safety origin/sp/special_attrs origin/sp/string origin/sp/subqueries origin/sp/tests origin/sp/tile_align origin/sp/tile_cache origin/sp/upper_bound origin/sp/vfs origin/sp/vfs_cache origin/sp/vfs_move_force origin/tile_id_bug origin/tileio origin/ttd/ingestor-framework origin/ttd/rtd-cpp-formatting origin/ttd/s3-benchmark origin/ttd/tiledb_datatype_t origin/ttd/vfs-stats origin/ttd/windows-hdfs origin/uri_fixes origin/verificationscripts1 origin/walk origin/working_disable_gnuparallel [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:56:00.407408Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:57:32.325279Z, duration: 91, exit-code: 0 conda env create --name stable --file /home/docs/checkouts/ Fetching package metadata ............. Solving package specifications: . blosc-1.14.0-1 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s blosc-1.14.0-1 2% | | ETA: 0:00:02 246.84 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 5% |# | ETA: 0:00:02 245.74 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 8% |## | ETA: 0:00:02 245.46 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 10% |### | ETA: 0:00:01 326.71 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 13% |#### | ETA: 0:00:01 306.57 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 16% |#### | ETA: 0:00:01 367.34 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 18% |##### | ETA: 0:00:01 343.13 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 21% |###### | ETA: 0:00:01 391.46 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 24% |####### | ETA: 0:00:01 367.50 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 26% |######## | ETA: 0:00:01 407.72 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 29% |######### | ETA: 0:00:00 448.18 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 32% |######### | ETA: 0:00:00 419.71 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 34% |########## | ETA: 0:00:00 454.17 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 37% |########### | ETA: 0:00:00 488.81 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 40% |############ | ETA: 0:00:00 523.41 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 42% |############# | ETA: 0:00:00 489.70 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 45% |############## | ETA: 0:00:00 519.91 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 48% |############## | ETA: 0:00:00 549.96 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 50% |############### | ETA: 0:00:00 580.22 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 53% |################ | ETA: 0:00:00 610.43 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 56% |################# | ETA: 0:00:00 570.93 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 58% |################## | ETA: 0:00:00 597.32 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 61% |################### | ETA: 0:00:00 624.17 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 64% |################### | ETA: 0:00:00 650.97 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 66% |#################### | ETA: 0:00:00 677.77 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 69% |##################### | ETA: 0:00:00 704.56 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 72% |###################### | ETA: 0:00:00 660.33 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 74% |####################### | ETA: 0:00:00 684.30 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 77% |######################## | ETA: 0:00:00 708.44 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 80% |######################## | ETA: 0:00:00 732.56 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 82% |######################### | ETA: 0:00:00 756.68 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 85% |########################## | ETA: 0:00:00 780.78 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 88% |########################### | ETA: 0:00:00 733.86 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 90% |############################ | ETA: 0:00:00 755.59 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 93% |############################ | ETA: 0:00:00 777.52 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 96% |############################# | ETA: 0:00:00 799.43 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 98% |############################## | ETA: 0:00:00 821.32 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 100% |###############################| ETA: 0:00:00 831.11 kB/s blosc-1.14.0-1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 830.91 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 34.64 MB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 492.43 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 734.70 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 975.19 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 25% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 612.34 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 732.88 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 853.14 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 972.99 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 733.91 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 814.09 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 894.26 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 973.99 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.05 MB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 855.88 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 915.53 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 975.48 kB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.04 MB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.10 MB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.15 MB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.17 MB/s bzip2-1.0.6-1. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.17 MB/s ca-certificate 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s ca-certificate 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 29.84 MB/s ca-certificate 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 38.68 MB/s ca-certificate 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 43.84 MB/s ca-certificate 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 46.94 MB/s ca-certificate 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 48.97 MB/s ca-certificate 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.49 MB/s ca-certificate 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.73 MB/s ca-certificate 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.96 MB/s ca-certificate 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 2.13 MB/s ca-certificate 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 2.12 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s expat-2.2.5-0. 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 31.49 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 38.77 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 43.53 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 46.71 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 48.99 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.48 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.72 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.96 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.19 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.42 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.65 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.88 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 1.60 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.83 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.94 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.06 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.18 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.56 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.63 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.87 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.94 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.02 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.59 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.65 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.66 MB/s expat-2.2.5-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.66 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 22.02 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 28.92 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 33.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 37.32 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 40.45 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 43.02 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 1.95 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.18 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.40 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.62 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.85 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.60 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.83 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.95 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 2.06 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 2.17 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 2.29 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.63 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.78 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.86 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.94 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 2.02 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.59 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.65 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.77 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.82 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.88 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.94 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.62 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.66 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.80 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.85 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.89 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.63 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.78 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.82 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.86 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.64 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.78 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.81 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.84 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.65 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.77 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.63 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.66 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.76 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.81 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.66 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.78 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.65 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.77 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.65 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.77 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.66 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.76 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.66 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 1.76 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.66 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.66 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.67 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.68 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.69 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.70 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.71 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 96% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.74 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.75 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.72 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s krb5-1.14.2-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:02 1.73 MB/s libffi-3.2.1-3 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s libffi-3.2.1-3 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 11.74 MB/s libffi-3.2.1-3 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 19.45 MB/s libffi-3.2.1-3 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 23.15 MB/s libffi-3.2.1-3 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 21.31 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s libuv-1.19.2-0 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 30.06 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 39.47 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 44.52 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 47.80 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 49.92 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 51.71 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.74 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.97 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.21 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.41 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.64 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.87 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 3.09 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 3.32 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 1.84 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 1.95 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.06 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.17 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.29 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.40 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.52 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.80 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.87 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.95 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.02 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.10 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.18 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.25 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.33 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.84 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.89 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.95 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.00 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.06 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.12 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.18 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.81 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.83 MB/s libuv-1.19.2-0 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.83 MB/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 31.57 MB/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 29% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 40.55 MB/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 45.30 MB/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 58% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 47.32 MB/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 48.88 MB/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 87% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 50.75 MB/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 50.94 MB/s lz4-c-1.8.0-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 47.33 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s ncurses-5.9-10 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 29.84 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 39.23 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 44.19 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 46.54 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 48.50 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 50.18 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.73 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.97 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.20 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.43 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.65 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 2.88 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 3.11 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.73 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.84 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.95 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.07 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.18 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.29 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.41 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.53 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 1.80 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.88 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.95 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.03 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.11 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.18 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.26 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.34 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 1.83 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 1.89 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 1.95 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.01 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.06 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.12 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.17 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.23 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.85 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.90 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.94 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.99 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.03 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.08 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.13 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.83 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.86 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.90 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.94 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.98 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.02 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.06 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.81 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.84 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.88 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.91 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.94 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.98 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.01 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.04 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.83 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.85 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.88 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.90 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.93 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.96 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.99 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.81 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.84 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.85 MB/s ncurses-5.9-10 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.85 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 27.91 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 37.40 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 42.52 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 45.54 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 47.76 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 49.50 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.74 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.97 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.21 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.45 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 2.59 MB/s rhash-1.3.4-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 2.58 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 30.34 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 40.12 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 44.93 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 48.08 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 50.38 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 51.88 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 53.15 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.97 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.20 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.44 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.67 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.89 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 3.11 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 3.34 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 3.48 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.97 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 2.09 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 2.20 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 2.32 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 2.41 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 2.53 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 2.64 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 2.74 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.96 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 2.03 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.11 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.19 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.27 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.34 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.42 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.50 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 2.56 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 2.64 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 2.08 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 2.14 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 2.19 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 2.25 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 2.31 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 2.37 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 2.43 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 2.48 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 2.53 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 2.10 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 2.15 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.20 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.24 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.29 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.34 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.38 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.43 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.47 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.52 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.57 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.61 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.24 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.28 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.32 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.36 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.40 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.43 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.47 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.47 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.51 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.55 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.58 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.62 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.34 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.37 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.41 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.44 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.47 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.50 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.54 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.57 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.55 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.58 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.61 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.64 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.41 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.44 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.47 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.50 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.53 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.56 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.59 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.62 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.65 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.62 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.65 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.68 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.71 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.73 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.53 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.55 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.58 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.60 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.63 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.65 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.68 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.71 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.73 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.76 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.74 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.76 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.79 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.81 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.84 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.64 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.66 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.69 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.71 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.73 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.76 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.78 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.80 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.82 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.85 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.87 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.85 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.87 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.90 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.92 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.94 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.76 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.78 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.80 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.82 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.84 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.86 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.88 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.90 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.92 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.94 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.97 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.99 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.97 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.99 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.01 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.03 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.05 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.07 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.89 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.91 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.93 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.95 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.97 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.99 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.01 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.03 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.05 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.07 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.08 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.10 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.09 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.10 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.12 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.14 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.16 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.18 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.20 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.03 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.05 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.06 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.08 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.10 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.12 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 83% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.13 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.15 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.17 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.19 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.20 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.22 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.23 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.22 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.24 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.26 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.27 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.29 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.31 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.33 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.16 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.18 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.19 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.21 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.23 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.24 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.26 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.28 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.29 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.31 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.32 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.34 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.35 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.37 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.36 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.37 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.39 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.41 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 3.42 MB/s tk-8.6.7-0.tar 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 3.42 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 28.54 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 35.30 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 39.10 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 42.45 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 44.86 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 46.74 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 48.19 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 49.54 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 50.52 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 50.96 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 51.55 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 52.25 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 52.86 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 53.32 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 53.80 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 54.10 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 53.47 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 54.03 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 54.41 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.46 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.57 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.68 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.80 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.91 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 3.03 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 3.14 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 3.26 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.37 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.48 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.59 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.71 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.82 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.93 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.04 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.15 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.26 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.37 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.48 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.59 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.70 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.80 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 4.91 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.02 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.23 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.34 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.44 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.55 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.76 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.86 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.97 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.10 MB/s xz-5.2.3-0.tar 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s zlib-1.2.11-0. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s zlib-1.2.11-0. 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 81.48 kB/s zlib-1.2.11-0. 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 121.63 kB/s zlib-1.2.11-0. 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 121.79 kB/s zlib-1.2.11-0. 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 162.25 kB/s zlib-1.2.11-0. 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 174.03 kB/s zlib-1.2.11-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 201.14 kB/s zlib-1.2.11-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 201.06 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 34.07 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 492.00 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 734.06 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 490.51 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 611.49 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 732.03 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 852.28 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 652.77 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 732.44 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 812.64 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 892.64 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 733.51 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 792.97 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 853.10 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 913.08 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 972.95 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.03 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.09 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 927.71 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 974.62 kB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 1.02 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 1.07 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 1.12 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 1.17 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 1.21 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.26 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 54% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.31 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.14 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.18 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.22 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.26 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.30 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.38 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.42 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.46 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.49 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.53 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.57 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.40 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.43 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.46 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.49 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.53 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.56 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.59 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.62 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.65 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s zstd-1.3.3-0.t 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s openssl-1.0.2n 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 33.57 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 35.31 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 40.52 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 37.79 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 37.56 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 38.86 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 39.91 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 40.69 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 42.27 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 43.60 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 44.83 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 45.89 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 46.87 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 47.90 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 3.87 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 4.10 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 4.32 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 4.55 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 4.79 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.01 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.24 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.91 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.14 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.36 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.57 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.79 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 7.00 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 7.22 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 7.43 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 7.64 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 4.13 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 4.24 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 4.35 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 4.46 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 4.57 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 4.68 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 4.79 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 4.90 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.02 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.24 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.35 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.01 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.22 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.39 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.47 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.54 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.61 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.69 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.76 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 4.83 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 4.91 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 4.98 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.05 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.20 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.28 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.35 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.42 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.51 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.57 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.62 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.68 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.73 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.79 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.84 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 4.90 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 4.96 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.01 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.07 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.12 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.18 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.24 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.29 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.35 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.40 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.62 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.69 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.73 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.78 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.82 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.87 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.91 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.95 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 4.99 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.04 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.08 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.17 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.21 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.26 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.30 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.34 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.39 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.43 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.79 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.82 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.86 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.90 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.93 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.97 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.00 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.04 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.08 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.11 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.15 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.19 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.23 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.26 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.30 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.34 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.37 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.45 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 4.84 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.85 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.88 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.91 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.94 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.97 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.00 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.03 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.07 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.10 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.16 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.19 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.23 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.26 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.29 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.32 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.35 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.44 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.47 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.90 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.91 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.94 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.97 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.99 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.02 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.05 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 74% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.08 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.10 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.16 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.18 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.21 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.23 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.25 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.27 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.30 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.32 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.35 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.43 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.98 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.99 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.01 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.04 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.06 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.09 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 83% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.11 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.14 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.16 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.19 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.21 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.24 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.26 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.28 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.31 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.33 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.36 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.43 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.02 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.03 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.05 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.08 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.10 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.12 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.14 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.16 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.19 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.21 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.23 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.25 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.28 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.30 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.32 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.34 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.36 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.39 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.43 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.45 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s openssl-1.0.2n 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s readline-7.0-0 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s readline-7.0-0 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 30.97 MB/s readline-7.0-0 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 37.66 MB/s readline-7.0-0 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 42.12 MB/s readline-7.0-0 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 44.86 MB/s readline-7.0-0 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 46.23 MB/s readline-7.0-0 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 44.54 MB/s readline-7.0-0 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 45.86 MB/s readline-7.0-0 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 46.98 MB/s readline-7.0-0 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 47.97 MB/s readline-7.0-0 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 48.39 MB/s readline-7.0-0 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 49.08 MB/s readline-7.0-0 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 49.74 MB/s readline-7.0-0 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 50.32 MB/s readline-7.0-0 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 50.79 MB/s readline-7.0-0 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 51.28 MB/s readline-7.0-0 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 51.53 MB/s readline-7.0-0 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 51.80 MB/s readline-7.0-0 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 52.36 MB/s readline-7.0-0 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 52.48 MB/s readline-7.0-0 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 52.66 MB/s readline-7.0-0 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s readline-7.0-0 41% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.55 MB/s readline-7.0-0 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s readline-7.0-0 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s readline-7.0-0 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s readline-7.0-0 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.31 MB/s readline-7.0-0 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.53 MB/s readline-7.0-0 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.74 MB/s readline-7.0-0 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.96 MB/s readline-7.0-0 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 7.17 MB/s readline-7.0-0 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 7.38 MB/s readline-7.0-0 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 7.58 MB/s readline-7.0-0 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.78 MB/s readline-7.0-0 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.98 MB/s readline-7.0-0 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.19 MB/s readline-7.0-0 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.39 MB/s readline-7.0-0 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.59 MB/s readline-7.0-0 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.79 MB/s readline-7.0-0 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.99 MB/s readline-7.0-0 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 9.19 MB/s readline-7.0-0 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 9.38 MB/s readline-7.0-0 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 9.58 MB/s readline-7.0-0 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.37 MB/s readline-7.0-0 83% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s readline-7.0-0 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s readline-7.0-0 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s readline-7.0-0 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s readline-7.0-0 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s readline-7.0-0 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.03 MB/s readline-7.0-0 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s readline-7.0-0 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.26 MB/s readline-7.0-0 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s readline-7.0-0 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.40 MB/s readline-7.0-0 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s libssh2-1.8.0- 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 22.75 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 31.97 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 37.52 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 41.19 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 43.76 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 45.75 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 47.41 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 48.49 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 49.41 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 50.32 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 51.20 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 51.64 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 52.15 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 53.04 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 53.59 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 52.11 MB/s libssh2-1.8.0- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 50.36 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s sqlite-3.20.1- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 29.90 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 38.88 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 41.27 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 42.78 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 44.82 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 46.64 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 47.89 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 48.87 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 49.62 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 46.32 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 45.69 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 45.56 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 45.82 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 46.12 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 46.50 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 47.03 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 47.57 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 48.04 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 48.49 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 48.95 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.17 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.58 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.64 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.84 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 7.04 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 7.24 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 7.44 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 7.64 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 7.85 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 8.05 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 8.25 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 8.45 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 8.64 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 8.83 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 9.03 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 9.22 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 9.41 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.20 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.30 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.63 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.84 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.95 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.06 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.16 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.48 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.58 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.69 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.79 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.89 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.00 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.08 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.18 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.28 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 7.38 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 7.48 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.33 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.40 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.47 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.55 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.62 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.76 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.84 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.91 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.98 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.05 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.20 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.41 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.46 MB/s sqlite-3.20.1- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.45 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s curl-7.55.1-0. 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 25.29 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 30.40 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 32.25 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 34.37 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 36.59 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 39.06 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 40.96 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 42.65 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 44.07 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 45.39 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 46.06 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 46.99 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 47.77 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 29% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 48.11 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 47.60 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 47.18 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 47.64 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 48.27 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 48.79 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 49.15 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.17 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.39 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.60 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.80 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.45 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 58% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.63 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.84 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.04 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.23 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.43 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.62 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.82 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.01 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.20 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.39 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 8.57 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.76 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.94 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 9.12 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 87% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 9.29 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.27 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.83 MB/s curl-7.55.1-0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 33.23 MB/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 41.47 MB/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 45.17 MB/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 44.46 MB/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 42.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 41.30 MB/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 40.83 MB/s python-2.7.14- 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 41.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 42.94 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 44.09 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 44.99 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 45.85 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 46.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 47.44 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 48.16 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 48.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 49.15 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 49.29 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 49.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 50.03 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 5.20 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 5.42 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 5.88 MB/s python-2.7.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 6.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.86 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.06 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.26 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.46 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.85 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.05 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.24 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.43 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.81 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 9.00 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 9.19 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.27 MB/s python-2.7.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.49 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.85 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.06 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s python-2.7.14- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s python-2.7.14- 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.38 MB/s python-2.7.14- 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.42 MB/s python-2.7.14- 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.82 MB/s python-2.7.14- 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.92 MB/s python-2.7.14- 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.02 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.13 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.23 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.33 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.43 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.40 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.47 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.86 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.93 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s python-2.7.14- 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.22 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.35 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.42 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.39 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.44 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s python-2.7.14- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.84 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.95 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.01 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.03 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.13 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.18 MB/s python-2.7.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.29 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.43 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.47 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.49 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 12% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s python-2.7.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.83 MB/s python-2.7.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.85 MB/s python-2.7.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.88 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.91 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.04 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.13 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s python-2.7.14- 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.42 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.76 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.84 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.94 MB/s python-2.7.14- 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.97 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.01 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.05 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.44 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.47 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s python-2.7.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.76 MB/s python-2.7.14- 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s python-2.7.14- 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s python-2.7.14- 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.84 MB/s python-2.7.14- 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s python-2.7.14- 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s python-2.7.14- 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.93 MB/s python-2.7.14- 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s python-2.7.14- 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.44 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s python-2.7.14- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.80 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.85 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.88 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.91 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.93 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s python-2.7.14- 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.73 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.80 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.85 MB/s python-2.7.14- 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.45 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.47 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.49 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 25% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.73 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.83 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.85 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.44 MB/s python-2.7.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.76 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.80 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.49 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.73 MB/s python-2.7.14- 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s python-2.7.14- 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s python-2.7.14- 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.47 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.49 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.49 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 5.49 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 38% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.74 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.48 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 41% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.73 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.49 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 45% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.72 MB/s python-2.7.14- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.73 MB/s python-2.7.14- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 5.73 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.50 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 54% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.71 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.51 MB/s python-2.7.14- 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.52 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.70 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.53 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.69 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 70% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.54 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 83% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.68 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.67 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 96% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.65 MB/s python-2.7.14- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.66 MB/s python-2.7.14- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.55 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.56 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.57 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.58 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.59 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.60 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.61 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.62 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:02 5.63 MB/s python-2.7.14- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s python-2.7.14- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:02 5.64 MB/s alabaster-0.7. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s alabaster-0.7. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 27.02 MB/s alabaster-0.7. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 19.95 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s asn1crypto-0.2 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 30.34 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 38.69 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 43.73 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 47.05 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 49.18 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 50.88 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 51.92 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.50 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.98 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.32 MB/s asn1crypto-0.2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.28 MB/s certifi-2018.1 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s certifi-2018.1 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 30.34 MB/s certifi-2018.1 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 40.06 MB/s certifi-2018.1 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 45.14 MB/s certifi-2018.1 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 48.30 MB/s certifi-2018.1 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 50.45 MB/s certifi-2018.1 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 52.07 MB/s certifi-2018.1 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 53.19 MB/s certifi-2018.1 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 54.23 MB/s certifi-2018.1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 53.44 MB/s certifi-2018.1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 50.25 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s chardet-3.0.4- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 33.70 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 42.60 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 47.31 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 50.11 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 45% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 51.07 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 52.26 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 53.47 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 54.41 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 55.06 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 55.67 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 55.28 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 52.66 MB/s chardet-3.0.4- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 50.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s cmake-3.10.2-4 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 8.52 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 14.70 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 19.48 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 23.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 26.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 28.74 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 30.98 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 32.85 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 34.61 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 36.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 37.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 38.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 39.49 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 40.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 41.28 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 42.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 42.70 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 43.36 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 43.71 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 44.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 44.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 5.47 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.88 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.01 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.18 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.61 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 6.82 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.64 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 7.84 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.64 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 8.84 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 9.03 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 9.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 9.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 9.60 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 9.79 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 5.54 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.01 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.76 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 6.97 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.08 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.18 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.28 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.49 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.59 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.70 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 7.80 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 7.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.88 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.95 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.31 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.52 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.59 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.73 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.80 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 6.94 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 7.01 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 7.08 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 12% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 7.15 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.88 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.93 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.98 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.26 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.31 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.36 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.47 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.53 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.58 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.63 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.69 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.74 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.79 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.69 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.73 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.86 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.91 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 5.95 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.03 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.16 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.25 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.29 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.46 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.51 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.59 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.73 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.76 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.83 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.93 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.97 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.18 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.26 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.29 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.33 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.40 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.47 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.51 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.74 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.84 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.93 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.05 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.14 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 25% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 25% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.33 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.36 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.85 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.95 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.98 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.03 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.05 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.13 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.16 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.19 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.35 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.83 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.85 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.94 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.97 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.10 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.13 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.18 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.25 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.29 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.84 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.86 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.88 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.94 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 5.98 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.01 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.03 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.05 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.13 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.19 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.26 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.91 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.94 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.98 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 38% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 38% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.06 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.10 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.14 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.14 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.16 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.19 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.25 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.29 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.31 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.33 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.35 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 6.00 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.05 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.13 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.14 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.16 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.18 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.25 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.35 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 45% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.46 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.48 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.14 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.16 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.19 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.25 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.29 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.35 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.40 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.47 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.48 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.50 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.52 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.53 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.57 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.26 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.29 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 6.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.33 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.35 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.46 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.47 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.49 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.50 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.52 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.53 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.56 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.58 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.59 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.61 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.62 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.64 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 54% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.65 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.67 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.33 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.35 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.36 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.43 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.46 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.48 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.49 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.51 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.52 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.53 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.57 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 58% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 6.58 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.59 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.61 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.62 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.64 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.65 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.67 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.68 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.69 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.71 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.72 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.74 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.75 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.58 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.46 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.47 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.49 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.50 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.51 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.52 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.54 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.56 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.58 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.59 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.60 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.62 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.63 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.64 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.67 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.68 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.69 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.71 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.72 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.73 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.74 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.76 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.77 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.78 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.80 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.81 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.82 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.84 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.85 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.86 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.88 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.71 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.58 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.60 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.61 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.62 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.63 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.65 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.67 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.68 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.70 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.71 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.72 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.73 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.75 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.76 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.77 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.78 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.80 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.80 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.80 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.82 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.83 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.84 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.85 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.88 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.89 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.91 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.93 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.94 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.95 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.97 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.98 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.99 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.00 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.85 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.71 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.72 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.74 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.75 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.76 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.77 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.78 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.79 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.81 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.82 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.83 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.84 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.85 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.88 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.89 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.91 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.93 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.94 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.94 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.95 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.97 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.98 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.99 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 74% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.00 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 74% |###################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.01 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.05 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.06 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.08 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.10 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.12 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.13 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.14 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.99 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.86 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.87 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.88 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.90 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.91 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.92 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.93 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.94 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.95 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:01 6.96 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.97 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.99 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 6.99 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.01 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.03 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.05 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.06 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.10 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.12 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.14 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.15 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.16 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.17 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.18 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.19 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.21 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.25 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.26 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.28 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.13 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.01 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.02 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.03 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.04 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.05 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.06 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.07 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.08 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.09 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.10 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.11 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.12 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.14 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.15 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.16 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.17 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.18 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.19 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.21 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.25 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.26 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.28 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.29 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.31 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.33 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.36 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.37 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 87% |########################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.40 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.43 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.28 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.16 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.17 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.18 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.19 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.20 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.21 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.22 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.23 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.24 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.25 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.26 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.27 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.28 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.29 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.31 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.33 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:01 7.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.35 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.36 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.37 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.40 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.43 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.46 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.47 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.48 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.49 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.50 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.51 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.52 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.53 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.54 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:01 7.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.30 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.31 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.32 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.33 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.34 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.35 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.36 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.37 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.38 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.39 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.40 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.41 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.42 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.43 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.46 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.47 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.48 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.49 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:01 7.50 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 96% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.51 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 96% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.50 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.51 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.52 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.53 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.54 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.55 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.56 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.57 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.58 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.59 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.60 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.61 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.62 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.62 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.63 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.64 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.65 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.66 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.56 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.44 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:01 7.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:01 7.45 MB/s cmake-3.10.2-4 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:01 7.44 MB/s docutils-0.14- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s docutils-0.14- 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 29.25 MB/s docutils-0.14- 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 38.41 MB/s docutils-0.14- 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 41.87 MB/s docutils-0.14- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 44.55 MB/s docutils-0.14- 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 46.86 MB/s docutils-0.14- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 48.62 MB/s docutils-0.14- 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 49.93 MB/s docutils-0.14- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 49.78 MB/s docutils-0.14- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 10.08 MB/s docutils-0.14- 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 10.94 MB/s docutils-0.14- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 11.80 MB/s docutils-0.14- 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 12.64 MB/s docutils-0.14- 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 13.45 MB/s docutils-0.14- 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 14.24 MB/s docutils-0.14- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 15.00 MB/s docutils-0.14- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 15.73 MB/s docutils-0.14- 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 16.44 MB/s docutils-0.14- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 17.06 MB/s docutils-0.14- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 17.72 MB/s docutils-0.14- 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 18.37 MB/s docutils-0.14- 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 19.00 MB/s docutils-0.14- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 19.61 MB/s docutils-0.14- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 20.20 MB/s docutils-0.14- 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 20.78 MB/s docutils-0.14- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 21.37 MB/s docutils-0.14- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 21.93 MB/s docutils-0.14- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 22.46 MB/s docutils-0.14- 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 22.99 MB/s docutils-0.14- 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 23.49 MB/s docutils-0.14- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 23.99 MB/s docutils-0.14- 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 24.47 MB/s docutils-0.14- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 24.93 MB/s docutils-0.14- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 25.36 MB/s docutils-0.14- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 25.80 MB/s docutils-0.14- 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 26.24 MB/s docutils-0.14- 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 26.56 MB/s docutils-0.14- 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 8.50 MB/s docutils-0.14- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.68 MB/s docutils-0.14- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 8.88 MB/s docutils-0.14- 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.91 MB/s docutils-0.14- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.01 MB/s docutils-0.14- 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s docutils-0.14- 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.24 MB/s docutils-0.14- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.29 MB/s docutils-0.14- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.28 MB/s enum34-1.1.6-p 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s enum34-1.1.6-p 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 81.30 kB/s enum34-1.1.6-p 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 97.98 kB/s enum34-1.1.6-p 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 122.42 kB/s enum34-1.1.6-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 136.43 kB/s enum34-1.1.6-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 136.37 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s idna-2.6-py27_ 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 226.21 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 450.30 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 337.21 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 448.50 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 374.56 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 448.75 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 521.74 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 427.08 kB/s idna-2.6-py27_ 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 426.73 kB/s imagesize-1.0. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s imagesize-1.0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 19.35 MB/s imagesize-1.0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 14.05 MB/s ipaddress-1.0. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s ipaddress-1.0. 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 32.13 MB/s ipaddress-1.0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 37.12 MB/s ipaddress-1.0. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 30.55 MB/s markupsafe-1.0 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s markupsafe-1.0 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 33.99 MB/s markupsafe-1.0 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 13.65 MB/s markupsafe-1.0 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 12.59 MB/s pycparser-2.18 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s pycparser-2.18 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 34.79 MB/s pycparser-2.18 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 43.06 MB/s pycparser-2.18 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 684.50 kB/s pycparser-2.18 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 907.88 kB/s pycparser-2.18 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 1.13 MB/s pycparser-2.18 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 678.34 kB/s pycparser-2.18 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 789.36 kB/s pycparser-2.18 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 900.29 kB/s pycparser-2.18 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.01 MB/s pycparser-2.18 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.12 MB/s pycparser-2.18 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.17 MB/s pycparser-2.18 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.16 MB/s pysocks-1.6.8- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s pysocks-1.6.8- 74% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 22.82 MB/s pysocks-1.6.8- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 22.60 MB/s pysocks-1.6.8- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 19.12 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s pytz-2018.3-py 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 32.45 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 41.47 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 45.80 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 46.94 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 1.13 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 1.35 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.56 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.78 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.99 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.13 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.24 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.35 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.45 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.51 MB/s pytz-2018.3-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.51 MB/s six-1.11.0-py2 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s six-1.11.0-py2 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 32.19 MB/s six-1.11.0-py2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 27.90 MB/s six-1.11.0-py2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 21.56 MB/s snowballstemme 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s snowballstemme 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 29.63 MB/s snowballstemme 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 39.01 MB/s snowballstemme 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 44.16 MB/s snowballstemme 87% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 46.95 MB/s snowballstemme 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 209.22 kB/s snowballstemme 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 209.07 kB/s sphinxcontrib- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s sphinxcontrib- 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 32.51 MB/s sphinxcontrib- 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 39.01 MB/s sphinxcontrib- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 33.61 MB/s sphinxcontrib- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 28.79 MB/s typing-3.6.4-p 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s typing-3.6.4-p 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 32.32 MB/s typing-3.6.4-p 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 41.65 MB/s typing-3.6.4-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 38.25 MB/s typing-3.6.4-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 32.95 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s babel-2.5.3-py 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 33.17 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 42.12 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 46.02 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 48.47 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 50.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 1.57 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 2.01 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 2.22 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.24 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.45 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.56 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.67 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.78 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.27 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.49 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.56 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.63 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.29 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.45 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.51 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 1.56 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.30 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.33 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.46 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.50 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.55 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.45 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.49 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.30 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.30 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.33 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.32 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.45 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.48 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.44 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.32 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.32 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.44 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 25% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:01 1.32 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:01 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:01 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.34 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 38% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.35 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.36 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:01 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 58% |################# | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.37 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.38 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 74% |###################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.39 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:02 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.40 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 96% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.44 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.41 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.42 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.44 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s babel-2.5.3-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:03 1.43 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s cffi-1.11.5-py 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 33.85 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 43.22 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 47.44 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 49.95 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 51.88 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 53.40 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 1.58 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 1.80 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.01 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.23 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 45% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.44 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.65 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.46 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.57 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.68 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.89 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.00 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.10 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.21 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.58 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.65 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.72 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.82 MB/s cffi-1.11.5-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.82 MB/s setuptools-38. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s setuptools-38. 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 34.64 MB/s setuptools-38. 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 43.52 MB/s setuptools-38. 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 47.67 MB/s setuptools-38. 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 49.95 MB/s setuptools-38. 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 51.58 MB/s setuptools-38. 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 52.94 MB/s setuptools-38. 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 1.58 MB/s setuptools-38. 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s setuptools-38. 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 2.01 MB/s setuptools-38. 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 2.22 MB/s setuptools-38. 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.44 MB/s setuptools-38. 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.65 MB/s setuptools-38. 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.86 MB/s setuptools-38. 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 3.07 MB/s setuptools-38. 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 3.28 MB/s setuptools-38. 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 1.69 MB/s setuptools-38. 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s setuptools-38. 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.90 MB/s setuptools-38. 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.00 MB/s setuptools-38. 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.10 MB/s setuptools-38. 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.20 MB/s setuptools-38. 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.30 MB/s setuptools-38. 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.72 MB/s setuptools-38. 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.79 MB/s setuptools-38. 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.86 MB/s setuptools-38. 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.93 MB/s setuptools-38. 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.00 MB/s setuptools-38. 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.07 MB/s setuptools-38. 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.15 MB/s setuptools-38. 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.22 MB/s setuptools-38. 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.29 MB/s setuptools-38. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 2.35 MB/s setuptools-38. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 2.35 MB/s cryptography-2 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s cryptography-2 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 34.19 MB/s cryptography-2 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 42.94 MB/s cryptography-2 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 47.21 MB/s cryptography-2 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 49.99 MB/s cryptography-2 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 51.91 MB/s cryptography-2 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 53.28 MB/s cryptography-2 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 8.19 MB/s cryptography-2 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 9.12 MB/s cryptography-2 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 1.88 MB/s cryptography-2 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 2.08 MB/s cryptography-2 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 2.28 MB/s cryptography-2 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 2.48 MB/s cryptography-2 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.68 MB/s cryptography-2 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 2.88 MB/s cryptography-2 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 3.07 MB/s cryptography-2 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 3.27 MB/s cryptography-2 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 3.46 MB/s cryptography-2 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 3.65 MB/s cryptography-2 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 2.11 MB/s cryptography-2 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.22 MB/s cryptography-2 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 2.32 MB/s cryptography-2 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 2.42 MB/s cryptography-2 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.53 MB/s cryptography-2 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 2.63 MB/s cryptography-2 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.74 MB/s cryptography-2 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 2.68 MB/s cryptography-2 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.78 MB/s cryptography-2 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 2.88 MB/s cryptography-2 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.98 MB/s cryptography-2 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.08 MB/s cryptography-2 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 3.17 MB/s cryptography-2 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.34 MB/s cryptography-2 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.35 MB/s cryptography-2 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.41 MB/s cryptography-2 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.48 MB/s cryptography-2 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.55 MB/s cryptography-2 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.62 MB/s cryptography-2 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.69 MB/s cryptography-2 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.75 MB/s cryptography-2 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.82 MB/s cryptography-2 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.89 MB/s cryptography-2 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.96 MB/s cryptography-2 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 3.02 MB/s cryptography-2 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.09 MB/s cryptography-2 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.47 MB/s cryptography-2 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.52 MB/s cryptography-2 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.57 MB/s cryptography-2 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.63 MB/s cryptography-2 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 2.68 MB/s cryptography-2 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 2.73 MB/s cryptography-2 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.78 MB/s cryptography-2 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 2.83 MB/s cryptography-2 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.89 MB/s cryptography-2 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 2.94 MB/s cryptography-2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 2.96 MB/s cryptography-2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 2.96 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s jinja2-2.10-py 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 20.95 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 28.37 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 7.31 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.63 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 7.51 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 8.79 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 10.01 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 11.17 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 12.28 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 13.35 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 14.38 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 14.18 MB/s jinja2-2.10-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 13.99 MB/s pygments-2.2.0 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s pygments-2.2.0 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 34.57 MB/s pygments-2.2.0 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 43.63 MB/s pygments-2.2.0 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 48.15 MB/s pygments-2.2.0 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 50.76 MB/s pygments-2.2.0 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 52.55 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Time: 0:00:00 23.49 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 27.44 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 30.44 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 33.00 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 35.07 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 36.70 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 38.36 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 9.88 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 10.67 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 11.45 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 12.21 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 12.95 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 13.66 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 14.35 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 15.02 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 15.68 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 4.39 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 4.56 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.75 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.90 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.06 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 5.25 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.45 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.84 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.42 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.76 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 5.93 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.44 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.61 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.78 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.95 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 7.11 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 7.28 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.53 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 6.66 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 4.77 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 4.86 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 4.95 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.04 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.11 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.01 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 45% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.11 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.20 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.30 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.40 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.49 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.97 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.06 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.25 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.53 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.62 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 61% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 4.90 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.74 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.80 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.87 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.93 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.00 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.06 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.20 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.26 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.33 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.45 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.58 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.83 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.18 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.23 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.28 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.34 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.33 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.36 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.56 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.60 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 96% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.80 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s pip-9.0.1-py27 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.81 MB/s pyopenssl-17.5 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s pyopenssl-17.5 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 34.27 MB/s pyopenssl-17.5 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 43.23 MB/s pyopenssl-17.5 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 47.35 MB/s pyopenssl-17.5 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 10.22 MB/s pyopenssl-17.5 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 11.94 MB/s pyopenssl-17.5 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 11.64 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s urllib3-1.22-p 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 33.92 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 42.78 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 46.76 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 48.80 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 50.35 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 15.17 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 16.99 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 18.69 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 20.16 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 20.62 MB/s urllib3-1.22-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 20.15 MB/s requests-2.18. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s requests-2.18. 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 35.85 MB/s requests-2.18. 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 43.87 MB/s requests-2.18. 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 48.04 MB/s requests-2.18. 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 50.30 MB/s requests-2.18. 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 51.85 MB/s requests-2.18. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 49.71 MB/s requests-2.18. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 12.82 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 34.43 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 43.18 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 47.31 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 49.80 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 51.75 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 52.91 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 54.07 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 54.30 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 54.88 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 55.05 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 55.39 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 55.90 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 56.36 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 56.64 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 57.03 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 57.31 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 57.55 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 58.01 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 58.36 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 58.62 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 58.74 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 58.84 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 19.55 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.42 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.40 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.78 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.33 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.51 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.70 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.88 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 7.06 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 7.24 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 7.41 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 7.59 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 7.77 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 7.14 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 7.30 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 7.46 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 7.61 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 7.77 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 7.92 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 8.07 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 8.23 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 8.38 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 8.53 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 8.68 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.59 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.96 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.06 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.24 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.52 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.61 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.70 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.80 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.89 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.98 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.07 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.16 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.25 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.34 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.43 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.52 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.61 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.70 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.79 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.88 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 7.96 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.05 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.10 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.16 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.22 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.50 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.56 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.63 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.69 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.76 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.82 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.89 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.71 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.77 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.83 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.89 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.95 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 7.01 MB/s sphinx-1.6.7-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 7.01 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s breathe-4.7.3- 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 35.39 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 44.35 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 48.34 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 12.16 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 14.40 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 16.51 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 93% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 18.40 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 18.93 MB/s breathe-4.7.3- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 18.45 MB/s # # To activate this environment, use: # > source activate stable # # To deactivate an active environment, use: # > source deactivate # [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:57:32.453717Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:57:53.474644Z, duration: 21, exit-code: 0 conda install --yes --name stable mock pillow sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme Fetching package metadata ............. Solving package specifications: . Package plan for installation in environment /home/docs/checkouts/ The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: freetype: 2.8.1-0 conda-forge funcsigs: 1.0.2-py_2 conda-forge jpeg: 9b-2 conda-forge libpng: 1.6.34-0 conda-forge libtiff: 4.0.9-0 conda-forge mock: 2.0.0-py27_0 conda-forge olefile: 0.45.1-py27_0 conda-forge packaging: 17.1-py_0 conda-forge pbr: 3.1.1-py27_0 conda-forge pillow: 5.0.0-py27_0 conda-forge pyparsing: 2.2.0-py27_0 conda-forge sphinx_rtd_theme: 0.2.4-py27_0 conda-forge The following packages will be UPDATED: sphinx: 1.6.7-py27_0 conda-forge --> 1.7.1-py27_0 conda-forge jpeg-9b-2.tar. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 1% | | ETA: 0:00:04 227.82 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 2% | | ETA: 0:00:04 226.71 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 4% |# | ETA: 0:00:04 226.57 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 5% |# | ETA: 0:00:03 301.47 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 7% |## | ETA: 0:00:03 283.06 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 8% |## | ETA: 0:00:02 339.26 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 10% |### | ETA: 0:00:02 395.28 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 11% |### | ETA: 0:00:02 362.12 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 13% |#### | ETA: 0:00:02 407.00 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 14% |#### | ETA: 0:00:02 448.95 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 16% |##### | ETA: 0:00:01 493.44 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 17% |##### | ETA: 0:00:01 451.83 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 19% |###### | ETA: 0:00:01 487.13 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 20% |###### | ETA: 0:00:01 524.18 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 22% |###### | ETA: 0:00:01 561.12 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 23% |####### | ETA: 0:00:01 516.40 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 25% |####### | ETA: 0:00:01 546.49 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 26% |######## | ETA: 0:00:01 578.10 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 28% |######## | ETA: 0:00:01 609.88 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 29% |######### | ETA: 0:00:01 601.77 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 31% |######### | ETA: 0:00:01 593.05 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 32% |########## | ETA: 0:00:01 619.07 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 34% |########## | ETA: 0:00:01 646.78 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 35% |########### | ETA: 0:00:01 674.49 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 37% |########### | ETA: 0:00:00 702.21 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 38% |############ | ETA: 0:00:00 729.98 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 40% |############ | ETA: 0:00:00 757.73 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 41% |############ | ETA: 0:00:00 743.70 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 43% |############# | ETA: 0:00:00 728.11 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 44% |############# | ETA: 0:00:00 752.72 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 46% |############## | ETA: 0:00:00 775.84 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 47% |############## | ETA: 0:00:00 800.43 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 49% |############### | ETA: 0:00:00 824.97 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 50% |############### | ETA: 0:00:00 849.51 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 52% |################ | ETA: 0:00:00 874.12 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 53% |################ | ETA: 0:00:00 898.72 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 55% |################# | ETA: 0:00:00 879.35 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 56% |################# | ETA: 0:00:00 902.64 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 58% |################## | ETA: 0:00:00 880.99 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 59% |################## | ETA: 0:00:00 903.13 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 61% |################## | ETA: 0:00:00 923.86 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 62% |################### | ETA: 0:00:00 945.85 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 64% |################### | ETA: 0:00:00 967.95 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 65% |#################### | ETA: 0:00:00 989.89 kB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 67% |#################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.01 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 68% |##################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.03 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 70% |##################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.06 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 71% |###################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.08 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 73% |###################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.05 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 74% |####################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.07 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 76% |####################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.05 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 77% |######################## | ETA: 0:00:00 1.07 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 79% |######################## | ETA: 0:00:00 1.09 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 80% |######################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.11 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 82% |######################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.13 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 83% |######################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.15 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 85% |########################## | ETA: 0:00:00 1.17 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 86% |########################## | ETA: 0:00:00 1.19 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 88% |########################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.21 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 89% |########################### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.23 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 91% |############################ | ETA: 0:00:00 1.25 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 92% |############################ | ETA: 0:00:00 1.27 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 94% |############################# | ETA: 0:00:00 1.29 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 95% |############################# | ETA: 0:00:00 1.31 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 97% |############################## | ETA: 0:00:00 1.28 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 98% |############################## | ETA: 0:00:00 1.30 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 100% |###############################| ETA: 0:00:00 1.31 MB/s jpeg-9b-2.tar. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.31 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s libpng-1.6.34- 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 27.08 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 34.45 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 36.65 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 38.57 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 40.84 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 42.65 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 44.68 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 46.12 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 47.22 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 48.02 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 48.70 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 48.91 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 49.57 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 50.12 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 50.63 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.65 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 3.85 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 4.06 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 4.27 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 4.28 MB/s libpng-1.6.34- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 4.27 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s libtiff-4.0.9- 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 23.34 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 28.65 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 32.79 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 36.66 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 39.14 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 41.37 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 43.38 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 44.86 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 46.14 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 47.24 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 48.25 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 49.06 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 49.74 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 50.43 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 51.02 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 3.64 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 3.85 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 4.06 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 4.27 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.47 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.67 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.86 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.06 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.26 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.65 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.85 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.04 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.24 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.62 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.78 MB/s libtiff-4.0.9- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.76 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s freetype-2.8.1 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 27.17 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 34.39 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 36.57 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 38.69 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 40.68 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 3% | | Time: 0:00:00 42.99 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 44.47 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 45.76 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 46.90 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 47.79 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 48.75 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 49.57 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 50.35 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 50.97 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 51.53 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 52.07 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 52.45 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 9% |## | Time: 0:00:00 4.10 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 4.30 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 4.51 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 4.72 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 4.92 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.12 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 5.31 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 5.89 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 16% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 6.47 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.66 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 6.86 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 7.05 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 7.24 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 7.42 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 19% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 7.61 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 7.79 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 7.98 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.42 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.52 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.62 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.72 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.82 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.92 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.02 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.12 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.22 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.32 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.42 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.62 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.31 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.41 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 32% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.51 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.60 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.67 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.74 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.80 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.87 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 4.94 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.00 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.06 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.20 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.26 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 5.33 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.40 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.53 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.60 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 5.73 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.86 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.93 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.06 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.19 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 6.26 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 4.92 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 4.97 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.02 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 48% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.07 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.12 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.17 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.22 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.27 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.32 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.37 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.42 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.46 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.56 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.62 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.67 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.72 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.82 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.97 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.02 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.12 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.26 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.20 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.24 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.28 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.32 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.36 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.40 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.44 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.56 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.60 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 67% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.67 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.71 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.75 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.83 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.87 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.91 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.95 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.03 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.07 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.15 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.19 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.23 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.27 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.31 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.35 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 77% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.43 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.47 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.50 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.54 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.58 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.62 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.66 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.70 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.74 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.78 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.82 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 83% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.92 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.95 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.98 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.01 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.05 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.11 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.14 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.17 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.21 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.24 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.31 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.34 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.38 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.41 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.44 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.47 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.51 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.54 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.57 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.61 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.64 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.67 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.71 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.74 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.77 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.81 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.84 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.87 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.91 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.91 MB/s freetype-2.8.1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 6.90 MB/s funcsigs-1.0.2 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s funcsigs-1.0.2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 29.09 MB/s funcsigs-1.0.2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 20.78 MB/s olefile-0.45.1 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s olefile-0.45.1 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 36.00 MB/s olefile-0.45.1 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 43.17 MB/s olefile-0.45.1 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 43.04 MB/s olefile-0.45.1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 36.95 MB/s olefile-0.45.1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 32.46 MB/s pyparsing-2.2. 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s pyparsing-2.2. 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 31.93 MB/s pyparsing-2.2. 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 40.75 MB/s pyparsing-2.2. 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 45.05 MB/s pyparsing-2.2. 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 47.66 MB/s pyparsing-2.2. 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 49.59 MB/s pyparsing-2.2. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 48.60 MB/s pyparsing-2.2. 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 44.44 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s sphinx_rtd_the 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 22.29 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 28.69 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 34.15 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 36.61 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 6% |# | Time: 0:00:00 37.53 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 38.10 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 38.63 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 39.96 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 41.43 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 42.74 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 43.44 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 44.54 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 45.00 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 45.40 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 45.41 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 45.62 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 45.20 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 22% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 45.26 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 45.38 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 45.49 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 45.61 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 45.50 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 45.56 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 45.70 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 45.80 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 46.19 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 46.64 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 46.97 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 47.49 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 47.90 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 48.28 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 48.54 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 48.86 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 49.18 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 49.58 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 7.55 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 7.72 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 7.90 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 4.45 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 4.55 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 4.66 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.76 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.86 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 4.97 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.07 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.17 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.28 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.48 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.58 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.68 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 64% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.79 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.89 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.19 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.29 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.39 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.48 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.58 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.68 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.78 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.87 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.97 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 80% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.07 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.16 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.26 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 7.34 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 7.43 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 87% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 7.52 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.61 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 7.71 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 90% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 7.80 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 7.89 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 7.99 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 8.08 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 8.17 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 8.26 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 8.36 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 8.45 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 8.48 MB/s sphinx_rtd_the 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 8.47 MB/s packaging-17.1 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s packaging-17.1 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 75.30 kB/s packaging-17.1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 94.42 kB/s packaging-17.1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 94.33 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s pillow-5.0.0-p 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 227.57 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 205.02 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 226.62 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 301.66 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 282.36 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 338.41 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 317.02 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 361.94 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 406.89 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 377.32 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 414.70 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 452.11 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 489.45 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 452.72 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 484.70 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 516.69 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 548.68 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 580.66 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 529.71 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 557.21 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 35% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 584.78 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 612.35 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 639.89 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 667.42 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 694.91 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 682.65 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 45% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 676.84 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 701.54 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 726.28 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 751.00 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 51% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 773.45 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 795.33 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 818.91 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 839.01 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 863.18 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 856.90 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 829.13 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 851.04 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 873.11 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 895.17 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 917.21 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 939.21 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 961.22 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 983.23 kB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.01 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.03 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.05 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.07 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.09 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.08 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.05 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.06 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.08 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 1.10 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.12 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 1.14 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 1.16 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 96% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.18 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 1.20 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.22 MB/s pillow-5.0.0-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 1.22 MB/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 35.08 MB/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 43.22 MB/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 47.39 MB/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 47.28 MB/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 49.32 MB/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 51.04 MB/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 49.66 MB/s pbr-3.1.1-py27 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 46.01 MB/s mock-2.0.0-py2 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s mock-2.0.0-py2 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 31.21 MB/s mock-2.0.0-py2 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 40.06 MB/s mock-2.0.0-py2 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 44.73 MB/s mock-2.0.0-py2 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 47.49 MB/s mock-2.0.0-py2 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 49.47 MB/s mock-2.0.0-py2 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 51.04 MB/s mock-2.0.0-py2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 44.97 MB/s mock-2.0.0-py2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 41.49 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 0% | | Time: 0:00:00 35.01 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 1% | | Time: 0:00:00 42.07 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 2% | | Time: 0:00:00 46.67 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 3% |# | Time: 0:00:00 49.50 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 4% |# | Time: 0:00:00 51.62 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 5% |# | Time: 0:00:00 44.89 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 6% |## | Time: 0:00:00 43.93 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 7% |## | Time: 0:00:00 43.79 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 8% |## | Time: 0:00:00 44.02 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 9% |### | Time: 0:00:00 44.29 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 10% |### | Time: 0:00:00 44.51 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 11% |### | Time: 0:00:00 44.34 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 12% |### | Time: 0:00:00 44.36 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 13% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 44.77 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 14% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 45.01 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 15% |#### | Time: 0:00:00 3.58 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 16% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 3.78 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 17% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 3.99 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 18% |##### | Time: 0:00:00 4.19 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 19% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.34 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 20% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.54 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 21% |###### | Time: 0:00:00 4.73 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 22% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 4.93 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 23% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.13 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 24% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.33 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 25% |####### | Time: 0:00:00 5.52 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 26% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.71 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 27% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 5.90 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 28% |######## | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 29% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 30% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.46 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 31% |######### | Time: 0:00:00 6.65 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 32% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 6.83 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 33% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 7.00 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 34% |########## | Time: 0:00:00 7.18 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 35% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 4.03 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 36% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 4.13 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 37% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 4.23 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 38% |########### | Time: 0:00:00 4.31 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 39% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 4.41 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 40% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 4.51 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 41% |############ | Time: 0:00:00 4.62 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 42% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.72 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 43% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.82 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 44% |############# | Time: 0:00:00 4.92 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 45% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.02 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 46% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.11 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 47% |############## | Time: 0:00:00 5.21 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 48% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.31 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 49% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.41 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 50% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 51% |############### | Time: 0:00:00 5.61 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 52% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 53% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.80 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 54% |################ | Time: 0:00:00 5.89 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 55% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 5.99 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 56% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.09 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 57% |################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.18 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 58% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.28 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 59% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.37 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 60% |################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.47 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 61% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.56 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 62% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.66 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 63% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.83 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 64% |################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.89 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 65% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 4.96 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 66% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.03 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 67% |#################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.10 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 68% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.17 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 69% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.23 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 70% |##################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.12 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 71% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.18 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 72% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.25 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 73% |###################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.31 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 74% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.38 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 75% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.44 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 76% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.51 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 77% |####################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.57 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 78% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.64 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 79% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 80% |######################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.77 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 81% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 82% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.76 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 83% |######################### | Time: 0:00:00 5.83 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 84% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.89 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 85% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.95 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 86% |########################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.01 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 87% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.08 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 88% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.14 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 89% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.20 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 90% |########################### | Time: 0:00:00 6.26 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 91% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.32 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 92% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.38 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 93% |############################ | Time: 0:00:00 6.45 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 94% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.51 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 95% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.57 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 96% |############################# | Time: 0:00:00 6.63 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 97% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.69 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 98% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 6.75 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 99% |############################## | Time: 0:00:00 5.66 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s sphinx-1.7.1-p 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.70 MB/s [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:57:53.547638Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:57:54.955273Z, duration: 1, exit-code: 0 python /home/docs/checkouts/ install -U --cache-dir /home/docs/checkouts/ recommonmark readthedocs-sphinx-ext Collecting recommonmark Using cached recommonmark-0.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl Collecting readthedocs-sphinx-ext Using cached readthedocs_sphinx_ext-0.5.8-py2-none-any.whl Collecting commonmark<=0.5.4 (from recommonmark) Requirement already up-to-date: docutils>=0.11 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from recommonmark) Collecting nilsimsa>=0.3.7 (from readthedocs-sphinx-ext) Requirement already up-to-date: requests in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from readthedocs-sphinx-ext) Requirement already up-to-date: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests->readthedocs-sphinx-ext) Requirement already up-to-date: idna<2.7,>=2.5 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests->readthedocs-sphinx-ext) Requirement already up-to-date: urllib3<1.23,>=1.21.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests->readthedocs-sphinx-ext) Requirement already up-to-date: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests->readthedocs-sphinx-ext) Installing collected packages: commonmark, recommonmark, nilsimsa, readthedocs-sphinx-ext Successfully installed commonmark-0.5.4 nilsimsa-0.3.8 readthedocs-sphinx-ext-0.5.8 recommonmark-0.4.0 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:57:55.974026Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:57:56.081040Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 cat doc/source/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # TileDB documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Mon Feb 5 10:08:37 2018. # # -- Imports configuration ------------------------------------------------- import os import subprocess import sys from os.path import abspath, join, dirname sys.path.insert(0, abspath(join(dirname(__file__)))) # -- ReadTheDocs configuration --------------------------------------------- # Special handling on ReadTheDocs builds. # Some of this code is from readthedocs = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True' rtd_version = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS_VERSION', 'latest') rtd_version = rtd_version if rtd_version in ['stable', 'latest'] else 'stable' # On RTD, build the Doxygen XML files. if readthedocs: # Build docs subprocess.check_call(''' mkdir ../../build; cd ../../build; ../bootstrap; make doc; ''', shell=True) # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'breathe' ] if readthedocs: # Mapping for linking between RTD subprojects. intersphinx_mapping = { 'tiledb': ('' % rtd_version, None), 'tiledb-py': ('' % rtd_version, None) } # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = 'TileDB' copyright = '2018 TileDB, Inc' author = 'TileDB, Inc.' # The short X.Y version. version = '1.2' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = '1.2.0' # Breathe extension configuration. tiledb_dir = '../../' doxygen_xml_dir = tiledb_dir + 'build/xml/' breathe_projects = {'TileDB-C': doxygen_xml_dir, 'TileDB-C++': doxygen_xml_dir} breathe_default_project = 'TileDB-C' breathe_projects_source = { 'TileDB-C': (tiledb_dir + 'tiledb/sm/c_api/', ['tiledb.h']), 'TileDB-C++': (tiledb_dir + 'tiledb/sm/cpp_api/', ['tiledb']) } breathe_domain_by_file_pattern = { '*/c_api/tiledb.h': 'c', '*/cpp_api/tiledb': 'cpp' } # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = None # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path exclude_patterns = [] # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'friendly' # If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing. todo_include_todos = False # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- html_static_path = ['_static'] html_logo = '_static/tileDB_uppercase_600_112.png' html_favicon = '_static/favicon.ico' if readthedocs: html_theme = 'default' else: import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] # -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------ # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'TileDBdoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # # 'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment # # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'TileDB.tex', 'TileDB Documentation', 'TileDB, Inc.', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ (master_doc, 'tiledb', 'TileDB Documentation', [author], 1) ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, 'TileDB', 'TileDB Documentation', author, 'TileDB', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # -- Custom Document processing ---------------------------------------------- # Generate the sidebar automatically so that it is identical across all subprojects. # This (and from import gensidebar gensidebar.generate_sidebar({'on_rtd': readthedocs, 'rtd_version': rtd_version}, 'tiledb') # -- Custom setup ----------------------------------------------------------- def setup(app): app.add_stylesheet('custom.css') ########################################################################### # auto-created specific configuration # ########################################################################### # # The following code was added during an automated build on # It is auto created and injected for every build. The result is based on the # file found in the codebase: # # import sys import os.path from six import string_types from sphinx import version_info # Get suffix for proper linking to GitHub # This is deprecated in Sphinx 1.3+, # as each page can have its own suffix if globals().get('source_suffix', False): if isinstance(source_suffix, string_types): SUFFIX = source_suffix else: SUFFIX = source_suffix[0] else: SUFFIX = '.rst' # Add RTD Static Path. Add to the end because it overwrites previous files. if not 'html_static_path' in globals(): html_static_path = [] if os.path.exists('_static'): html_static_path.append('_static') html_static_path.append('/home/docs/checkouts/') # Add RTD Theme only if they aren't overriding it already using_rtd_theme = False if 'html_theme' in globals(): if html_theme in ['default']: # Allow people to bail with a hack of having an html_style if not 'html_style' in globals(): import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_style = None html_theme_options = {} if 'html_theme_path' in globals(): html_theme_path.append(sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()) else: html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] using_rtd_theme = True else: import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_style = None html_theme_options = {} if 'html_theme_path' in globals(): html_theme_path.append(sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()) else: html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] using_rtd_theme = True if globals().get('websupport2_base_url', False): websupport2_base_url = '' if 'http' not in settings.MEDIA_URL: websupport2_static_url = '' else: websupport2_static_url = '' #Add project information to the template context. context = { 'using_theme': using_rtd_theme, 'html_theme': html_theme, 'current_version': "stable", 'version_slug': "stable", 'MEDIA_URL': "", 'PRODUCTION_DOMAIN': "", 'versions': [ ("latest", "/en/latest/"), ("stable", "/en/stable/"), ], 'downloads': [ ("pdf", "//"), ("htmlzip", "//"), ("epub", "//"), ], 'subprojects': [ ("tiledb-inc-tiledb-py", ""), ], 'slug': 'tiledb-inc-tiledb', 'name': u'TileDB', 'rtd_language': u'en', 'programming_language': u'words', 'canonical_url': '', 'analytics_code': '', 'single_version': False, 'conf_py_path': '/doc/source/', 'api_host': '', 'github_user': 'TileDB-Inc', 'github_repo': 'TileDB', 'github_version': '035bda806d8a81894ed3e90e4f691698f7c8b1ac', 'display_github': True, 'bitbucket_user': 'None', 'bitbucket_repo': 'None', 'bitbucket_version': '035bda806d8a81894ed3e90e4f691698f7c8b1ac', 'display_bitbucket': False, 'gitlab_user': 'None', 'gitlab_repo': 'None', 'gitlab_version': '035bda806d8a81894ed3e90e4f691698f7c8b1ac', 'display_gitlab': False, 'READTHEDOCS': True, 'using_theme': (html_theme == "default"), 'new_theme': (html_theme == "sphinx_rtd_theme"), 'source_suffix': SUFFIX, 'user_analytics_code': '', 'global_analytics_code': 'UA-17997319-2', 'commit': '035bda80', } if 'html_context' in globals(): html_context.update(context) else: html_context = context # Add custom RTD extension if 'extensions' in globals(): extensions.append("readthedocs_ext.readthedocs") else: extensions = ["readthedocs_ext.readthedocs"] [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:57:56.148574Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:58:27.388502Z, duration: 31, exit-code: 0 python /home/docs/checkouts/ -T -b readthedocs -d _build/doctrees-readthedocs -D language=en . _build/html Running Sphinx v1.7.1 -- The C compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0 -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "1.2.8") -- Found LZ4: /home/docs/checkouts/ -- Found Blosc: /home/docs/checkouts/ -- Found Zstandard: /home/docs/checkouts/ -- Found Bzip2: /home/docs/checkouts/ -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX11 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX11 - Success -- Compiler supports C++ 2011. -- Not found clang-tidy -- Not found clang-format -- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen (found version "1.8.11") found components: doxygen dot -- Configuring done CMake Warning at tiledb/CMakeLists.txt:79 (add_library): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_shared because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_version_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_2_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_1_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_global_1_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_subset_incomplete_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_global_2_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_ordered_subarray_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_global_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_remove_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_async_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_ordered_subarray_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_1_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_kv_iter_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_async_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_global_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_create_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_error_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_create_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_kv_read_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_type_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_array_schema_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_subset_incomplete_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_ordered_subarray_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_read_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_array_consolidate_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_2_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_subarray_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_kv_write_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_unordered_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_group_create_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_kv_create_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_ls_walk_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_write_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_config_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_move_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_version_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_2_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_1_again_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_1_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_global_2_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_subset_incomplete_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_subset_incomplete_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_async_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_write_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_map_iter_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_map_write_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_array_consolidate_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_ls_walk_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_read_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_global_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_ordered_subarray_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_map_read_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_async_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_create_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_ordered_subarray_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_global_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_config_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_array_schema_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_error_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_2_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_1_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_subarray_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_ordered_subarray_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_global_1_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_create_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_group_create_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_remove_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_unordered_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_map_create_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_type_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_move_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at test/CMakeLists.txt:55 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_unit because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/docs/checkouts/ bootstrap success. Run "make" to build, "make check" to test. Scanning dependencies of target doc [100%] Preparing for Doxygen documentation [100%] Generating API documentation with Doxygen [100%] Built target doc loading translations [en]... done making output directory... loading pickled environment... not yet created loading intersphinx inventory from WARNING: failed to reach any of the inventories with the following issues: WARNING: intersphinx inventory '' not fetchable due to : ('intersphinx inventory %r not fetchable due to %s: %s', '', , HTTPError(...)) loading intersphinx inventory from building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [readthedocs]: targets for 29 source files that are out of date updating environment: 29 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 3%] c++-api reading sources... [ 6%] c-api reading sources... [ 10%] index reading sources... [ 13%] installation reading sources... [ 17%] introduction reading sources... [ 20%] tiledb101/asynchronous-io reading sources... [ 24%] tiledb101/basic-concepts reading sources... [ 27%] tiledb101/compression reading sources... [ 31%] tiledb101/concurrency reading sources... [ 34%] tiledb101/consistency reading sources... [ 37%] tiledb101/consolidation reading sources... [ 41%] tiledb101/data-model reading sources... [ 44%] tiledb101/key-value-store reading sources... [ 48%] tiledb101/language-bindings reading sources... [ 51%] tiledb101/object-management reading sources... [ 55%] tiledb101/physical-organization reading sources... [ 58%] tiledb101/reading/handling-incomplete-queries reading sources... [ 62%] tiledb101/reading/index reading sources... [ 65%] tiledb101/reading/reading-dense-arrays reading sources... [ 68%] tiledb101/reading/reading-sparse-arrays reading sources... [ 72%] tiledb101/reading/utility-functions reading sources... [ 75%] tiledb101/storage-backends reading sources... [ 79%] tiledb101/system-architecture reading sources... [ 82%] tiledb101/updating reading sources... [ 86%] tiledb101/virtual-filesystem reading sources... [ 89%] tiledb101/writing/index reading sources... [ 93%] tiledb101/writing/writing-dense-data reading sources... [ 96%] tiledb101/writing/writing-sparse-data reading sources... [100%] usage /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... done preparing documents... done writing output... [ 3%] c++-api writing output... [ 6%] c-api writing output... [ 10%] index writing output... [ 13%] installation writing output... [ 17%] introduction writing output... [ 20%] tiledb101/asynchronous-io writing output... [ 24%] tiledb101/basic-concepts writing output... [ 27%] tiledb101/compression writing output... [ 31%] tiledb101/concurrency writing output... [ 34%] tiledb101/consistency writing output... [ 37%] tiledb101/consolidation writing output... [ 41%] tiledb101/data-model writing output... [ 44%] tiledb101/key-value-store writing output... [ 48%] tiledb101/language-bindings writing output... [ 51%] tiledb101/object-management writing output... [ 55%] tiledb101/physical-organization writing output... [ 58%] tiledb101/reading/handling-incomplete-queries writing output... [ 62%] tiledb101/reading/index writing output... [ 65%] tiledb101/reading/reading-dense-arrays writing output... [ 68%] tiledb101/reading/reading-sparse-arrays writing output... [ 72%] tiledb101/reading/utility-functions writing output... [ 75%] tiledb101/storage-backends writing output... [ 79%] tiledb101/system-architecture writing output... [ 82%] tiledb101/updating writing output... [ 86%] tiledb101/virtual-filesystem writing output... [ 89%] tiledb101/writing/index writing output... [ 93%] tiledb101/writing/writing-dense-data writing output... [ 96%] tiledb101/writing/writing-sparse-data writing output... [100%] usage generating indices... genindex writing additional pages... search copying images... [ 4%] tiledb101/Figure_5.png copying images... [ 8%] tiledb101/Figure_7.png copying images... [ 12%] tiledb101/vfs.png copying images... [ 16%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_11.png copying images... [ 20%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_20.png copying images... [ 24%] tiledb101/Figure_1.png copying images... [ 28%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_12.png copying images... [ 32%] tiledb101/Figure_3.png copying images... [ 36%] tiledb101/Figure_2.png copying images... [ 40%] tiledb101/Figure_6.png copying images... [ 44%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_8.png copying images... [ 48%] tiledb101/Figure_13.png copying images... [ 52%] tiledb101/Figure_14.png copying images... [ 56%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_16.png copying images... [ 60%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_19.png copying images... [ 64%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_21.png copying images... [ 68%] tiledb101/Figure_4.png copying images... [ 72%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_9.png copying images... [ 76%] tiledb101/Figure_25.png copying images... [ 80%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_17.png copying images... [ 84%] tiledb101/Figure_15.png copying images... [ 88%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_10.png copying images... [ 92%] tiledb101/Figure_22.png copying images... [ 96%] tiledb101/Figure_23.png copying images... [100%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_18.png copying static files... WARNING: html_static_path entry '/home/docs/checkouts/' does not exist done copying readthedocs static files... done copying searchtools... done copying extra files... done dumping search index in English (code: en) ... done dumping object inventory... done build succeeded, 11 warnings. The HTML pages are in _build/html. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-03-13T00:58:27.499204Z, end-time: 2018-03-13T00:58:56.155748Z, duration: 28, exit-code: 0 python /home/docs/checkouts/ -T -b json -d _build/doctrees-json -D language=en . _build/json Running Sphinx v1.7.1 mkdir: cannot create directory ‘../../build’: File exists -- Found LZ4: /home/docs/checkouts/ -- Found Blosc: /home/docs/checkouts/ -- Found Zstandard: /home/docs/checkouts/ -- Found Bzip2: /home/docs/checkouts/ -- Compiler supports C++ 2011. -- Not found clang-tidy -- Not found clang-format -- Configuring done CMake Warning at tiledb/CMakeLists.txt:79 (add_library): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_shared because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_version_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_2_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_1_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_global_1_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_subset_incomplete_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_global_2_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_ordered_subarray_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_global_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_remove_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_async_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_ordered_subarray_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_1_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_kv_iter_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_async_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_global_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_create_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_error_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_create_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_kv_read_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_type_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_array_schema_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_subset_incomplete_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_ordered_subarray_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_read_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_array_consolidate_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_2_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_subarray_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_kv_write_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_unordered_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_group_create_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_kv_create_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_ls_walk_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_write_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_config_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_move_c because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/c_api/CMakeLists.txt:63 (build_TileDB_example_capi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_version_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_2_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_1_again_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_unordered_1_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_global_2_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_subset_incomplete_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_subset_incomplete_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_async_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_write_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_map_iter_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_map_write_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_array_consolidate_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_ls_walk_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_read_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_global_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_read_ordered_subarray_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_map_read_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_async_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_create_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_ordered_subarray_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_read_global_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_config_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_array_schema_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_error_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_2_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_vfs_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_1_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_global_subarray_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_ordered_subarray_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_write_global_1_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_sparse_create_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_group_create_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_remove_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_dense_write_unordered_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_map_create_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_type_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_object_move_cpp because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. Call Stack (most recent call first): examples/cpp_api/CMakeLists.txt:64 (build_TileDB_example_cppapi) CMake Warning at test/CMakeLists.txt:55 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tiledb_unit because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories: runtime library [] in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /home/docs/checkouts/ Some of these libraries may not be found correctly. -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/docs/checkouts/ bootstrap success. Run "make" to build, "make check" to test. [ 0%] Generating API documentation with Doxygen [100%] Built target doc loading translations [en]... done making output directory... loading pickled environment... not yet created loading intersphinx inventory from WARNING: failed to reach any of the inventories with the following issues: WARNING: intersphinx inventory '' not fetchable due to : ('intersphinx inventory %r not fetchable due to %s: %s', '', , HTTPError(...)) loading intersphinx inventory from building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [json]: targets for 29 source files that are out of date updating environment: 29 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 3%] c++-api reading sources... [ 6%] c-api reading sources... [ 10%] index reading sources... [ 13%] installation reading sources... [ 17%] introduction reading sources... [ 20%] tiledb101/asynchronous-io reading sources... [ 24%] tiledb101/basic-concepts reading sources... [ 27%] tiledb101/compression reading sources... [ 31%] tiledb101/concurrency reading sources... [ 34%] tiledb101/consistency reading sources... [ 37%] tiledb101/consolidation reading sources... [ 41%] tiledb101/data-model reading sources... [ 44%] tiledb101/key-value-store reading sources... [ 48%] tiledb101/language-bindings reading sources... [ 51%] tiledb101/object-management reading sources... [ 55%] tiledb101/physical-organization reading sources... [ 58%] tiledb101/reading/handling-incomplete-queries reading sources... [ 62%] tiledb101/reading/index reading sources... [ 65%] tiledb101/reading/reading-dense-arrays reading sources... [ 68%] tiledb101/reading/reading-sparse-arrays reading sources... [ 72%] tiledb101/reading/utility-functions reading sources... [ 75%] tiledb101/storage-backends reading sources... [ 79%] tiledb101/system-architecture reading sources... [ 82%] tiledb101/updating reading sources... [ 86%] tiledb101/virtual-filesystem reading sources... [ 89%] tiledb101/writing/index reading sources... [ 93%] tiledb101/writing/writing-dense-data reading sources... [ 96%] tiledb101/writing/writing-sparse-data reading sources... [100%] usage /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. looking for now-outdated files... /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate declaration. none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... done preparing documents... done writing output... [ 3%] c++-api writing output... [ 6%] c-api writing output... [ 10%] index writing output... [ 13%] installation writing output... [ 17%] introduction writing output... [ 20%] tiledb101/asynchronous-io writing output... [ 24%] tiledb101/basic-concepts writing output... [ 27%] tiledb101/compression writing output... [ 31%] tiledb101/concurrency writing output... [ 34%] tiledb101/consistency writing output... [ 37%] tiledb101/consolidation writing output... [ 41%] tiledb101/data-model writing output... [ 44%] tiledb101/key-value-store writing output... [ 48%] tiledb101/language-bindings writing output... [ 51%] tiledb101/object-management writing output... [ 55%] tiledb101/physical-organization writing output... [ 58%] tiledb101/reading/handling-incomplete-queries writing output... [ 62%] tiledb101/reading/index writing output... [ 65%] tiledb101/reading/reading-dense-arrays writing output... [ 68%] tiledb101/reading/reading-sparse-arrays writing output... [ 72%] tiledb101/reading/utility-functions writing output... [ 75%] tiledb101/storage-backends writing output... [ 79%] tiledb101/system-architecture writing output... [ 82%] tiledb101/updating writing output... [ 86%] tiledb101/virtual-filesystem writing output... [ 89%] tiledb101/writing/index writing output... [ 93%] tiledb101/writing/writing-dense-data writing output... [ 96%] tiledb101/writing/writing-sparse-data writing output... [100%] usage generating indices... genindex writing additional pages... search copying images... [ 4%] tiledb101/Figure_5.png copying images... [ 8%] tiledb101/Figure_7.png copying images... [ 12%] tiledb101/vfs.png copying images... [ 16%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_11.png copying images... [ 20%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_20.png copying images... [ 24%] tiledb101/Figure_1.png copying images... [ 28%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_12.png copying images... [ 32%] tiledb101/Figure_3.png copying images... [ 36%] tiledb101/Figure_2.png copying images... [ 40%] tiledb101/Figure_6.png copying images... [ 44%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_8.png copying images... [ 48%] tiledb101/Figure_13.png copying images... [ 52%] tiledb101/Figure_14.png copying images... [ 56%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_16.png copying images... [ 60%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_19.png copying images... [ 64%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_21.png copying images... [ 68%] tiledb101/Figure_4.png copying images... [ 72%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_9.png copying images... [ 76%] tiledb101/Figure_25.png copying images... [ 80%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_17.png copying images... [ 84%] tiledb101/Figure_15.png copying images... [ 88%] tiledb101/writing/Figure_10.png copying images... [ 92%] tiledb101/Figure_22.png copying images... [ 96%] tiledb101/Figure_23.png copying images... [100%] tiledb101/reading/Figure_18.png copying static files... WARNING: html_static_path entry '/home/docs/checkouts/' does not exist done copying extra files... done dumping search index in English (code: en) ... done dumping object inventory... done build succeeded, 11 warnings. You can now process the JSON files in _build/json.