Read the Docs build information Build id: 556896 Project: icb-scanpy Version: latest Commit: 9f81f24da2f5d971fa564f4a45ada01606f35018 Date: 2021-02-10T09:11:31.010144Z State: finished Success: True [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:33.088712Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:36.129343Z, duration: 3, exit-code: 0 git clone --no-single-branch --depth 50 . Cloning into '.'... [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:36.663243Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:36.836339Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git checkout --force origin/master Note: checking out 'origin/master'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at 9f81f24d Fix failing CI for scanorama and python3.6 (#1638) [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:37.055172Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:37.116485Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git clean -d -f -f [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:38.611972Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:49.990759Z, duration: 11, exit-code: 0 python3.8 -mvirtualenv Using base prefix '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6' New python executable in /home/docs/checkouts/ Also creating executable in /home/docs/checkouts/ Installing setuptools, pip, wheel... done. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:50.179960Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:50.986303Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir pip Requirement already satisfied: pip in /home/docs/checkouts/ (21.0.1) [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:11:51.356667Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:12:19.005487Z, duration: 27, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir setuptools==41.0.1 docutils==0.14 mock==1.0.1 pillow==5.4.1 alabaster>=0.7,<0.8,!=0.7.5 six commonmark==0.8.1 recommonmark==0.5.0 sphinx<2 sphinx-rtd-theme<0.5 readthedocs-sphinx-ext<2.2 Collecting setuptools==41.0.1 Downloading setuptools-41.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (575 kB) Collecting docutils==0.14 Downloading docutils-0.14-py3-none-any.whl (543 kB) Collecting mock==1.0.1 Downloading (861 kB) Collecting pillow==5.4.1 Downloading Pillow-5.4.1.tar.gz (16.0 MB) Collecting alabaster!=0.7.5,<0.8,>=0.7 Downloading alabaster-0.7.12-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14 kB) Collecting six Downloading six-1.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB) Collecting commonmark==0.8.1 Downloading commonmark-0.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (47 kB) Collecting recommonmark==0.5.0 Downloading recommonmark-0.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.8 kB) Collecting sphinx<2 Downloading Sphinx-1.8.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (3.1 MB) Collecting sphinx-rtd-theme<0.5 Downloading sphinx_rtd_theme-0.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.4 MB) Collecting readthedocs-sphinx-ext<2.2 Downloading readthedocs_sphinx_ext-2.1.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB) Collecting future Downloading future-0.18.2.tar.gz (829 kB) Collecting requests Downloading requests-2.25.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (61 kB) Collecting Jinja2>=2.9 Downloading Jinja2-2.11.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (125 kB) Collecting snowballstemmer>=1.1 Downloading snowballstemmer-2.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (93 kB) Collecting Pygments>=2.0 Downloading Pygments-2.7.4-py3-none-any.whl (950 kB) Collecting babel!=2.0,>=1.3 Downloading Babel-2.9.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (8.8 MB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-websupport Downloading sphinxcontrib_websupport-1.2.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (39 kB) Collecting packaging Downloading packaging-20.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (40 kB) Collecting imagesize Downloading imagesize-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.8 kB) Collecting pytz>=2015.7 Downloading pytz-2021.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (510 kB) Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 Downloading MarkupSafe-1.1.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (32 kB) Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 Downloading certifi-2020.12.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (147 kB) Collecting urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 Downloading urllib3-1.26.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (137 kB) Collecting chardet<5,>=3.0.2 Downloading chardet-4.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (178 kB) Collecting idna<3,>=2.5 Downloading idna-2.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB) Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.2 Downloading pyparsing-2.4.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl (67 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml Downloading sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml-1.1.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (89 kB) Building wheels for collected packages: mock, pillow, future Building wheel for mock ( started Building wheel for mock ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for mock: filename=mock-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl size=23755 sha256=918206b7f079d1906d73bdc3f9b7cc2c837932e50b94cc3a588f8910bcb8ba3a Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-oeqldprz/wheels/41/7c/21/90057f91c6ead7c77a90c52d6e85ca48bf82d8b0d3f8dfbb65 Building wheel for pillow ( started Building wheel for pillow ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for pillow: filename=Pillow-5.4.1-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl size=1260118 sha256=11b8f32bc179fa559356cfe623d207861abd9bcf0a573cda92875494f8420963 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-oeqldprz/wheels/5f/a8/6b/5b7b3f764d879214eb03570f74d2b086201eb514e6ffa68d6d Building wheel for future ( started Building wheel for future ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for future: filename=future-0.18.2-py3-none-any.whl size=491059 sha256=c0ef6ebddb544208d4dd0f900f32b715a01c7d35a311f1f7271b9d82fc2bb1c9 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-oeqldprz/wheels/8e/70/28/3d6ccd6e315f65f245da085482a2e1c7d14b90b30f239e2cf4 Successfully built mock pillow future Installing collected packages: urllib3, sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml, pytz, pyparsing, MarkupSafe, idna, chardet, certifi, sphinxcontrib-websupport, snowballstemmer, six, setuptools, requests, Pygments, packaging, Jinja2, imagesize, future, docutils, babel, alabaster, sphinx, commonmark, sphinx-rtd-theme, recommonmark, readthedocs-sphinx-ext, pillow, mock Attempting uninstall: setuptools Found existing installation: setuptools 53.0.0 Uninstalling setuptools-53.0.0: Successfully uninstalled setuptools-53.0.0 Successfully installed Jinja2-2.11.3 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 Pygments-2.7.4 alabaster-0.7.12 babel-2.9.0 certifi-2020.12.5 chardet-4.0.0 commonmark-0.8.1 docutils-0.14 future-0.18.2 idna-2.10 imagesize-1.2.0 mock-1.0.1 packaging-20.9 pillow-5.4.1 pyparsing-2.4.7 pytz-2021.1 readthedocs-sphinx-ext-2.1.3 recommonmark-0.5.0 requests-2.25.1 setuptools-41.0.1 six-1.15.0 snowballstemmer-2.1.0 sphinx-1.8.5 sphinx-rtd-theme-0.4.3 sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.4 sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.2.4 urllib3-1.26.3 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:12:19.137757Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:12:55.329452Z, duration: 36, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager --no-cache-dir .[doc] Processing /home/docs/checkouts/ Installing build dependencies: started Installing build dependencies: finished with status 'done' Getting requirements to build wheel: started Getting requirements to build wheel: finished with status 'done' Preparing wheel metadata: started Preparing wheel metadata: finished with status 'done' Collecting pandas>=0.21 Downloading pandas-1.2.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (9.7 MB) Collecting tqdm Downloading tqdm-4.56.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (72 kB) Collecting seaborn Downloading seaborn-0.11.1-py3-none-any.whl (285 kB) Collecting sinfo Downloading sinfo-0.3.1.tar.gz (23 kB) Collecting networkx>=2.3 Downloading networkx-2.5-py3-none-any.whl (1.6 MB) Collecting tables Downloading tables-3.6.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (4.3 MB) Collecting statsmodels>=0.10.0rc2 Downloading statsmodels-0.12.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (9.4 MB) Collecting joblib Downloading joblib-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (303 kB) Collecting scipy>=1.4 Downloading scipy-1.6.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (27.2 MB) Collecting anndata>=0.7.4 Downloading anndata-0.7.5-py3-none-any.whl (119 kB) Collecting matplotlib>=3.1.2 Downloading matplotlib-3.3.4-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (11.6 MB) Collecting scikit-learn>=0.21.2 Downloading scikit_learn-0.24.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (24.9 MB) Collecting numpy>=1.17.0 Downloading numpy-1.20.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (15.4 MB) Collecting numba>=0.41.0 Downloading numba-0.52.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (3.2 MB) Collecting patsy Downloading patsy-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (231 kB) Collecting h5py>=2.10.0 Downloading h5py-3.1.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (4.4 MB) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (20.9) Collecting natsort Downloading natsort-7.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (35 kB) Collecting legacy-api-wrap Downloading legacy_api_wrap-1.2-py3-none-any.whl (37 kB) Collecting umap-learn>=0.3.10 Downloading umap-learn-0.5.1.tar.gz (80 kB) Requirement already satisfied: sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.3.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (0.4.3) Collecting sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.3.1 Downloading sphinx_rtd_theme-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (2.8 MB) Collecting sphinx>=3.2 Downloading Sphinx-3.4.3-py3-none-any.whl (2.9 MB) Collecting sphinx-autodoc-typehints Downloading sphinx_autodoc_typehints-1.11.1-py3-none-any.whl (8.7 kB) Collecting scanpydoc>=0.5 Downloading scanpydoc-0.5.6-py3-none-any.whl (28 kB) Collecting python-dateutil>=2.1 Downloading python_dateutil-2.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (227 kB) Collecting kiwisolver>=1.0.1 Downloading kiwisolver-1.3.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (1.2 MB) Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from matplotlib>=3.1.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2.4.7) Collecting cycler>=0.10 Downloading cycler-0.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.5 kB) Collecting pillow>=6.2.0 Downloading Pillow-8.1.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (2.2 MB) Requirement already satisfied: six in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from cycler>=0.10->matplotlib>=3.1.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (1.15.0) Collecting decorator>=4.3.0 Downloading decorator-4.4.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.2 kB) Collecting llvmlite<0.36,>=0.35.0 Downloading llvmlite-0.35.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (25.3 MB) Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from numba>=0.41.0->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (41.0.1) Collecting setuptools Downloading setuptools-53.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (784 kB) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pandas>=0.21->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2021.1) Collecting get_version Downloading get_version-2.1-py3-none-any.whl (43 kB) Collecting threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 Downloading threadpoolctl-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (12 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-applehelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_applehelp-1.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (121 kB) Requirement already satisfied: babel>=1.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2.9.0) Requirement already satisfied: alabaster<0.8,>=0.7 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (0.7.12) Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.5.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2.25.1) Collecting sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (96 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-jsmath Downloading sphinxcontrib_jsmath-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.1 kB) Requirement already satisfied: imagesize in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (1.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: Pygments>=2.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2.7.4) Collecting sphinxcontrib-devhelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_devhelp-1.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (84 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-qthelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_qthelp-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (90 kB) Requirement already satisfied: sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (1.1.4) Requirement already satisfied: docutils>=0.12 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (0.14) Collecting docutils>=0.12 Downloading docutils-0.16-py2.py3-none-any.whl (548 kB) Requirement already satisfied: snowballstemmer>=1.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2.1.0) Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2>=2.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2.11.3) Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Jinja2>=2.3->sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (1.1.1) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.5.0->sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (1.26.3) Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.5.0->sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2.10) Requirement already satisfied: chardet<5,>=3.0.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.5.0->sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (4.0.0) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.5.0->sphinx>=3.2->scanpy==1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d) (2020.12.5) Collecting pynndescent>=0.5 Downloading pynndescent-0.5.2.tar.gz (1.1 MB) Collecting stdlib_list Downloading stdlib_list-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (63 kB) Collecting numexpr>=2.6.2 Downloading numexpr-2.7.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (472 kB) Building wheels for collected packages: scanpy, umap-learn, pynndescent, sinfo Building wheel for scanpy (PEP 517): started Building wheel for scanpy (PEP 517): finished with status 'done' Created wheel for scanpy: filename=scanpy-1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d-py3-none-any.whl size=10263740 sha256=ca68d842e5df6f7aef26e7e24722753b74e2e8841caecf1c175d599f25227d97 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ms9bds_7/wheels/3b/59/52/933b5c7bcaabc49289abbc1d71f859ce119211165023059b98 Building wheel for umap-learn ( started Building wheel for umap-learn ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for umap-learn: filename=umap_learn-0.5.1-py3-none-any.whl size=76566 sha256=16a49fc548a4e5bc6235ad11d97d7f1c2bbbd9fb8840ee4708eb9fd6f56dd335 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ms9bds_7/wheels/95/85/b7/b4b7040e49367b6d1505d7e8fb57e3e79b22fa6ac26f72520b Building wheel for pynndescent ( started Building wheel for pynndescent ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for pynndescent: filename=pynndescent-0.5.2-py3-none-any.whl size=51347 sha256=fa8679caaec510222ea0035d885d5e3e54b59cc73c42c52c154b6f07461c2e15 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ms9bds_7/wheels/bb/81/5d/c78c8f15f3c815197129f91ec435d8ae0bb0a7a856d962c3ce Building wheel for sinfo ( started Building wheel for sinfo ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for sinfo: filename=sinfo-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl size=7016 sha256=225406ca8b6d545994359eac97036e7c33a9846655357a8ca15c6dfad1cdf803 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ms9bds_7/wheels/b0/57/9c/707469c51dbe9a69ad875a1a3faca170da471308c1e4c22ce0 Successfully built scanpy umap-learn pynndescent sinfo Installing collected packages: numpy, threadpoolctl, setuptools, scipy, llvmlite, joblib, scikit-learn, python-dateutil, pillow, numba, kiwisolver, cycler, stdlib-list, sphinxcontrib-qthelp, sphinxcontrib-jsmath, sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp, sphinxcontrib-devhelp, sphinxcontrib-applehelp, pynndescent, patsy, pandas, numexpr, natsort, matplotlib, h5py, get-version, docutils, decorator, umap-learn, tqdm, tables, statsmodels, sphinx, sinfo, seaborn, networkx, legacy-api-wrap, anndata, sphinx-rtd-theme, sphinx-autodoc-typehints, scanpydoc, scanpy Attempting uninstall: setuptools Found existing installation: setuptools 41.0.1 Uninstalling setuptools-41.0.1: Successfully uninstalled setuptools-41.0.1 Attempting uninstall: pillow Found existing installation: Pillow 5.4.1 Uninstalling Pillow-5.4.1: Successfully uninstalled Pillow-5.4.1 Attempting uninstall: docutils Found existing installation: docutils 0.14 Uninstalling docutils-0.14: Successfully uninstalled docutils-0.14 Attempting uninstall: sphinx Found existing installation: Sphinx 1.8.5 Uninstalling Sphinx-1.8.5: Successfully uninstalled Sphinx-1.8.5 Attempting uninstall: sphinx-rtd-theme Found existing installation: sphinx-rtd-theme 0.4.3 Uninstalling sphinx-rtd-theme-0.4.3: Successfully uninstalled sphinx-rtd-theme-0.4.3 Successfully installed anndata-0.7.5 cycler-0.10.0 decorator-4.4.2 docutils-0.16 get-version-2.1 h5py-3.1.0 joblib-1.0.1 kiwisolver-1.3.1 legacy-api-wrap-1.2 llvmlite-0.35.0 matplotlib-3.3.4 natsort-7.1.1 networkx-2.5 numba-0.52.0 numexpr-2.7.2 numpy-1.20.1 pandas-1.2.2 patsy-0.5.1 pillow-8.1.0 pynndescent-0.5.2 python-dateutil-2.8.1 scanpy-1.7.0rc2.dev24+g9f81f24d scanpydoc-0.5.6 scikit-learn-0.24.1 scipy-1.6.0 seaborn-0.11.1 setuptools-53.0.0 sinfo-0.3.1 sphinx-3.4.3 sphinx-autodoc-typehints-1.11.1 sphinx-rtd-theme-0.5.1 sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.3 statsmodels-0.12.2 stdlib-list-0.8.0 tables-3.6.1 threadpoolctl-2.1.0 tqdm-4.56.1 umap-learn-0.5.1 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:12:56.754803Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:12:56.831892Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 cat docs/ import os import sys import warnings from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime import matplotlib # noqa # Don’t use tkinter agg when importing scanpy → … → matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') HERE = Path(__file__).parent sys.path[:0] = [str(HERE.parent), str(HERE / 'extensions')] import scanpy # noqa on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True' # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ nitpicky = True # Warn about broken links. This is here for a reason: Do not change. needs_sphinx = '2.0' # Nicer param docs suppress_warnings = ['ref.citation'] # General information project = 'Scanpy' author = scanpy.__author__ copyright = f'{}, {author}.' version = scanpy.__version__.replace('.dirty', '') release = version # default settings templates_path = ['_templates'] source_suffix = '.rst' master_doc = 'index' default_role = 'literal' exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] pygments_style = 'sphinx' extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon', 'sphinx.ext.autosummary', # 'plot_generator', # 'plot_directive', 'sphinx_autodoc_typehints', # needs to be after napoleon # 'ipython_directive', # 'ipython_console_highlighting', 'scanpydoc', *[p.stem for p in (HERE / 'extensions').glob('*.py')], ] # Generate the API documentation when building autosummary_generate = True autodoc_member_order = 'bysource' # autodoc_default_flags = ['members'] napoleon_google_docstring = False napoleon_numpy_docstring = True napoleon_include_init_with_doc = False napoleon_use_rtype = True # having a separate entry generally helps readability napoleon_use_param = True napoleon_custom_sections = [('Params', 'Parameters')] todo_include_todos = False api_dir = HERE / 'api' # function_images scanpy_tutorials_url = '' intersphinx_mapping = dict( anndata=('', None), bbknn=('', None), cycler=('', None), h5py=('', None), ipython=('', None), leidenalg=('', None), louvain=('', None), matplotlib=('', None), networkx=('', None), numpy=('', None), pandas=('', None), pytest=('', None), python=('', None), scipy=('', None), seaborn=('', None), sklearn=('', None), scanpy_tutorials=(scanpy_tutorials_url, None), ) # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- html_theme = 'scanpydoc' html_theme_options = dict(navigation_depth=4, logo_only=True) # Only show the logo html_context = dict( display_github=True, # Integrate GitHub github_user='theislab', # Username github_repo='scanpy', # Repo name github_version='master', # Version conf_py_path='/docs/', # Path in the checkout to the docs root ) html_static_path = ['_static'] html_show_sphinx = False html_logo = '_static/img/Scanpy_Logo_BrightFG.svg' def setup(app): app.warningiserror = on_rtd # -- Options for other output formats ------------------------------------------ htmlhelp_basename = f'{project}doc' doc_title = f'{project} Documentation' latex_documents = [(master_doc, f'{project}.tex', doc_title, author, 'manual')] man_pages = [(master_doc, project, doc_title, [author], 1)] texinfo_documents = [ ( master_doc, project, doc_title, author, project, 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous', ) ] # -- Suppress link warnings ---------------------------------------------------- qualname_overrides = { "sklearn.neighbors.dist_metrics.DistanceMetric": "sklearn.neighbors.DistanceMetric", # If the docs are built with an old version of numpy, this will make it work: "numpy.random.RandomState": "numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState", "scanpy.plotting._matrixplot.MatrixPlot": "", "scanpy.plotting._dotplot.DotPlot": "", "scanpy.plotting._stacked_violin.StackedViolin": "", } nitpick_ignore = [ # Will probably be documented ('py:class', 'scanpy._settings.Verbosity'), # Currently undocumented: ('py:class', 'seaborn.ClusterGrid'), # Won’t be documented ('py:class', 'scanpy.plotting._utils._AxesSubplot'), ('py:class', 'scanpy._utils.Empty'), ('py:class', 'numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState'), ] ########################################################################### # auto-created specific configuration # ########################################################################### # # The following code was added during an automated build on # It is auto created and injected for every build. The result is based on the # file found in the codebase: # # import importlib import sys import os.path from six import string_types from sphinx import version_info # Get suffix for proper linking to GitHub # This is deprecated in Sphinx 1.3+, # as each page can have its own suffix if globals().get('source_suffix', False): if isinstance(source_suffix, string_types): SUFFIX = source_suffix elif isinstance(source_suffix, (list, tuple)): # Sphinx >= 1.3 supports list/tuple to define multiple suffixes SUFFIX = source_suffix[0] elif isinstance(source_suffix, dict): # Sphinx >= 1.8 supports a mapping dictionary for multiple suffixes SUFFIX = list(source_suffix.keys())[0] # make a ``list()`` for py2/py3 compatibility else: # default to .rst SUFFIX = '.rst' else: SUFFIX = '.rst' # Add RTD Static Path. Add to the end because it overwrites previous files. if not 'html_static_path' in globals(): html_static_path = [] if os.path.exists('_static'): html_static_path.append('_static') # Add RTD Theme only if they aren't overriding it already using_rtd_theme = ( ( 'html_theme' in globals() and html_theme in ['default'] and # Allow people to bail with a hack of having an html_style 'html_style' not in globals() ) or 'html_theme' not in globals() ) if using_rtd_theme: theme = importlib.import_module('sphinx_rtd_theme') html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_style = None html_theme_options = {} if 'html_theme_path' in globals(): html_theme_path.append(theme.get_html_theme_path()) else: html_theme_path = [theme.get_html_theme_path()] if globals().get('websupport2_base_url', False): websupport2_base_url = '' websupport2_static_url = '' #Add project information to the template context. context = { 'using_theme': using_rtd_theme, 'html_theme': html_theme, 'current_version': "latest", 'version_slug': "latest", 'MEDIA_URL': "", 'STATIC_URL': "", 'PRODUCTION_DOMAIN': "", 'versions': [ ("latest", "/en/latest/"), ("stable", "/en/stable/"), ("1.7.0rc1", "/en/1.7.0rc1/"), ], 'downloads': [ ], 'subprojects': [ ], 'slug': 'icb-scanpy', 'name': u'scanpy', 'rtd_language': u'en', 'programming_language': u'py', 'canonical_url': '', 'analytics_code': 'None', 'single_version': False, 'conf_py_path': '/docs/', 'api_host': '', 'github_user': 'theislab', 'proxied_api_host': '/_', 'github_repo': 'scanpy', 'github_version': 'master', 'display_github': True, 'bitbucket_user': 'None', 'bitbucket_repo': 'None', 'bitbucket_version': 'master', 'display_bitbucket': False, 'gitlab_user': 'None', 'gitlab_repo': 'None', 'gitlab_version': 'master', 'display_gitlab': False, 'READTHEDOCS': True, 'using_theme': (html_theme == "default"), 'new_theme': (html_theme == "sphinx_rtd_theme"), 'source_suffix': SUFFIX, 'ad_free': False, 'docsearch_disabled': False, 'user_analytics_code': '', 'global_analytics_code': 'UA-17997319-2', 'commit': '9f81f24d', } # For sphinx >=1.8 we can use html_baseurl to set the canonical URL. # if version_info >= (1, 8): if not globals().get('html_baseurl'): html_baseurl = context['canonical_url'] context['canonical_url'] = None if 'html_context' in globals(): html_context.update(context) else: html_context = context # Add custom RTD extension if 'extensions' in globals(): # Insert at the beginning because it can interfere # with other extensions. # See extensions.insert(0, "readthedocs_ext.readthedocs") else: extensions = ["readthedocs_ext.readthedocs"] # Add External version warning banner to the external version documentation if 'branch' == 'external': extensions.insert(1, "readthedocs_ext.external_version_warning") readthedocs_vcs_url = 'None' readthedocs_build_url = '' project_language = 'en' # User's Sphinx configurations language_user = globals().get('language', None) latex_engine_user = globals().get('latex_engine', None) latex_elements_user = globals().get('latex_elements', None) # Remove this once xindy gets installed in Docker image and XINDYOPS # env variable is supported # latex_use_xindy = False chinese = any([ language_user in ('zh_CN', 'zh_TW'), project_language in ('zh_CN', 'zh_TW'), ]) japanese = any([ language_user == 'ja', project_language == 'ja', ]) if chinese: latex_engine = latex_engine_user or 'xelatex' latex_elements_rtd = { 'preamble': '\\usepackage[UTF8]{ctex}\n', } latex_elements = latex_elements_user or latex_elements_rtd elif japanese: latex_engine = latex_engine_user or 'platex' # Make sure our build directory is always excluded exclude_patterns = globals().get('exclude_patterns', []) exclude_patterns.extend(['_build']) [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2021-02-10T09:12:57.016727Z, end-time: 2021-02-10T09:14:49.069465Z, duration: 112, exit-code: 0 python -m sphinx -T -E -b readthedocs -d _build/doctrees-readthedocs -D language=en . _build/html Running Sphinx v3.4.3 Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment. loading translations [en]... done making output directory... done loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from intersphinx inventory has moved: -> loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from intersphinx inventory has moved: -> loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from loading intersphinx inventory from intersphinx inventory has moved: -> [autosummary] generating autosummary for: _key_contributors.rst, _links.rst, api/index.rst, api/plotting.rst, api/scanpy.external.rst, api/scanpy.plotting.rst, basic_usage.rst, contributors.rst, dev/ci.rst, dev/code.rst, ..., ecosystem.rst, external/index.rst, index.rst, installation.rst, news.rst, references.rst, release-latest.rst, release-notes.rst, tutorials.rst, usage-principles.rst [autosummary] generating autosummary for: /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, ..., /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/ [autosummary] generating autosummary for: /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, ..., /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/ building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [readthedocs]: targets for 27 source files that are out of date updating environment: [new config] 276 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 0%] _key_contributors reading sources... [ 0%] _links reading sources... [ 1%] api/index reading sources... [ 1%] api/plotting reading sources... [ 1%] api/scanpy.Neighbors reading sources... [ 2%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.compute_eigen reading sources... [ 2%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.compute_neighbors reading sources... [ 2%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.compute_transitions reading sources... [ 3%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.connectivities reading sources... [ 3%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.distances reading sources... [ 3%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.distances_dpt reading sources... [ 4%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.eigen_basis reading sources... [ 4%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.eigen_values reading sources... [ 5%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.getdoc reading sources... [ 5%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.rp_forest reading sources... [ 5%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.to_igraph reading sources... [ 6%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.transitions reading sources... [ 6%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.transitions_sym reading sources... [ 6%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig reading sources... [ 7%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.autosave reading sources... [ 7%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.autoshow reading sources... [ 7%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.cache_compression reading sources... [ 8%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.cachedir reading sources... [ 8%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.categories_to_ignore reading sources... [ 9%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.datasetdir reading sources... [ 9%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.figdir reading sources... [ 9%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.file_format_data reading sources... [ 10%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.file_format_figs reading sources... [ 10%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.logfile reading sources... [ 10%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.logpath reading sources... [ 11%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.max_memory reading sources... [ 11%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.n_jobs reading sources... [ 11%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.plot_suffix reading sources... [ 12%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.set_figure_params reading sources... [ 12%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.verbosity reading sources... [ 13%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.writedir reading sources... [ 13%] api/scanpy.datasets.blobs reading sources... [ 13%] api/scanpy.datasets.ebi_expression_atlas reading sources... [ 14%] api/scanpy.datasets.krumsiek11 reading sources... [ 14%] api/scanpy.datasets.moignard15 reading sources... [ 14%] api/scanpy.datasets.paul15 reading sources... [ 15%] api/scanpy.datasets.pbmc3k reading sources... [ 15%] api/scanpy.datasets.pbmc3k_processed reading sources... [ 15%] api/scanpy.datasets.pbmc68k_reduced reading sources... [ 16%] api/scanpy.datasets.toggleswitch reading sources... [ 16%] api/scanpy.datasets.visium_sge reading sources... [ 17%] api/scanpy.external reading sources... [ 17%] api/scanpy.get.obs_df reading sources... [ 17%] api/scanpy.get.rank_genes_groups_df reading sources... [ 18%] api/scanpy.get.var_df reading sources... [ 18%] api/scanpy.logging.print_header reading sources... [ 18%] api/scanpy.logging.print_versions reading sources... [ 19%] api/ reading sources... [ 19%] api/ reading sources... [ 19%] api/ reading sources... [ 20%] api/ reading sources... [ 20%] api/ reading sources... [ 21%] api/ reading sources... [ 21%] api/ reading sources... [ 21%] api/ reading sources... [ 22%] api/ reading sources... [ 22%] api/ reading sources... [ 22%] api/ reading sources... [ 23%] api/ reading sources... [ 23%] api/ reading sources... [ 23%] api/ reading sources... [ 24%] api/ reading sources... [ 24%] api/ reading sources... [ 25%] api/ reading sources... [ 25%] api/ reading sources... [ 25%] api/ reading sources... [ 26%] api/ reading sources... [ 26%] api/ reading sources... [ 26%] api/ reading sources... [ 27%] api/ reading sources... [ 27%] api/ reading sources... 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[ 69%] api/scanpy.pp.scale reading sources... [ 69%] api/scanpy.pp.subsample reading sources... [ 70%] api/scanpy.queries.biomart_annotations reading sources... [ 70%] api/scanpy.queries.enrich reading sources... [ 71%] api/scanpy.queries.gene_coordinates reading sources... [ 71%] api/scanpy.queries.mitochondrial_genes reading sources... [ 71%] api/ reading sources... [ 72%] api/scanpy.read_10x_h5 reading sources... [ 72%] api/scanpy.read_10x_mtx reading sources... [ 72%] api/scanpy.read_csv reading sources... [ 73%] api/scanpy.read_excel reading sources... [ 73%] api/scanpy.read_h5ad reading sources... [ 73%] api/scanpy.read_hdf reading sources... [ 74%] api/scanpy.read_loom reading sources... [ 74%] api/scanpy.read_mtx reading sources... [ 75%] api/scanpy.read_text reading sources... [ 75%] api/scanpy.read_umi_tools reading sources... [ 75%] api/scanpy.read_visium reading sources... [ 76%] api/scanpy.set_figure_params reading sources... [ 76%] api/ reading sources... 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[ 87%] external/index reading sources... [ 87%] external/scanpy.external.exporting.cellbrowser reading sources... [ 88%] external/scanpy.external.exporting.spring_project reading sources... [ 88%] external/ reading sources... [ 88%] external/ reading sources... [ 89%] external/ reading sources... [ 89%] external/ reading sources... [ 89%] external/ reading sources... [ 90%] external/scanpy.external.pp.bbknn reading sources... [ 90%] external/scanpy.external.pp.dca reading sources... [ 90%] external/scanpy.external.pp.harmony_integrate reading sources... [ 91%] external/scanpy.external.pp.hashsolo reading sources... [ 91%] external/scanpy.external.pp.magic reading sources... [ 92%] external/scanpy.external.pp.mnn_correct reading sources... [ 92%] external/scanpy.external.pp.scanorama_integrate reading sources... [ 92%] external/scanpy.external.pp.scrublet reading sources... [ 93%] external/scanpy.external.pp.scrublet_simulate_doublets reading sources... [ 93%] external/scanpy.external.pp.scvi reading sources... [ 93%] external/ reading sources... [ 94%] external/ reading sources... [ 94%] external/ reading sources... [ 94%] external/ reading sources... [ 95%] external/ reading sources... [ 95%] external/ reading sources... [ 96%] external/ reading sources... [ 96%] external/ reading sources... [ 96%] external/ reading sources... [ 97%] external/ reading sources... [ 97%] index reading sources... [ 97%] installation reading sources... [ 98%] news reading sources... [ 98%] references reading sources... [ 98%] release-latest reading sources... [ 99%] release-notes reading sources... [ 99%] tutorials reading sources... [100%] usage-principles looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... done preparing documents... done writing output... [ 0%] _key_contributors writing output... [ 0%] _links writing output... [ 1%] api/index writing output... [ 1%] api/plotting writing output... [ 1%] api/scanpy.Neighbors writing output... [ 2%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.compute_eigen writing output... [ 2%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.compute_neighbors writing output... [ 2%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.compute_transitions writing output... [ 3%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.connectivities writing output... [ 3%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.distances writing output... [ 3%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.distances_dpt writing output... [ 4%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.eigen_basis writing output... [ 4%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.eigen_values writing output... [ 5%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.getdoc writing output... [ 5%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.rp_forest writing output... [ 5%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.to_igraph writing output... [ 6%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.transitions writing output... [ 6%] api/scanpy.Neighbors.transitions_sym writing output... [ 6%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig writing output... [ 7%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.autosave writing output... [ 7%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.autoshow writing output... [ 7%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.cache_compression writing output... [ 8%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.cachedir writing output... [ 8%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.categories_to_ignore writing output... [ 9%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.datasetdir writing output... [ 9%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.figdir writing output... [ 9%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.file_format_data writing output... [ 10%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.file_format_figs writing output... [ 10%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.logfile writing output... [ 10%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.logpath writing output... [ 11%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.max_memory writing output... [ 11%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.n_jobs writing output... [ 11%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.plot_suffix writing output... [ 12%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.set_figure_params writing output... [ 12%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.verbosity writing output... [ 13%] api/scanpy._settings.ScanpyConfig.writedir writing output... [ 13%] api/scanpy.datasets.blobs writing output... [ 13%] api/scanpy.datasets.ebi_expression_atlas writing output... [ 14%] api/scanpy.datasets.krumsiek11 writing output... [ 14%] api/scanpy.datasets.moignard15 writing output... [ 14%] api/scanpy.datasets.paul15 writing output... [ 15%] api/scanpy.datasets.pbmc3k writing output... [ 15%] api/scanpy.datasets.pbmc3k_processed writing output... [ 15%] api/scanpy.datasets.pbmc68k_reduced writing output... [ 16%] api/scanpy.datasets.toggleswitch writing output... [ 16%] api/scanpy.datasets.visium_sge writing output... [ 17%] api/scanpy.external writing output... [ 17%] api/scanpy.get.obs_df writing output... [ 17%] api/scanpy.get.rank_genes_groups_df writing output... [ 18%] api/scanpy.get.var_df writing output... [ 18%] api/scanpy.logging.print_header writing output... [ 18%] api/scanpy.logging.print_versions writing output... [ 19%] api/ writing output... 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[ 97%] installation writing output... [ 98%] news writing output... [ 98%] references writing output... [ 98%] release-latest writing output... [ 99%] release-notes writing output... [ 99%] tutorials writing output... [100%] usage-principles generating indices... genindex py-modindex done writing additional pages... search done copying images... [ 7%] api/ copying images... [ 14%] api/ copying images... [ 21%] api/ copying images... [ 28%] api/ copying images... [ 35%] api/ copying images... [ 42%] api/ copying images... [ 50%] api/ copying images... [ 57%] api/ copying images... [ 64%] api/ copying images... [ 71%] dev/../_static/img/ci_plot-view_tests-tab.png copying images... [ 78%] dev/../_static/img/ci_plot-view_select-test.png copying images... [ 85%] dev/../_static/img/ci_plot-view_attachment-tab.png copying images... [ 92%] _static/img/stacked_violin_dotplot_matrixplot.png copying images... [100%] _static/img/spatial-basic-analysis.png copying static files... done copying extra files... done dumping search index in English (code: en)... done dumping object inventory... done build succeeded. The HTML pages are in _build/html. Updating searchtools for Read the Docs search...