Read the Docs build information Build id: 337971 Project: advanced-micro-devices-demo Version: latest Commit: 2b11233419b2a26dd08c0365920ccbc95a415cf5 Date: 2020-05-30T00:34:03.752254Z State: finished Success: True [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:06.623250Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:08.776095Z, duration: 2, exit-code: 0 git clone --no-single-branch --depth 50 . Cloning into '.'... [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:09.098125Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:09.749282Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git checkout --force origin/master Note: checking out 'origin/master'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at 2b11233 Update Deep-learning.rst [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:09.871165Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:10.073200Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git clean -d -f -f [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:11.711854Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:15.556078Z, duration: 3, exit-code: 0 python3.7 -mvirtualenv --system-site-packages Using base prefix '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.7.3' New python executable in /home/docs/checkouts/ Also creating executable in /home/docs/checkouts/ Installing setuptools, pip, wheel... done. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:15.873004Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:16.722643Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir pip Requirement already up-to-date: pip in /home/docs/checkouts/ (20.1.1) [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:16.980447Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:26.407387Z, duration: 9, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir -I Pygments==2.3.1 setuptools==41.0.1 docutils==0.14 mock==1.0.1 pillow==5.4.1 alabaster>=0.7,<0.8,!=0.7.5 commonmark==0.8.1 recommonmark==0.5.0 sphinx<2 sphinx-rtd-theme<0.5 readthedocs-sphinx-ext<1.1 Collecting Pygments==2.3.1 Downloading Pygments-2.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (849 kB) Collecting setuptools==41.0.1 Downloading setuptools-41.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (575 kB) Collecting docutils==0.14 Downloading docutils-0.14-py3-none-any.whl (543 kB) Collecting mock==1.0.1 Downloading mock-1.0.1.tar.gz (818 kB) Collecting pillow==5.4.1 Downloading Pillow-5.4.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (2.0 MB) Collecting alabaster!=0.7.5,<0.8,>=0.7 Downloading alabaster-0.7.12-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14 kB) Collecting commonmark==0.8.1 Downloading commonmark-0.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (47 kB) Collecting recommonmark==0.5.0 Downloading recommonmark-0.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.8 kB) Collecting sphinx<2 Downloading Sphinx-1.8.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (3.1 MB) Collecting sphinx-rtd-theme<0.5 Downloading sphinx_rtd_theme-0.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.4 MB) Collecting readthedocs-sphinx-ext<1.1 Downloading readthedocs_sphinx_ext-1.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (28 kB) Collecting future Downloading future-0.18.2.tar.gz (829 kB) Collecting six>=1.5 Downloading six-1.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB) Collecting snowballstemmer>=1.1 Downloading snowballstemmer-2.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (97 kB) Collecting requests>=2.0.0 Downloading requests-2.23.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB) Collecting babel!=2.0,>=1.3 Downloading Babel-2.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (8.6 MB) Collecting imagesize Downloading imagesize-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.8 kB) Collecting packaging Downloading packaging-20.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (37 kB) Collecting Jinja2>=2.3 Downloading Jinja2-2.11.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (125 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-websupport Downloading sphinxcontrib_websupport-1.2.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (39 kB) Collecting chardet<4,>=3.0.2 Downloading chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (133 kB) Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 Downloading certifi-2020.4.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (157 kB) Collecting urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 Downloading urllib3-1.25.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (126 kB) Collecting idna<3,>=2.5 Downloading idna-2.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB) Collecting pytz>=2015.7 Downloading pytz-2020.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (510 kB) Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.2 Downloading pyparsing-2.4.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl (67 kB) Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 Downloading MarkupSafe-1.1.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (27 kB) Building wheels for collected packages: mock, future Building wheel for mock ( started Building wheel for mock ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for mock: filename=mock-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl size=23754 sha256=5a461335e172822459710d29f26508e033998d9b6155b64fa8c1079b26cd71da Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-rfimztxc/wheels/16/03/37/f0a64ab894c9102906f192db1a4071b7592292ad661563c69b Building wheel for future ( started Building wheel for future ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for future: filename=future-0.18.2-py3-none-any.whl size=491058 sha256=56fc20b7a86d8da315ccd56f81a7f655fca1822681db0305c755eba4a6172f3d Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-rfimztxc/wheels/56/b0/fe/4410d17b32f1f0c3cf54cdfb2bc04d7b4b8f4ae377e2229ba0 Successfully built mock future Installing collected packages: Pygments, setuptools, docutils, mock, pillow, alabaster, future, commonmark, six, snowballstemmer, chardet, certifi, urllib3, idna, requests, pytz, babel, imagesize, pyparsing, packaging, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, sphinxcontrib-websupport, sphinx, recommonmark, sphinx-rtd-theme, readthedocs-sphinx-ext Successfully installed Jinja2-2.11.2 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 Pygments-2.3.1 alabaster-0.7.12 babel-2.8.0 certifi-2020.4.5.1 chardet-3.0.4 commonmark-0.8.1 docutils-0.14 future-0.18.2 idna-2.9 imagesize-1.2.0 mock-1.0.1 packaging-20.4 pillow-5.4.1 pyparsing-2.4.7 pytz-2020.1 readthedocs-sphinx-ext-1.0.4 recommonmark-0.5.0 requests-2.23.0 setuptools-47.1.1 six-1.15.0 snowballstemmer-2.0.0 sphinx-1.8.5 sphinx-rtd-theme-0.4.3 sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.2.2 urllib3-1.25.9 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:26.534094Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:31.741152Z, duration: 5, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --exists-action=w --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt Collecting breathe Downloading breathe-4.18.1-py3-none-any.whl (77 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-bibtex Downloading sphinxcontrib_bibtex-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (14 kB) Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.9 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.15.0) Requirement already satisfied: docutils>=0.12 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (0.14) Collecting Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0 Downloading Sphinx-3.0.4-py3-none-any.whl (2.8 MB) Collecting pybtex-docutils>=0.2.0 Downloading pybtex_docutils-0.2.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.6 kB) Collecting pybtex>=0.20 Downloading pybtex-0.22.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (279 kB) Collecting oset>=0.1.3 Downloading oset-0.1.3.tar.gz (7.3 kB) Requirement already satisfied: Pygments>=2.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.3.1) Requirement already satisfied: snowballstemmer>=1.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.0.0) Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.5.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.23.0) Collecting sphinxcontrib-qthelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_qthelp-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (90 kB) Requirement already satisfied: babel>=1.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.8.0) Collecting sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml Downloading sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml-1.1.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (89 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (96 kB) Requirement already satisfied: imagesize in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (47.1.1) Collecting sphinxcontrib-applehelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_applehelp-1.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (121 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-jsmath Downloading sphinxcontrib_jsmath-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.1 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-devhelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_devhelp-1.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (84 kB) Requirement already satisfied: alabaster<0.8,>=0.7 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (0.7.12) Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2>=2.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.11.2) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (20.4) Collecting latexcodec>=1.0.4 Downloading latexcodec-2.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (17 kB) Collecting PyYAML>=3.01 Downloading PyYAML-5.3.1.tar.gz (269 kB) Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.5.0->Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (3.0.4) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.5.0->Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2020.4.5.1) Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.5.0->Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.9) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.5.0->Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.25.9) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2015.7 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from babel>=1.3->Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2020.1) Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Jinja2>=2.3->Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.1.1) Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.0.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from packaging->Sphinx<3.1,>=3.0->breathe->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) (2.4.7) Building wheels for collected packages: oset, PyYAML Building wheel for oset ( started Building wheel for oset ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for oset: filename=oset-0.1.3-py3-none-any.whl size=9660 sha256=cc6e95a73edbfb299633d0fd58a9478aff0c3b4187ef5af9e25ab0e979bd601a Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-_q2ix56p/wheels/d3/97/cf/cfafe0bedac445a9492baca15b27f8afb4693182b00a975ac7 Building wheel for PyYAML ( started Building wheel for PyYAML ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for PyYAML: filename=PyYAML-5.3.1-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=44619 sha256=084f6d822c41106e1885d874423071b696f49ba96f6fc939d685077075dced77 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-_q2ix56p/wheels/5e/03/1e/e1e954795d6f35dfc7b637fe2277bff021303bd9570ecea653 Successfully built oset PyYAML Installing collected packages: sphinxcontrib-qthelp, sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml, sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp, sphinxcontrib-applehelp, sphinxcontrib-jsmath, sphinxcontrib-devhelp, Sphinx, breathe, latexcodec, PyYAML, pybtex, pybtex-docutils, oset, sphinxcontrib-bibtex Attempting uninstall: Sphinx Found existing installation: Sphinx 1.8.5 Uninstalling Sphinx-1.8.5: Successfully uninstalled Sphinx-1.8.5 Successfully installed PyYAML-5.3.1 Sphinx-3.0.4 breathe-4.18.1 latexcodec-2.0.0 oset-0.1.3 pybtex-0.22.2 pybtex-docutils-0.2.2 sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-bibtex-1.0.0 sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.4 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:33.708695Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:33.922297Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 cat #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # ReadTheDocs-Breathe documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Mon Feb 10 20:03:57 2014. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its # containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import sys import os # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. #sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # hack for readthedocs to cause it to run doxygen first # on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True' if on_rtd: from subprocess import call call('./;', shell=True) # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. #needs_sphinx = '1.0' html_theme_options = { 'display_version': False} # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. #Added sphinx.ext.ifconfig from michealjones from now on mj extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', 'breathe', ] # Breathe extension variables breathe_projects = { "ReadTheDocs-Breathe": "xml/", "rocr": "rocrxml/", "rocBLAS": "rocBLASxml/", "rocFFT": "rocFFTxml/", "rocALUTION": "rocALUTIONxml/", "rocSPARSE": "rocSPARSExml/", "rocSOLVER": "rocSOLVERxml/", } breathe_default_project = "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" #Added from mj # Configuration for mathjax extension # # Set path for mathjax js to a https URL as sometimes the Breathe docs are displayed under https # and we can't load an http mathjax file from an https view of the docs. So we change to a https # mathjax file which we can load from http or https. We break the url over two lines. #mathjax_path = '' \ # 'mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML' mathjax_path="" # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The encoding of source files. #source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = 'ROCm Documentation' copyright = '2020, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = '1.0' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = '1.0.0' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. #language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: #today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. #exclude_patterns = ['_build'] exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all # documents. #default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. #add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). #add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. #show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. #modindex_common_prefix = [] # If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents. #keep_warnings = False # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' # To resolve spacing issue in APIs # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. #html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. #html_theme_path = [] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # " v documentation". #html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. #html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. #html_logo = # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. #html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_css_files = [ "amdstyles.css", ] # Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or # .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied # directly to the root of the documentation. #html_extra_path = [] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. #html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. #html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. #html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. #html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. #html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. #html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. #html_show_sourcelink = False # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. #html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). #html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'ReadTheDocs-Breathedoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). #'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). #'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. #'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ ('index', 'ReadTheDocs-Breathe.tex', 'ReadTheDocs-Breathe Documentation', 'Thomas Edvalson', 'manual'), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. #latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. #latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. #latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_domain_indices = True # -- Hack for making rtd to run multiple Doxyfiles ------------------------ # -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ ('index', 'readthedocs-breathe', 'ReadTheDocs-Breathe Documentation', ['Thomas Edvalson'], 1) ] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ ('index', 'ReadTheDocs-Breathe', 'ReadTheDocs-Breathe Documentation', 'Thomas Edvalson', 'ReadTheDocs-Breathe', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. #texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. #texinfo_no_detailmenu = False ########################################################################### # auto-created specific configuration # ########################################################################### # # The following code was added during an automated build on # It is auto created and injected for every build. The result is based on the # file found in the codebase: # # import importlib import sys import os.path from six import string_types from sphinx import version_info # Get suffix for proper linking to GitHub # This is deprecated in Sphinx 1.3+, # as each page can have its own suffix if globals().get('source_suffix', False): if isinstance(source_suffix, string_types): SUFFIX = source_suffix elif isinstance(source_suffix, (list, tuple)): # Sphinx >= 1.3 supports list/tuple to define multiple suffixes SUFFIX = source_suffix[0] elif isinstance(source_suffix, dict): # Sphinx >= 1.8 supports a mapping dictionary for multiple suffixes SUFFIX = list(source_suffix.keys())[0] # make a ``list()`` for py2/py3 compatibility else: # default to .rst SUFFIX = '.rst' else: SUFFIX = '.rst' # Add RTD Static Path. Add to the end because it overwrites previous files. if not 'html_static_path' in globals(): html_static_path = [] if os.path.exists('_static'): html_static_path.append('_static') # Add RTD Theme only if they aren't overriding it already using_rtd_theme = ( ( 'html_theme' in globals() and html_theme in ['default'] and # Allow people to bail with a hack of having an html_style 'html_style' not in globals() ) or 'html_theme' not in globals() ) if using_rtd_theme: theme = importlib.import_module('sphinx_rtd_theme') html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_style = None html_theme_options = {} if 'html_theme_path' in globals(): html_theme_path.append(theme.get_html_theme_path()) else: html_theme_path = [theme.get_html_theme_path()] if globals().get('websupport2_base_url', False): websupport2_base_url = '' websupport2_static_url = '' #Add project information to the template context. context = { 'using_theme': using_rtd_theme, 'html_theme': html_theme, 'current_version': "latest", 'version_slug': "latest", 'MEDIA_URL': "", 'STATIC_URL': "", 'PRODUCTION_DOMAIN': "", 'versions': [ ("latest", "/en/latest/"), ], 'downloads': [ ("pdf", "//"), ("epub", "//"), ], 'subprojects': [ ("advanced-micro-devices-rocsparse", ""), ], 'slug': 'advanced-micro-devices-demo', 'name': u'ROCm Documentation', 'rtd_language': u'en', 'programming_language': u'cpp', 'canonical_url': '', 'analytics_code': 'None', 'single_version': False, 'conf_py_path': '/', 'api_host': '', 'github_user': 'RadeonOpenCompute', 'proxied_api_host': '/_', 'github_repo': 'ROCm_Documentation', 'github_version': 'master', 'display_github': True, 'bitbucket_user': 'None', 'bitbucket_repo': 'None', 'bitbucket_version': 'master', 'display_bitbucket': False, 'gitlab_user': 'None', 'gitlab_repo': 'None', 'gitlab_version': 'master', 'display_gitlab': False, 'READTHEDOCS': True, 'using_theme': (html_theme == "default"), 'new_theme': (html_theme == "sphinx_rtd_theme"), 'source_suffix': SUFFIX, 'ad_free': False, 'user_analytics_code': '', 'global_analytics_code': 'UA-17997319-2', 'commit': '2b112334', } if 'html_context' in globals(): html_context.update(context) else: html_context = context # Add custom RTD extension if 'extensions' in globals(): # Insert at the beginning because it can interfere # with other extensions. # See extensions.insert(0, "readthedocs_ext.readthedocs") else: extensions = ["readthedocs_ext.readthedocs"] # Add External version warning banner to the external version documentation if 'branch' == 'external': extensions.insert(1, "readthedocs_ext.external_version_warning") project_language = 'en' # User's Sphinx configurations language_user = globals().get('language', None) latex_engine_user = globals().get('latex_engine', None) latex_elements_user = globals().get('latex_elements', None) # Remove this once xindy gets installed in Docker image and XINDYOPS # env variable is supported # latex_use_xindy = False chinese = any([ language_user in ('zh_CN', 'zh_TW'), project_language in ('zh_CN', 'zh_TW'), ]) japanese = any([ language_user == 'ja', project_language == 'ja', ]) if chinese: latex_engine = latex_engine_user or 'xelatex' latex_elements_rtd = { 'preamble': '\\usepackage[UTF8]{ctex}\n', } latex_elements = latex_elements_user or latex_elements_rtd elif japanese: latex_engine = latex_engine_user or 'platex' [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:34:34.289157Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:39:49.450079Z, duration: 315, exit-code: 0 python sphinx-build -T -E -b readthedocs -d _build/doctrees-readthedocs -D language=en . _build/html Running Sphinx v3.0.4 warning: source ./examples is not a readable file or directory... skipping. warning: source /docs/doxygen-input/images is not a readable file or directory... skipping. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: the name `hcc_detail/hip_runtime_api.h' supplied as the second argument in the \file statement is not an input file /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hipIpcMemHandle_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Found unknown command `\bried' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipRemoveApiCallback(uint32_t id) (function) of group API is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipRegisterActivityCallback(uint32_t id, void *fun, void *arg) (function) of group API is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipRemoveActivityCallback(uint32_t id) (function) of group API is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipKernelNameRef(hipFunction_t f) (function) of group API is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMemcpyFromSymbol(void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyDeviceToHost)) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMemcpyFromSymbolAsync(void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMemPtrGetInfo(void *ptr, size_t *size) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArrayCreate(hipArray **pHandle, const HIP_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *pAllocateArray) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArray3DCreate(hipArray **array, const HIP_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *pAllocateArray) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMalloc3D(hipPitchedPtr *pitchedDevPtr, hipExtent extent) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMemcpyParam2D(const hip_Memcpy2D *pCopy) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member USE_PEER_NON_UNIFIED (macro definition) of group PeerToPeer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Found unknown command `\bried' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ihipModuleGetGlobal(hipDeviceptr_t *dptr, size_t *bytes, hipModule_t hmod, const char *name) (function) of group Driver is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipModuleGetTexRef(textureReference **texRef, hipModule_t hmod, const char *name) (function) of group Driver is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipEventReleaseToDevice (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipHostMallocWriteCombined (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipDeviceScheduleBlockingSync (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipDeviceScheduleMask (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipDeviceMapHost (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipDeviceLmemResizeToMax (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArrayLayered (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArraySurfaceLoadStore (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArrayCubemap (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArrayTextureGather (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipJitOption (enumeration) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member binaryVersion (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member cacheModeCA (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member constSizeBytes (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member localSizeBytes (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member maxDynamicSharedSizeBytes (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member maxThreadsPerBlock (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member numRegs (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member preferredShmemCarveout (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ptxVersion (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sharedSizeBytes (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[HIP_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE] (variable) of class hipIpcMemHandle_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeviceAlreadyInUse' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipGetDevice(int *deviceId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipGetDevice(int *deviceId) are not documented: parameter 'deviceId' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'output' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipGetDeviceCount(int *count) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNoDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNoDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipGetDeviceCount(int *count) are not documented: parameter 'count' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnsupportedLimit' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipFuncSetCacheConfig(const void *func, hipFuncCache_t config) are not documented: parameter 'func' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorSetOnActiveProcess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipChooseDevice(int *device, const hipDeviceProp_t *prop) are not documented: parameter 'prop' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotSupported' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'pointer' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipPointerGetAttributes(hipPointerAttribute_t *attributes, const void *ptr) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipPointerGetAttributes(hipPointerAttribute_t *attributes, const void *ptr) are not documented: parameter 'ptr' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dstPtr' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipHostGetDevicePointer(void **devPtr, void *hstPtr, unsigned int flags) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipHostGetDevicePointer(void **devPtr, void *hstPtr, unsigned int flags) are not documented: parameter 'devPtr' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'flags.' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipHostRegister(void *hostPtr, size_t sizeBytes, unsigned int flags) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipHostRegister(void *hostPtr, size_t sizeBytes, unsigned int flags) are not documented: parameter 'flags' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'copyType' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnknowni' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind) are not documented: parameter 'kind' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyHtoDAsync(hipDeviceptr_t dst, void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) are not documented: parameter 'stream' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyDtoHAsync(void *dst, hipDeviceptr_t src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) are not documented: parameter 'stream' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyDtoDAsync(hipDeviceptr_t dst, hipDeviceptr_t src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) are not documented: parameter 'stream' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'offset' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToSymbol(const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm0, hipMemcpyKind kind __dparmhipMemcpyHostToDevice) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'kind' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToSymbol(const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm0, hipMemcpyKind kind __dparmhipMemcpyHostToDevice) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnknown' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyToSymbol(const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm0, hipMemcpyKind kind __dparmhipMemcpyHostToDevice) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotFound' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotFound' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnknown' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyToSymbolAsync(const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'accelerator_view' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyAsync(void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnknown' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyAsync(void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter 'kind' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'constant' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemset(void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemset(void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes) are not documented: parameter 'value' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dst' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemsetD8(hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned char value, size_t sizeBytes) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'constant' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemsetD8(hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned char value, size_t sizeBytes) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemsetD8(hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned char value, size_t sizeBytes) are not documented: parameter 'dest' parameter 'value' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemsetAsync(void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemsetAsync(void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemset2DAsync(void *dst, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemset2DAsync(void *dst, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemset3DAsync(hipPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int value, hipExtent extent, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemset3DAsync(hipPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int value, hipExtent extent, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'height' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMallocArray(hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm0, unsigned int flags __dparmhipArrayDefault) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'flags' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMallocArray(hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm0, unsigned int flags __dparmhipArrayDefault) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMallocArray(hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm0, unsigned int flags __dparmhipArrayDefault) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpy2DAsync(void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpy2DAsync(void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dpitch' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpy2DToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpy2DToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind) are not documented: parameter 'wOffset' parameter 'hOffset' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dpitch' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'spitch' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'width' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'height' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) are not documented: parameter 'wOffset' parameter 'hOffset' parameter 'count' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'woffset' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyFromArray(void *dst, hipArray_const_t srcArray, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyFromArray(void *dst, hipArray_const_t srcArray, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) are not documented: parameter 'wOffset' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'srcoffset' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyAtoH(void *dst, hipArray *srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t count) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyAtoH(void *dst, hipArray *srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t count) are not documented: parameter 'srcOffset' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *canAccessPeer, int deviceId, int peerDeviceId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'peerDevice' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *canAccessPeer, int deviceId, int peerDeviceId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *canAccessPeer, int deviceId, int peerDeviceId) are not documented: parameter 'deviceId' parameter 'peerDeviceId' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dstDevice' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyPeerAsync(void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyPeerAsync(void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyPeerAsync(void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter 'dstDeviceId' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'associated' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxCreate(hipCtx_t *ctx, unsigned int flags, hipDevice_t device) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxCreate(hipCtx_t *ctx, unsigned int flags, hipDevice_t device) are not documented: parameter 'device' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'cacheConfiguration' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxGetCacheConfig(hipFuncCache_t *cacheConfig) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxGetCacheConfig(hipFuncCache_t *cacheConfig) are not documented: parameter 'cacheConfig' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'cacheConfiguration' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxSetCacheConfig(hipFuncCache_t cacheConfig) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxSetCacheConfig(hipFuncCache_t cacheConfig) are not documented: parameter 'cacheConfig' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'sharedMemoryConfiguration' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxSetSharedMemConfig(hipSharedMemConfig config) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxSetSharedMemConfig(hipSharedMemConfig config) are not documented: parameter 'config' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'sharedMemoryConfiguration' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxGetSharedMemConfig(hipSharedMemConfig *pConfig) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxGetSharedMemConfig(hipSharedMemConfig *pConfig) are not documented: parameter 'pConfig' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Pointer' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Pointer' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) are not documented: parameter 'dev' parameter 'flags' parameter 'active' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(hipDevice_t dev) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(hipDevice_t dev) are not documented: parameter 'dev' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Returned' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(hipCtx_t *pctx, hipDevice_t dev) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(hipCtx_t *pctx, hipDevice_t dev) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(hipCtx_t *pctx, hipDevice_t dev) are not documented: parameter 'pctx' parameter 'dev' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxReset(hipDevice_t dev) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxReset(hipDevice_t dev) are not documented: parameter 'dev' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int flags) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'New' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int flags) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorContextAlreadyInUse' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int flags) are not documented: parameter 'dev' parameter 'flags' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'PCI' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDeviceGetByPCIBusId(int *device, const char *pciBusId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDeviceGetByPCIBusId(int *device, const char *pciBusId) are not documented: parameter 'pciBusId' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Found unknown command `\bried' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'number' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipModuleLoadDataEx(hipModule_t *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, hipJitOption *options, void **optionValues) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'option' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipModuleLoadDataEx(hipModule_t *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, hipJitOption *options, void **optionValues) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipModuleLoadDataEx(hipModule_t *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, hipJitOption *options, void **optionValues) are not documented: parameter 'numOptions' parameter 'optionValues' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'sharedMem' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipConfigureCall(dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem __dparm0, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipConfigureCall(dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem __dparm0, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipConfigureCall(dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem __dparm0, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeviceAlreadyInUse' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipGetDevice(int *deviceId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipGetDevice(int *deviceId) are not documented: parameter 'deviceId' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'output' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipGetDeviceCount(int *count) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNoDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNoDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipGetDeviceCount(int *count) are not documented: parameter 'count' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnsupportedLimit' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipFuncSetCacheConfig(const void *func, hipFuncCache_t config) are not documented: parameter 'func' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorSetOnActiveProcess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipChooseDevice(int *device, const hipDeviceProp_t *prop) are not documented: parameter 'prop' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotSupported' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorLaunchFailure' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'pointer' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipPointerGetAttributes(hipPointerAttribute_t *attributes, const void *ptr) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipPointerGetAttributes(hipPointerAttribute_t *attributes, const void *ptr) are not documented: parameter 'ptr' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dstPtr' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipHostGetDevicePointer(void **devPtr, void *hstPtr, unsigned int flags) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipHostGetDevicePointer(void **devPtr, void *hstPtr, unsigned int flags) are not documented: parameter 'devPtr' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'flags.' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipHostRegister(void *hostPtr, size_t sizeBytes, unsigned int flags) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipHostRegister(void *hostPtr, size_t sizeBytes, unsigned int flags) are not documented: parameter 'flags' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'copyType' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnknowni' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind) are not documented: parameter 'kind' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyHtoDAsync(hipDeviceptr_t dst, void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) are not documented: parameter 'stream' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyDtoHAsync(void *dst, hipDeviceptr_t src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) are not documented: parameter 'stream' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyDtoDAsync(hipDeviceptr_t dst, hipDeviceptr_t src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) are not documented: parameter 'stream' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'offset' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToSymbol(const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm0, hipMemcpyKind kind __dparmhipMemcpyHostToDevice) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'kind' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToSymbol(const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm0, hipMemcpyKind kind __dparmhipMemcpyHostToDevice) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnknown' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyToSymbol(const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm0, hipMemcpyKind kind __dparmhipMemcpyHostToDevice) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotFound' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotFound' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnknown' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyToSymbolAsync(const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'accelerator_view' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyAsync(void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnknown' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyAsync(void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter 'kind' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'constant' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemset(void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemset(void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes) are not documented: parameter 'value' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dst' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemsetD8(hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned char value, size_t sizeBytes) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'constant' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemsetD8(hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned char value, size_t sizeBytes) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotInitialized' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemsetD8(hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned char value, size_t sizeBytes) are not documented: parameter 'dest' parameter 'value' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemsetAsync(void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemsetAsync(void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemset2DAsync(void *dst, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemset2DAsync(void *dst, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemset3DAsync(hipPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int value, hipExtent extent, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryFree' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemset3DAsync(hipPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int value, hipExtent extent, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'height' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMallocArray(hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm0, unsigned int flags __dparmhipArrayDefault) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'flags' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMallocArray(hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm0, unsigned int flags __dparmhipArrayDefault) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMallocArray(hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm0, unsigned int flags __dparmhipArrayDefault) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorMemoryAllocation' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpy2DAsync(void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpy2DAsync(void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dpitch' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpy2DToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpy2DToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind) are not documented: parameter 'wOffset' parameter 'hOffset' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dpitch' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'spitch' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'width' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'height' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyToArray(hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) are not documented: parameter 'wOffset' parameter 'hOffset' parameter 'count' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'woffset' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyFromArray(void *dst, hipArray_const_t srcArray, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyFromArray(void *dst, hipArray_const_t srcArray, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) are not documented: parameter 'wOffset' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'srcoffset' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyAtoH(void *dst, hipArray *srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t count) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyAtoH(void *dst, hipArray *srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t count) are not documented: parameter 'srcOffset' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidPitchValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *canAccessPeer, int deviceId, int peerDeviceId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'peerDevice' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *canAccessPeer, int deviceId, int peerDeviceId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *canAccessPeer, int deviceId, int peerDeviceId) are not documented: parameter 'deviceId' parameter 'peerDeviceId' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'dstDevice' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyPeerAsync(void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipMemcpyPeerAsync(void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipMemcpyPeerAsync(void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter 'dstDeviceId' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'PCI' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDeviceGetByPCIBusId(int *device, const char *pciBusId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDeviceGetByPCIBusId(int *device, const char *pciBusId) are not documented: parameter 'pciBusId' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInavlidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Found unknown command `\bried' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'number' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipModuleLoadDataEx(hipModule_t *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, hipJitOption *options, void **optionValues) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'option' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipModuleLoadDataEx(hipModule_t *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, hipJitOption *options, void **optionValues) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipModuleLoadDataEx(hipModule_t *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, hipJitOption *options, void **optionValues) are not documented: parameter 'numOptions' parameter 'optionValues' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'associated' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxCreate(hipCtx_t *ctx, unsigned int flags, hipDevice_t device) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxCreate(hipCtx_t *ctx, unsigned int flags, hipDevice_t device) are not documented: parameter 'device' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidContext' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'cacheConfiguration' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxGetCacheConfig(hipFuncCache_t *cacheConfig) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxGetCacheConfig(hipFuncCache_t *cacheConfig) are not documented: parameter 'cacheConfig' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'cacheConfiguration' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxSetCacheConfig(hipFuncCache_t cacheConfig) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxSetCacheConfig(hipFuncCache_t cacheConfig) are not documented: parameter 'cacheConfig' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'sharedMemoryConfiguration' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxSetSharedMemConfig(hipSharedMemConfig config) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxSetSharedMemConfig(hipSharedMemConfig config) are not documented: parameter 'config' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'sharedMemoryConfiguration' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipCtxGetSharedMemConfig(hipSharedMemConfig *pConfig) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipCtxGetSharedMemConfig(hipSharedMemConfig *pConfig) are not documented: parameter 'pConfig' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Pointer' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Pointer' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) are not documented: parameter 'dev' parameter 'flags' parameter 'active' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(hipDevice_t dev) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(hipDevice_t dev) are not documented: parameter 'dev' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Returned' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(hipCtx_t *pctx, hipDevice_t dev) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(hipCtx_t *pctx, hipDevice_t dev) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(hipCtx_t *pctx, hipDevice_t dev) are not documented: parameter 'pctx' parameter 'dev' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxReset(hipDevice_t dev) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxReset(hipDevice_t dev) are not documented: parameter 'dev' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'Device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int flags) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'New' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int flags) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorContextAlreadyInUse' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int flags) are not documented: parameter 'dev' parameter 'flags' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'sharedMem' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipConfigureCall(dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem __dparm0, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stream' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipConfigureCall(dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem __dparm0, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipConfigureCall(dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem __dparm0, hipStream_t stream __dparm0) are not documented: parameter '__dparm' parameter '__dparm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'ifdef' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `_rocblas_handle::_rocblas_handle' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `_rocblas_handle::~_rocblas_handle' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `rocblas_layer_mode _rocblas_handle::layer_mode' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::ofstream _rocblas_handle::log_trace_ofs' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::ostream * _rocblas_handle::log_trace_os' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::ofstream _rocblas_handle::log_bench_ofs' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::ostream * _rocblas_handle::log_bench_os' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::ofstream _rocblas_handle::log_profile_ofs' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::ostream * _rocblas_handle::log_profile_os' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `_rocblas_handle::init _rocblas_handle::handle_init' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `_rocblas_handle::init::init' was not declared or defined. Searching for include files... Searching for example files... Searching for images... Searching for dot files... Searching for msc files... Searching for dia files... Searching for files to exclude Searching INPUT for files to process... Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Reading and parsing tag files Parsing files Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Building group list... Building directory list... Building namespace list... Building file list... Building class list... Associating documentation with classes... Computing nesting relations for classes... Building example list... Searching for enumerations... Searching for documented typedefs... Searching for members imported via using declarations... Searching for included using directives... Searching for documented variables... Building interface member list... Building member list... Searching for friends... Searching for documented defines... Computing class inheritance relations... Computing class usage relations... Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid... Computing class relations... Add enum values to enums... Searching for member function documentation... Creating members for template instances... Building page list... Search for main page... Computing page relations... Determining the scope of groups... Sorting lists... Freeing entry tree Determining which enums are documen/home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_3RD_ARG(_1, _2, _3,...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_SUPPORTED(...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_COUNT_IMPL(X, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, N,...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_COUNT(...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_PRAGMA_SELECT0(...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_PRAGMA_SELECTN(pragma,...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_PRAGMA_IMPL2(pragma, count) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_PRAGMA_IMPL(pragma, count) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROCBLAS_VA_OPT_PRAGMA(pragma,...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_gemm_ex(handle, transA, transB, m, n, k, alpha, a, a_type, lda, b, b_type, ldb, beta, c, c_type, ldc, d, d_type, ldd, compute_type, algo, solution_index, flags, ...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_gemm_strided_batched_ex(handle, transA, transB, m, n, k, alpha, a, a_type, lda, stride_a, b, b_type, ldb, stride_b, beta, c, c_type, ldc, stride_c, d, d_type, ldd, stride_d, batch_count, compute_type, algo, solution_index, flags, ...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_trsm_ex(handle, side, uplo, transA, diag, m, n, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, invA, invA_size, compute_type,...) (macro definition) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dscal(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, double *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cscal(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zscal(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_csscal(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const float *alpha, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdscal(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dscal_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cscal_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zscal_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_csscal_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const float *alpha, rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdscal_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dscal_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cscal_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zscal_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_csscal_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const float *alpha, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdscal_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dcopy(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, double *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ccopy(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zcopy(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dcopy_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, double *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ccopy_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zcopy_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dcopy_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, double *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ccopy_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zcopy_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ddot(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, const double *y, rocblas_int incy, double *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_hdot(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_half *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_half *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_half *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_bfdot(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_bfloat16 *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_bfloat16 *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_bfloat16 *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cdotu(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_float_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdotu(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_double_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cdotc(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_float_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdotc(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_double_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ddot_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const double *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count, double *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_hdot_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_half *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_half *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_half *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_bfdot_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_bfloat16 *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_bfloat16 *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_bfloat16 *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cdotu_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_float_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_float_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdotu_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_double_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_double_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cdotc_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_float_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_float_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdotc_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_double_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_double_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ddot_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const double *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count, double *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_hdot_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_half *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const rocblas_half *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_half *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_bfdot_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_bfloat16 *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const rocblas_bfloat16 *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_bfloat16 *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cdotu_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_float_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdotu_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_double_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cdotc_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_float_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdotc_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_double_complex *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dswap(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *x, rocblas_int incx, double *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cswap(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zswap(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dswap_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *x[], rocblas_int incx, double *y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cswap_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zswap_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dswap_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, double *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cswap_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zswap_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_daxpy(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, double *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_haxpy(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_half *alpha, const rocblas_half *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_half *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_caxpy(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zaxpy(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_saxpy_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const float *alpha, const float *const x[], rocblas_int incx, float *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_daxpy_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, double *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_caxpy_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zaxpy_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_saxpy_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const float *alpha, const float *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, float *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_daxpy_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, double *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_caxpy_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zaxpy_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dasum(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, double *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_scasum(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, float *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dzasum(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, double *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dasum_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, double *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_scasum_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, float *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dzasum_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, double *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dasum_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, double *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_scasum_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, float *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dzasum_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, double *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dnrm2(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, double *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_scnrm2(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, float *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dznrm2(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, double *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dnrm2_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, double *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_scnrm2_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, float *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dznrm2_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, double *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dnrm2_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, double *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_scnrm2_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, float *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dznrm2_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, double *results) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_idamax(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_icamax(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_izamax(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_idamax_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_icamax_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_izamax_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_idamax_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_icamax_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_izamax_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_idamin(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_icamin(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_izamin(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_idamin_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_icamin_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_izamin_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_idamin_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_icamin_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_izamin_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count, rocblas_int *result) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drot(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *x, rocblas_int incx, double *y, rocblas_int incy, const double *c, const double *s) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_crot(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, const float *c, const rocblas_float_complex *s) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_csrot(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, const float *c, const float *s) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zrot(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, const double *c, const rocblas_double_complex *s) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdrot(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, const double *c, const double *s) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drot_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, double *const y[], rocblas_int incy, const double *c, const double *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_crot_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, const float *c, const rocblas_float_complex *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_csrot_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_float_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, const float *c, const float *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zrot_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, const double *c, const rocblas_double_complex *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdrot_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_double_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, const double *c, const double *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drot_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, double *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stride_y, const double *c, const double *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_crot_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stride_y, const float *c, const rocblas_float_complex *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_csrot_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stride_y, const float *c, const float *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zrot_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stride_y, const double *c, const rocblas_double_complex *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zdrot_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stride_y, const double *c, const double *s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotg(rocblas_handle handle, double *a, double *b, double *c, double *s) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_crotg(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_float_complex *a, rocblas_float_complex *b, float *c, rocblas_float_complex *s) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zrotg(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_double_complex *a, rocblas_double_complex *b, double *c, rocblas_double_complex *s) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotg_batched(rocblas_handle handle, double *const a[], double *const b[], double *const c[], double *const s[], rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_crotg_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_float_complex *const a[], rocblas_float_complex *const b[], float *const c[], rocblas_float_complex *const s[], rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zrotg_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_double_complex *const a[], rocblas_double_complex *const b[], double *const c[], rocblas_double_complex *const s[], rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotg_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, double *a, rocblas_stride stride_a, double *b, rocblas_stride stride_b, double *c, rocblas_stride stride_c, double *s, rocblas_stride stride_s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_crotg_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_float_complex *a, rocblas_stride stride_a, rocblas_float_complex *b, rocblas_stride stride_b, float *c, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_float_complex *s, rocblas_stride stride_s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zrotg_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_double_complex *a, rocblas_stride stride_a, rocblas_double_complex *b, rocblas_stride stride_b, double *c, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_double_complex *s, rocblas_stride stride_s, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotm(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *x, rocblas_int incx, double *y, rocblas_int incy, const double *param) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotm_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, double *const y[], rocblas_int incy, const double *const param[], rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotm_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int n, double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, double *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stride_y, const double *param, rocblas_stride stride_param, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotmg(rocblas_handle handle, double *d1, double *d2, double *x1, const double *y1, double *param) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotmg_batched(rocblas_handle handle, double *const d1[], double *const d2[], double *const x1[], const double *const y1[], double *const param[], rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_drotmg_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, double *d1, rocblas_stride stride_d1, double *d2, rocblas_stride stride_d2, double *x1, rocblas_stride stride_x1, const double *y1, rocblas_stride stride_y1, double *param, rocblas_stride stride_param, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dgemv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, const double *beta, double *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cgemv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_float_complex *beta, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zgemv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zhemv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zhemv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *const A[], rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zhemv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_A, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stride_y, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dgemv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *const A[], rocblas_int lda, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const double *beta, double *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cgemv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *const A[], rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_float_complex *beta, rocblas_float_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zgemv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *const A[], rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *const y[], rocblas_int incy, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dgemv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride strideA, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const double *beta, double *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cgemv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride strideA, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const rocblas_float_complex *beta, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zgemv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride strideA, const rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrmv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, double *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ctrmv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ztrmv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrmv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const double *const *A, rocblas_int lda, double *const *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ctrmv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const rocblas_float_complex *const *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_float_complex *const *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ztrmv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const rocblas_double_complex *const *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_double_complex *const *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stridea, double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ctrmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stridea, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ztrmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stridea, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtbmv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, double *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ctbmv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ztbmv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtbmv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const double *const A[], rocblas_int lda, double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ctbmv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_float_complex *const A[], rocblas_int da, rocblas_float_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ztbmv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_double_complex *const A[], rocblas_int lda, rocblas_double_complex *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtbmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_A, double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ctbmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_A, rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_ztbmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation trans, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_A, rocblas_double_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrsv(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, double *x, rocblas_int incx) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrsv_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const double *const A[], rocblas_int lda, double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrsv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_A, double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dger(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, const double *y, rocblas_int incy, double *A, rocblas_int lda) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dger_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, const double *const y[], rocblas_int incy, double *const A[], rocblas_int lda, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dger_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, const double *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stridey, double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride strideA, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dsyr(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, double *A, rocblas_int lda) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dsyr_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *const x[], rocblas_int incx, double *const A[], rocblas_int lda, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dsyr_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride strideA, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrmm(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_side side, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, double *B, rocblas_int ldb) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrtri(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int n, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, double *invA, rocblas_int ldinvA) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrtri_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int n, const double *const A[], rocblas_int lda, double *invA[], rocblas_int ldinvA, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrtri_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int n, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, double *invA, rocblas_int ldinvA, rocblas_stride stride_invA, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrsm(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_side side, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, double *B, rocblas_int ldb) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrsm_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_side side, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *const A[], rocblas_int lda, double *B[], rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dtrsm_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_side side, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, double *B, rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_stride stride_b, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dgemm(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, const double *B, rocblas_int ldb, const double *beta, double *C, rocblas_int ldc) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_hgemm(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_half *alpha, const rocblas_half *A, rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_half *B, rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_half *beta, rocblas_half *C, rocblas_int ldc) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cgemm(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_float_complex *B, rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_float_complex *beta, rocblas_float_complex *C, rocblas_int ldc) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zgemm(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_double_complex *B, rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *C, rocblas_int ldc) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dgemm_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const double *alpha, const double *const A[], rocblas_int lda, const double *const B[], rocblas_int ldb, const double *beta, double *const C[], rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_hgemm_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_half *alpha, const rocblas_half *const A[], rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_half *const B[], rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_half *beta, rocblas_half *const C[], rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cgemm_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *const A[], rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_float_complex *const B[], rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_float_complex *beta, rocblas_float_complex *const C[], rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zgemm_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transa, rocblas_operation transb, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *const A[], rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_double_complex *const B[], rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *const C[], rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dgemm_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, const double *B, rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_stride stride_b, const double *beta, double *C, rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_hgemm_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_half *alpha, const rocblas_half *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, const rocblas_half *B, rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_stride stride_b, const rocblas_half *beta, rocblas_half *C, rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_hgemm_kernel_name(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_half *alpha, const rocblas_half *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, const rocblas_half *B, rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_stride stride_b, const rocblas_half *beta, rocblas_half *C, rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_sgemm_kernel_name(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const float *alpha, const float *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, const float *B, rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_stride stride_b, const float *beta, float *C, rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dgemm_kernel_name(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, const double *B, rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_stride stride_b, const double *beta, double *C, rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_cgemm_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transa, rocblas_operation transb, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, const rocblas_float_complex *B, rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_stride stride_b, const rocblas_float_complex *beta, rocblas_float_complex *C, rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_zgemm_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transa, rocblas_operation transb, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, rocblas_int k, const rocblas_double_complex *alpha, const rocblas_double_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_a, const rocblas_double_complex *B, rocblas_int ldb, rocblas_stride stride_b, const rocblas_double_complex *beta, rocblas_double_complex *C, rocblas_int ldc, rocblas_stride stride_c, rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_dgeam(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_operation transB, rocblas_int m, rocblas_int n, const double *alpha, const double *A, rocblas_int lda, const double *beta, const double *B, rocblas_int ldb, double *C, rocblas_int ldc) (function) of file rocblas-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT__ (macro definition) of file rocblas-types.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipStream_t (typedef) of file rocblas-types.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_stride (typedef) of file rocblas-types.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_float (typedef) of file rocblas-types.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocblas_double (typedef) of file rocblas-types.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data (variable) of class rocblas_half is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of rocblas_set_vector_async(rocblas_int n, rocblas_int elem_size, const void *x, rocblas_int incx, void *y, rocblas_int incy, hipStream_t stream) are not documented: parameter 'elem_size' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of rocblas_get_vector_async(rocblas_int n, rocblas_int elem_size, const void *x, rocblas_int incx, void *y, rocblas_int incy, hipStream_t stream) are not documented: parameter 'elem_size' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of rocblas_chemv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_int n, const rocblas_float_complex *alpha, const rocblas_float_complex *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stride_A, const rocblas_float_complex *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stride_x, const rocblas_float_complex *beta, rocblas_float_complex *y, rocblas_int incy, rocblas_stride stride_y, rocblas_int batch_count) are not documented: parameter 'stride_A' parameter 'stride_x' parameter 'stride_y' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stride_a' of command @param is not found in the argument list of rocblas_strmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const float *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stridea, float *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'stride_x' of command @param is not found in the argument list of rocblas_strmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const float *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stridea, float *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of rocblas_strmv_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, rocblas_fill uplo, rocblas_operation transA, rocblas_diagonal diag, rocblas_int m, const float *A, rocblas_int lda, rocblas_stride stridea, float *x, rocblas_int incx, rocblas_stride stridex, rocblas_int batch_count) are not documented: parameter 'stridea' parameter 'stridex' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Found unknown command `\parm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Found unknown command `\parm' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of open_log_stream(const char *environment_variable_name, std::ostream *&log_os, std::ofstream &log_ofs) are not documented: parameter 'log_os' parameter 'log_ofs' ted Computing member relations... Building full member lists recursively... Adding members to member groups. Distributing member group documentation. Computing member references... Inheriting documentation... Generating disk names... Adding source references... Adding xrefitems... Sorting member lists... Computing dependencies between directories... Generating citations page... Counting data structures... Resolving user defined references... Finding anchors and sections in the documentation... Transferring function references... Combining using relations... Adding members to index pages... Generating style sheet... Generating search indices... Generating example documentation... Generating file sources... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocBLAS/src/rocblas-auxiliary.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocBLAS/src/rocblas-functions.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocBLAS/src/rocblas-types.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocBLAS/src/rocblas.h... Generating file documentation... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocBLAS/src/rocblas-auxiliary.h... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocBLAS/src/rocblas-functions.h... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocBLAS/src/rocblas-types.h... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocBLAS/src/rocblas.h... Generating page documentation... Generating group documentation... Generating class documentation... Generating docs for compound rocblas_half... Generating namespace index... Generating graph info page... Generating directory documentation... finalizing index lists... writing tag file... Generating XML output... Generating XML output for class rocblas_half Generating XML output for namespace rocblas Generating XML output for file rocblas-auxiliary.h Generating XML output for file rocblas-functions.h Generating XML output for file rocblas-types.h Generating XML output for file rocblas.h Generating XML output for file buildinfo.cpp Generating XML output for file handle.cpp Generating XML output for file rocblas_auxiliary.cpp Generating XML output for file status.cpp Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ lookup cache used 367/65536 hits=14972 misses=367 finished... Searching for include files... Searching for example files... Searching for images... Searching for dot files... Searching for msc files... Searching for dia files... Searching for files to exclude Searching INPUT for files to process... Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Reading and parsing tag files Parsing files Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ 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Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. error: bib file source/references.bib not found! ries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_saddlepoint.cpp... Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Building group list... Building directory list... Building namespace list... Building file list... Building class list... Associating documentation with classes... Computing nesting relations for classes... Building example list... Searching for enumerations... Searching for documented typedefs... Searching for members imported via using declarations... Searching for included using directives... Searching for documented variables... Building interface member list... Building member list... Searching for friends... Searching for documented defines... Computing class inheritance relations... Computing class usage relations... Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid... Computing class relations... Add enum values to enums... Searching for member function documentation... Creating members for template instances... Building page list... Search for main page... Computing page relations... Determining the scope of groups... Sorting lists... Freeing entry tree Determining which enums are documented Computing member relations... Building full member lists recursively... Adding members to member groups. Distributing member group documentation. Computing member references... Inheriting documentation... Generating disk names... Adding source references... Adding xrefitems... Sorting member lists... Computing dependencies between directories... Generating citations page... Counting data structures... Resolving user defined references... Finding anchors and sections in the documentation... Transferring function references... Combining using relations... Adding members to index pages... Generating style sheet... Generating search indices... Generating example documentation... Generating file sources... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/backend_manager.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/base_rocalution.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/global_matrix.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/global_vector.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/local_matrix.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/local_stencil.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/local_vector.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/operator.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/parallel_manager.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/base/vector.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/chebyshev.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/direct/inversion.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/direct/lu.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/direct/qr.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/iter_ctrl.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/bicgstab.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/bicgstabl.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/cg.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/cr.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/fcg.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/f/home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'Trottenberg2003' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'Trottenberg2003' does not have an associated number gmres.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/gmres.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/idr.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/krylov/qmrcgstab.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/mixed_precision.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/multigrid/base_amg.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/multigrid/base_multigrid.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/multigrid/global_pairwise_amg.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/multigrid/multigrid.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/multigrid/pairwise_amg.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/multigrid/ruge_stueben_amg.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/multigrid/smoothed_amg.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/multigrid/unsmoothed_amg.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_ai.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_as.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_blockjacobi.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_blockprecond.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_multicolored.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_multicolored_gs.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_multicolored_ilu.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_multielimination.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/preconditioners/preconditioner_saddlepoint.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/solvers/solver.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/utils/allocate_free.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocALUTION/src/utils/time_functions.hpp... Generating file documentation... Generating page documentation... Generating docs for page citelist... Generating group documentation... Generating class documentation... Generating namespace index... Generating docs for compound rocalution::AcceleratorMatrix... Generating docs for compound rocalution::AcceleratorStencil... Generating docs for compound rocalution::AcceleratorVector... Generating docs for compound rocalution::AIChebyshev... Generating docs for compound rocalution::AS... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BaseAMG... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BaseMatrix... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BaseMultiGrid... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BaseRocalution... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BaseStencil... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BaseVector... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BiCGStab... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BiCGStabl... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BlockJacobi... Generating docs for compound rocalution::BlockPreconditioner... Generating docs for compound rocalution::CG... Generating docs for compound rocalution::Chebyshev... Generating docs for compound rocalution::CR... Generating docs for compound rocalution::DiagJacobiSaddlePointPrecond... Generating docs for compound rocalution::DirectLinearSolver... Generating docs for compound rocalution::FCG... Generating docs for compound rocalution::FGMRES... Generating docs for compound rocalution::FixedPoint... Generating docs for compound rocalution::FSAI... Generating docs for compound rocalution::GlobalMatrix... Generating docs for compound rocalution/home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member init (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member backend (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member accelerator (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member disable_accelerator (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OpenMP_threads (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OpenMP_def_threads (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OpenMP_def_nested (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OpenMP_affinity (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OpenMP_threshold (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROC_blas_handle (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ROC_sparse_handle (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HIP_dev (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HIP_warp (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HIP_block_size (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HIP_max_threads (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HIP_num_procs (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HIP_threads_per_proc (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rank (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member log_mode (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member log_file (variable) of class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'chebpoly' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'RAS' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'Trottenberg2003' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'SAAD' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'bicgstabl' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'SAAD' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'templates' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'SAAD' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'fcg' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'SAAD' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'kolotilina' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'pairwiseamg' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'SAAD' does not have an associated number ::GlobalPairwiseAMG... Generating docs for compound rocalution::GlobalVector... Generating docs for compound rocalution::GMRES... Generating docs for compound rocalution::GS... Generating docs for compound rocalution::HostMatrix... Generating docs for compound rocalution::HostStencil... Generating docs for compound rocalution::HostVector... Generating docs for compound rocalution::IC... Generating docs for compound rocalution::IDR... Generating docs for compound rocalution::ILU... Generating docs for compound rocalution::ILUT... Generating docs for compound rocalution::Inversion... Generating docs for compound rocalution::IterativeLinearSolver... Generating docs for compound rocalution::Jacobi... Generating docs for compound rocalution::LocalMatrix... Generating docs for compound rocalution::LocalStencil... Generating docs for compound rocalution::LocalVector... Generating docs for compound rocalution::LU... Generating docs for compound rocalution::MixedPrecisionDC... Generating docs for compound rocalution::MultiColored... Generating docs for compound rocalution::MultiColoredGS... Generating docs for compound rocalution::MultiColoredILU... Generating docs for compound rocalution::MultiColoredSGS... Generating docs for compound rocalution::MultiElimination... Generating docs for compound rocalution::MultiGrid... Generating docs for compound rocalution::Operator... Generating docs for compound rocalution::PairwiseAMG... Generating docs for compound rocalution::ParallelManager... Generating docs for compound rocalution::Preconditioner... Generating docs for compound rocalution::QMRCGStab... Generating docs for compound rocalution::QR... Generating docs for compound rocalution::RAS... Generating docs for compound rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor... Generating docs for compound rocalution::RugeStuebenAMG... Generating docs for compound rocalution::SAAMG... Generating docs for compound rocalution::SGS... Generating docs for compound rocalution::Solver... Generating docs for compound rocalution::SPAI... Generating docs for compound rocalution::TNS... Generating docs for compound rocalution::UAAMG... Generating docs for compound rocalution::VariablePreconditioner... Generating docs for compound rocalution::Vector... Generating graph info page... Generating directory documentation... finalizing index lists... writing tag file... Generating XML output... Generating XML output for class rocalution::AcceleratorMatrix Generating XML output for class rocalution::AcceleratorStencil Generating XML output for class rocalution::AcceleratorVector Generating XML output for class rocalution::AIChebyshev Generating XML output for class rocalution::AS Generating XML output for class rocalution::BaseAMG Generating XML output for class rocalution::BaseMatrix Generating XML output for class rocalution::BaseMultiGrid Generating XML output for class rocalution::BaseRocalution Generating XML output for class rocalution::BaseStencil Generating XML output for class rocalution::BaseVector Generating XML output for class rocalution::BiCGStab Generating XML output for class rocalution::BiCGStabl Generating XML output for class rocalution::BlockJacobi Generating XML output for class rocalution::BlockPreconditioner Generating XML output for class rocalution::CG Generating XML output for class rocalution::Chebyshev Generating XML output for class rocalution::CR Generating XML output for class rocalution::DiagJacobiSaddlePointPrecond Generating XML output for class rocalution::DirectLinearSolver Generating XML output for class rocalution::FCG Generating XML output for class rocalution::FGMRES Generating XML output for class rocalution::FixedPoint Generating XML output for class rocalution::FSAI Generating XML output for class rocalution::GlobalMatrix Generating XML output for class rocalution::GlobalPairwiseAMG Generating XML output for class rocalution::GlobalVector Generating XML output for class rocalution::GMRES Generating XML output for class rocalution::GS Generating XML output for class rocalution::HostMatrix Generating XML output for class /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'IDR1' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'IDR2' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'SAAD' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'SAAD' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'Lukarski2012' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'SAAD' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'Trottenberg2003' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'pairwiseamg' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'qmrcgstab' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'RAS' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'stuben' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'vanek' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'grote' does not have an associated number /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: \cite command to 'stuben' does not have an associated number rocalution::HostStencil Generating XML output for class rocalution::HostVector Generating XML output for class rocalution::IC Generating XML output for class rocalution::IDR Generating XML output for class rocalution::ILU Generating XML output for class rocalution::ILUT Generating XML output for class rocalution::Inversion Generating XML output for class rocalution::IterationControl Generating XML output for class rocalution::IterativeLinearSolver Generating XML output for class rocalution::Jacobi Generating XML output for class rocalution::LocalMatrix Generating XML output for class rocalution::LocalStencil Generating XML output for class rocalution::LocalVector Generating XML output for class rocalution::LU Generating XML output for class rocalution::MixedPrecisionDC Generating XML output for class rocalution::MultiColored Generating XML output for class rocalution::MultiColoredGS Generating XML output for class rocalution::MultiColoredILU Generating XML output for class rocalution::MultiColoredSGS Generating XML output for class rocalution::MultiElimination Generating XML output for class rocalution::MultiGrid Generating XML output for class rocalution::Operator Generating XML output for class rocalution::PairwiseAMG Generating XML output for class rocalution::ParallelManager Generating XML output for class rocalution::Preconditioner Generating XML output for class rocalution::QMRCGStab Generating XML output for class rocalution::QR Generating XML output for class rocalution::RAS Generating XML output for class rocalution::Rocalution_Backend_Descriptor Generating XML output for class rocalution::Rocalution_Object_Data Generating XML output for class rocalution::RocalutionObj Generating XML output for class rocalution::RugeStuebenAMG Generating XML output for class rocalution::SAAMG Generating XML output for class rocalution::SGS Generating XML output for class rocalution::Solver Generating XML output for class rocalution::SPAI Generating XML output for class rocalution::TNS Generating XML output for class rocalution::UAAMG Generating XML output for class rocalution::VariablePreconditioner Generating XML output for class rocalution::Vector Generating XML output for namespace rocalution Generating XML output for file backend_manager.hpp Generating XML output for file base_rocalution.hpp Generating XML output for file global_matrix.hpp Generating XML output for file global_vector.hpp Generating XML output for file local_matrix.hpp Generating XML output for file local_stencil.hpp Generating XML output for file local_vector.hpp Generating XML output for file operator.hpp Generating XML output for file parallel_manager.hpp Generating XML output for file vector.hpp Generating XML output for file modules.dox Generating XML output for file chebyshev.cpp Generating XML output for file chebyshev.hpp Generating XML output for file inversion.cpp Generating XML output for file inversion.hpp Generating XML output for file lu.cpp Generating XML output for file lu.hpp Generating XML output for file qr.cpp Generating XML output for file qr.hpp Generating XML output for file iter_ctrl.cpp Generating XML output for file iter_ctrl.hpp Generating XML output for file bicgstab.cpp Generating XML output for file bicgstab.hpp Generating XML output for file bicgstabl.cpp Generating XML output for file bicgstabl.hpp Generating XML output for file cg.cpp Generating XML output for file cg.hpp Generating XML output for file cr.cpp Generating XML output for file cr.hpp Generating XML output for file fcg.cpp Generating XML output for file fcg.hpp Generating XML output for file fgmres.cpp Generating XML output for file fgmres.hpp Generating XML output for file gmres.cpp Generating XML output for file gmres.hpp Generating XML output for file idr.cpp Generating XML output for file idr.hpp Generating XML output for file qmrcgstab.cpp Generating XML output for file qmrcgstab.hpp Generating XML output for file mixed_precision.cpp Generating XML output for file mixed_precision.hpp Generating XML output for file base_amg.cpp Generating XML output for file bacitelist:3: warning: expected
tag but found
instead! citelist:4: warning: unexpected end of comment while looking for a html description title se_amg.hpp Generating XML output for file base_multigrid.cpp Generating XML output for file base_multigrid.hpp Generating XML output for file global_pairwise_amg.cpp Generating XML output for file global_pairwise_amg.hpp Generating XML output for file multigrid.cpp Generating XML output for file multigrid.hpp Generating XML output for file pairwise_amg.cpp Generating XML output for file pairwise_amg.hpp Generating XML output for file ruge_stueben_amg.cpp Generating XML output for file ruge_stueben_amg.hpp Generating XML output for file smoothed_amg.cpp Generating XML output for file smoothed_amg.hpp Generating XML output for file unsmoothed_amg.cpp Generating XML output for file unsmoothed_amg.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_ai.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_ai.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_as.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_as.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_blockjacobi.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_blockjacobi.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_blockprecond.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_blockprecond.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_multicolored.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_multicolored.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_multicolored_gs.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_multicolored_gs.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_multicolored_ilu.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_multicolored_ilu.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_multielimination.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_multielimination.hpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_saddlepoint.cpp Generating XML output for file preconditioner_saddlepoint.hpp Generating XML output for file solver.cpp Generating XML output for file solver.hpp Generating XML output for file allocate_free.hpp Generating XML output for file time_functions.hpp Generating XML output for group solver_module Generating XML output for group precond_module Generating XML output for group op_vec_module Generating XML output for group backend_module Generating XML output for page citelist Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ lookup cache used 1390/65536 hits=31427 misses=1534 finished... /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: the name `rocfft.h' supplied as the second argument in the \file statement is not an input file Searching for include files... Searching for example files... Searching for images... Searching for dot files... Searching for msc files... Searching for dia files... Searching for files to exclude Searching INPUT for files to process... Reading and parsing tag files Parsing files Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Building group list... Building directory list... Building namespace list... Building file list... Building class list... Associating documentation with classes... Computing nesting relations for classes... Building example list... Searching for enumerations... Searching for documented typedefs... Searching for members imported via using declarations... Searching for included using directives... Searching for documented variables... Building interface member list... Building member list... Searching for friends... Searching for documented defines... Computing class inheritance relations... Computing class usage relations... Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid... Computing class relations... Add enum values to enums... Searching for member function documentation... Creating members for template instances... Building page list... Search for main page... Computing page relations... Determining the scope of groups... Sorting lists... Freeing entry tree Determining which enums are documented Computing member relations... Building full member lists recursively... Adding members to member groups. Distributing member group documentation. Computing member references... Inheriting documentation... Generating disk names... Adding source references... Adding xrefitems... Sorting member lists... Computing dependencies between directories... Generating citations page... Counting data structures... Resolving user defined references... Finding anchors and sections in the documentation... Transferring function references... Combining using relations... Adding members to index pages... Generating style sheet... Generating search indices... Generating example documentation... Generating file sources... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocFFT/src/rocfft_sed.h... Generating file documentation... Generating page documentation... Generating group documentation... Generating class documentation... Generating namespace index... Generating graph info page... Generating directory documentation... finalizing index lists... writing tag file... Generating XML output... Generating XML output for file rocfft_sed.h Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ lookup cache used 48/65536 hits=298 misses=48 finished... sed: can't read rocsparse-functions_sed.h: No such file or directory sed: can't read rocsparse-auxiliary_sed.h: No such file or directory Searching for include files... Searching for example files... Searching for images... Searching for dot files... Searching for msc files... Searching for dia files... Searching for files to exclude Searching INPUT for files to process... Reading and parsing tag files Parsing files Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Building group list... Building directory list... Building namespace list... Building file list... Building class list... Associating documentation with classes... Computing nesting relations for classes... Building example list... Searching for enumerations... Searching for documented typedefs... Searching for members imported via using declarations... Searching for included using directives... Searching for documented variables... Building interface member list... Building member list... Searching for friends... Searching for documented defines... Computing class inheritance relations... Computing class usage relations... Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid... Computing class relations... Add enum values to enums... Searching for member function documentation... Creating members for template instances... Building page list... Search for main page... Computing page relations... Determining the scope of groups... Sorting lists... Freeing entry tree Determining which enums are documented Computing member relations... Building full member lists recursively... Adding members to member groups. Distributing member group documentation. Computing member references... Inheriting documentation... Generating disk names... Adding source references... Adding xrefitems... Sorting member lists... Computing dependencies between directories... Generating citations page... Counting data structures... Resolving user defined references... Finding anchors and sections in the documentation... Transferring function references... Combining using relations... Adding members to index pages... Generating style sheet... Generating search indices... Generating example documentation... Generating file sources... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/rocsparse-auxiliary_sed.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/rocsparse-functions_sed.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/rocsparse-types.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/rocsparse.h... Generating file documentation... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/modules.dox... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/rocsparse-auxiliary_sed.h.../home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipStream_t (typedef) of file rocsparse-types.h is not documented. Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/rocsparse-functions_sed.h... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/rocsparse-types.h... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSPARSE/src/rocsparse.h... Generating page documentation... Generating group documentation... Generating class documentation... Generating namespace index... Generating graph info page... Generating directory documentation... finalizing index lists... writing tag file... Generating XML output... Generating XML output for file modules.dox Generating XML output for file rocsparse-auxiliary_sed.h Generating XML output for file rocsparse-functions_sed.h Generating XML output for file rocsparse-types.h Generating XML output for file rocsparse.h Generating XML output for group aux_module Generating XML output for group types_module Generating XML output for group level1_module Generating XML output for group level2_module Generating XML output for group level3_module Generating XML output for group extra_module Generating XML output for group precond_module Generating XML output for group conv_module Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ lookup cache used 192/65536 hits=12235 misses=192 finished... /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dlaswp(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int k1, const rocsolver_int k2, const rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int incx) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_claswp(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_float_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int k1, const rocsolver_int k2, const rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int incx) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zlaswp(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_double_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int k1, const rocsolver_int k2, const rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int incx) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dlarfg(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int n, double *alpha, double *x, const rocsolver_int incx, double *tau) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dlarft(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_direct direct, const rocsolver_storev storev, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *V, const rocsolver_int ldv, double *tau, double *T, const rocsolver_int ldt) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dlarf(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_side side, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *x, const rocsolver_int incx, const double *alpha, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dlarfb(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_side side, const rocsolver_operation trans, const rocsolver_direct direct, const rocsolver_storev storev, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *V, const rocsolver_int ldv, double *T, const rocsolver_int ldt, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dorg2r(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dorgqr(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dorgl2(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dorglq(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dorgbr(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_storev storev, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dorm2r(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_side side, const rocsolver_operation trans, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv, double *C, const rocsolver_int ldc) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dormqr(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_side side, const rocsolver_operation trans, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv, double *C, const rocsolver_int ldc) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetf2(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, rocsolver_int *info) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetf2(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_float_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, rocsolver_int *info) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetf2(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_double_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, rocsolver_int *info) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetf2_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetf2_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_float_complex *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetf2_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_double_complex *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetf2_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetf2_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_float_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetf2_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_double_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetrf(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, rocsolver_int *info) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetrf(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_float_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, rocsolver_int *info) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetrf(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_double_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, rocsolver_int *info) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetrf_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetrf_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_float_complex *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetrf_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_double_complex *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetrf_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetrf_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_float_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetrf_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, rocblas_double_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, rocsolver_int *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, rocsolver_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgeqr2(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgeqr2_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgeqr2_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, double *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgelq2(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgelq2_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgelq2_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, double *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgeqrf(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgeqrf_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgeqrf_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, double *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgelqf(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgelqf_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, double *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgelqf_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, double *ipiv, const rocsolver_int strideP, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetrs(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_operation trans, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int nrhs, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int *ipiv, double *B, const rocsolver_int ldb) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetrs(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_operation trans, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int nrhs, rocblas_float_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int *ipiv, rocblas_float_complex *B, const rocsolver_int ldb) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetrs(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_operation trans, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int nrhs, rocblas_double_complex *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int *ipiv, rocblas_double_complex *B, const rocsolver_int ldb) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetrs_batched(rocblas_handle handle, const rocblas_operation trans, const rocblas_int n, const rocblas_int nrhs, double *const A[], const rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_int *ipiv, const rocblas_int strideP, double *const B[], const rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetrs_batched(rocblas_handle handle, const rocblas_operation trans, const rocblas_int n, const rocblas_int nrhs, rocblas_float_complex *const A[], const rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_int *ipiv, const rocblas_int strideP, rocblas_float_complex *const B[], const rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetrs_batched(rocblas_handle handle, const rocblas_operation trans, const rocblas_int n, const rocblas_int nrhs, rocblas_double_complex *const A[], const rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_int *ipiv, const rocblas_int strideP, rocblas_double_complex *const B[], const rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dgetrs_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, const rocblas_operation trans, const rocblas_int n, const rocblas_int nrhs, double *A, const rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_int strideA, const rocblas_int *ipiv, const rocblas_int strideP, double *B, const rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_int strideB, const rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_cgetrs_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, const rocblas_operation trans, const rocblas_int n, const rocblas_int nrhs, rocblas_float_complex *A, const rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_int strideA, const rocblas_int *ipiv, const rocblas_int strideP, rocblas_float_complex *B, const rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_int strideB, const rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_zgetrs_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, const rocblas_operation trans, const rocblas_int n, const rocblas_int nrhs, rocblas_double_complex *A, const rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_int strideA, const rocblas_int *ipiv, const rocblas_int strideP, rocblas_double_complex *B, const rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_int strideB, const rocblas_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dpotf2(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_fill uplo, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, rocblas_int *info) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dpotf2_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_fill uplo, const rocsolver_int n, double *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, rocblas_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dpotf2_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_fill uplo, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, rocblas_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dpotrf(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_fill uplo, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, rocblas_int *info) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dpotrf_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_fill uplo, const rocsolver_int n, double *const A[], const rocsolver_int lda, rocblas_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_dpotrf_strided_batched(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_fill uplo, const rocsolver_int n, double *A, const rocsolver_int lda, const rocsolver_int strideA, rocblas_int *info, const rocsolver_int batch_count) (function) of file rocsolver-functions.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_float_complex (typedef) of file rocsolver-types.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_double_complex (typedef) of file rocsolver-types.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_half (typedef) of file rocsolver-types.h is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member rocsolver_layer_mode (typedef) of file rocsolver-types.h is not documented. Searching for include files... Searching for example files... Searching for images... Searching for dot files... Searching for msc files... Searching for dia files... Searching for files to exclude Searching INPUT for files to process... Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Reading and parsing tag files Parsing files Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Building group list... Building directory list... Building namespace list... Building file list... Building class list... Associating documentation with classes... Computing nesting relations for classes... Building example list... Searching for enumerations... Searching for documented typedefs... Searching for members imported via using declarations... Searching for included using directives... Searching for documented variables... Building interface member list... Building member list... Searching for friends... Searching for documented defines... Computing class inheritance relations... Computing class usage relations... Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid... Computing class relations... Add enum values to enums... Searching for member function documentation... Creating members for template instances... Building page list... Search for main page... Computing page relations... Determining the scope of groups... Sorting lists... Freeing entry tree Determining which enums are documented Computing member relations... Building full member lists recursively... Adding members to member groups. Distributing member group documentation. Computing member references... Inheriting documentation... Generating disk names... Adding source references... Adding xrefitems... Sorting member lists... Computing dependencies between directories... Generating citations page... Counting data structures... Resolving user defined references... Finding anchors and sections in the documentation... Transferring function references... Combining using relations... Adding members to index pages... Generating style sheet... Generating search indices... Generating example documentation... Generating file sources... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/src/rocsolver-auxiliary.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/src/rocsolver-functions.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/src/rocsolver-types.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/src/rocsolver.h... Generating file documentation... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/src/rocsolver-auxiliary.h... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/src/rocsolver-functions.h... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/src/rocsolver-types.h... Generating docs for file ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/src/rocsolver.h... Generating page docu/home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of rocsolver_sorm2r(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_side side, const rocsolver_operation trans, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, float *A, const rocsolver_int lda, float *ipiv, float *C, const rocsolver_int ldc) are not documented: parameter 'ldc' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of rocsolver_sormqr(rocsolver_handle handle, const rocsolver_side side, const rocsolver_operation trans, const rocsolver_int m, const rocsolver_int n, const rocsolver_int k, float *A, const rocsolver_int lda, float *ipiv, float *C, const rocsolver_int ldc) are not documented: parameter 'ldc' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of rocsolver_sgetrs_batched(rocblas_handle handle, const rocblas_operation trans, const rocblas_int n, const rocblas_int nrhs, float *const A[], const rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_int *ipiv, const rocblas_int strideP, float *const B[], const rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_int batch_count) are not documented: parameter 'strideP' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of rocsolver_sgetrs_strided_batched(rocblas_handle handle, const rocblas_operation trans, const rocblas_int n, const rocblas_int nrhs, float *A, const rocblas_int lda, const rocblas_int strideA, const rocblas_int *ipiv, const rocblas_int strideP, float *B, const rocblas_int ldb, const rocblas_int strideB, const rocblas_int batch_count) are not documented: parameter 'strideP' mentation... Generating group documentation... Generating class documentation... Generating namespace index... Generating graph info page... Generating directory documentation... finalizing index lists... writing tag file... Generating XML output... Generating XML output for file rocsolver-auxiliary.h Generating XML output for file rocsolver-functions.h Generating XML output for file rocsolver-types.h Generating XML output for file rocsolver.h Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ lookup cache used 115/65536 hits=4880 misses=115 finished... Searching for include files... Searching for example files... Searching for images... Searching for dot files... Searching for msc files... Searching for dia files... Searching for files to exclude Searching INPUT for files to process... Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Searching for files in directory /home/docs/checkouts/ Reading and parsing tag files Parsing files Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstMemFence is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstBr is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigData is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::HelpPrinter is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_pitched_ptr_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandString is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveComment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstLane is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amdgpu_hsa_note_code_object_version_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_options_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstBasic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandOperandList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandRegister is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::hsa::code_options::control_directive is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveLabel is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveArgBlock is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstQueryImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstQueue is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd_signal_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandConstantOperandList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_event_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandWavesize is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstSegCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveLoc is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::hsa::common::WriterLockGuard is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigSectionHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandConstantSampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstAtomic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstSourceType is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_id_query_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstMem is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::ChoiceOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveFbarrier is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::OptionParser is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::StringFactory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::hsa::code_options::exceptions_mask is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstAddr is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveNone is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_amd_hdp_flush_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd_runtime_loader_debug_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandCodeList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::ValueOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::HelpStreambuf is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::PrefixOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstMod is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandCodeRef is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveControl is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::hsa::code_options::control_directives is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandAlign is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound FinalizerExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectiveExtension is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amdgpu_hsa_note_hsail_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound ApiTableVersion is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_parameter_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigDirectivePragma is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound HsaApiTableContainer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstSeg is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandAddress is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandConstantBytes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstQuerySampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::Option is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_info_data_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigUInt64 is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::options::NoArgOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::hsa::common::ReaderWriterLock is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstSignal is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound HsaApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd::hsa::common::ReaderLockGuard is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound BrigInstCmp is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool Symbol::IsDeclaration' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool Symbol::IsDefinition' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool Symbol::IsAgent' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_symbol_linkage_t Symbol::Linkage' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_variable_allocation_t Symbol::Allocation' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_variable_segment_t Symbol::Segment' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `uint64_t Symbol::Size' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `uint32_t Symbol::Size32' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `uint32_t Symbol::Alignment' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool Symbol::IsConst' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_status_t Symbol::GetInfo' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::string Symbol::GetModuleName' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::string Symbol::GetSymbolName' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_code_symbol_t Symbol::ToHandle' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Symbol * Symbol::FromHandle' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `amd::hsa::code::KernelSymbol::KernelSymbol' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_status_t amd::hsa::code::KernelSymbol::GetInfo' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_status_t amd::hsa::code::VariableSymbol::GetInfo' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AmdHsaCode' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::~AmdHsaCode' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PullElf' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PullElfV1' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::LoadFromFile' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::SaveToFile' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::WriteToBuffer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::InitFromBuffer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::InitAsBuffer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::InitAsHandle' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::InitNew' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: no matching class member found for bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::Freeze() /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_code_object_t amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetHandle' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `const char * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::ElfData' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: no matching file member found for uint64_t amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::ElfSize() Possible candidates: 'uint64_t ElfSize(const void *emi)' at line 1675 of file/home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: no matching class member found for bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::Validate() /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddAmdNote' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddNoteCodeObjectVersion' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetCodeObjectVersion' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetNoteCodeObjectVersion' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddNoteHsail' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetNoteHsail' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddNoteIsa' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetNoteIsa' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetIsa' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddNoteProducer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetNoteProducer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddNoteProducerOptions' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddNoteProducerOptions' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetNoteProducerOptions' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_status_t amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetInfo' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_status_t amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetSymbol' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `hsa_status_t amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::IterateSymbols' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::ImageInitSection' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddImageInitializer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddImageInitializer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::SamplerInitSection' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddSamplerInitializer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddSamplerInitializer' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddInitVarWithAddress' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `uint64_t amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::NextKernelCodeOffset' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddKernelCode' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddEmptySection' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddCodeSection' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddDataSection' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::InitHsaSectionSegment' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::HsaDataSection' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::InitHsaSegment' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddHsaSegments' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Segment * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::HsaSegment' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Symbol * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddExecutableSymbol' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Symbol * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddVariableSymbol' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddSectionSymbols' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Symbol * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::GetSymbolByElfIndex' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Symbol * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::FindSymbol' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddData' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::DebugInfo' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::DebugLine' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::DebugAbbrev' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `Section * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::AddHsaHlDebug' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintToFile' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::Print' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintNotes' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintSegments' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintSections' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintSymbols' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintMachineCode' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintSegment' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintSection' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintRawData' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintRawData' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintRelocationData' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintSymbol' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintMachineCode' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `void amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PrintDisassembly' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `std::string amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::MangleSymbolName' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::ElfImageError' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `AmdHsaCode * amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCodeManager::FromHandle' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCodeManager::Destroy' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `bool amd::hsa::code::AmdHsaCode::PullElfV2' was not declared or defined. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: documented symbol `amd::hsa::code::KernelSymbolV2::KernelSymbolV2' was not declared or defined. ies/rocr/src/inc/hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile.h... Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Preprocessing /home/docs/checkouts/ Parsing file /home/docs/checkouts/ Building group list... Building directory list... Building namespace list... Building file list... Building class list... Associating documentation with classes... Computing nesting relations for classes... Building example list... Searching for enumerations... Searching for documented typedefs... Searching for members imported via using declarations... Searching for included using directives... Searching for documented variables... Building interface member list... Building member list... Searching for friends... Searching for documented defines... Computing class inheritance relations... Computing class usage relations... Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid... Computing class relations... Add enum values to enums... Searching for member function documentation... Creating members for template instances... Building page list... Search for main page... Computing p/home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member enabled_control_directives (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member enable_break_exceptions (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member enable_detect_exceptions (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member max_dynamic_group_size (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member max_flat_grid_size (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member max_flat_workgroup_size (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member required_dim (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved1[3] (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member required_grid_size[3] (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member required_workgroup_size[3] (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved2[60] (variable) of class amd_control_directives_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member amd_kernel_code_version_major (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member amd_kernel_code_version_minor (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member amd_machine_kind (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member amd_machine_version_major (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member amd_machine_version_minor (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member amd_machine_version_stepping (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kernel_code_entry_byte_offset (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kernel_code_prefetch_byte_offset (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kernel_code_prefetch_byte_size (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member max_scratch_backing_memory_byte_size (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member compute_pgm_rsrc1 (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member compute_pgm_rsrc2 (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kernel_code_properties (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member workitem_private_segment_byte_size (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member workgroup_group_segment_byte_size (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member gds_segment_byte_size (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kernarg_segment_byte_size (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member workgroup_fbarrier_count (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member wavefront_sgpr_count (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member workitem_vgpr_count (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved_vgpr_first (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved_vgpr_count (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved_sgpr_first (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved_sgpr_count (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member debug_wavefront_private_segment_offset_sgpr (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member debug_private_segment_buffer_sgpr (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kernarg_segment_alignment (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member group_segment_alignment (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member private_segment_alignment (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member wavefront_size (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member call_convention (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved1[12] (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member runtime_loader_kernel_symbol (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member control_directives (variable) of class amd_kernel_code_s is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved1[4] (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member write_dispatch_id (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member group_segment_aperture_base_hi (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member private_segment_aperture_base_hi (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member max_cu_id (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member max_wave_id (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member max_legacy_doorbell_dispatch_id_plus_1 (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member legacy_doorbell_lock (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved2[9] (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member read_dispatch_id (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member read_dispatch_id_field_base_byte_offset (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member compute_tmpring_size (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member scratch_resource_descriptor[4] (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member scratch_backing_memory_location (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member scratch_backing_memory_byte_size (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member scratch_workitem_byte_size (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member queue_properties (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved3[2] (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member queue_inactive_signal (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved4[14] (variable) of class amd_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elf_raw (variable) of class amd_runtime_loader_debug_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elf_size (variable) of class amd_runtime_loader_debug_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kernel_name (variable) of class amd_runtime_loader_debug_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member owning_segment (variable) of class amd_runtime_loader_debug_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kind (variable) of class amd_signal_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member event_mailbox_ptr (variable) of class amd_signal_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member event_id (variable) of class amd_signal_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved1 (variable) of class amd_signal_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member start_ts (variable) of class amd_signal_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member end_ts (variable) of class amd_signal_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved3[2] (variable) of class amd_signal_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member version (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_coherency_get_type_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_coherency_set_type_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_profiling_set_profiler_enabled_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_profiling_async_copy_enable_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_profiling_get_dispatch_time_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_profiling_get_async_copy_time_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_profiling_convert_tick_to_system_domain_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_signal_async_handler_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_async_function_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_signal_wait_any_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_queue_cu_set_mask_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_pool_get_info_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_agent_iterate_memory_pools_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_pool_allocate_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_pool_free_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_async_copy_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_agent_memory_pool_get_info_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_agents_allow_access_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_pool_can_migrate_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_migrate_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_lock_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_unlock_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_fill_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_interop_map_buffer_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_interop_unmap_buffer_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_image_create_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_pointer_info_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_pointer_info_set_userdata_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_ipc_memory_create_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_ipc_memory_attach_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_ipc_memory_detach_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_signal_create_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_ipc_signal_create_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_ipc_signal_attach_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_register_system_event_handler_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_queue_intercept_create_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_queue_intercept_register_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_queue_set_priority_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_async_copy_rect_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_runtime_queue_create_register_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_amd_memory_lock_to_pool_fn (variable) of class AmdExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kind (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member geometry (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member channel_order (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member channel_type (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved1 (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member width (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member height (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member depth (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member array (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member major_version (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_code_object_version_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member minor_version (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_code_object_version_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsail_major_version (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_hsail_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsail_minor_version (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_hsail_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member profile (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_hsail_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member machine_model (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_hsail_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member default_float_round (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_hsail_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member vendor_name_size (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member architecture_name_size (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member major (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member minor (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member stepping (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member vendor_and_architecture_name[1] (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member producer_options_size (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_options_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member producer_options[1] (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_options_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member producer_name_size (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member producer_major_version (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member producer_minor_version (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member producer_name[1] (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kind (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member coord (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member filter (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addressing (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved1 (variable) of class amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member major_id (variable) of class ApiTableVersion is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member minor_id (variable) of class ApiTableVersion is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member step_id (variable) of class ApiTableVersion is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class ApiTableVersion is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member byteCount (variable) of class BrigBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kind (variable) of class BrigBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member byteCount (variable) of class BrigData is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member bytes[1] (variable) of class BrigData is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveArgBlock is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveComment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class BrigDirectiveComment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveControl is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member control (variable) of class BrigDirectiveControl is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigDirectiveControl is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member operands (variable) of class BrigDirectiveControl is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member outArgCount (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member inArgCount (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member firstInArg (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member firstCodeBlockEntry (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextModuleEntry (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member modifier (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member linkage (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExecutable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExtension is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class BrigDirectiveExtension is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveFbarrier is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class BrigDirectiveFbarrier is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member modifier (variable) of class BrigDirectiveFbarrier is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member linkage (variable) of class BrigDirectiveFbarrier is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigDirectiveFbarrier is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveLabel is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class BrigDirectiveLabel is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveLoc is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member filename (variable) of class BrigDirectiveLoc is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member line (variable) of class BrigDirectiveLoc is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member column (variable) of class BrigDirectiveLoc is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsailMajor (variable) of class BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsailMinor (variable) of class BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member profile (variable) of class BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member machineModel (variable) of class BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member defaultFloatRound (variable) of class BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigDirectiveModule is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveNone is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectivePragma is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member operands (variable) of class BrigDirectivePragma is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member init (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member dim (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member modifier (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member linkage (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member allocation (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigDirectiveVariable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstAddr is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment (variable) of class BrigInstAddr is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigInstAddr is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstAtomic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment (variable) of class BrigInstAtomic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memoryOrder (variable) of class BrigInstAtomic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memoryScope (variable) of class BrigInstAtomic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member atomicOperation (variable) of class BrigInstAtomic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member equivClass (variable) of class BrigInstAtomic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigInstAtomic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member opcode (variable) of class BrigInstBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type (variable) of class BrigInstBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member operands (variable) of class BrigInstBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstBasic is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstBr is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member width (variable) of class BrigInstBr is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigInstBr is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstCmp is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sourceType (variable) of class BrigInstCmp is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member modifier (variable) of class BrigInstCmp is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member compare (variable) of class BrigInstCmp is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pack (variable) of class BrigInstCmp is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigInstCmp is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sourceType (variable) of class BrigInstCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member modifier (variable) of class BrigInstCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member round (variable) of class BrigInstCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member imageType (variable) of class BrigInstImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member coordType (variable) of class BrigInstImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member geometry (variable) of class BrigInstImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member equivClass (variable) of class BrigInstImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigInstImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstLane is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sourceType (variable) of class BrigInstLane is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member width (variable) of class BrigInstLane is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigInstLane is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstMem is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment (variable) of class BrigInstMem is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align (variable) of class BrigInstMem is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member equivClass (variable) of class BrigInstMem is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member width (variable) of class BrigInstMem is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member modifier (variable) of class BrigInstMem is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigInstMem is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstMemFence is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memoryOrder (variable) of class BrigInstMemFence is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member globalSegmentMemoryScope (variable) of class BrigInstMemFence is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member groupSegmentMemoryScope (variable) of class BrigInstMemFence is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member imageSegmentMemoryScope (variable) of class BrigInstMemFence is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstMod is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member modifier (variable) of class BrigInstMod is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member round (variable) of class BrigInstMod is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pack (variable) of class BrigInstMod is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigInstMod is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstQueryImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member imageType (variable) of class BrigInstQueryImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member geometry (variable) of class BrigInstQueryImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member query (variable) of class BrigInstQueryImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstQuerySampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member query (variable) of class BrigInstQuerySampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigInstQuerySampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstQueue is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment (variable) of class BrigInstQueue is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memoryOrder (variable) of class BrigInstQueue is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigInstQueue is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstSeg is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment (variable) of class BrigInstSeg is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigInstSeg is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstSegCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sourceType (variable) of class BrigInstSegCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment (variable) of class BrigInstSegCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member modifier (variable) of class BrigInstSegCvt is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstSignal is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member signalType (variable) of class BrigInstSignal is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memoryOrder (variable) of class BrigInstSignal is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member signalOperation (variable) of class BrigInstSignal is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigInstSourceType is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sourceType (variable) of class BrigInstSourceType is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigInstSourceType is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member identification[8] (variable) of class BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member brigMajor (variable) of class BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member brigMinor (variable) of class BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member byteCount (variable) of class BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hash[64] (variable) of class BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sectionCount (variable) of class BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sectionIndex (variable) of class BrigModuleHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandAddress is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member symbol (variable) of class BrigOperandAddress is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reg (variable) of class BrigOperandAddress is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset (variable) of class BrigOperandAddress is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandAlign is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align (variable) of class BrigOperandAlign is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigOperandAlign is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandCodeList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elements (variable) of class BrigOperandCodeList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandCodeRef is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ref (variable) of class BrigOperandCodeRef is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantBytes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantBytes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantBytes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member bytes (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantBytes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member geometry (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member channelOrder (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member channelType (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member width (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member height (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member depth (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member array (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantOperandList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantOperandList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantOperandList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elements (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantOperandList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantSampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantSampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member coord (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantSampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member filter (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantSampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addressing (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantSampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[3] (variable) of class BrigOperandConstantSampler is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandOperandList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elements (variable) of class BrigOperandOperandList is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandRegister is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member regKind (variable) of class BrigOperandRegister is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member regNum (variable) of class BrigOperandRegister is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandString is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member string (variable) of class BrigOperandString is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class BrigOperandWavesize is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member byteCount (variable) of class BrigSectionHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member headerByteCount (variable) of class BrigSectionHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nameLength (variable) of class BrigSectionHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name[1] (variable) of class BrigSectionHeader is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member lo (variable) of class BrigUInt64 is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hi (variable) of class BrigUInt64 is not documented. age relations... Determining the scope of groups... Sorting lists... Freeing entry tree Determining which enums are documented Computing member relations... Building full member lists recursively... Adding members to member groups. Distributing member group documentation. Computing member references... Inheriting documentation... Generating disk names... Adding source references... Adding xrefitems... Sorting member lists... Computing dependencies between directories... Generating citations page... Counting data structures... Resolving user defined references... Finding anchors and sections in the documentation... Transferring function references... Combining using relations... Adding members to index pages... Generating style sheet... Generating search indices... Generating example documentation... Generating file sources... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/amd_hsa_common.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/amd_hsa_elf.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/amd_hsa_kernel_code.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/amd_hsa_queue.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/amd_hsa_signal.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/Brig.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/hsa.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/hsa_api_trace.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/hsa_ext_amd.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/hsa_ext_finalize.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/hsa_ext_image.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/inc/hsa_ven_amd_loader.h... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/libamdhsacode/amd_hsa_code_util.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/libamdhsacode/amd_hsa_locks.hpp... Generating code for file ROCm_Libraries/rocr/src/libamdhsacode/amd_options.hpp... Generating file documentation... Generating page documentation... Generating docs for page deprecated... Generating group documentation... Generating class documentation... Generating docs for compound amd_control_directives_s... Generating docs for compound amd_kernel_code_s... Generating docs for compound amd_queue_t... Generating docs for compound amd_runtime_loader_debug_info_t... Generating docs for compound amd_signal_t... Generating docs for compound AmdExtTable... Generating docs for compound amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t... Generating docs for compound amdgpu_hsa_note_code_object_version_t... Generating docs for compound amdgpu_hsa_note_hsail_t... Generating docs for compound amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t... Generating docs for compound amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_options_t... Generating docs for compound amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_t... Generating docs for compound amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t... Generating docs for compound ApiTableVersion... Generating docs for compound BrigBase... Generating docs for compound BrigData... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveArgBlock... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveComment... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveControl... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveExecutable... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveExtension... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveFbarrier... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveLabel... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveLoc... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveModule... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveNone... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectivePragma... Generating docs for compound BrigDirectiveVariable... Generating docs for compound BrigInstAddr... Generating docs for compound BrigInstAtomic... Generating docs for compound BrigInstBase... Generating docs for compound BrigInstBasic... Generating docs for compound BrigInstBr... Generating docs for compound BrigInstCmp... Generating docs for compound BrigInstCvt... Generating docs for compound BrigInstImage... Generating docs for compound BrigI/home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member version (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_init_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_shut_down_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_system_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_system_extension_supported_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_system_get_extension_table_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_iterate_agents_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_agent_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_create_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_soft_queue_create_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_destroy_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_inactivate_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_load_read_index_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_load_read_index_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_load_write_index_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_load_write_index_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_store_write_index_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_store_write_index_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_cas_write_index_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_cas_write_index_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_cas_write_index_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_cas_write_index_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_add_write_index_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_add_write_index_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_add_write_index_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_add_write_index_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_store_read_index_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_queue_store_read_index_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_agent_iterate_regions_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_region_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_agent_get_exception_policies_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_agent_extension_supported_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_memory_register_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_memory_deregister_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_memory_allocate_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_memory_free_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_memory_copy_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_memory_assign_agent_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_create_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_destroy_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_load_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_load_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_store_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_store_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_wait_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_wait_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_and_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_and_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_and_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_and_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_or_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_or_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_or_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_or_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_xor_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_xor_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_xor_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_xor_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_exchange_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_exchange_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_exchange_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_exchange_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_add_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_add_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_add_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_add_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_subtract_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_subtract_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_subtract_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_subtract_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_cas_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_cas_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_cas_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_cas_scacq_screl_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_isa_from_name_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_isa_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_isa_compatible_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_serialize_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_deserialize_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_destroy_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_get_symbol_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_symbol_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_iterate_symbols_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_create_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_destroy_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_load_code_object_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_freeze_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_global_variable_define_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_agent_global_variable_define_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_readonly_variable_define_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_validate_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_get_symbol_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_symbol_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_iterate_symbols_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_status_string_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_extension_get_name_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_system_major_extension_supported_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_system_get_major_extension_table_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_agent_major_extension_supported_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_cache_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_agent_iterate_caches_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_silent_store_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_silent_store_screlease_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_group_create_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_group_destroy_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_group_wait_any_scacquire_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_signal_group_wait_any_relaxed_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_agent_iterate_isas_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_isa_get_info_alt_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_isa_get_exception_policies_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_isa_get_round_method_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_wavefront_get_info_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_isa_iterate_wavefronts_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_get_symbol_from_name_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_reader_create_from_file_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_reader_create_from_memory_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_code_object_reader_destroy_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_create_alt_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_load_program_code_object_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_load_agent_code_object_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_validate_alt_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_get_symbol_by_name_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_iterate_agent_symbols_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_executable_iterate_program_symbols_fn (variable) of class CoreApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member version (variable) of class FinalizerExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_create_fn (variable) of class FinalizerExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_destroy_fn (variable) of class FinalizerExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_add_module_fn (variable) of class FinalizerExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_iterate_modules_fn (variable) of class FinalizerExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_get_info_fn (variable) of class FinalizerExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_finalize_fn (variable) of class FinalizerExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved1 (variable) of class hsa_agent_dispatch_packet_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member return_address (variable) of class hsa_agent_dispatch_packet_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member event_type (variable) of class hsa_amd_event_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member agent (variable) of class hsa_amd_gpu_memory_fault_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member virtual_address (variable) of class hsa_amd_gpu_memory_fault_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member fault_reason_mask (variable) of class hsa_amd_gpu_memory_fault_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HDP_MEM_FLUSH_CNTL (variable) of class hsa_amd_hdp_flush_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HDP_REG_FLUSH_CNTL (variable) of class hsa_amd_hdp_flush_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member version (variable) of class hsa_amd_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member deviceID (variable) of class hsa_amd_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data[1] (variable) of class hsa_amd_image_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member handle[8] (variable) of class hsa_amd_ipc_memory_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size (variable) of class hsa_amd_pointer_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type (variable) of class hsa_amd_pointer_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member agentBaseAddress (variable) of class hsa_amd_pointer_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hostBaseAddress (variable) of class hsa_amd_pointer_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sizeInBytes (variable) of class hsa_amd_pointer_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member userData (variable) of class hsa_amd_pointer_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member agentOwner (variable) of class hsa_amd_pointer_info_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member header (variable) of class hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pm4_command[27] (variable) of class hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member completion_signal (variable) of class hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_create)(hsa_machine_model_t machine_model, hsa_profile_t profile, hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t default_float_rounding_mode, const char *options, hsa_ext_program_t *program) (variable) of class hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_destroy)(hsa_ext_program_t program) (variable) of class hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_add_module)(hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_ext_module_t module) (variable) of class hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_iterate_modules)(hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_ext_module_t module, void *data), void *data) (variable) of class hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_get_info)(hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_ext_program_info_t attribute, void *value) (variable) of class hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_program_finalize)(hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_isa_t isa, int32_t call_convention, hsa_ext_control_directives_t control_directives, const char *options, hsa_code_object_type_t code_object_type, hsa_code_object_t *code_object) (variable) of class hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_get_capability)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_geometry_t geometry, const hsa_ext_image_format_t *image_format, uint32_t *capability_mask) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_data_get_info)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_info_t *image_data_info) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_create)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, const void *image_data, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_t *image) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_destroy)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t image) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_copy)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t src_image, const hsa_dim3_t *src_offset, hsa_ext_image_t dst_image, const hsa_dim3_t *dst_offset, const hsa_dim3_t *range) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_import)(hsa_agent_t agent, const void *src_memory, size_t src_row_pitch, size_t src_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_t dst_image, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_export)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t src_image, void *dst_memory, size_t dst_row_pitch, size_t dst_slice_pitch, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_clear)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t image, const void *data, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_sampler_create)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_sampler_descriptor_t *sampler_descriptor, hsa_ext_sampler_t *sampler) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_sampler_destroy)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_sampler_t sampler) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_get_capability)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_geometry_t geometry, const hsa_ext_image_format_t *image_format, uint32_t *capability_mask) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_data_get_info)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_info_t *image_data_info) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_create)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, const void *image_data, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_t *image) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_destroy)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t image) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_copy)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t src_image, const hsa_dim3_t *src_offset, hsa_ext_image_t dst_image, const hsa_dim3_t *dst_offset, const hsa_dim3_t *range) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_import)(hsa_agent_t agent, const void *src_memory, size_t src_row_pitch, size_t src_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_t dst_image, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_export)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t src_image, void *dst_memory, size_t dst_row_pitch, size_t dst_slice_pitch, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_clear)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t image, const void *data, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_sampler_create)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_sampler_descriptor_t *sampler_descriptor, hsa_ext_sampler_t *sampler) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_sampler_destroy)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_sampler_t sampler) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_get_capability_with_layout)(hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_geometry_t geometry, const hsa_ext_image_format_t *image_format, hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t image_data_layout, uint32_t *capability_mask) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_with_layout)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t image_data_layout, size_t image_data_row_pitch, size_t image_data_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_data_info_t *image_data_info) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_create_with_layout)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, const void *image_data, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t image_data_layout, size_t image_data_row_pitch, size_t image_data_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_t *image) (variable) of class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved1 (variable) of class hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member kernarg_address (variable) of class hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base (variable) of class hsa_pitched_ptr_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pitch (variable) of class hsa_pitched_ptr_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member slice (variable) of class hsa_pitched_ptr_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved0 (variable) of class hsa_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member base_address (variable) of class hsa_queue_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_version_major)() (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_version_minor)() (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_error_string)(const char **str) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_validate_event)(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_event_t *event, bool *result) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_start)(hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t *profile, hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t *aql_start_packet) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_stop)(const hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t *profile, hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t *aql_stop_packet) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_read)(const hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t *profile, hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t *aql_read_packet) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_legacy_get_pm4)(const hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t *aql_packet, void *data) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_get_info)(const hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t *profile, hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_info_type_t attribute, void *value) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_iterate_data)(const hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t *profile, hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_data_callback_t callback, void *data) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ptr (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_descriptor_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member block_name (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_event_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member block_index (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_event_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member counter_id (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_event_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_id_query_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member id (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_id_query_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member instance_count (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_id_query_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sample_id (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_info_data_t is not documented. nstLane... Generating docs for compound BrigInstMem... Generating docs for compound BrigInstMemFence... Generating docs for compound BrigInstMod... Generating docs for compound BrigInstQueryImage... Generating docs for compound BrigInstQuerySampler... Generating docs for compound BrigInstQueue... Generating docs for compound BrigInstSeg... Generating docs for compound BrigInstSegCvt... Generating docs for compound BrigInstSignal... Generating docs for compound BrigInstSourceType... Generating docs for compound BrigModuleHeader... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandAddress... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandAlign... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandCodeList... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandCodeRef... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandConstantBytes... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandConstantImage... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandConstantOperandList... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandConstantSampler... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandOperandList... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandRegister... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandString... Generating docs for compound BrigOperandWavesize... Generating docs for compound BrigSectionHeader... Generating docs for compound BrigUInt64... Generating docs for compound CoreApiTable... Generating docs for compound FinalizerExtTable... Generating docs for compound hsa_agent_dispatch_packet_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_agent_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_event_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_gpu_memory_fault_info_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_hdp_flush_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_image_descriptor_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_ipc_memory_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_memory_pool_link_info_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_memory_pool_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_pointer_info_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_profiling_async_copy_time_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_amd_profiling_dispatch_time_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_barrier_and_packet_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_barrier_or_packet_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_cache_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_callback_data_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_code_object_reader_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_code_object_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_code_symbol_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_dim3_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_executable_symbol_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_executable_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_control_directives_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_image_data_info_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_image_format_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_image_region_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_image_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_program_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_sampler_descriptor_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ext_sampler_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_isa_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_loaded_code_object_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_pitched_ptr_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_queue_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_region_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_signal_group_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_signal_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_descriptor_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_event_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_id_query_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_info_data_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_parameter_t.../home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member parameter_name (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_parameter_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member value (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_parameter_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member agent (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member events (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member event_count (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member parameters (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member parameter_count (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member output_buffer (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member command_buffer (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_loader_query_host_address)(const void *device_address, const void **host_address) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_loader_query_segment_descriptors)(hsa_ven_amd_loader_segment_descriptor_t *segment_descriptors, size_t *num_segment_descriptors) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_loader_query_executable)(const void *device_address, hsa_executable_t *executable) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_00_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_loader_query_host_address)(const void *device_address, const void **host_address) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_01_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_loader_query_segment_descriptors)(hsa_ven_amd_loader_segment_descriptor_t *segment_descriptors, size_t *num_segment_descriptors) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_01_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_loader_query_executable)(const void *device_address, hsa_executable_t *executable) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_01_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_loader_executable_iterate_loaded_code_objects)(hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_loaded_code_object_t loaded_code_object, void *data), void *data) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_01_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ven_amd_loader_loaded_code_object_get_info)(hsa_loaded_code_object_t loaded_code_object, hsa_ven_amd_loader_loaded_code_object_info_t attribute, void *value) (variable) of class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_01_pfn_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member version (variable) of class HsaApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member core_ (variable) of class HsaApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member amd_ext_ (variable) of class HsaApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member finalizer_ext_ (variable) of class HsaApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member image_ext_ (variable) of class HsaApiTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member root (variable) of class HsaApiTableContainer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member core (variable) of class HsaApiTableContainer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member amd_ext (variable) of class HsaApiTableContainer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member finalizer_ext (variable) of class HsaApiTableContainer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member image_ext (variable) of class HsaApiTableContainer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member version (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_get_capability_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_create_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_import_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_export_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_copy_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_clear_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_destroy_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_sampler_create_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_sampler_destroy_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_get_capability_with_layout_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_with_layout_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hsa_ext_image_create_with_layout_fn (variable) of class ImageExtTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member byte_type (typedef) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size_type (typedef) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Buffer(const byte_type *src, size_type size, size_type align=0) (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member raw() const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align() const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member isConst() const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member isEmpty() (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRaw(const byte_type *src) const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member has(const T *src) const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member has(size_type offset) const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getOffset(const T *src) const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member get(size_type offset) const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addString(const std::string &str, size_type align=0) (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addStringLength(const std::string &str, size_type align=0) (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextOffset(size_type align) const (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member add(const T *src, size_type size, size_type align) (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member add(const T &src, size_type align=0) (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align(size_type align) (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserve() (function) of class amd::elf::Buffer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member create() (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member readFrom(const std::string &filename) (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member copyFrom(const void *data, size_t size) (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member writeTo(const std::string &filename) (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member copyTo(void **buffer, size_t *size=0) (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member copyTo(void *buffer, size_t size) (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSize() (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member output() (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member fd() (function) of class amd::elf::FileImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfImage(int elfclass) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member initNew(uint16_t machine, uint16_t type, uint8_t os_abi=0, uint8_t abi_version=0, uint32_t e_flags=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member loadFromFile(const std::string &filename) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member saveToFile(const std::string &filename) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member initFromBuffer(const void *buffer, size_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member initAsBuffer(const void *buffer, size_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member close() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member writeTo(const std::string &filename) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member copyToBuffer(void **buf, size_t *size=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member copyToBuffer(void *buf, size_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Freeze() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Validate() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Machine() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Type() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member EFlags() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ABIVersion() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member shstrtab() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member strtab() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSymtab(uint16_t index) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addStringTable(const std::string &name) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getStringTable(uint16_t index) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addSymbolTable(const std::string &name, StringTable *stab=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member symtab() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment(size_t i) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segmentByVAddr(uint64_t vaddr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sectionCount() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member section(size_t i) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sectionByVAddr(uint64_t vaddr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member machine() const (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member etype() const (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member eclass() const (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elfError(const char *msg) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member note() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addNoteSection(const std::string &name) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segmentCount() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member initSegment(uint32_t type, uint32_t flags, uint64_t paddr=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addSegments() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addSection(const std::string &name, uint32_t type, uint64_t flags=0, uint64_t entsize=0, Segment *segment=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addRelocationSection(Section *sec, SymbolTable *symtab) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(Section *sec, SymbolTable *symtab=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfImage is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfNoteSection(GElfImage *elf) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const std::string &name) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addNote(const std::string &name, uint32_t type, const void *desc, uint32_t desc_size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getNote(const std::string &name, uint32_t type, void **desc, uint32_t *desc_size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSection(GElfImage *elf) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const char *name, uint32_t shtype, uint64_t shflags, uint16_t shlink, uint32_t info, uint32_t align, uint64_t entsize=0) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull0() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull(uint16_t ndx) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pullData() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elf (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member seg (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hdr (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data0 (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memsize_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reloc_sec (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ndxscn (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfRelocation(GElfRelocationSection *rsection_, Buffer &edata_, size_t eindex_) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(uint32_t type, Symbol *symbol, uint64_t offset, int64_t addend) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member section() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member symbolIndex() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member symbol() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addend() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocation is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfRelocationSection(GElfImage *elf, Section *targetSection=0, GElfSymbolTable *symtab_=0) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const std::string &name) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pullData() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationCount() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocation(size_t i) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addRelocation(uint32_t type, Symbol *symbol, uint64_t offset, int64_t addend) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member targetSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSection(GElfImage *elf) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const char *name, uint32_t shtype, uint64_t shflags, uint16_t shlink, uint32_t info, uint32_t align, uint64_t entsize=0) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull0() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull(uint16_t ndx) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elf (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member seg (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hdr (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data0 (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memsize_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reloc_sec (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ndxscn (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSection(GElfImage *elf) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const char *name, uint32_t shtype, uint64_t shflags, uint16_t shlink, uint32_t info, uint32_t align, uint64_t entsize=0) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull0() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull(uint16_t ndx) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pullData() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elf (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member seg (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hdr (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data0 (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memsize_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reloc_sec (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ndxscn (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSegment(GElfImage *elf, uint16_t index) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSegment(GElfImage *elf, uint16_t index, uint32_t type, uint32_t flags, uint64_t paddr=0) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(uint64_t vaddr) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member imageSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member vaddr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSegmentIndex() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddSection(Section *section) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSegment is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfStringTable(GElfImage *elf) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const char *name, uint32_t shtype, uint64_t shflags) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pullData() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addString(const std::string &s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addString1(const std::string &s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getString(size_t ndx) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getStringIndex(const char *name) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfStringTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSection(GElfImage *elf) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const char *name, uint32_t shtype, uint64_t shflags, uint16_t shlink, uint32_t info, uint32_t align, uint64_t entsize=0) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull0() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull(uint16_t ndx) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elf (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member seg (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hdr (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data0 (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memsize_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reloc_sec (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ndxscn (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSymbol(GElfSymbolTable *symtab, Buffer &data, size_t index) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const std::string &name, uint64_t value, uint64_t size, unsigned char type, unsigned char binding, uint16_t shndx, unsigned char other) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member index() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member binding() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member value() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member other() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member section() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setValue(uint64_t value) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setSize(uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbol is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSymbolTable(GElfImage *elf) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const char *name, GElfStringTable *strtab) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pullData() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addSymbol(Section *section, const std::string &name, uint64_t value, uint64_t size, unsigned char type, unsigned char binding, unsigned char other=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member symbolCount() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member symbol(size_t i) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member GElfSection(GElfImage *elf) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push(const char *name, uint32_t shtype, uint64_t shflags, uint16_t shlink, uint32_t info, uint32_t align, uint64_t entsize=0) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull0() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member pull(uint16_t ndx) (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member push() (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getSectionIndex() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member type() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Name() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member offset() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addr() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member updateAddr(uint64_t addr) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addralign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member flags() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member size() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member nextDataOffset(uint64_t align) const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member addData(const void *src, uint64_t size, uint64_t align) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member getData(uint64_t offset, void *dest, uint64_t size) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hasRelocationSection() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member relocationSection(SymbolTable *symtab=0) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member segment() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member asRelocationSection() override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setMemSize(uint64_t s) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memSize() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member setAlign(uint64_t a) override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memAlign() const override (function) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member elf (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member seg (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hdr (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data0 (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member data (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member memsize_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member align_ (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reloc_sec (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ndxscn (variable) of class amd::elf::GElfSection is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member control_directive(const char *name_) (function) of class amd::hsa::code_options::control_directive is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name (variable) of class amd::hsa::code_options::control_directive is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member control_directives(const hsa_ext_control_directives_t &d_) (function) of class amd::hsa::code_options::control_directives is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member d (variable) of class amd::hsa::code_options::control_directives is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member exceptions_mask(uint16_t mask_) (function) of class amd::hsa::code_options::exceptions_mask is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member mask (variable) of class amd::hsa::code_options::exceptions_mask is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ReaderLockGuard(LockType &lock) (function) of class amd::hsa::common::ReaderLockGuard is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ReaderLock() (function) of class amd::hsa::common::ReaderWriterLock is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ReaderUnlock() (function) of class amd::hsa::common::ReaderWriterLock is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member WriterLock() (function) of class amd::hsa::common::ReaderWriterLock is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member WriterUnlock() (function) of class amd::hsa::common::ReaderWriterLock is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member WriterLockGuard(LockType &lock) (function) of class amd::hsa::common::WriterLockGuard is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ChoiceOption(const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &choices, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::ChoiceOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member value() const (function) of class amd::options::ChoiceOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member IsValid() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintHelp(HelpPrinter &printer) const override (function) of class amd::options::ChoiceOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OptionBase(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Accept(const std::string &name) const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member error() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member help_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintUsage(const std::string &usage) (function) of class amd::options::HelpPrinter is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintDescription(const std::string &description) (function) of class amd::options::HelpPrinter is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Stream() (function) of class amd::options::HelpPrinter is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member HelpStreambuf(std::ostream &stream) (function) of class amd::options::HelpStreambuf is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member IndentSize(unsigned indent) (function) of class amd::options::HelpStreambuf is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member WrapWidth(unsigned wrap) (function) of class amd::options::HelpStreambuf is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member overflow(int_type ch) override (function) of class amd::options::HelpStreambuf is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member NoArgOption(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::NoArgOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member IsValid() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintHelp(HelpPrinter &printer) const override (function) of class amd::options::NoArgOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OptionBase(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Accept(const std::string &name) const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member error() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member help_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Option(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::Option is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member values() const (function) of class amd::options::Option is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member IsValid() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintHelp(HelpPrinter &printer) const override (function) of class amd::options::Option is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OptionBase(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Accept(const std::string &name) const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member error() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member help_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member IsValid() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OptionBase(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintHelp(HelpPrinter &printer) const =0 (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Accept(const std::string &name) const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member error() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member help_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OptionParser(bool collectUnknown=false, std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::OptionParser is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member AddOption(OptionBase *option) (function) of class amd::options::OptionParser is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ParseOptions(const char *options) (function) of class amd::options::OptionParser is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Unknown() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionParser is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member CollectUnknown(bool b) (function) of class amd::options::OptionParser is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintHelp(std::ostream &out, const std::string &addition="") const (function) of class amd::options::OptionParser is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Reset() (function) of class amd::options::OptionParser is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrefixOption(const std::string &prefix, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::PrefixOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member values() const (function) of class amd::options::PrefixOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member IsValid() const override (function) of class amd::options::PrefixOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintHelp(HelpPrinter &printer) const override (function) of class amd::options::PrefixOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Accept(const std::string &token) const override (function) of class amd::options::PrefixOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OptionBase(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member error() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member help_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Flatten(const char **cstrs, const uint32_t &cstrs_count, const char &spacer='\0') (function) of class amd::options::StringFactory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Tokenize(const char *cstr, const char &delim) (function) of class amd::options::StringFactory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ToLower(const std::string &str) (function) of class amd::options::StringFactory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ToUpper(const std::string &str) (function) of class amd::options::StringFactory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ValueOption(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::ValueOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member value() const (function) of class amd::options::ValueOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member IsValid() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member PrintHelp(HelpPrinter &printer) const override (function) of class amd::options::ValueOption is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member OptionBase(const std::string &name, const std::string &help="", std::ostream &error=std::cerr) (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member Accept(const std::string &name) const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member error() const (function) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member name_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member help_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member is_set_ (variable) of class amd::options::OptionBase is not documented. Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_00_pfn_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_01_pfn_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_ven_amd_loader_segment_descriptor_t... Generating docs for compound hsa_wavefront_t... Generating docs for compound HsaApiTable... Generating docs for compound HsaApiTableContainer... Generating docs for compound ImageExtTable... Generating namespace index... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::Buffer... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::FileImage... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfImage... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfNoteSection... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfRelocation... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfSection... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfSegment... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfStringTable... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfSymbol... Generating docs for compound amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable... Generating docs for compound amd::hsa::code_options::control_directive... Generating docs for compound amd::hsa::code_options::control_directives... Generating docs for compound amd::hsa::code_options::exceptions_mask... Generating docs for compound amd::hsa::common::ReaderLockGuard... Generating docs for compound amd::hsa::common::ReaderWriterLock... Generating docs for compound amd::hsa::common::WriterLockGuard... Generating docs for compound amd::options::ChoiceOption... Generating docs for compound amd::options::HelpPrinter... Generating docs for compound amd::options::HelpStreambuf... Generating docs for compound amd::options::NoArgOption... Generating docs for compound amd::options::Option... Generating docs for compound amd::options::OptionBase... Generating docs for compound amd::options::OptionParser... Generating docs for compound amd::options::PrefixOption... Generating docs for compound amd::options::StringFactory... Generating docs for compound amd::options::ValueOption... Generating graph info page... Generating directory documentation... finalizing index lists... writing tag file... Generating XML output... Generating XML output for class amd_control_directives_s Generating XML output for class amd_kernel_code_s Generating XML output for class amd_queue_t Generating XML output for class amd_runtime_loader_debug_info_t Generating XML output for class amd_signal_t Generating XML output for class AmdExtTable Generating XML output for class amdgpu_hsa_image_descriptor_t Generating XML output for class amdgpu_hsa_note_code_object_version_t Generating XML output for class amdgpu_hsa_note_hsail_t Generating XML output for class amdgpu_hsa_note_isa_t Generating XML output for class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_options_t Generating XML output for class amdgpu_hsa_note_producer_t Generating XML output for class amdgpu_hsa_sampler_descriptor_t Generating XML output for class ApiTableVersion Generating XML output for class BrigBase Generating XML output for class BrigData Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveArgBlock Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveComment Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveControl Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveExecutable Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveExtension Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveFbarrier Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveLabel Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveLoc Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveModule Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveNone Generating XML output for class BrigDirectivePragma Generating XML output for class BrigDirectiveVariable Generating XML output for class BrigInstAddr Generating XML output for class BrigInstAtomic Generating XML output for class BrigInstBase Generating XML output for class BrigInstBasic Generating XML output for class BrigInstBr Generating XML output for class BrigInstCmp Generating XML output for class BrigInstCvt Generating XML output for class BrigInstImage Generating XML output for class BrigInstLane Generating XML output for class BrigInstMem Generating XML output for class BrigInstMemFence Generating XML output for class BrigInstMod Generating XML output for class BrigInstQueryImage Generating XML output for class BrigInstQuerySampler Generating XML output for class BrigInstQueue Generating XML output for class BrigInstSeg Generating XML output for class BrigInstSegCvt Generating XML output for class BrigInstSignal Generating XML output for class BrigInstSourceType Generating XML output for class BrigModuleHeader Generating XML output for class BrigOperandAddress Generating XML output for class BrigOperandAlign Generating XML output for class BrigOperandCodeList Generating XML output for class BrigOperandCodeRef Generating XML output for class BrigOperandConstantBytes Generating XML output for class BrigOperandConstantImage Generating XML output for class BrigOperandConstantOperandList Generating XML output for class BrigOperandConstantSampler Generating XML output for class BrigOperandOperandList Generating XML output for class BrigOperandRegister Generating XML output for class BrigOperandString Generating XML output for class BrigOperandWavesize Generating XML output for class BrigSectionHeader Generating XML output for class BrigUInt64 Generating XML output for class amd::elf::Buffer Generating XML output for class amd::options::ChoiceOption Generating XML output for class amd::hsa::code_options::control_directive Generating XML output for class amd::hsa::code_options::control_directives Generating XML output for class CoreApiTable Generating XML output for class amd::hsa::code_options::exceptions_mask Generating XML output for class amd::elf::FileImage Generating XML output for class FinalizerExtTable Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfImage Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfNoteSection Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfRelocation Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfRelocationSection Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfSection Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfSegment Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfStringTable Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfSymbol Generating XML output for class amd::elf::GElfSymbolTable Generating XML output for class amd::options::HelpPrinter Generating XML output for class amd::options::HelpStreambuf Generating XML output for class hsa_agent_dispatch_packet_t Generating XML output for class hsa_agent_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_event_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_gpu_memory_fault_info_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_hdp_flush_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_image_descriptor_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_ipc_memory_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_memory_pool_link_info_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_memory_pool_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_pointer_info_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_profiling_async_copy_time_t Generating XML output for class hsa_amd_profiling_dispatch_time_t Generating XML output for class hsa_barrier_and_packet_t Generating XML output for class hsa_barrier_or_packet_t Generating XML output for class hsa_cache_t Generating XML output for class hsa_callback_data_t Generating XML output for class hsa_code_object_reader_t Generating XML output for class hsa_code_object_t Generating XML output for class hsa_code_symbol_t Generating XML output for class hsa_dim3_t Generating XML output for class hsa_executable_symbol_t Generating XML output for class hsa_executable_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_amd_aql_pm4_packet_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_control_directives_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_image_data_info_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_image_format_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_image_region_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_image_t Generating XML output for cla/home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_MEMORY_POOL_GLOBAL_FLAG_COARSE_GRAINED' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_segment_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_MEMORY_POOL_INFO_SEGMENT' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_SEGMENT_GLOBAL' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_global_flag_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_allocate' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_allocate' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_MEMORY_POOL_INFO_RUNTIME_ALLOC_ALLOWED' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_allocate' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_MEMORY_POOL_INFO_RUNTIME_ALLOC_ALLOWED' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agent_memory_pool_get_info' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_MEMORY_POOL_ACCESS_NEVER_ALLOWED' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agents_allow_access' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agents_allow_access' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_access_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agent_iterate_memory_pools' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agents_allow_access' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agents_allow_access' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agent_iterate_memory_pools' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agent_iterate_memory_pools' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_MEMORY_POOL_INFO_RUNTIME_ALLOC_ALLOWED' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_MEMORY_POOL_INFO_RUNTIME_ALLOC_GRANULE' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_MEMORY_POOL_INFO_RUNTIME_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_MEMORY_POOL' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_allocate' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_allocate' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agents_allow_access' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agents_allow_access' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agent_memory_pool_get_info' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_AMD_AGENT_MEMORY_POOL_INFO_ACCESS' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_allocate' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_migrate' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_MEMORY_POOL' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_can_migrate' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_MEMORY_POOL' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hsa_amd_memory_lock(void *host_ptr, size_t size, hsa_agent_t *agents, int num_agent, void **agent_ptr) are not documented: parameter 'num_agent' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_pool_get_info' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_agent_memory_pool_get_info' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_MEMORY_POOL' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hsa_amd_memory_lock_to_pool(void *host_ptr, size_t size, hsa_agent_t *agents, int num_agent, hsa_amd_memory_pool_t pool, uint32_t flags, void **agent_ptr) are not documented: parameter 'num_agent' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_lock' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_lock_to_pool' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_lock' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_amd_memory_lock_to_pool' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'in' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hsa_amd_image_create(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, const hsa_amd_image_descriptor_t *image_layout, const void *image_data, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_t *image) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'in' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hsa_amd_image_create(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, const hsa_amd_image_descriptor_t *image_layout, const void *image_data, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_t *image) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hsa_amd_image_create(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, const hsa_amd_image_descriptor_t *image_layout, const void *image_data, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_t *image) are not documented: parameter 'image_layout' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_with_layout(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t image_data_layout, size_t image_data_row_pitch, size_t image_data_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_data_info_t *image_data_info) are not documented: parameter 'agent' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'uint32_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_ven_amd_loader_loaded_code_object_kind_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_VEN_AMD_LOADER_LOADED_CODE_OBJECT_INFO_KIND' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_VEN_AMD_LOADER_LOADED_CODE_OBJECT_KIND_AGENT' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'uint32_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hsa_ven_amd_loader_code_object_storage_type_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_VEN_AMD_LOADER_LOADED_CODE_OBJECT_INFO_CODE_OBJECT_STORAGE_TYPE' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_VEN_AMD_LOADER_CODE_OBJECT_STORAGE_TYPE_MEMORY' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'uint64_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_VEN_AMD_LOADER_LOADED_CODE_OBJECT_INFO_CODE_OBJECT_STORAGE_TYPE' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_VEN_AMD_LOADER_CODE_OBJECT_STORAGE_TYPE_MEMORY' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'uint64_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_VEN_AMD_LOADER_LOADED_CODE_OBJECT_INFO_CODE_OBJECT_STORAGE_TYPE' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'HSA_VEN_AMD_LOADER_CODE_OBJECT_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'int' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'int64_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'uint64_t' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'uint64_t' could not be resolved ss hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_program_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_sampler_descriptor_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ext_sampler_t Generating XML output for class hsa_isa_t Generating XML output for class hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t Generating XML output for class hsa_loaded_code_object_t Generating XML output for class hsa_pitched_ptr_t Generating XML output for class hsa_queue_t Generating XML output for class hsa_region_t Generating XML output for class hsa_signal_group_t Generating XML output for class hsa_signal_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_1_00_pfn_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_descriptor_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_event_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_id_query_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_info_data_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_parameter_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile_profile_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_00_pfn_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_loader_1_01_pfn_t Generating XML output for class hsa_ven_amd_loader_segment_descriptor_t Generating XML output for class hsa_wavefront_t Generating XML output for class HsaApiTable Generating XML output for class HsaApiTableContainer Generating XML output for class ImageExtTable Generating XML output for class amd::options::NoArgOption Generating XML output for class amd::options::Option Generating XML output for class amd::options::OptionBase Generating XML output for class amd::options::OptionParser Generating XML output for class amd::options::PrefixOption Generating XML output for class amd::hsa::common::ReaderLockGuard Generating XML output for class amd::hsa::common::ReaderWriterLock Generating XML output for class amd::options::StringFactory Generating XML output for class amd::options::ValueOption Generating XML output for class amd::hsa::common::WriterLockGuard Generating XML output for namespace @15 Generating XML output for namespace amd Generating XML output for namespace amd::elf Generating XML output for namespace amd::hsa Generating XML output for namespace amd::hsa::code Generating XML output for namespace amd::hsa::code_options Generating XML output for namespace amd::hsa::common Generating XML output for namespace amd::options Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_common.h Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_elf.h Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_kernel_code.h Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_queue.h Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_signal.h Generating XML output for file Brig.h Generating XML output for file hsa.h Generating XML output for file hsa_api_trace.h Generating XML output for file hsa_ext_amd.h Generating XML output for file hsa_ext_finalize.h Generating XML output for file hsa_ext_image.h Generating XML output for file hsa_ven_amd_aqlprofile.h Generating XML output for file hsa_ven_amd_loader.h Generating XML output for file amd_elf_image.cpp Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_code.cpp Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_code_util.cpp Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_code_util.hpp Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_locks.cpp Generating XML output for file amd_hsa_locks.hpp Generating XML output for file amd_options.cpp Generating XML output for file amd_options.hpp Generating XML output for group status Generating XML output for group common Generating XML output for group initshutdown Generating XML output for group agentinfo Generating XML output for group signals Generating XML output for group memory Generating XML output for group queue Generating XML output for group aql Generating XML output for group instruction-set-architecture Generating XML output for group executable Generating XML output for group code-object Generating XML output for group ext-alt-finalizer-extensions Generating XML output for group ext-alt-finalizer-program Generating XML output for gro/home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_with_layout(hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t image_data_layout, size_t image_data_row_pitch, size_t image_data_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_data_info_t *image_data_info) are not documented: parameter 'agent' up ext-images Generating XML output for page deprecated Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Generate XML output for dir /home/docs/checkouts/ lookup cache used 4963/65536 hits=83109 misses=5171 finished... loading translations [en]... done making output directory... done building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [readthedocs]: targets for 152 source files that are out of date updating environment: [new config] 152 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 0%] Current_Release_Notes/Current-Release-Notes reading sources... [ 1%] Deep_learning/Deep-learning reading sources... [ 1%] Deep_learning/GCN-asm-tutorial reading sources... [ 2%] Deep_learning/MXNet reading sources... [ 3%] Deep_learning/caffe reading sources... [ 3%] Deep_learning/hipCaffe reading sources... [ 4%] Deep_learning/mininbody reading sources... [ 5%] FAQ/FAQ_HIP reading sources... [ 5%] GCN_ISA_Manuals/GCN-ISA-Manuals reading sources... [ 6%] GCN_ISA_Manuals/PCIe-features reading sources... [ 7%] GCN_ISA_Manuals/caffe reading sources... [ 7%] GCN_ISA_Manuals/testdocbook reading sources... [ 8%] InstallGuide reading sources... [ 9%] Installation_Guide/FAQ-on-Installation reading sources... [ 9%] Installation_Guide/HCC-Compiler reading sources... [ 10%] Installation_Guide/HIP reading sources... [ 11%] Installation_Guide/Installation-Guide reading sources... [ 11%] Installation_Guide/List-of-ROCm-Packages-for-Ubuntu-Fedora reading sources... [ 12%] Installation_Guide/More-about-how-ROCm-uses-PCIe-Atomics reading sources... [ 13%] Installation_Guide/Quick Start Installation Guide reading sources... [ 13%] Installation_Guide/QuickStartGuideOpenCL reading sources... [ 14%] Installation_Guide/ROC-smi reading sources... [ 15%] Installation_Guide/ROCK-Kernel-Driver_readme reading sources... [ 15%] Installation_Guide/ROCR-Runtime reading sources... [ 16%] Installation_Guide/ROCk-kernel reading sources... [ 17%] Installation_Guide/ROCt reading sources... [ 17%] Installation_Guide/atmi reading sources... [ 18%] Other_Solutions/Other-Solutions reading sources... [ 19%] Other_Solutions/PCIe-Debug reading sources... [ 19%] Programming_Guides/CUDAAPIHIP reading sources... [ 20%] Programming_Guides/CUDAAPIHIPTEXTURE reading sources... [ 21%] Programming_Guides/HIP-FAQ reading sources... [ 21%] Programming_Guides/HIP-GUIDE reading sources... [ 22%] Programming_Guides/HIP-Terms reading sources... [ 23%] Programming_Guides/HIP-Terms2 reading sources... [ 23%] Programming_Guides/HIP-bug reading sources... [ 24%] Programming_Guides/HIP-porting-guide reading sources... [ 25%] Programming_Guides/HIP-run-time-API reading sources... [ 25%] Programming_Guides/HIP-terminology reading sources... [ 26%] Programming_Guides/HIP_Debugging reading sources... [ 26%] Programming_Guides/Kernel_language reading sources... [ 27%] Programming_Guides/LanguageInto reading sources... [ 28%] Programming_Guides/OpenCL-Architecture reading sources... [ 28%] Programming_Guides/Opencl-optimization reading sources... [ 29%] Programming_Guides/Opencl-programming-guide reading sources... [ 30%] Programming_Guides/Programming-Guides reading sources... [ 30%] Programming_Guides/hcc-guide reading sources... [ 31%] Programming_Guides/hcc-profile reading sources... [ 32%] Programming_Guides/hip-programming reading sources... [ 32%] Programming_Guides/hip-programming-guide reading sources... [ 33%] Programming_Guides/hip_install reading sources... [ 34%] Programming_Guides/hip_port reading sources... [ 34%] Programming_Guides/hip_profiling reading sources... [ 35%] Programming_Guides/hipporting-driver-api reading sources... [ 36%] ROCm reading sources... [ 36%] ROCm_API_References/BLAS1 reading sources... [ 37%] ROCm_API_References/BLAS2 reading sources... [ 38%] ROCm_API_References/BLAS3 reading sources... [ 38%] ROCm_API_References/HCC-API reading sources... [ 39%] ROCm_API_References/HIP-API reading sources... [ 40%] ROCm_API_References/HIP-MATH reading sources... [ 40%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Context-Management reading sources... [ 41%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Control reading sources... [ 42%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Device-Memory-Access reading sources... [ 42%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Device-management reading sources... [ 43%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Error reading sources... [ 44%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Event-Management reading sources... [ 44%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Initialization-and-Version reading sources... [ 45%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Memory-Management reading sources... [ 46%] ROCm_API_References/HIP_API/Stream-Management reading sources... [ 46%] ROCm_API_References/ROCm-API-References reading sources... [ 47%] ROCm_API_References/ROCr-API reading sources... [ 48%] ROCm_API_References/Thrust reading sources... [ 48%] ROCm_API_References/api reading sources... [ 49%] ROCm_API_References/clBLAS reading sources... [ 50%] ROCm_API_References/clSPARSE_API reading sources... [ 50%] ROCm_API_References/clSPARSE_api reading sources... [ 51%] ROCm_API_References/rocBLAS reading sources... [ 51%] ROCm_Audio_Video_Tutorials/ROCm_videos reading sources... [ 52%] ROCm_Beginners_Guide/HCC_Getting_Started reading sources... [ 53%] ROCm_Compiler_SDK/ROCm-Codeobj-format reading sources... [ 53%] ROCm_Compiler_SDK/ROCm-Compiler-SDK reading sources... [ 54%] ROCm_Compiler_SDK/ROCm-Native-ISA reading sources... [ 55%] ROCm_Compiler_SDK/ROCm_ABI reading sources... [ 55%] ROCm_Compiler_SDK/ocml reading sources... [ 56%] ROCm_Glossary/ROCm-Glossary reading sources... [ 57%] ROCm_Libraries/ROCm_Libraries Warning: Duplicate target detected: structrocblas__half Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1ab158b3ae4dfecd4e151cb122697aae64 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a770a77925623df894aae6a89f2736cfb Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a3f6d09721d3a50bd3eecb465ca2c29cd Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a616a0c1c5d51c4fbcc296dbcf4b7cd84 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a6262bf3ca68ca5cc3ce97d93c34a60aa Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1abde3108c46082924b127a05ff73caa0d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1ad771fe18bf551190350b617b2cb2da41 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a0cffcac0203117f8629338f575265197 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a210cbe2d76f1e6acab4a0a986278752d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1ad9450bad46b19a03b75f24571e756fa6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1af6e524dace7291f98a6954faf053bb3d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a8ad00abf2e3ece8968c00690778195c8 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a5eb94555386e0bae8d4607b92b2d5227 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1a6708899438e6ead9770df05904bf1d7f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-auxiliary_8h_1af5159377b773320a455f44df097b95f7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0a28a0422e8078cf977a5a1d07c134ea Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1adc459438e2438e0974ebf35a40293a77 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af8fc8bbbdffcefb8a7aed8945bd567dd Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8cc8263533bc7250875d60e75fd10fa2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a4b14ac0504d594c093d3554418cf9bd4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5f17e360713fe8bb9be2bb2c0f87fdc8 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ad8b9438c5497bacff4d342c6012bbc0d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0f8917e24e238e0e16daa95c249e26a0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0c51e6f383318f5dd65603ee9e5d012d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa791cfad87bf633282d3c6f2fe96a333 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa86d3775a5f8454d48e1a351f4508ffc Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0f7f13f9495e3be0eafd5d1fa7889c84 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa40d9d14f84422e24f509b32efc3ddb9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5461a876d23f37d82877c411a3d388ad Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a67acba8ff39590a532379b9bb49cb9fa Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1afed6ceeb709da728305688f6838d7c86 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae9aa4f7c4a59db4d546455d8f0f2a34f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae7db25221f960bbc8263e04661966748 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0503fb800fd2ebd6927e8bbbb344ae1a Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae8ad93c9da071d6ed009f99424ba1f13 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ad88b13acb4c23f4844043565494b8b3d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a4fbaba42f13367e9e980fc969279093f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af7b704f3b1ddaa2e7ad3a2f6aa4fa8fe Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a1dfca5694c0f4294e8ae6d489ff10d06 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a024107045d9d29c93815ef271a846979 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a571eeb7592d01f6a7c03abb3380cc3f9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a053ee4dc0a055fc5a7d2e15f3c2844fe Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0647d1abde8d7a195a454d664a35acbd Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8e3aa2d19e83e12e03b323c70356fd67 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8ee8a7191bde47a74b22bd6920b98ac5 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0f09f197942ff68ed824fcd5d59389be Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a68cde2829fbc4b4b15cf2a7c306fe634 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ad85c6464da76095c79316108a09a609d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a1f8e4b62213125612a143e187bfa74db Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8f66973bec7c92775835a9e463053674 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7bd124f57bce420d5af0f8dc752ffc5e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9d084dd7157893446768d6b7f8959a46 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aea2f735ed98d1ee284ebd33f3214e558 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aad5475060b95738e0e0362ba36e9442c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0f1f4897dcedf10fa9ae2ae072609bf2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ace1fb5381dc509f14fb32fdc70ed3bc8 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a92b5e335d8a4d8eaead0f032763afb94 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7e4b67e954f13e0e56d27b30b95ce09f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a302745b095c6630ad5deb11fd5a3a76d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aab85fe0e692cbf5635367450fd84c7ed Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac8612f412ee8b8d6a2236abcd31f9c28 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a72777498f7dbeabaecad04aad4c5ee58 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a165a9d7d5c9d7bd07454ca182bc893d0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac00a4bf449330e0abe8cf4f9aa318043 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac3bb4e3c866a883e3d9eb493a73cc881 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9d5166461341eb354aa3643c3010bdb2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa3c01a1b037c0c0bfe88e11b6eddf896 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a281d0c343318092dc22a0349b6669e6b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9b6756e2b6ddda22651a3fb1db64f772 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5373d8c2728e6e01b61186436b4474f1 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a91a1fc8b029c6bbf90e67b363a26a74c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a14526f36fddc360920c3dbca03831856 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7a7dd14fb623e260da5774d226a2a6a2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7413b33210387fadaa2320d3f87025b7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a47f13648e902035774e4554e77198a15 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a92fcfc07d6bfe3dfdef0bd51097d8b10 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a2031748a850cd6c683f4a257dba7c8aa Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aee9bb39922ad789eebbb0ff0c852ade2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ab7e9f3f0f02ac51126f69514f4959ee3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae426bbb3eb87e09ea34f0440598614a1 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5fe2e42561c74de568008703f130f583 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5cfda7755785613c48f0da3b8ea9976c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae67ff32800473fee4aa5c9fa948eba87 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7a8bcb5ccb11c5c4fb2ab13ce72f4288 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a3a080e73c0295a489c5ee407518977b3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9933c6e77714826446fb46fef4d823f8 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a32bee0cef42a8b8f7cb6de021342cde7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a69c6524286188a8b447d478b1ba9d3d6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9605abfdd90d33eb5eea744c81675271 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ad6218dd2e5514c1b676ebb6e16e36e45 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa9940627116cbf3fd7e07f1a2ed00e1e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae5d08d81c2ada256e083572c71d95c80 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7dcc895b5a50db1f5029ad447e017516 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0c1176b9f8e1cce331f6eb896a1964e0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af02a2003f72dd87b585f5e4b9c93b039 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a4fcee3f1ec0195a1fe252f928b078d91 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5eeeb697d35c22cb6309b69b06500826 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ab8327da875451c7e609bf3186968c3e0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a29df26d9cb33b2075d8e041c968d279c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a315c6d14651a59577e1fe240190c7817 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a409e230d9865b0c7eb239f193747653e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a609019c477e3c365aac3b65a5b0313c2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a67560005f8ba71be53adb4bd0e19516a Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a02ea6ccb61ffc6f58d1e9f0824f52c22 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aba215dd3622bde330cd2c138318cb634 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a607c03c30a842be303676901ef5c2c78 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a6711617de6ab9394cf241df779d85118 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af51c519871436788fd14b8d5d8a5d3e9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a38496b3e17a27d9fda470c02a18fa93c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a01da6feb0e5b175891a12f8c194308b4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa90562e4cb30312dc17cfbf0ffebbfc2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a6d9f667087239b98fa2ed6972b462f0e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aaf9575dba05d5c702eb44e16dc0b4d63 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a97395f590a1e7d492c69d7829430dad9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1abf7be8f274d6ef5ddedfba14266f2315 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5000ba5ce5ab0e625921422ea05e2971 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0fe3018fba3d468a280341eb7bd77220 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aee15edf5750812db2459c7c1414e58d2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a4d7013064441ea3b07b7817aaf8fda39 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a230497b12149df362af032d2736a6294 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7b42697c63314b7367fedc67341bd510 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a38d68c163a2a0f7e816a586b0071c241 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aee055894abb9e8adabbcdfa260d368c8 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1abc400dbb141bcdf47e7b071ca0b725a3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa7dab57b3adfd3cff13604becfd0b7a5 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9833cbed6fc3e89b204c977551cb4a28 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a02fb215dc3a76cd594da7b6053727976 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a4c5862883fac8f1d2bcda2387ca10894 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a83f26b98c3968f12a087851c855b6de6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa157eeeae2daa6ab7b1b8b1a9485cea6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1adae3bb6e1e1b67471f204401fb6b1bc7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ab4be22b88a784db919e833e7bb3eeb97 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a472a4186631e124ad2e27853363248fc Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a95faca5f752830479116cdb468516c09 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9b4e3960da964e2f053b87b3f95275b4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8afa2f28ea3cf1a1727291a78d608fc2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7c0d6834d26764cb228a36af60d79bc4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa17d179b034dcee07bc9af6d89f7499e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a6d1380bbeaba5f7de420a7fcc2dd612f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a2d5427e1e6732aa66962dcb258c94e15 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af6eef4df9b9298b67382dbccd6761bfd Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a027a68b79183149f01630054bde3fba5 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a658bb186d2012e7ebd3f7664d5b2ee6c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1acb9bb82004cf3a96a63c63e05007a295 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a292ad1a601daa3f7d0c8bec4953abd43 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a464e33c97be488676ef2d0fd6db6574d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a3f164b71e3d46982ea189abf7197af53 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a51bc371c36c3f6198add2d1a66c62510 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1acbc4d71b11b8ba3c592c6a1af9d83246 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0bcfed08544dda67235f2782e92956a9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1acd220fab2d35bfbb7af29ca0f73f0c30 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a52e54e8c92755bb6d5b11a3a7c7b6259 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a52820243c9272ec4acf9c508849352fa Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a1e2799ccda6011078b7a958e618a7673 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a04b506f1c8732e56eaef77184352e765 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5bedde52ac557de75fae8f1accdd1e23 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a85c8edba755424f81f863a5f0b0dafd7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a08717aacb3bf3f894ed692bcbeaadc64 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a904e0365b85fd1fa9037342b15c6bfae Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac209e6307a0aa62b6c61d52003c1416b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aed50c54ab3b9575f1e47a33a9566c2e2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae415993ccd85fd8a288fb3b3e3928e48 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a987eb0a9eb4b574bb4da0b93ce692d99 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5b1b987b450603de37ed6305842d829f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a859fa904ad605e35617b64a3f4168bcb Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aca46348c8d265fed9863a7b69ea5eb80 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ad72b918c5cca43fd0260ef2ca73bc3f0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8d3a68a8c9810d23c9feb221bbea9142 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5cfba5a7bc163d398d63f0d5e94e9ad0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1afba2226df948f44b4d588b8338ed5bb0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa1b9f69c1849c577cc6688b09704c8ee Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1abf099187b94bde345d1b9b14030a386b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ab51404ddde18292c7100eec30915b410 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a634d13e1f9530d32fdad8861097f70c1 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a02d8eaab4d6f3f558cb36055f14b5829 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a13d66d7b934bf2caa68f8a8b07c2c2ea Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a98403ed4da56ef3368125e918a74427b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a671f07a2bf63d6a2958ae63bc823e5ba Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a391e645a8ddae698147f89e569dd482b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af33aaa9b8c0f1ad3876873c6818e4cbe Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1abd231346e540e9c6e58baddf53d46327 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac48fd13ef5d4951e8cc6832f4e416e29 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aae34e2b113491cc7cae4c122ebee0063 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7b4c0abb04cca97ecc83f7d2d98b89a3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae0a8df4cacc8b02daf0f47dcfd40ee61 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a05b7c2ece3d0e5255488bd0a3ac623a6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a4596418d76f9a3c4829917c97c150c0a Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a4e28b135d2b662644df25cb1fa24588d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a91fa0090c6897890907e653007423c6b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a327ef0b15ba1b064866a71a30f62594a Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a3ddae68fa97cd94f96d3e8ffc0b21fef Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a69622890b4de24da7ba77547512681cb Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1acef1a6fb5627eb30480c0345de2bc74c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ab7bde10b829cff6d6a78df93a75b446c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a3a581822297ea506c9d330c32df7e7d6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa8b9f7cbb9e7a4e1a0837eabc382dd10 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a57c2b409d6857c855377ec9065d57a98 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a04b91f610779a114e15cf0bbe2453b61 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5311c88c78b7a0bb85fb8d49205f649a Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae68f3fe3f5201a609e083ed71aa92d91 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8d34481966f86d1c5819f278d04c9fe3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aee2a273b39e70a316b91c074184570ae Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af1cdda33f5fe0324e93cfc4cd85e0c85 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1adeaf11a246b9bb16ef4ff02de0d2637d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa484e64a2d1c08a36d314c4daf4934d9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a3c93901f5d47a0c5aac03be7781f5288 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ab20a63411b00177093bda971209b4ee5 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a2cb38c11539df0ce395488ea3bc20c2c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a961baad3e8cefca19c4ebfc5071a9df4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a336af9c97498d4ba7e305e783150358f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a4228e1e0b363a717194d50cc1f87fe5e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1acfe72ca8217e238b8d35d1062ce52f96 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a09c8e289260c8557f34a727814691af6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9de3e3205efaa166104bcf726acd03c3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1acfc76c16fe9c87b05b4cfa53dfffcbee Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa23f680d6b69e67ff37a8cdeec222fa0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a946001c08a86189cdb70e0067d31a5a3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aec3ab833fe4c4a27e82dc67753822609 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7487edda1fc07fdcdfc3f59f3d7c4cb4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a7282cac38edd73a282ffe1290d034b5f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a3ff63a2b032413edbd0cd7227f742dc4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a1d88cd4caf9b4681e2865446e88295af Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a940422331ecaf2455e0f6a03e8aaf4a1 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1acd8843933f35f705d1427a99eb9f4a3e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a36aa4e4346f88576e41106326cc93c5f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aff5fd06cb0c2e88def22e463079e8283 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af44d4f5a62b878884095a9891ec80385 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae5ec1bbedd6a408469dbe521e9a83fe5 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a85955c8604aac82d95bd5dd86960ec4c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0979f1a032f3fc46ae5a80303fbc0822 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae5ba8004d7f6300ab4020964a3a22545 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af35fb2409b8ab945c953f18dcfbb13e0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aafc65ce88bab22a4250f33759295cd7e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aa076efb6750908d096c12be864ab53c6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a62e9860101b4e0198b27775ae3cce9f2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a956f3f1b16887ef1d30ee3136ed8ab25 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a0832e753c94435c6cd706edd44cbc30f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9e7382f5874b63e27650418660bceaa9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a9a1d92681904c527b73d36a75a12d652 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8c3d13230faedd6c8bd9db63f0835689 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ada57c894ab7eb9baa2597c6d17b33e12 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a96e378f05a701e9234b8d043ecda0e2a Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a97e6d81280a81ea670d95ff0520672eb Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a49f4f816aff5012bc05468a77b91a4e1 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5504beab11a425fa503d4819b467e611 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aaf2fa38d475fadd3ac7be25727707675 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac98976c80a3b669cfd0cb5cdb86d1f9a Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ad45a67147ca932531d22fb9c3803e206 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5a49de0f3aa1c150334974c87d41e9ed Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a76db876a63622a6b5de2de90c605cf06 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac53acc5858028d880ad75b2d206497d7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1afd8fc639bbf99d70570543d67f6a6826 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1abec4f43baa03d0ae9efa96922e7fa712 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a05c6ba7f4478184bdeb4b0989392a14f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1acb33f65d97e67a485d3ae2823bde377d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae8661756282604370cf91ac181f36724 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a1ad21b33d6d6f693e15a455e2c7973d5 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae4c482c283477cdced6b6d999843e468 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a1e09edcc282c2a54529e40e5fb4c44dd Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af99db424e2231e486730452faec795f7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8e3523ccc41b4a5e2be53a18ffbf8d2c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac9ff91f9ce2c00a4f2cb28a253345ee6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ae1235be29cbe2fcc126be53050a26691 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a57b09681c05663686fd002de4181e63b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ab59f4e131c06e93ad23935121d142f59 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8f82eb9e588394832deb03dc297cf20d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1aadc4f56637542a3ab7377884e812d5a4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ad78f9986501211aafcd65188e55c313e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a8c45f2500abf1bb130d572be34d69229 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a3d35ca3c90e7299e0fcd29c8bb705107 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a718f9c6c378dd1dc3b3ad26de9672e5a Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a592d2a4e95f881e3a08fc78747591e87 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a3ea272430be735c5a1d1034f3efe8400 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1afb4dfd6010ab60800fe7e76be02a44b3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a43d8b8eed2eff9c189296d217c950b94 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1ac4be6138c305ffe1c42ec3816f527466 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1adf7a50dcd5e1d05f49f265a10cfa4a96 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a67b695870111cb381750023b0afd5ed2 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a5b6ca69f89c24b344b74ea4571832543 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1af956b6db73c3381c81c4b08ef4502fc9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-functions_8h_1a68754093d191c3f63be8dd4817bd0bb9 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a406e57f849ad42ab11264b0c74ced895a87416dce6b841cf6196ed3855ccfdbf6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a406e57f849ad42ab11264b0c74ced895ae5a999f0ff23c01e64fd68541d4ebf37 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a406e57f849ad42ab11264b0c74ced895a73f410519d1157786d52a53f11256254 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a406e57f849ad42ab11264b0c74ced895 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a8976be447f47843d51b764bfe85bd47da09e61033781a1a8a9a535a56a7fc4d64 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a8976be447f47843d51b764bfe85bd47da027f05347eef8c14b71a8db5936fac79 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a8976be447f47843d51b764bfe85bd47da4ad060029223eaf9c64b16fb4a5ca024 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a8976be447f47843d51b764bfe85bd47d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a6f4f8189d3fb012e15f2908e61b3ba20a6323d14c246a72fd8895b964ca5bc59b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a6f4f8189d3fb012e15f2908e61b3ba20a7808667597ccf33cab2b679e83e6e9b1 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a6f4f8189d3fb012e15f2908e61b3ba20 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a503eb8c2565be541cd06a74d0ec368b7a011e9fd9389d1ba4836dae3f04405559 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a503eb8c2565be541cd06a74d0ec368b7a27f2b0df534a059f16763cd7491ae211 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a503eb8c2565be541cd06a74d0ec368b7a0bd19ea74736fd1ca48140997716cc86 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a503eb8c2565be541cd06a74d0ec368b7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a608ee84b4cedbfb06ea735be874d31ff Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03ac97057fcb38a788817c1e1d54178b02f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a0f451e44cdbd40ecde394496e782afe3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a1ec960494cc61cb33af768acdbafe76f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a1425dffb65fa9881055d774c50a7d046 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a38e56e2febedc1b79b0dd79876f238d3 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03acf76c9bb0643fb8606ed3eb4811ac8e5 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a7d06e31f0e5839d687429cfef80c2c0d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a86b9e2c762fc877192bff044b616c498 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a957f07db3112444cb0b31497d4ce5254 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03aa2920d1b0c117d16d2efacd9c7427f3e Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03abd16dfc59ede5705b103f722c2c81719 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03a6e0e3c6afb11fc8724c02206b6ec0ab4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1aed94086822f2547bddc6182c25749d03 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a12d27692cdbe833501ef32abb1257e64 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a4c4e3d8d48d14761a0d21a261c1f3a7c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a666da21be840652847a7e334eeff6fdc Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8abd26f31a7a02e9d42e7737bce32ee650 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a55db880fd519219a8784899b84730d73 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a7ab164b885068511563ddf8ca8b41735 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a0fcdccf8e7501e6f0dc033fdddea8d64 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a34e00272d0d93838dbb64acacbfb2370 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a6b7d5cd8a48cd8347536bbca09d5b112 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8ab4078bd4cb7562d82b37760a22a2f18c Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8aa4796f33078bdf0841363a46671a2ac7 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a46de61e7cfc95192d8a617fbf7336922 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a2287d18bc0d2cf0900917b44335026a6 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a94fbbeae672f375e512033ff829cda2d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8af9d568d7cb2f1a896c3c58807d5a09dc Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8a756f99633fcfdfb3750e305dc25dae95 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a36f48cb8bd52842d9435876077ecc9f8 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1ae9ca87273410f7097508a983d386cba4a2f0390419a13907b4a2e521b77c3c5cb Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1ae9ca87273410f7097508a983d386cba4a5db06f37b38bdf2972a16f2869644d60 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1ae9ca87273410f7097508a983d386cba4 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a2617e51a61393315715c11035c662fa8a09b57b666f29f4179dabb51ed4f614d8 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a2617e51a61393315715c11035c662fa8a81b6271b673851efca20321f0f04a36d Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a2617e51a61393315715c11035c662fa8a214de05732d798bdd585bf1db739b3b0 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a2617e51a61393315715c11035c662fa8a4c69ed989c4cda6f8d292b210ce09f38 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a2617e51a61393315715c11035c662fa8 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a6d33ce1b1bdbd9539d6dec958801149bad59ebc40878401bfba93676e9c73ac22 Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a6d33ce1b1bdbd9539d6dec958801149b Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a8a4de42139e6ee8ac0ffb496ab43640f Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1a872ca82c4af86a11c3048762a0fbf7ee Warning: Duplicate target detected: rocblas-types_8h_1af00b22a41ef1d52a80be097800d17958 reading sources... [ 57%] ROCm_Libraries/dep-lib reading sources... [ 58%] ROCm_Libraries/hipsparse_wiki reading sources... [ 59%] ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/API reading sources... [ 59%] ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/Introduction reading sources... [ 60%] ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/docs/source/api reading sources... [ 61%] ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/docs/source/index reading sources... [ 61%] ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/docs/source/library reading sources... [ 62%] ROCm_Libraries/rocSOLVER/index reading sources... [ 63%] ROCm_Network_Based_Programing/ROCm_RDMA reading sources... [ 63%] ROCm_Solutions/ROCr_Error_Codes reading sources... [ 64%] ROCm_System_Managment/ROCm-System-Managment reading sources... [ 65%] ROCm_System_Managment/topo0 reading sources... [ 65%] ROCm_System_Managment/topo1 reading sources... [ 66%] ROCm_System_Managment/topo2 reading sources... [ 67%] ROCm_System_Managment/topo3 reading sources... [ 67%] ROCm_System_Managment/topo4 reading sources... [ 68%] ROCm_Tools/HCC-Native-GCN-ISA reading sources... [ 69%] ROCm_Tools/HCC_WIKI reading sources... [ 69%] ROCm_Tools/ROCm-Tools reading sources... [ 70%] ROCm_Tools/aoreadme reading sources... [ 71%] ROCm_Tools/clBLA reading sources... [ 71%] ROCm_Tools/clFFT reading sources... [ 72%] ROCm_Tools/clRNG reading sources... [ 73%] ROCm_Tools/clSPARSE reading sources... [ 73%] ROCm_Tools/hcFFT reading sources... [ 74%] ROCm_Tools/hcRNG reading sources... [ 75%] ROCm_Tools/hipBLAS reading sources... [ 75%] ROCm_Tools/hipeigen reading sources... [ 76%] ROCm_Tools/hipinstall reading sources... [ 76%] ROCm_Tools/installtensile reading sources... [ 77%] ROCm_Tools/rocFFT reading sources... [ 78%] ROCm_Tools/rocFFTAPI reading sources... [ 78%] ROCm_Tools/rocblas reading sources... [ 79%] ROCm_Tools/rocblaswiki reading sources... [ 80%] ROCm_Tools/rocm-debug reading sources... [ 80%] ROCm_Tools/tensile reading sources... [ 81%] ROCm_Tools/tutorial reading sources... [ 82%] ROCm_Virtualization_Containers/ROCm-Virtualization-&-Containers reading sources... [ 82%] ROCm_Virtualization_Containers/ROCm_Docker reading sources... [ 83%] ROCm_Virtualization_Containers/quickstart reading sources... [ 84%] Remote_Device_Programming/Async reading sources... [ 84%] Remote_Device_Programming/DesignDiscuss reading sources... [ 85%] Remote_Device_Programming/Memoryhooks reading sources... [ 86%] Remote_Device_Programming/Performancemeasurement reading sources... [ 86%] Remote_Device_Programming/PrintUCXinfo reading sources... [ 87%] Remote_Device_Programming/Remote-Device-Programming reading sources... [ 88%] Remote_Device_Programming/Testing reading sources... [ 88%] Remote_Device_Programming/UCP-Design reading sources... [ 89%] Remote_Device_Programming/UCT-Design reading sources... [ 90%] Remote_Device_Programming/UCXenv reading sources... [ 90%] Remote_Device_Programming/findUCPendpoint reading sources... [ 91%] Remote_Device_Programming/logging reading sources... [ 92%] Remote_Device_Programming/profiling reading sources... [ 92%] Remote_Device_Programming/sideprogresscompletion reading sources... [ 93%] Remote_Device_Programming/statistic reading sources... [ 94%] Tutorial/GCN-asm-tutorial reading sources... [ 94%] Tutorial/Optimizing-Dispatches reading sources... [ 95%] Tutorial/ROCm-MultiGPU reading sources... [ 96%] Tutorial/Tutorial reading sources... [ 96%] Tutorial/caffe reading sources... [ 97%] Tutorial/hipCaffe reading sources... [ 98%] Tutorial/mininbody reading sources... [ 98%] Tutorial/rocncloc reading sources... [ 99%] index reading sources... [100%] outline /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Code Object Manager (Comgr) Functions ################################## /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Code Object Manager (Comgr) Functions ################################## /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "here". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "here". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. ROCm MIOpen v2.0.1 Release ************************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "rocm install". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "here". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Option 1: Docker image with Caffe2 installed: ******************************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Option 1: Docker image with Caffe2 installed: ******************************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Literal block ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Literal block ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: AMD OpenVX ********** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: AMD OpenVX Extensions ********************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Applications ************ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Neural Net Model Compiler And Optimizer *************************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: RALI **** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Samples ******* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Toolkit ******* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Utilities ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Prerequisites ************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Pre-requisites setup script - ************************************************ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Build & Install MIVisionX ************************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "miopengemm". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "miopen". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Verify the Installation *********************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "here". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Docker ****** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Release Notes ************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "see here". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ .rst:5: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "link". /home/docs/checkouts/ .rst:5: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "link". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title overline too short. ********* HIP Programing FAQ ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What APIs and features does HIP support? ################### /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What is not supported? ################ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What is not supported? ################ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Runtime/Driver API features ******************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Is HIP a drop*in replacement for CUDA? ****************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Is HIP a drop*in replacement for CUDA? ****************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What specific version of CUDA does HIP support? ************************************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What specific version of CUDA does HIP support? ************************************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What libraries does HIP support? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What libraries does HIP support? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. How does HIP compare with OpenCL? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. How does HIP compare with OpenCL? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. How does porting CUDA to HIP compare to porting CUDA to OpenCL? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. How does porting CUDA to HIP compare to porting CUDA to OpenCL? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What hardware does HIP support? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. What hardware does HIP support? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Does Hipify automatically convert all source code? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Does Hipify automatically convert all source code? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Why use HIP rather than supporting CUDA directly? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Why use HIP rather than supporting CUDA directly? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Can I develop HIP code on an Nvidia CUDA platform? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Can I develop HIP code on an Nvidia CUDA platform? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Can I develop HIP code on an AMD HCC platform? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Can I develop HIP code on an AMD HCC platform? ***************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "pdf". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "see here". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label caffe, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Anonymous hyperlink mismatch: 1 references but 0 targets. See "backrefs" attribute for IDs. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: GCN_ISA_Manuals/images/microcode/microcode_mtbuf.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: GCN_ISA_Manuals/images/microcode/microcode_mtbuf.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. CentOS RHEL v7.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. CentOS RHEL v7.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Literal block expected; none found. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: **Prerequisites** ############################### /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Before You Begin ################# /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Closed source components '''''''''''''''''''''''''' /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Downloading the ROCm Source Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Downloading the ROCm Source Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Core Components ===================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Support Software ====================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Development ToolChain =========================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Libraries ============== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Core Components ===================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Support Software ====================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Development ToolChain ============================ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Libraries =============== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title overline too short. ==================== Frequently Asked Questions - Installation ==================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: HIP Portability and Compiler Technology ========================================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "blog". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. CentOS RHEL v7.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. CentOS RHEL v7.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Literal block expected; none found. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: **Prerequisites** ############################### /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Before You Begin ################# /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Closed source components '''''''''''''''''''''''''' /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Downloading the ROCm Source Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Downloading the ROCm Source Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Core Components ===================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Support Software ====================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Development ToolChain =========================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Libraries ============== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Core Components ===================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Support Software ====================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Development ToolChain ============================ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: ROCm Libraries =============== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label deploying rocm, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label ubuntu, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label centos rhel, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label rocm install, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label sles 15 service pack 1, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label machine learning and high performance computing software stack for amd gpu, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label rocm binary package structure, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label rocm platform packages, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. BAR Memory Overview ****************** /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:8: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:78: WARNING: Literal block ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:79: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:86: WARNING: Literal block ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:87: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:99: WARNING: Literal block ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:100: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:109: WARNING: Literal block ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:110: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:113: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:116: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:172: WARNING: Title underline too short. CentOS RHEL v7.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:172: WARNING: Title underline too short. CentOS RHEL v7.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:454: WARNING: Title level inconsistent: **Prerequisites** ############################### /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:468: WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Before You Begin ################# /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:14: WARNING: Unknown target name: "multi-verion installation". /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:26: WARNING: duplicate label deploying rocm, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:41: WARNING: duplicate label ubuntu, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:172: WARNING: duplicate label centos rhel, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:225: WARNING: duplicate label rocm install, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ Start Installation Guide.rst:350: WARNING: duplicate label sles 15 service pack 1, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. This developer release includes the following: ------------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Turn Off Page Retry on GFX9/Vega devices ********************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Turn Off Page Retry on GFX9/Vega devices ********************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unknown target name: "number". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unknown target name: "number". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unknown target name: "number". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unknown target name: "number". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unknown target name: "number". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Blank line required after table. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Blank line required after table. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline strong start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label hip-faq, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Identifying the Compiler: hcc, hip-clang or nvcc ************************************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. Identifying the Compiler: hcc, hip-clang or nvcc ************************************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. hipLaunchKernelGGL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. hipLaunchKernelGGL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Literal block expected; none found. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "dim3". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Blank line required after table. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Malformed table. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | Function | Supported in HIP | Supported in CUD | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+ |void load_matrix_sync(fragment<...> &a, const T* mptr, unsigned lda) | | ✓ | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+ |void load_matrix_sync(fragment<...> &a, const T* mptr, unsigned lda, layout_t layout) | | ✓ | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+ |void store_matrix_sync(T* mptr, fragment<...> &a, unsigned lda, layout_t layout) | | ✓ | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+ |void fill_fragment(fragment<...> &a, const T &value) | | ✓ | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+ |void mma_sync(fragment<...> &d, const fragment<...> &a, const fragment<...> &b, | | ✓ | |const fragment<...> &c , bool sat) | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: duplicate label synchronization-functions, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "1". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "1". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Blank line required after table. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "1". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Blank line required after table. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "1". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "1". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. .... /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. .... /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Blank line required after table. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "1". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error in "image" directive: no content permitted. .. image:: Opencl_optimization_images/3.8.png **Figure 3.8 Kernel Unrolled 4X** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error in "image" directive: no content permitted. .. image:: Opencl_optimization_images/3.9.png **Figure 3.9 Unrolled Loop with Stores Clustered** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error in "image" directive: no content permitted. .. image:: Opencl_optimization_images/3.10.png **Figure 3.10 Unrolled Kernel Using float4 for Vectorization** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Literal block expected; none found. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Footnote [2] is not referenced. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: Programming_Guides/images/a.1.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: When to Use HIP **************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: OpenCL™: Open Compute Language ################################ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: When to Use OpenCL ******************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Anaconda Python With Numba ########################### /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Numba ****** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: When to Use Anaconda ********************* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Wrap-Up ####### /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Table Comparing Syntax for Different Compute APIs ************************************************** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ----------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. ------------------------ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected section title or transition. --------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title level inconsistent: Notes ****** /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. HIP Programming Guide ==================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Literal block expected; none found. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Literal block expected; none found. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Content block expected for the "code" directive; none found. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Content block expected for the "code" directive; none found. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Malformed table. Text in column margin in table line 3. ======================= ====== ===== ======== ==== ====== ========= =================================== HIP API Synchronization Effect Fence Coherent Host Memory Visibiity Non-Coherent Host Memory Visibility hipStreamSynchronize host waits for all commands in the specified stream to complete system-scope release yes yes hipDeviceSynchronize host waits for all commands in all streams on the specified device to complete system-scope release yes yes hipEventSynchronize host waits for the specified event to complete device-scope release yes depends - see below hipStreamWaitEvent stream waits for the specified event to complete none yes no ======================= ====== ===== ======== ==== ====== ========= =================================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "checkout". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Malformed table. Bottom/header table border does not match top border. ============ ================================= ================== ================= =========== Format APIs NVCC HCC HIP-CLANG ============ ================================= ================== ================= =========== Code Object hipModuleLoad, hipModuleLoadData .cubin or PTX text .hsaco .hsaco Fat Binary hipModuleLoadFatBin .fatbin Under Development .hip_fatbin ============ ================================= ================== ================= =========== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "here". /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. AMD ROCm Documentation =================== /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCswap" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDswap" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSswap" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZswap" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCscal" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDscal" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSscal" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZscal" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCsscal" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZdscal" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCcopy" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDcopy" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasScopy" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZcopy" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCaxpy" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDaxpy" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSaxpy" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZaxpy" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCdotc" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCdotu" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDdot" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSdot" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZdotc" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZdotu" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCrotg" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDrotg" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSrotg" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZrotg" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDrotmg" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSrotmg" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCsrot" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDrot" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSrot" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZdrot" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDrotm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSrotm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDnrm2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDznrm2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasScnrm2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSnrm2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasiCamax" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasiDamax" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasiSamax" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasiZamax" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDasum" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDzasum" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSasum" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasScasum" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCgemv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDgemv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSgemv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZgemv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDsymv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSsymv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasChemv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZhemv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCtrmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDtrmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasStrmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZtrmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCtrsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDtrsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasStrsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZtrsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDger" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSger" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCgeru" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZgeru" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCgerc" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZgerc" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDsyr" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSsyr" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCher" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZher" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDsyr2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSsyr2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCher2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZher2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCtpmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDtpmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasStpmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZtpmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCtpsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasStpsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZtpsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDspmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSspmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasChpmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZhpmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDspr" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSspr" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasChpr" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZhpr" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDspr2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSspr2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasChpr2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZhpr2" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCgbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDgbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSgbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZgbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCtbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDtbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasStbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZtbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDsbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSsbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasChbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZhbmv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCtbsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDtbsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasStbsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZtbsv" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCgemm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDgemm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSgemm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZgemm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. TRMM - Triangular matrix-matrix multiplication -------------------------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. TRMM - Triangular matrix-matrix multiplication -------------------------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCtrmm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDtrmm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasStrmm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZtrmm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. TRSM - Solving triangular systems of equations -------------------------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. TRSM - Solving triangular systems of equations -------------------------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCtrsm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDtrsm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasStrsm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZtrsm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCsyrk" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDsyrk" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCsyr2k" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDsyr2k" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSsyr2k" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZsyr2k" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCsymm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasDsymm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasSsymm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZsymm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. HEMM - Hermitian matrix-matrix multiplication -------------------------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. HEMM - Hermitian matrix-matrix multiplication -------------------------------------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasChemm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZhemm" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCherk" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZherk" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasCher2k" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: doxygenfunction: Cannot find function "clblasZher2k" in doxygen xml output for project "ReadTheDocs-Breathe" from directory: xml/ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Blank line required after table. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Inconsistent literal block quoting. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Unexpected indentation. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. cyl_bessel_i0f ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. cyl_bessel_i0f ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. cyl_bessel_i1f ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. cyl_bessel_i1f ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. nearbyintf ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. nearbyintf ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. nextafterf ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. nextafterf ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. normcdfinvf ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. normcdfinvf ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. remainderf ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. remainderf ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. normcdfinv ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. normcdfinv ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __fdividef ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __fdividef ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __fsqrt_ru ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __fsqrt_ru ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __fsqrt_rz ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __fsqrt_rz ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __saturatef ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __saturatef ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __dsqrt_rd ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __dsqrt_rd ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __dsqrt_rn ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __dsqrt_rn ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __dsqrt_ru ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __dsqrt_ru ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __dsqrt_rz ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __dsqrt_rz ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __byte_perm ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __byte_perm ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __umul64hi ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __umul64hi ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __hfma_sat ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __hfma_sat ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __hmul_sat ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __hmul_sat ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __hsub_sat ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __hsub_sat ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __ushort2half_rd ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. __ushort2half_rd ********* /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMemcpyPeerAsync (void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 30] hipError_t hipMemcpyPeerAsync (void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) ------------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 128] hipError_t hipMemcpyPeerAsync (void *dst, int dstDeviceId, const void *src, int srcDevice, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMemcpyToSymbol (const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyHostToDevice)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 29] hipError_t hipMemcpyToSymbol (const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyHostToDevice)) -----------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 103] hipError_t hipMemcpyToSymbol (const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyHostToDevice)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMemcpyToSymbolAsync (const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 34] hipError_t hipMemcpyToSymbolAsync (const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) ----------------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 148] hipError_t hipMemcpyToSymbolAsync (const void *symbolName, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMemcpyFromSymbol (void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyDeviceToHost)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 31] hipError_t hipMemcpyFromSymbol (void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyDeviceToHost)) -------------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 99] hipError_t hipMemcpyFromSymbol (void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyDeviceToHost)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMemcpyFromSymbolAsync (void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 36] hipError_t hipMemcpyFromSymbolAsync (void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) ------------------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 144] hipError_t hipMemcpyFromSymbolAsync (void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMemcpyAsync (void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 26] hipError_t hipMemcpyAsync (void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) --------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 112] hipError_t hipMemcpyAsync (void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMemsetAsync (void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 26] hipError_t hipMemsetAsync (void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) --------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 86] hipError_t hipMemsetAsync (void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMallocArray (hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm(0), unsigned int flags __dparm(hipArrayDefault)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 26] hipError_t hipMallocArray (hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm(0), unsigned int flags __dparm(hipArrayDefault)) --------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 107] hipError_t hipMallocArray (hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm(0), unsigned int flags __dparm(hipArrayDefault)) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 11] hipError_t hipMemcpy2DAsync (void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) -----------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 28] hipError_t hipMemcpy2DAsync (void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) ----------------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "," or ")" in parameters-and-qualifiers, got "_". [error at 155] hipError_t hipMemcpy2DAsync (void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. hipStreamGetFlags ---------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Title underline too short. hipStreamGetFlags ---------------- /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_status_string (hsa_status_t status, const char **status_string) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_status_string (hsa_status_t status, const char **status_string) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_status_string (hsa_status_t status, const char **status_string) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_init () -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_init () ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_init () ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_shut_down () -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_shut_down () ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_shut_down () ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_get_info (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_agent_info_t attribute, void *value) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_get_info (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_agent_info_t attribute, void *value) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_get_info (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_agent_info_t attribute, void *value) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_iterate_caches (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_cache_t cache, void *data), void *data) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_iterate_caches (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_cache_t cache, void *data), void *data) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_iterate_caches (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_cache_t cache, void *data), void *data) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_major_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, hsa_agent_t agent, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t *version_minor, bool *result) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_major_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, hsa_agent_t agent, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t *version_minor, bool *result) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_major_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, hsa_agent_t agent, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t *version_minor, bool *result) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_cache_get_info (hsa_cache_t cache, hsa_cache_info_t attribute, void *value) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_cache_get_info (hsa_cache_t cache, hsa_cache_info_t attribute, void *value) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_cache_get_info (hsa_cache_t cache, hsa_cache_info_t attribute, void *value) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_extension_get_name (uint16_t extension, const char **name) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_extension_get_name (uint16_t extension, const char **name) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_extension_get_name (uint16_t extension, const char **name) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_iterate_agents (hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_agent_t agent, void *data), void *data) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_iterate_agents (hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_agent_t agent, void *data), void *data) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_iterate_agents (hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_agent_t agent, void *data), void *data) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_system_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t version_minor, bool *result) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_system_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t version_minor, bool *result) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_system_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t version_minor, bool *result) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_get_info (hsa_system_info_t attribute, void *value) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_get_info (hsa_system_info_t attribute, void *value) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_get_info (hsa_system_info_t attribute, void *value) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_get_major_extension_table (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, size_t table_length, void *table) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_get_major_extension_table (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, size_t table_length, void *table) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_get_major_extension_table (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, size_t table_length, void *table) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_major_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t *version_minor, bool *result) -------------^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_major_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t *version_minor, bool *result) ---------------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 21] hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_major_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t *version_minor, bool *result) ---------------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: void [error at 4] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) ----^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 13] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: void [error at 4] void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_add_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) ----^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 13] void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_add_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_add_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: void [error at 4] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) ----^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 13] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: void [error at 4] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) ----^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 13] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: void [error at 4] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) ----^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 13] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: void [error at 4] void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_and_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) ----^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected '::' in pointer to member (function). [error at 13] void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_and_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value) -------------^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting "(" in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 13] void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_and_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t Command output too long. Truncated at 1MB. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-05-30T00:39:49.955970Z, end-time: 2020-05-30T00:45:57.617758Z, duration: 367, exit-code: 0 python sphinx-build -b latex -D language=en -d _build/doctrees . _build/latex Running Sphinx v3.0.4 warning: source ./examples is not a readable file or directory... skipping. warning: source /docs/doxygen-input/images is not a readable file or directory... skipping. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: the name `hcc_detail/hip_runtime_api.h' supplied as the second argument in the \file statement is not an input file /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Compound hipIpcMemHandle_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Found unknown command `\bried' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipRemoveApiCallback(uint32_t id) (function) of group API is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipRegisterActivityCallback(uint32_t id, void *fun, void *arg) (function) of group API is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipRemoveActivityCallback(uint32_t id) (function) of group API is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipKernelNameRef(hipFunction_t f) (function) of group API is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNotReady' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMemcpyFromSymbol(void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyDeviceToHost)) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMemcpyFromSymbolAsync(void *dst, const void *symbolName, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMemPtrGetInfo(void *ptr, size_t *size) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArrayCreate(hipArray **pHandle, const HIP_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *pAllocateArray) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArray3DCreate(hipArray **array, const HIP_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *pAllocateArray) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMalloc3D(hipPitchedPtr *pitchedDevPtr, hipExtent extent) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipMemcpyParam2D(const hip_Memcpy2D *pCopy) (function) of group Memory is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member USE_PEER_NON_UNIFIED (macro definition) of group PeerToPeer is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Found unknown command `\bried' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ihipModuleGetGlobal(hipDeviceptr_t *dptr, size_t *bytes, hipModule_t hmod, const char *name) (function) of group Driver is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipModuleGetTexRef(textureReference **texRef, hipModule_t hmod, const char *name) (function) of group Driver is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipEventReleaseToDevice (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipHostMallocWriteCombined (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipDeviceScheduleBlockingSync (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipDeviceScheduleMask (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipDeviceMapHost (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipDeviceLmemResizeToMax (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArrayLayered (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArraySurfaceLoadStore (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArrayCubemap (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipArrayTextureGather (macro definition) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member hipJitOption (enumeration) of group GlobalDefs is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member binaryVersion (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member cacheModeCA (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member constSizeBytes (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member localSizeBytes (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member maxDynamicSharedSizeBytes (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member maxThreadsPerBlock (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member numRegs (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member preferredShmemCarveout (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member ptxVersion (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member sharedSizeBytes (variable) of class hipFuncAttributes is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: Member reserved[HIP_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE] (variable) of class hipIpcMemHandle_t is not documented. /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorDeviceAlreadyInUse' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'device' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipGetDevice(int *deviceId) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipGetDevice(int *deviceId) are not documented: parameter 'deviceId' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: argument 'output' of command @param is not found in the argument list of hipGetDeviceCount(int *count) /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNoDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorNoDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipGetDeviceCount(int *count) are not documented: parameter 'count' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorUnsupportedLimit' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: The following parameters of hipFuncSetCacheConfig(const void *func, hipFuncCache_t config) are not documented: parameter 'func' /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidValue' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInitializationError' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipSuccess' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorInvalidDevice' could not be resolved /home/docs/checkouts/ warning: explicit link request to 'hipErrorSetOnActiveProce