Read the Docs build information Build id: 317036 Project: feature-labs-inc-evalml Version: latest Commit: 495702cbd62cb7cbfb3a5ef14c03a421e3353dec Date: 2020-04-15T17:04:58.666255Z State: finished Success: True [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:01.467564Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:03.127217Z, duration: 1, exit-code: 0 git clone --no-single-branch --depth 50 . Cloning into '.'... Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:03.693196Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:03.920268Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git checkout --force origin/master Note: checking out 'origin/master'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at 495702cb Update graph tests to always use tmpfile dir (#649) [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:04.048019Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:04.244918Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git clean -d -f -f [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:05.876896Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:09.620719Z, duration: 3, exit-code: 0 python3.7 -mvirtualenv Using base prefix '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.7.3' New python executable in /home/docs/checkouts/ Also creating executable in /home/docs/checkouts/ Installing setuptools, pip, wheel... done. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:10.050521Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:10.838499Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir pip Requirement already up-to-date: pip in /home/docs/checkouts/ (20.0.2) [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:11.061906Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:20.288982Z, duration: 9, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir Pygments==2.3.1 setuptools==41.0.1 docutils==0.14 mock==1.0.1 pillow==5.4.1 alabaster>=0.7,<0.8,!=0.7.5 commonmark==0.8.1 recommonmark==0.5.0 sphinx<2 sphinx-rtd-theme<0.5 readthedocs-sphinx-ext<1.1 Collecting Pygments==2.3.1 Downloading Pygments-2.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (849 kB) Collecting setuptools==41.0.1 Downloading setuptools-41.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (575 kB) Collecting docutils==0.14 Downloading docutils-0.14-py3-none-any.whl (543 kB) Collecting mock==1.0.1 Downloading mock-1.0.1.tar.gz (818 kB) Collecting pillow==5.4.1 Downloading Pillow-5.4.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (2.0 MB) Collecting alabaster!=0.7.5,<0.8,>=0.7 Downloading alabaster-0.7.12-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14 kB) Collecting commonmark==0.8.1 Downloading commonmark-0.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (47 kB) Collecting recommonmark==0.5.0 Downloading recommonmark-0.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.8 kB) Collecting sphinx<2 Downloading Sphinx-1.8.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (3.1 MB) Collecting sphinx-rtd-theme<0.5 Downloading sphinx_rtd_theme-0.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.4 MB) Collecting readthedocs-sphinx-ext<1.1 Downloading readthedocs_sphinx_ext-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14 kB) Collecting future Downloading future-0.18.2.tar.gz (829 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-websupport Downloading sphinxcontrib_websupport-1.2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (39 kB) Collecting Jinja2>=2.3 Downloading Jinja2-2.11.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (125 kB) Collecting babel!=2.0,>=1.3 Downloading Babel-2.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (8.6 MB) Collecting imagesize Downloading imagesize-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.8 kB) Collecting requests>=2.0.0 Downloading requests-2.23.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB) Collecting six>=1.5 Downloading six-1.14.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB) Collecting snowballstemmer>=1.1 Downloading snowballstemmer-2.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (97 kB) Collecting packaging Downloading packaging-20.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (37 kB) Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 Downloading MarkupSafe-1.1.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (27 kB) Collecting pytz>=2015.7 Downloading pytz-2019.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (509 kB) Collecting urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 Downloading urllib3-1.25.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl (125 kB) Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 Downloading certifi-2020.4.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (157 kB) Collecting idna<3,>=2.5 Downloading idna-2.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB) Collecting chardet<4,>=3.0.2 Downloading chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (133 kB) Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.2 Downloading pyparsing-2.4.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl (67 kB) Building wheels for collected packages: mock, future Building wheel for mock ( started Building wheel for mock ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for mock: filename=mock-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl size=23754 sha256=53ff930d0e14a8f8b05c82aab774afae2849bcdaf3dfc9520446b5ee7452dd8d Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-5poiuth5/wheels/16/03/37/f0a64ab894c9102906f192db1a4071b7592292ad661563c69b Building wheel for future ( started Building wheel for future ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for future: filename=future-0.18.2-py3-none-any.whl size=491058 sha256=703880d7540fd4832ec07ff9d5eb12dc5e4fef939b518503a7e597562d02b7ea Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-5poiuth5/wheels/56/b0/fe/4410d17b32f1f0c3cf54cdfb2bc04d7b4b8f4ae377e2229ba0 Successfully built mock future Installing collected packages: Pygments, setuptools, docutils, mock, pillow, alabaster, future, commonmark, sphinxcontrib-websupport, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, pytz, babel, imagesize, urllib3, certifi, idna, chardet, requests, six, snowballstemmer, pyparsing, packaging, sphinx, recommonmark, sphinx-rtd-theme, readthedocs-sphinx-ext Attempting uninstall: setuptools Found existing installation: setuptools 46.1.3 Uninstalling setuptools-46.1.3: Successfully uninstalled setuptools-46.1.3 Successfully installed Jinja2-2.11.2 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 Pygments-2.3.1 alabaster-0.7.12 babel-2.8.0 certifi-2020.4.5.1 chardet-3.0.4 commonmark-0.8.1 docutils-0.14 future-0.18.2 idna-2.9 imagesize-1.2.0 mock-1.0.1 packaging-20.3 pillow-5.4.1 pyparsing-2.4.7 pytz-2019.3 readthedocs-sphinx-ext-1.0.1 recommonmark-0.5.0 requests-2.23.0 setuptools-41.0.1 six-1.14.0 snowballstemmer-2.0.0 sphinx-1.8.5 sphinx-rtd-theme-0.4.3 sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.2.1 urllib3-1.25.8 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:05:20.514592Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:06:07.628216Z, duration: 47, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager --no-cache-dir . Processing /home/docs/checkouts/ Collecting numpy>=1.16.4 Downloading numpy-1.18.2-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (20.2 MB) Collecting pandas>=0.25.0 Downloading pandas-1.0.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (10.0 MB) Collecting scipy>=1.2.1 Downloading scipy-1.4.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (26.1 MB) Collecting scikit-learn!=0.22,>=0.21.3 Downloading scikit_learn-0.22.2.post1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (7.1 MB) Collecting scikit-optimize Downloading scikit_optimize-0.7.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (80 kB) Collecting tqdm>=4.33.0 Downloading tqdm-4.45.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (60 kB) Collecting colorama Downloading colorama-0.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (15 kB) Collecting cloudpickle>=0.2.2 Downloading cloudpickle-1.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB) Collecting click>=7.0.0 Downloading click-7.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (82 kB) Collecting psutil>=5.6.3 Downloading psutil-5.7.0.tar.gz (449 kB) Collecting plotly>=4.2.1 Downloading plotly-4.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (7.1 MB) Collecting ipywidgets>=7.5 Downloading ipywidgets-7.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (121 kB) Collecting xgboost>=0.82 Downloading xgboost-1.0.2-py3-none-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (109.7 MB) Collecting catboost>=0.20 Downloading catboost-0.22-cp37-none-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (64.4 MB) Requirement already up-to-date: pytz>=2017.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pandas>=0.25.0->evalml==0.8.0) (2019.3) Collecting python-dateutil>=2.6.1 Downloading python_dateutil-2.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (227 kB) Collecting joblib>=0.11 Downloading joblib-0.14.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (294 kB) Collecting pyaml>=16.9 Downloading pyaml-20.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (17 kB) Collecting retrying>=1.3.3 Downloading retrying-1.3.3.tar.gz (10 kB) Requirement already up-to-date: six in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from plotly>=4.2.1->evalml==0.8.0) (1.14.0) Collecting ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3" Downloading ipython-7.13.0-py3-none-any.whl (780 kB) Collecting ipykernel>=4.5.1 Downloading ipykernel-5.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (118 kB) Collecting nbformat>=4.2.0 Downloading nbformat-5.0.5-py3-none-any.whl (170 kB) Collecting traitlets>=4.3.1 Downloading traitlets-4.3.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (75 kB) Collecting widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0 Downloading widgetsnbextension-3.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (2.2 MB) Collecting graphviz Downloading graphviz-0.13.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (17 kB) Collecting matplotlib Downloading matplotlib-3.2.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (12.4 MB) Collecting PyYAML Downloading PyYAML-5.3.1.tar.gz (269 kB) Collecting jedi>=0.10 Downloading jedi-0.17.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.1 MB) Collecting pickleshare Downloading pickleshare-0.7.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.9 kB) Collecting setuptools>=18.5 Downloading setuptools-46.1.3-py3-none-any.whl (582 kB) Collecting pexpect; sys_platform != "win32" Downloading pexpect-4.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (59 kB) Collecting prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0 Downloading prompt_toolkit-3.0.5-py3-none-any.whl (351 kB) Collecting decorator Downloading decorator-4.4.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.2 kB) Collecting pygments Downloading Pygments-2.6.1-py3-none-any.whl (914 kB) Collecting backcall Downloading backcall-0.1.0.tar.gz (9.7 kB) Collecting jupyter-client Downloading jupyter_client-6.1.3-py3-none-any.whl (106 kB) Collecting tornado>=4.2 Downloading tornado-6.0.4.tar.gz (496 kB) Collecting jupyter-core Downloading jupyter_core-4.6.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (83 kB) Collecting ipython-genutils Downloading ipython_genutils-0.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB) Collecting jsonschema!=2.5.0,>=2.4 Downloading jsonschema-3.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (56 kB) Collecting notebook>=4.4.1 Downloading notebook-6.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (9.7 MB) Collecting kiwisolver>=1.0.1 Downloading kiwisolver-1.2.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (88 kB) Requirement already up-to-date: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from matplotlib->catboost>=0.20->evalml==0.8.0) (2.4.7) Collecting cycler>=0.10 Downloading cycler-0.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.5 kB) Collecting parso>=0.7.0 Downloading parso-0.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (100 kB) Collecting ptyprocess>=0.5 Downloading ptyprocess-0.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (39 kB) Collecting wcwidth Downloading wcwidth-0.1.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (19 kB) Collecting pyzmq>=13 Downloading pyzmq-19.0.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (1.1 MB) Collecting pyrsistent>=0.14.0 Downloading pyrsistent-0.16.0.tar.gz (108 kB) Collecting importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8" Downloading importlib_metadata-1.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (30 kB) Collecting attrs>=17.4.0 Downloading attrs-19.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (39 kB) Requirement already up-to-date: jinja2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->evalml==0.8.0) (2.11.2) Collecting terminado>=0.8.1 Downloading terminado-0.8.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (33 kB) Collecting prometheus-client Downloading prometheus_client-0.7.1.tar.gz (38 kB) Collecting nbconvert Downloading nbconvert-5.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (455 kB) Collecting Send2Trash Downloading Send2Trash-1.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (12 kB) Collecting zipp>=0.5 Downloading zipp-3.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (4.9 kB) Requirement already up-to-date: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from jinja2->notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->evalml==0.8.0) (1.1.1) Collecting testpath Downloading testpath-0.4.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (163 kB) Collecting pandocfilters>=1.4.1 Downloading pandocfilters-1.4.2.tar.gz (14 kB) Collecting defusedxml Downloading defusedxml-0.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (23 kB) Collecting entrypoints>=0.2.2 Downloading entrypoints-0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB) Collecting mistune<2,>=0.8.1 Downloading mistune-0.8.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB) Collecting bleach Downloading bleach-3.1.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (151 kB) Collecting webencodings Downloading webencodings-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB) Building wheels for collected packages: evalml, psutil, retrying, PyYAML, backcall, tornado, pyrsistent, prometheus-client, pandocfilters Building wheel for evalml ( started Building wheel for evalml ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for evalml: filename=evalml-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl size=5399321 sha256=ed7e0ab3dcaf2de763d962e52c875278a4bbd5f693dd6c81725097bd0eb409a4 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/9e/21/10/381af54b3fd898f3030a593880d99f016a134a0a141dcf2f28 Building wheel for psutil ( started Building wheel for psutil ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for psutil: filename=psutil-5.7.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=276465 sha256=14fb077afc3448a7ef3e50e20526e09babca406a6b6ca16145977a5ce524ddaf Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/b6/e7/50/aee9cc966163d74430f13f208171dee22f11efa4a4a826661c Building wheel for retrying ( started Building wheel for retrying ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for retrying: filename=retrying-1.3.3-py3-none-any.whl size=11430 sha256=affc4b2098171c6fcf0b1bfee58d788d970fc21a31d4b06295107de2a5edff42 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/f9/8d/8d/f6af3f7f9eea3553bc2fe6d53e4b287dad18b06a861ac56ddf Building wheel for PyYAML ( started Building wheel for PyYAML ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for PyYAML: filename=PyYAML-5.3.1-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=44619 sha256=f381a43aad58579aabc84593336a56510ec784e84135a61876b97da2e138e9af Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/5e/03/1e/e1e954795d6f35dfc7b637fe2277bff021303bd9570ecea653 Building wheel for backcall ( started Building wheel for backcall ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for backcall: filename=backcall-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl size=10413 sha256=7460f4badf74930a37fbd03845c81afdf9d16b8661d3348635d7e53a4b444b39 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/9e/56/4f/da13e448a8a5b8671b2954600d5355cf36e557c7aa5020139b Building wheel for tornado ( started Building wheel for tornado ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for tornado: filename=tornado-6.0.4-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=428561 sha256=da092b3a307f9ea4c495827a1478ee8ef0d2eddb055a201266b94c932f5d076c Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/7d/14/fa/d88fb5da77d813ea0ffca38a2ab2a052874e9e1142bad0b348 Building wheel for pyrsistent ( started Building wheel for pyrsistent ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for pyrsistent: filename=pyrsistent-0.16.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=116000 sha256=64247136ab4e144eca71ba4d79187bea3f1d2964f982f0c8a2e4f65958144ec2 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/22/52/11/f0920f95c23ed7d2d0b05f2b7b2f4509e87a20cfe8ea43d987 Building wheel for prometheus-client ( started Building wheel for prometheus-client ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for prometheus-client: filename=prometheus_client-0.7.1-py3-none-any.whl size=41404 sha256=b2c90a050e87bad6b4e7eee70b0683e75cb9113f61f2ba2b07bfbfcdb5e81b78 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/30/0c/26/59ba285bf65dc79d195e9b25e2ddde4c61070422729b0cd914 Building wheel for pandocfilters ( started Building wheel for pandocfilters ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for pandocfilters: filename=pandocfilters-1.4.2-py3-none-any.whl size=7856 sha256=5c8b9b08ab16b18a55d7d5a0e0ac6a854cb734f69b094ca0043d38b2a011989f Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc5x79ax/wheels/63/99/01/9fe785b86d1e091a6b2a61e06ddb3d8eb1bc9acae5933d4740 Successfully built evalml psutil retrying PyYAML backcall tornado pyrsistent prometheus-client pandocfilters Installing collected packages: numpy, python-dateutil, pandas, scipy, joblib, scikit-learn, PyYAML, pyaml, scikit-optimize, tqdm, colorama, cloudpickle, click, psutil, retrying, plotly, decorator, ipython-genutils, traitlets, parso, jedi, pickleshare, setuptools, ptyprocess, pexpect, wcwidth, prompt-toolkit, pygments, backcall, ipython, jupyter-core, pyzmq, tornado, jupyter-client, ipykernel, pyrsistent, zipp, importlib-metadata, attrs, jsonschema, nbformat, terminado, prometheus-client, testpath, pandocfilters, defusedxml, entrypoints, mistune, webencodings, bleach, nbconvert, Send2Trash, notebook, widgetsnbextension, ipywidgets, xgboost, graphviz, kiwisolver, cycler, matplotlib, catboost, evalml Attempting uninstall: setuptools Found existing installation: setuptools 41.0.1 Uninstalling setuptools-41.0.1: Successfully uninstalled setuptools-41.0.1 Attempting uninstall: pygments Found existing installation: Pygments 2.3.1 Uninstalling Pygments-2.3.1: Successfully uninstalled Pygments-2.3.1 Successfully installed PyYAML-5.3.1 Send2Trash-1.5.0 attrs-19.3.0 backcall-0.1.0 bleach-3.1.4 catboost-0.22 click-7.1.1 cloudpickle-1.3.0 colorama-0.4.3 cycler-0.10.0 decorator-4.4.2 defusedxml-0.6.0 entrypoints-0.3 evalml-0.8.0 graphviz-0.13.2 importlib-metadata-1.6.0 ipykernel-5.2.1 ipython-7.13.0 ipython-genutils-0.2.0 ipywidgets-7.5.1 jedi-0.17.0 joblib-0.14.1 jsonschema-3.2.0 jupyter-client-6.1.3 jupyter-core-4.6.3 kiwisolver-1.2.0 matplotlib-3.2.1 mistune-0.8.4 nbconvert-5.6.1 nbformat-5.0.5 notebook-6.0.3 numpy-1.18.2 pandas-1.0.3 pandocfilters-1.4.2 parso-0.7.0 pexpect-4.8.0 pickleshare-0.7.5 plotly-4.6.0 prometheus-client-0.7.1 prompt-toolkit-3.0.5 psutil-5.7.0 ptyprocess-0.6.0 pyaml-20.4.0 pygments-2.6.1 pyrsistent-0.16.0 python-dateutil-2.8.1 pyzmq-19.0.0 retrying-1.3.3 scikit-learn-0.22.2.post1 scikit-optimize-0.7.4 scipy-1.4.1 setuptools-46.1.3 terminado-0.8.3 testpath-0.4.4 tornado-6.0.4 tqdm-4.45.0 traitlets-4.3.3 wcwidth-0.1.9 webencodings-0.5.1 widgetsnbextension-3.5.1 xgboost-1.0.2 zipp-3.1.0 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:06:07.879846Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:06:21.189608Z, duration: 13, exit-code: 0 python -m pip install --exists-action=w --no-cache-dir -r dev-requirements.txt Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.16.4 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.18.2) Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.25.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 2)) (1.0.3) Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.2.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 3)) (1.4.1) Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn!=0.22,>=0.21.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 4)) (0.22.2.post1) Requirement already satisfied: scikit-optimize in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 5)) (0.7.4) Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.33.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 6)) (4.45.0) Requirement already satisfied: colorama in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 7)) (0.4.3) Requirement already satisfied: cloudpickle>=0.2.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 8)) (1.3.0) Requirement already satisfied: click>=7.0.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 9)) (7.1.1) Requirement already satisfied: psutil>=5.6.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r core-requirements.txt (line 10)) (5.7.0) Requirement already satisfied: plotly>=4.2.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r requirements.txt (line 2)) (4.6.0) Requirement already satisfied: ipywidgets>=7.5 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)) (7.5.1) Requirement already satisfied: xgboost>=0.82 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r requirements.txt (line 4)) (1.0.2) Requirement already satisfied: catboost>=0.20 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r requirements.txt (line 5)) (0.22) Collecting pytest==4.4.1 Downloading pytest-4.4.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (223 kB) Collecting pytest-xdist==1.26.1 Downloading pytest_xdist-1.26.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (35 kB) Collecting pytest-cov==2.6.1 Downloading pytest_cov-2.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB) Collecting nbval==0.9.3 Downloading nbval-0.9.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (22 kB) Requirement already satisfied: graphviz>=0.13 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r test-requirements.txt (line 5)) (0.13.2) Collecting codecov==2.0.15 Downloading codecov-2.0.15-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB) Collecting category_encoders>=2.0.0 Downloading category_encoders-2.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (100 kB) Collecting requirements-parser>=0.2.0 Downloading requirements-parser-0.2.0.tar.gz (6.3 kB) Collecting flake8==3.7.0 Downloading flake8-3.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (68 kB) Collecting autopep8==1.4.3 Downloading autopep8-1.4.3.tar.gz (113 kB) Collecting isort==4.3.4 Downloading isort-4.3.4-py3-none-any.whl (45 kB) Collecting nbsphinx==0.4.2 Downloading nbsphinx-0.4.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (20 kB) Collecting Sphinx==2.0.1 Downloading Sphinx-2.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (3.2 MB) Requirement already satisfied: sphinx_rtd_theme==0.4.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r dev-requirements.txt (line 8)) (0.4.3) Collecting nbconvert==5.5.0 Downloading nbconvert-5.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (447 kB) Collecting s3fs>=0.3.0 Downloading s3fs-0.4.2-py3-none-any.whl (19 kB) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pandas>=0.25.0->-r core-requirements.txt (line 2)) (2019.3) Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pandas>=0.25.0->-r core-requirements.txt (line 2)) (2.8.1) Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=0.11 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from scikit-learn!=0.22,>=0.21.3->-r core-requirements.txt (line 4)) (0.14.1) Requirement already satisfied: pyaml>=16.9 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from scikit-optimize->-r core-requirements.txt (line 5)) (20.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: six in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from plotly>=4.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 2)) (1.14.0) Requirement already satisfied: retrying>=1.3.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from plotly>=4.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 2)) (1.3.3) Requirement already satisfied: ipykernel>=4.5.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (5.2.1) Requirement already satisfied: nbformat>=4.2.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (5.0.5) Requirement already satisfied: traitlets>=4.3.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (4.3.3) Requirement already satisfied: ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3" in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (7.13.0) Requirement already satisfied: widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (3.5.1) Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from catboost>=0.20->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) (3.2.1) Collecting more-itertools>=4.0.0; python_version > "2.7" Downloading more_itertools-8.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (43 kB) Collecting py>=1.5.0 Downloading py-1.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (83 kB) Collecting pluggy>=0.9 Downloading pluggy-0.13.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (18 kB) Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pytest==4.4.1->-r test-requirements.txt (line 1)) (46.1.3) Collecting atomicwrites>=1.0 Downloading atomicwrites-1.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.9 kB) Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.4.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pytest==4.4.1->-r test-requirements.txt (line 1)) (19.3.0) Collecting pytest-forked Downloading pytest_forked-1.1.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.5 kB) Collecting execnet>=1.1 Downloading execnet-1.7.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (39 kB) Collecting coverage>=4.4 Downloading coverage-5.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (227 kB) Requirement already satisfied: jupyter-client in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbval==0.9.3->-r test-requirements.txt (line 4)) (6.1.3) Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.7.9 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from codecov==2.0.15->-r test-requirements.txt (line 6)) (2.23.0) Collecting patsy>=0.4.1 Downloading patsy-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (231 kB) Collecting statsmodels>=0.6.1 Downloading statsmodels-0.11.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (8.7 MB) Collecting pycodestyle<2.6.0,>=2.5.0 Downloading pycodestyle-2.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (51 kB) Requirement already satisfied: entrypoints<0.4.0,>=0.3.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from flake8==3.7.0->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.3) Collecting pyflakes<2.2.0,>=2.1.0 Downloading pyflakes-2.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (59 kB) Collecting mccabe<0.7.0,>=0.6.0 Downloading mccabe-0.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (8.6 kB) Requirement already satisfied: docutils in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbsphinx==0.4.2->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 6)) (0.14) Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbsphinx==0.4.2->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 6)) (2.11.2) Collecting sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (96 kB) Requirement already satisfied: babel!=2.0,>=1.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx==2.0.1->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 7)) (2.8.0) Collecting sphinxcontrib-qthelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_qthelp-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (90 kB) Requirement already satisfied: imagesize in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx==2.0.1->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 7)) (1.2.0) Collecting sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml Downloading sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml-1.1.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (89 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-applehelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_applehelp-1.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (121 kB) Requirement already satisfied: snowballstemmer>=1.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx==2.0.1->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 7)) (2.0.0) Requirement already satisfied: alabaster<0.8,>=0.7 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx==2.0.1->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 7)) (0.7.12) Collecting sphinxcontrib-devhelp Downloading sphinxcontrib_devhelp-1.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (84 kB) Collecting sphinxcontrib-jsmath Downloading sphinxcontrib_jsmath-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.1 kB) Requirement already satisfied: Pygments>=2.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx==2.0.1->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 7)) (2.6.1) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Sphinx==2.0.1->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 7)) (20.3) Requirement already satisfied: jupyter-core in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbconvert==5.5.0->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 9)) (4.6.3) Requirement already satisfied: pandocfilters>=1.4.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbconvert==5.5.0->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 9)) (1.4.2) Requirement already satisfied: mistune>=0.8.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbconvert==5.5.0->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 9)) (0.8.4) Requirement already satisfied: bleach in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbconvert==5.5.0->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 9)) (3.1.4) Requirement already satisfied: testpath in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbconvert==5.5.0->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 9)) (0.4.4) Requirement already satisfied: defusedxml in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbconvert==5.5.0->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 9)) (0.6.0) Collecting fsspec>=0.6.0 Downloading fsspec-0.7.2-py3-none-any.whl (67 kB) Collecting botocore>=1.12.91 Downloading botocore-1.15.39-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.1 MB) Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pyaml>=16.9->scikit-optimize->-r core-requirements.txt (line 5)) (5.3.1) Requirement already satisfied: tornado>=4.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (6.0.4) Requirement already satisfied: ipython-genutils in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbformat>=4.2.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema!=2.5.0,>=2.4 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from nbformat>=4.2.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (3.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: decorator in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from traitlets>=4.3.1->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (4.4.2) Requirement already satisfied: jedi>=0.10 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3"->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.17.0) Requirement already satisfied: pexpect; sys_platform != "win32" in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3"->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (4.8.0) Requirement already satisfied: prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3"->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (3.0.5) Requirement already satisfied: pickleshare in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3"->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.7.5) Requirement already satisfied: backcall in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3"->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.1.0) Requirement already satisfied: notebook>=4.4.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (6.0.3) Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from matplotlib->catboost>=0.20->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) (1.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from matplotlib->catboost>=0.20->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) (0.10.0) Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from matplotlib->catboost>=0.20->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) (2.4.7) Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata>=0.12; python_version < "3.8" in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pluggy>=0.9->pytest==4.4.1->-r test-requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.6.0) Collecting apipkg>=1.4 Downloading apipkg-1.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.9 kB) Requirement already satisfied: pyzmq>=13 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from jupyter-client->nbval==0.9.3->-r test-requirements.txt (line 4)) (19.0.0) Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.7.9->codecov==2.0.15->-r test-requirements.txt (line 6)) (2.9) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.7.9->codecov==2.0.15->-r test-requirements.txt (line 6)) (1.25.8) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.7.9->codecov==2.0.15->-r test-requirements.txt (line 6)) (2020.4.5.1) Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.7.9->codecov==2.0.15->-r test-requirements.txt (line 6)) (3.0.4) Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from jinja2->nbsphinx==0.4.2->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 6)) (1.1.1) Requirement already satisfied: webencodings in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from bleach->nbconvert==5.5.0->-r dev-requirements.txt (line 9)) (0.5.1) Collecting jmespath<1.0.0,>=0.7.1 Downloading jmespath-0.9.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (24 kB) Requirement already satisfied: pyrsistent>=0.14.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from jsonschema!=2.5.0,>=2.4->nbformat>=4.2.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: parso>=0.7.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from jedi>=0.10->ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3"->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.7.0) Requirement already satisfied: ptyprocess>=0.5 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from pexpect; sys_platform != "win32"->ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3"->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.6.0) Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0->ipython>=4.0.0; python_version >= "3.3"->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.1.9) Requirement already satisfied: terminado>=0.8.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.8.3) Requirement already satisfied: Send2Trash in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (1.5.0) Requirement already satisfied: prometheus-client in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.5->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.7.1) Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from importlib-metadata>=0.12; python_version < "3.8"->pluggy>=0.9->pytest==4.4.1->-r test-requirements.txt (line 1)) (3.1.0) Building wheels for collected packages: requirements-parser, autopep8 Building wheel for requirements-parser ( started Building wheel for requirements-parser ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for requirements-parser: filename=requirements_parser-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl size=7655 sha256=93ce6a391137b076ecccc82000de136e2508d1055400714f6466025e664dd9ea Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-xp0z9lp3/wheels/40/e4/ca/8af24ee94c3863d620d6a52793d82930f4d1d3515a5121d495 Building wheel for autopep8 ( started Building wheel for autopep8 ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for autopep8: filename=autopep8-1.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=42228 sha256=29162f4f74d89a46d7cf439e0aba1a4595a5d442b585a4ceff798b788ab8d74e Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-xp0z9lp3/wheels/cb/ca/0d/db843e5869db016f92974eb145021a3920eec623f3e6adff59 Successfully built requirements-parser autopep8 Installing collected packages: more-itertools, py, pluggy, atomicwrites, pytest, pytest-forked, apipkg, execnet, pytest-xdist, coverage, pytest-cov, nbval, codecov, patsy, statsmodels, category-encoders, requirements-parser, pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, flake8, autopep8, isort, sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp, sphinxcontrib-qthelp, sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml, sphinxcontrib-applehelp, sphinxcontrib-devhelp, sphinxcontrib-jsmath, Sphinx, nbconvert, nbsphinx, fsspec, jmespath, botocore, s3fs Attempting uninstall: Sphinx Found existing installation: Sphinx 1.8.5 Uninstalling Sphinx-1.8.5: Successfully uninstalled Sphinx-1.8.5 Attempting uninstall: nbconvert Found existing installation: nbconvert 5.6.1 Uninstalling nbconvert-5.6.1: Successfully uninstalled nbconvert-5.6.1 Successfully installed Sphinx-2.0.1 apipkg-1.5 atomicwrites-1.3.0 autopep8-1.4.3 botocore-1.15.39 category-encoders-2.1.0 codecov-2.0.15 coverage-5.1 execnet-1.7.1 flake8-3.7.0 fsspec-0.7.2 isort-4.3.4 jmespath-0.9.5 mccabe-0.6.1 more-itertools-8.2.0 nbconvert-5.5.0 nbsphinx-0.4.2 nbval-0.9.3 patsy-0.5.1 pluggy-0.13.1 py-1.8.1 pycodestyle-2.5.0 pyflakes-2.1.1 pytest-4.4.1 pytest-cov-2.6.1 pytest-forked-1.1.3 pytest-xdist-1.26.1 requirements-parser-0.2.0 s3fs-0.4.2 sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.4 statsmodels-0.11.1 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:06:44.997286Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:06:45.218582Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 cat docs/source/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # # This file does only contain a selection of the most common options. For a # full list see the documentation: # # -- Path setup -------------------------------------------------------------- # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. import evalml import os import sys import subprocess from sphinx.ext.autodoc import (Documenter, MethodDocumenter) from sphinx.ext.autodoc import MethodDocumenter, Documenter path = os.path.join('..', '..') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(path)) # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = 'EvalML' copyright = '2019, Feature Labs, Inc.' author = 'Feature Labs, Inc.' # The short X.Y version version = evalml.__version__ # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags release = evalml.__version__ # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'nbsphinx', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.autosummary', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.extlinks', ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = None # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path. exclude_patterns = ['**.ipynb_checkpoints'] # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = None # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. # # html_theme_options = {} # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to use as a favicon of # the docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. html_favicon = "images/favicon.ico" # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names # to template names. # # The default sidebars (for documents that don't match any pattern) are # defined by theme itself. Builtin themes are using these templates by # default: ``['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html', # 'searchbox.html']``. # # html_sidebars = {} # -- Options for HTMLHelp output --------------------------------------------- # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'EvalMLdoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------ latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # # 'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment # # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'EvalML.tex', 'EvalML Documentation', 'Feature Labs, Inc.', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------ # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ (master_doc, 'evalml', 'EvalML Documentation', [author], 1) ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ---------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, 'EvalML', 'EvalML Documentation', author, 'EvalML', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # -- Options for Epub output ------------------------------------------------- # Bibliographic Dublin Core info. epub_title = project # The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number # or the project homepage. # # epub_identifier = '' # A unique identification for the text. # # epub_uid = '' # A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file. epub_exclude_files = ['search.html'] # -- Extension configuration ------------------------------------------------- # If evalml is open-sourced: replace github specific style.css extlinks = { 'issue': ('', '#'), 'pr': ('', '#'), 'user': ('', '@') } autosummary_generate = ["api_reference.rst"] templates_path = ["_templates"] html_show_sphinx = False nbsphinx_execute = 'always' nbsphinx_timeout = 600 # sphinx defaults each cell to 30 seconds so we need to override here class AccessorLevelDocumenter(Documenter): """ Documenter subclass for objects on accessor level (methods, attributes). Referenced pandas-sphinx-theme ( and sphinx-doc ( """ def resolve_name(self, modname, parents, path, base): modname = 'evalml' mod_cls = path.rstrip('.') mod_cls = mod_cls.split('.') return modname, mod_cls + [base] class AccessorCallableDocumenter(AccessorLevelDocumenter, MethodDocumenter): """ This documenter lets us removes .__call__ from the method signature for callable accessors like Series.plot """ objtype = "accessorcallable" directivetype = "method" # lower than MethodDocumenter; otherwise the doc build prints warnings priority = 0.5 def format_name(self): return MethodDocumenter.format_name(self).rstrip(".__call__") class AccessorMethodDocumenter(AccessorLevelDocumenter, MethodDocumenter): objtype = 'accessormethod' directivetype = 'method' # lower than MethodDocumenter so this is not chosen for normal methods priority = 0.6 def build_finished(app, Exception):['sed', '-i', '-e', 's/require/require_rtd/g', "{}/_static/js/theme.js".format(app.outdir)]) def setup(app): app.add_javascript('') app.add_stylesheet("style.css") app.add_autodocumenter(AccessorCallableDocumenter) app.add_autodocumenter(AccessorMethodDocumenter) app.connect('build-finished', build_finished) ########################################################################### # auto-created specific configuration # ########################################################################### # # The following code was added during an automated build on # It is auto created and injected for every build. The result is based on the # file found in the codebase: # # import importlib import sys import os.path from six import string_types from sphinx import version_info # Get suffix for proper linking to GitHub # This is deprecated in Sphinx 1.3+, # as each page can have its own suffix if globals().get('source_suffix', False): if isinstance(source_suffix, string_types): SUFFIX = source_suffix elif isinstance(source_suffix, (list, tuple)): # Sphinx >= 1.3 supports list/tuple to define multiple suffixes SUFFIX = source_suffix[0] elif isinstance(source_suffix, dict): # Sphinx >= 1.8 supports a mapping dictionary for multiple suffixes SUFFIX = list(source_suffix.keys())[0] # make a ``list()`` for py2/py3 compatibility else: # default to .rst SUFFIX = '.rst' else: SUFFIX = '.rst' # Add RTD Static Path. 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[ 0%] api_reference reading sources... [ 0%] automl/pipeline_search reading sources... [ 0%] automl/regression_example reading sources... [ 0%] automl/search_results reading sources... [ 1%] changelog reading sources... [ 1%] demos/fraud reading sources... [ 1%] demos/lead_scoring reading sources... [ 1%] faq reading sources... [ 2%] generated/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch reading sources... [ 2%] generated/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch reading sources... [ 2%] generated/evalml.demos.load_breast_cancer reading sources... [ 2%] generated/evalml.demos.load_diabetes reading sources... [ 3%] generated/evalml.demos.load_fraud reading sources... [ 3%] generated/evalml.demos.load_wine reading sources... [ 3%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_highly_null reading sources... [ 3%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_id_columns reading sources... [ 4%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_label_leakage reading sources... [ 4%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_outliers reading sources... [ 4%] generated/evalml.model_family.ModelFamily reading sources... [ 4%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUC reading sources... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro reading sources... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro reading sources... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted reading sources... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary reading sources... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy reading sources... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix reading sources... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance reading sources... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1 reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Macro reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Micro reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.FraudCost reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring reading sources... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary reading sources... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass reading sources... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.MAE reading sources... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary reading sources... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass reading sources... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MSE reading sources... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MSLE reading sources... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MaxError reading sources... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.MedianAE reading sources... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.Precision reading sources... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro reading sources... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro reading sources... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted reading sources... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.R2 reading sources... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.ROC reading sources... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.Recall reading sources... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro reading sources... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro reading sources... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted reading sources... [ 12%] generated/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline reading sources... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline reading sources... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline reading sources... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline reading sources... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline reading sources... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline reading sources... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline reading sources... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor reading sources... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier reading sources... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder reading sources... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel reading sources... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel reading sources... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier reading sources... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor reading sources... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer reading sources... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler reading sources... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier reading sources... [ 19%] generated/evalml.pipelines.get_pipelines reading sources... [ 19%] generated/evalml.pipelines.list_model_families reading sources... [ 19%] generated/evalml.preprocessing.load_data reading sources... [ 19%] generated/evalml.preprocessing.split_data reading sources... [ 20%] generated/evalml.problem_types.ProblemTypes reading sources... [ 20%] generated/evalml.problem_types.handle_problem_types reading sources... [ 20%] generated/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner reading sources... [ 20%] generated/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner reading sources... [ 21%] generated/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner reading sources... [ 21%] generated/evalml.tuners.Tuner reading sources... [ 21%] generated/evalml.utils.convert_to_seconds reading sources... [ 21%] generated/evalml.utils.normalize_confusion_matrix reading sources... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.__init__ reading sources... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.describe_pipeline reading sources... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.get_pipeline reading sources... [ 22%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.__init__ reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.describe_pipeline reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.get_pipeline reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.decision_function reading sources... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.objective_function reading sources... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.score reading sources... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.objective_function reading sources... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.score reading sources... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.objective_function reading sources... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.score reading sources... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.objective_function reading sources... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.score reading sources... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.decision_function reading sources... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.objective_function reading sources... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.score reading sources... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.decision_function reading sources... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.objective_function reading sources... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.score reading sources... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix.score reading sources... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.objective_function reading sources... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.score reading sources... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.decision_function reading sources... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.objective_function reading sources... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.score reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.objective_function reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.score reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Micro.objective_function reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Micro.score reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.objective_function reading sources... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.score reading sources... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.__init__ reading sources... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.decision_function reading sources... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.objective_function reading sources... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.score reading sources... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.__init__ reading sources... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.decision_function reading sources... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.objective_function reading sources... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.score reading sources... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.decision_function reading sources... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.objective_function reading sources... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.score reading sources... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.objective_function reading sources... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.score reading sources... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.objective_function reading sources... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.score reading sources... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.decision_function reading sources... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.objective_function reading sources... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.score reading sources... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.objective_function reading sources... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.score reading sources... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.objective_function reading sources... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.score reading sources... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSLE.objective_function reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSLE.score reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.objective_function reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.score reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MedianAE.objective_function reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MedianAE.score reading sources... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.decision_function reading sources... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.objective_function reading sources... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.score reading sources... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.objective_function reading sources... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.score reading sources... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.objective_function reading sources... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.score reading sources... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.objective_function reading sources... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.score reading sources... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.objective_function reading sources... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.score reading sources... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ROC.score reading sources... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.decision_function reading sources... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.objective_function reading sources... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.score reading sources... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.objective_function reading sources... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.score reading sources... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.objective_function reading sources... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.score reading sources... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.objective_function reading sources... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.score reading sources... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 45%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 48%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 49%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 50%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 52%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.load reading sources... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 54%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.score reading sources... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 55%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.load reading sources... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 57%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.score reading sources... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 58%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.load reading sources... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 59%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.score reading sources... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.load reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 62%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.score reading sources... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 63%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 65%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.__init__ reading sources... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.describe reading sources... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 66%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.get_component reading sources... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph reading sources... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.load reading sources... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.predict reading sources... [ 67%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.score reading sources... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 68%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 70%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 71%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 72%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 74%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.load reading sources... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 75%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.score reading sources... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.load reading sources... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 77%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.score reading sources... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 79%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.load reading sources... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 80%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.score reading sources... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.__init__ reading sources... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.describe reading sources... [ 81%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict reading sources... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict_proba reading sources... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.__init__ reading sources... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.describe reading sources... [ 82%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.predict reading sources... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.predict_proba reading sources... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.__init__ reading sources... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.describe reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.fit_transform reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.get_feature_names reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.transform reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.__init__ reading sources... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.describe reading sources... [ 85%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.fit_transform reading sources... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.get_indices reading sources... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.get_names reading sources... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.transform reading sources... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.__init__ reading sources... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.describe reading sources... [ 87%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.fit_transform reading sources... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.get_indices reading sources... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.get_names reading sources... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.transform reading sources... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.__init__ reading sources... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.describe reading sources... [ 88%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.predict reading sources... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.predict_proba reading sources... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.__init__ reading sources... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.describe reading sources... [ 90%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.predict reading sources... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.predict_proba reading sources... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.__init__ reading sources... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.describe reading sources... [ 91%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.fit_transform reading sources... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.transform reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.__init__ reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.describe reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.fit_transform reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.transform reading sources... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.__init__ reading sources... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.describe reading sources... [ 93%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict reading sources... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict_proba reading sources... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.__init__ reading sources... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.add reading sources... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.is_search_space_exhausted reading sources... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.propose reading sources... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.__init__ reading sources... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.add reading sources... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.is_search_space_exhausted reading sources... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.propose reading sources... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.__init__ reading sources... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.add reading sources... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.is_search_space_exhausted reading sources... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.propose reading sources... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.__init__ reading sources... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.add reading sources... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.is_search_space_exhausted reading sources... [ 98%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.propose reading sources... [ 98%] guardrails/overfitting reading sources... [ 98%] guardrails/overview reading sources... [ 98%] index reading sources... [ 99%] objectives/custom_objectives reading sources... [ 99%] objectives/overview reading sources... [ 99%] pipelines/components reading sources... [ 99%] pipelines/custom_pipelines reading sources... [100%] pipelines/overview /home/docs/checkouts/ of evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/, use :noindex: for one of them /home/docs/checkouts/ of evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/, use :noindex: for one of them looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... done preparing documents... done writing output... [ 0%] api_reference writing output... [ 0%] automl/pipeline_search writing output... [ 0%] automl/regression_example writing output... [ 0%] automl/search_results writing output... [ 1%] changelog writing output... [ 1%] demos/fraud writing output... [ 1%] demos/lead_scoring writing output... [ 1%] faq writing output... [ 2%] generated/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch writing output... [ 2%] generated/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch writing output... [ 2%] generated/evalml.demos.load_breast_cancer writing output... [ 2%] generated/evalml.demos.load_diabetes writing output... [ 3%] generated/evalml.demos.load_fraud writing output... [ 3%] generated/evalml.demos.load_wine writing output... [ 3%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_highly_null writing output... [ 3%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_id_columns writing output... [ 4%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_label_leakage writing output... [ 4%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_outliers writing output... [ 4%] generated/evalml.model_family.ModelFamily writing output... [ 4%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUC writing output... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro writing output... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro writing output... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted writing output... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary writing output... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy writing output... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix writing output... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance writing output... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1 writing output... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Macro writing output... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Micro writing output... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted writing output... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.FraudCost writing output... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring writing output... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary writing output... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass writing output... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.MAE writing output... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary writing output... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass writing output... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MSE writing output... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MSLE writing output... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MaxError writing output... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.MedianAE writing output... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.Precision writing output... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro writing output... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro writing output... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted writing output... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.R2 writing output... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.ROC writing output... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.Recall writing output... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro writing output... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro writing output... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted writing output... [ 12%] generated/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline writing output... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline writing output... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline writing output... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline writing output... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline writing output... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline writing output... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline writing output... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline writing output... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase writing output... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph writing output... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline writing output... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline writing output... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline writing output... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline writing output... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline writing output... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor writing output... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier writing output... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder writing output... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel writing output... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel writing output... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier writing output... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor writing output... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer writing output... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler writing output... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier writing output... [ 19%] generated/evalml.pipelines.get_pipelines writing output... [ 19%] generated/evalml.pipelines.list_model_families writing output... [ 19%] generated/evalml.preprocessing.load_data writing output... [ 19%] generated/evalml.preprocessing.split_data writing output... [ 20%] generated/evalml.problem_types.ProblemTypes writing output... [ 20%] generated/evalml.problem_types.handle_problem_types writing output... [ 20%] generated/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner writing output... [ 20%] generated/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner writing output... [ 21%] generated/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner writing output... [ 21%] generated/evalml.tuners.Tuner writing output... [ 21%] generated/evalml.utils.convert_to_seconds writing output... [ 21%] generated/evalml.utils.normalize_confusion_matrix writing output... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.__init__ writing output... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.describe_pipeline writing output... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.get_pipeline writing output... [ 22%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.__init__ writing output... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.describe_pipeline writing output... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.get_pipeline writing output... [ 23%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.decision_function writing output... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.objective_function writing output... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.score writing output... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.objective_function writing output... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.score writing output... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.objective_function writing output... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.score writing output... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.objective_function writing output... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.score writing output... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.decision_function writing output... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.objective_function writing output... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.score writing output... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.decision_function writing output... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.objective_function writing output... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.score writing output... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix.score writing output... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.objective_function writing output... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.score writing output... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.decision_function writing output... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.objective_function writing output... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.score writing output... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.objective_function writing output... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.score writing output... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Micro.objective_function writing output... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Micro.score writing output... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.objective_function writing output... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.score writing output... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.__init__ writing output... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.decision_function writing output... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.objective_function writing output... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.score writing output... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.__init__ writing output... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.decision_function writing output... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.objective_function writing output... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.score writing output... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.decision_function writing output... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.objective_function writing output... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.score writing output... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.objective_function writing output... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.score writing output... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.objective_function writing output... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.score writing output... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.decision_function writing output... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.objective_function writing output... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.score writing output... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.objective_function writing output... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.score writing output... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.objective_function writing output... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.score writing output... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSLE.objective_function writing output... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSLE.score writing output... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.objective_function writing output... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.score writing output... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MedianAE.objective_function writing output... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MedianAE.score writing output... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.decision_function writing output... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.objective_function writing output... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.score writing output... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.objective_function writing output... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.score writing output... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.objective_function writing output... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.score writing output... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.objective_function writing output... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.score writing output... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.objective_function writing output... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.score writing output... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ROC.score writing output... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.decision_function writing output... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.objective_function writing output... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.optimize_threshold writing output... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.score writing output... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.objective_function writing output... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.score writing output... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.objective_function writing output... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.score writing output... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.objective_function writing output... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.score writing output... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.describe writing output... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 45%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.graph writing output... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.load writing output... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.predict writing output... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 46%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.score writing output... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.describe writing output... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 48%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.graph writing output... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.load writing output... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict writing output... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 49%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.score writing output... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe writing output... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 50%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph writing output... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.load writing output... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict writing output... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 52%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.score writing output... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.describe writing output... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 53%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.graph writing output... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.load writing output... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.predict writing output... [ 54%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.score writing output... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.describe writing output... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 55%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.graph writing output... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.load writing output... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.predict writing output... [ 57%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.score writing output... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.describe writing output... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 58%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.graph writing output... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.load writing output... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.predict writing output... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 59%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.score writing output... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.describe writing output... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 61%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.graph writing output... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.load writing output... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.predict writing output... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 62%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.score writing output... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe writing output... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 63%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph writing output... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.load writing output... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict writing output... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 65%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.score writing output... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.__init__ writing output... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.describe writing output... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 66%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.get_component writing output... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph writing output... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.load writing output... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.predict writing output... [ 67%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.score writing output... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.describe writing output... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 68%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.graph writing output... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.load writing output... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict writing output... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 70%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.score writing output... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe writing output... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 71%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph writing output... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.load writing output... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict writing output... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 72%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.score writing output... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.describe writing output... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 74%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.graph writing output... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.load writing output... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.predict writing output... [ 75%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.score writing output... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.describe writing output... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 76%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.graph writing output... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.load writing output... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.predict writing output... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 77%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.score writing output... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.__init__ writing output... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.describe writing output... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.feature_importance_graph writing output... [ 79%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.get_component writing output... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.graph writing output... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.load writing output... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.predict writing output... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.predict_proba writing output... [ 80%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.score writing output... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.__init__ writing output... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.describe writing output... [ 81%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict writing output... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict_proba writing output... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.__init__ writing output... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.describe writing output... [ 82%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.predict writing output... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.predict_proba writing output... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.__init__ writing output... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.describe writing output... [ 84%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.fit_transform writing output... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.get_feature_names writing output... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.transform writing output... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.__init__ writing output... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.describe writing output... [ 85%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.fit_transform writing output... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.get_indices writing output... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.get_names writing output... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.transform writing output... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.__init__ writing output... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.describe writing output... [ 87%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.fit_transform writing output... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.get_indices writing output... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.get_names writing output... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.transform writing output... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.__init__ writing output... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.describe writing output... [ 88%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.predict writing output... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.predict_proba writing output... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.__init__ writing output... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.describe writing output... [ 90%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.predict writing output... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.predict_proba writing output... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.__init__ writing output... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.describe writing output... [ 91%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.fit_transform writing output... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.transform writing output... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.__init__ writing output... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.describe writing output... [ 92%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.fit_transform writing output... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.transform writing output... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.__init__ writing output... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.describe writing output... [ 93%] generated/methods/ writing output... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict writing output... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict_proba writing output... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.__init__ writing output... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.add writing output... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.is_search_space_exhausted writing output... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.propose writing output... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.__init__ writing output... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.add writing output... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.is_search_space_exhausted writing output... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.propose writing output... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.__init__ writing output... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.add writing output... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.is_search_space_exhausted writing output... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.propose writing output... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.__init__ writing output... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.add writing output... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.is_search_space_exhausted writing output... [ 98%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.propose writing output... [ 98%] guardrails/overfitting writing output... [ 98%] guardrails/overview writing output... [ 98%] index writing output... [ 99%] objectives/custom_objectives writing output... [ 99%] objectives/overview writing output... [ 99%] pipelines/components writing output... [ 99%] pipelines/custom_pipelines writing output... [100%] pipelines/overview generating indices... genindex highlighting module code... [ 1%] evalml.automl.auto_base highlighting module code... [ 3%] evalml.automl.auto_classification_search highlighting module code... [ 5%] evalml.automl.auto_regression_search highlighting module code... [ 7%] evalml.demos.breast_cancer highlighting module code... [ 9%] evalml.demos.diabetes highlighting module code... [ 11%] evalml.demos.fraud highlighting module code... [ 13%] highlighting module code... [ 15%] evalml.guardrails.utils highlighting module code... [ 16%] evalml.model_family.model_family highlighting module code... [ 18%] evalml.objectives.binary_classification_objective highlighting module code... [ 20%] evalml.objectives.fraud_cost highlighting module code... [ 22%] evalml.objectives.lead_scoring highlighting module code... [ 24%] evalml.objectives.objective_base highlighting module code... [ 26%] evalml.objectives.standard_metrics highlighting module code... [ 28%] evalml.pipelines.binary_classification_pipeline highlighting module code... [ 30%] evalml.pipelines.classification.catboost_binary highlighting module code... [ 32%] evalml.pipelines.classification.catboost_multiclass highlighting module code... [ 33%] evalml.pipelines.classification.logistic_regression_binary highlighting module code... [ 35%] evalml.pipelines.classification.logistic_regression_multiclass highlighting module code... [ 37%] evalml.pipelines.classification.random_forest_binary highlighting module code... [ 39%] evalml.pipelines.classification.random_forest_multiclass highlighting module code... [ 41%] evalml.pipelines.classification.xgboost_binary highlighting module code... [ 43%] evalml.pipelines.classification.xgboost_multiclass highlighting module code... [ 45%] evalml.pipelines.classification_pipeline highlighting module code... [ 47%] evalml.pipelines.components.component_base highlighting module code... [ 49%] evalml.pipelines.components.estimators.classifiers.logistic_regression highlighting module code... [ 50%] evalml.pipelines.components.estimators.classifiers.rf_classifier highlighting module code... [ 52%] evalml.pipelines.components.estimators.classifiers.xgboost_classifier highlighting module code... [ 54%] evalml.pipelines.components.estimators.estimator highlighting module code... [ 56%] evalml.pipelines.components.estimators.regressors.linear_regressor highlighting module code... [ 58%] evalml.pipelines.components.estimators.regressors.rf_regressor highlighting module code... [ 60%] evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.encoders.encoder highlighting module code... [ 62%] evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.encoders.onehot_encoder highlighting module code... [ 64%] evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.feature_selection.feature_selector highlighting module code... [ 66%] evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.feature_selection.rf_classifier_feature_selector highlighting module code... [ 67%] evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.feature_selection.rf_regressor_feature_selector highlighting module code... [ 69%] evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.imputers.simple_imputer highlighting module code... [ 71%] evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.scalers.standard_scaler highlighting module code... [ 73%] evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.transformer highlighting module code... [ 75%] evalml.pipelines.multiclass_classification_pipeline highlighting module code... [ 77%] evalml.pipelines.pipeline_base highlighting module code... [ 79%] evalml.pipelines.regression.catboost highlighting module code... [ 81%] evalml.pipelines.regression.linear_regression highlighting module code... [ 83%] evalml.pipelines.regression.random_forest highlighting module code... [ 84%] evalml.pipelines.utils highlighting module code... [ 86%] evalml.preprocessing.utils highlighting module code... [ 88%] evalml.problem_types.problem_types highlighting module code... [ 90%] evalml.problem_types.utils highlighting module code... [ 92%] evalml.tuners.grid_search_tuner highlighting module code... [ 94%] evalml.tuners.random_search_tuner highlighting module code... [ 96%] evalml.tuners.skopt_tuner highlighting module code... [ 98%] evalml.tuners.tuner highlighting module code... [100%] evalml.utils.gen_utils writing additional pages... search copying images... [ 33%] images/evalml_logo.png copying images... [ 66%] _build/doctrees-readthedocs/nbsphinx/index_22_0.svg copying images... [100%] pipelines/../_build/doctrees-readthedocs/nbsphinx/pipelines_overview_3_0.svg copying static files... done copying readthedocs static files... done copying searchtools... done copying extra files... done dumping search index in English (code: en) ... done dumping object inventory... done build succeeded, 2 warnings. The HTML pages are in _build/html. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:13:00.488924Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:19:02.613965Z, duration: 362, exit-code: 0 python sphinx-build -b latex -D language=en -d _build/doctrees . _build/latex Running Sphinx v2.0.1 loading translations [en]... done making output directory... done [autosummary] generating autosummary for: api_reference.rst building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [latex]: all documents updating environment: 413 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 0%] api_reference reading sources... [ 0%] automl/pipeline_search reading sources... [ 0%] automl/regression_example reading sources... [ 0%] automl/search_results reading sources... [ 1%] changelog reading sources... [ 1%] demos/fraud reading sources... [ 1%] demos/lead_scoring reading sources... [ 1%] faq reading sources... [ 2%] generated/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch reading sources... [ 2%] generated/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch reading sources... [ 2%] generated/evalml.demos.load_breast_cancer reading sources... [ 2%] generated/evalml.demos.load_diabetes reading sources... [ 3%] generated/evalml.demos.load_fraud reading sources... [ 3%] generated/evalml.demos.load_wine reading sources... [ 3%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_highly_null reading sources... [ 3%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_id_columns reading sources... [ 4%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_label_leakage reading sources... [ 4%] generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_outliers reading sources... [ 4%] generated/evalml.model_family.ModelFamily reading sources... [ 4%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUC reading sources... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro reading sources... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro reading sources... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted reading sources... [ 5%] generated/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary reading sources... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy reading sources... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix reading sources... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance reading sources... [ 6%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1 reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Macro reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Micro reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.FraudCost reading sources... [ 7%] generated/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring reading sources... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary reading sources... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass reading sources... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.MAE reading sources... [ 8%] generated/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary reading sources... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass reading sources... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MSE reading sources... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MSLE reading sources... [ 9%] generated/evalml.objectives.MaxError reading sources... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.MedianAE reading sources... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.Precision reading sources... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro reading sources... [ 10%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro reading sources... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted reading sources... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.R2 reading sources... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.ROC reading sources... [ 11%] generated/evalml.objectives.Recall reading sources... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro reading sources... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro reading sources... [ 12%] generated/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted reading sources... [ 12%] generated/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline reading sources... [ 13%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline reading sources... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline reading sources... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline reading sources... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 14%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline reading sources... [ 15%] generated/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline reading sources... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline reading sources... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline reading sources... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor reading sources... [ 16%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier reading sources... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder reading sources... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel reading sources... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel reading sources... [ 17%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier reading sources... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor reading sources... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer reading sources... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler reading sources... [ 18%] generated/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier reading sources... [ 19%] generated/evalml.pipelines.get_pipelines reading sources... [ 19%] generated/evalml.pipelines.list_model_families reading sources... [ 19%] generated/evalml.preprocessing.load_data reading sources... [ 19%] generated/evalml.preprocessing.split_data reading sources... [ 20%] generated/evalml.problem_types.ProblemTypes reading sources... [ 20%] generated/evalml.problem_types.handle_problem_types reading sources... [ 20%] generated/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner reading sources... [ 20%] generated/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner reading sources... [ 21%] generated/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner reading sources... [ 21%] generated/evalml.tuners.Tuner reading sources... [ 21%] generated/evalml.utils.convert_to_seconds reading sources... [ 21%] generated/evalml.utils.normalize_confusion_matrix reading sources... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.__init__ reading sources... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.describe_pipeline reading sources... [ 22%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.get_pipeline reading sources... [ 22%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.__init__ reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.describe_pipeline reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.get_pipeline reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 23%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.decision_function reading sources... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.objective_function reading sources... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.score reading sources... [ 24%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.objective_function reading sources... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.score reading sources... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.objective_function reading sources... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.score reading sources... [ 25%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.objective_function reading sources... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.score reading sources... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.decision_function reading sources... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.objective_function reading sources... [ 26%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.score reading sources... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.decision_function reading sources... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.objective_function reading sources... [ 27%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.score reading sources... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix.score reading sources... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.objective_function reading sources... [ 28%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.score reading sources... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.decision_function reading sources... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.objective_function reading sources... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 29%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.score reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.objective_function reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.score reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Micro.objective_function reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Micro.score reading sources... [ 30%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.objective_function reading sources... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.score reading sources... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.__init__ reading sources... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.decision_function reading sources... [ 31%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.objective_function reading sources... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.score reading sources... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.__init__ reading sources... [ 32%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.decision_function reading sources... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.objective_function reading sources... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.score reading sources... [ 33%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.decision_function reading sources... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.objective_function reading sources... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.score reading sources... [ 34%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.objective_function reading sources... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.score reading sources... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.objective_function reading sources... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.score reading sources... [ 35%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.decision_function reading sources... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.objective_function reading sources... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.score reading sources... [ 36%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.objective_function reading sources... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.score reading sources... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.objective_function reading sources... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.score reading sources... [ 37%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSLE.objective_function reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSLE.score reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.objective_function reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.score reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MedianAE.objective_function reading sources... [ 38%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MedianAE.score reading sources... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.decision_function reading sources... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.objective_function reading sources... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 39%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.score reading sources... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.objective_function reading sources... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.score reading sources... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.objective_function reading sources... [ 40%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.score reading sources... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.objective_function reading sources... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.score reading sources... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.objective_function reading sources... [ 41%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.score reading sources... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ROC.score reading sources... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.decision_function reading sources... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.objective_function reading sources... [ 42%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.optimize_threshold reading sources... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.score reading sources... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.objective_function reading sources... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.score reading sources... [ 43%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.objective_function reading sources... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.score reading sources... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.objective_function reading sources... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.score reading sources... [ 44%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 45%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 45%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 46%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 47%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 48%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 48%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 49%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 49%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 50%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 50%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 51%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 52%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 52%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 53%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.load reading sources... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 54%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 54%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.score reading sources... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 55%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 55%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.load reading sources... [ 56%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 57%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.score reading sources... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 57%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 58%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 58%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.load reading sources... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 59%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 59%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.score reading sources... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 60%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.load reading sources... [ 61%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 62%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.score reading sources... [ 62%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 63%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 63%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 64%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 65%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.__init__ reading sources... [ 65%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.describe reading sources... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 66%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.get_component reading sources... [ 66%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph reading sources... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.load reading sources... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.predict reading sources... [ 67%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 67%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.score reading sources... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 68%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 68%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 69%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 70%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 70%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 71%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 71%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.load reading sources... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 72%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 72%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.score reading sources... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 73%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 74%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 74%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.load reading sources... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 75%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.score reading sources... [ 75%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 76%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.load reading sources... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 77%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 77%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.score reading sources... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.__init__ reading sources... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.describe reading sources... [ 78%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.feature_importance_graph reading sources... [ 79%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.get_component reading sources... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.graph reading sources... [ 79%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.load reading sources... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.predict reading sources... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.predict_proba reading sources... [ 80%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 80%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.score reading sources... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.__init__ reading sources... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.describe reading sources... [ 81%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 81%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict reading sources... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict_proba reading sources... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.__init__ reading sources... [ 82%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.describe reading sources... [ 82%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.predict reading sources... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.predict_proba reading sources... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.__init__ reading sources... [ 83%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.describe reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.fit_transform reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.get_feature_names reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.transform reading sources... [ 84%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.__init__ reading sources... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.describe reading sources... [ 85%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.fit_transform reading sources... [ 85%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.get_indices reading sources... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.get_names reading sources... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.transform reading sources... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.__init__ reading sources... [ 86%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.describe reading sources... [ 87%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.fit_transform reading sources... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.get_indices reading sources... [ 87%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.get_names reading sources... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.transform reading sources... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.__init__ reading sources... [ 88%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.describe reading sources... [ 88%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.predict reading sources... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.predict_proba reading sources... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.__init__ reading sources... [ 89%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.describe reading sources... [ 90%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.predict reading sources... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.predict_proba reading sources... [ 90%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.__init__ reading sources... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.describe reading sources... [ 91%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.fit_transform reading sources... [ 91%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.transform reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.__init__ reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.describe reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.fit_transform reading sources... [ 92%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.transform reading sources... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.__init__ reading sources... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.describe reading sources... [ 93%] generated/methods/ reading sources... [ 93%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict reading sources... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict_proba reading sources... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.__init__ reading sources... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.add reading sources... [ 94%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.is_search_space_exhausted reading sources... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.propose reading sources... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.__init__ reading sources... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.add reading sources... [ 95%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.is_search_space_exhausted reading sources... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.propose reading sources... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.__init__ reading sources... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.add reading sources... [ 96%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.is_search_space_exhausted reading sources... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.propose reading sources... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.__init__ reading sources... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.add reading sources... [ 97%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.is_search_space_exhausted reading sources... [ 98%] generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.propose reading sources... [ 98%] guardrails/overfitting reading sources... [ 98%] guardrails/overview reading sources... [ 98%] index reading sources... [ 99%] objectives/custom_objectives reading sources... [ 99%] objectives/overview reading sources... [ 99%] pipelines/components reading sources... [ 99%] pipelines/custom_pipelines reading sources... [100%] pipelines/overview /home/docs/checkouts/ of evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/, use :noindex: for one of them /home/docs/checkouts/ of evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph, other instance in /home/docs/checkouts/, use :noindex: for one of them looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... done processing EvalML.tex... index objectives/overview demos/fraud demos/lead_scoring objectives/custom_objectives automl/pipeline_search automl/search_results automl/regression_example pipelines/overview pipelines/components pipelines/custom_pipelines guardrails/overview guardrails/overfitting changelog api_reference generated/evalml.demos.load_fraud generated/evalml.demos.load_wine generated/evalml.demos.load_breast_cancer generated/evalml.demos.load_diabetes generated/evalml.preprocessing.load_data generated/evalml.preprocessing.split_data generated/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.describe_pipeline generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.get_pipeline generated/methods/ generated/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.describe_pipeline generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.get_pipeline generated/methods/ generated/evalml.model_family.ModelFamily generated/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.fit_transform generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.get_feature_names generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.transform generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.fit_transform generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.get_indices generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.get_names generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel.transform generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.fit_transform generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.get_indices generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.get_names generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel.transform generated/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.fit_transform generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.transform generated/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.fit_transform generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.transform generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier.predict_proba generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier.predict_proba generated/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict_proba generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict_proba generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.describe generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor.predict_proba generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.predict generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.score generated/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.predict generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.predict_proba generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.predict generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.predict generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.describe generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.feature_importance_graph generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.get_component generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.graph generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.load generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.predict generated/methods/ generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline.score generated/evalml.pipelines.get_pipelines generated/evalml.pipelines.list_model_families generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.graph generated/evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph generated/evalml.objectives.FraudCost generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost.score generated/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.score generated/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.score generated/evalml.objectives.AUC generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.score generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.score generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.score generated/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.score generated/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.score generated/evalml.objectives.F1 generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1.score generated/evalml.objectives.F1Micro generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Micro.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Micro.score generated/evalml.objectives.F1Macro generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.score generated/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.score generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.score generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.score generated/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.score generated/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.score generated/evalml.objectives.Precision generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.score generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.score generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.score generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.score generated/evalml.objectives.Recall generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.decision_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.optimize_threshold generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.score generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.score generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.score generated/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.score generated/evalml.objectives.R2 generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.score generated/evalml.objectives.MAE generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.score generated/evalml.objectives.MSE generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.score generated/evalml.objectives.MSLE generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSLE.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSLE.score generated/evalml.objectives.MedianAE generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MedianAE.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MedianAE.score generated/evalml.objectives.MaxError generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.score generated/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.objective_function generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.score generated/evalml.objectives.ROC generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ROC.score generated/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix.score generated/evalml.problem_types.ProblemTypes generated/evalml.problem_types.handle_problem_types generated/evalml.tuners.Tuner generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.add generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.is_search_space_exhausted generated/methods/evalml.tuners.Tuner.propose generated/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.add generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.is_search_space_exhausted generated/methods/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner.propose generated/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.add generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.is_search_space_exhausted generated/methods/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner.propose generated/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.__init__ generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.add generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.is_search_space_exhausted generated/methods/evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner.propose generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_highly_null generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_label_leakage generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_outliers generated/evalml.guardrails.detect_id_columns generated/evalml.utils.convert_to_seconds generated/evalml.utils.normalize_confusion_matrix faq resolving references... done writing... done copying images... [ 33%] images/evalml_logo.png copying images... [ 66%] _build/doctrees/nbsphinx/index_22_0.svg copying images... [100%] pipelines/../_build/doctrees/nbsphinx/pipelines_overview_3_0.svg copying TeX support files... copying TeX support files... done build succeeded, 2 warnings. The LaTeX files are in _build/latex. Run 'make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex (use `make latexpdf' here to do that automatically). sed: can't read /home/docs/checkouts/ No such file or directory [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:19:03.301871Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:19:03.502440Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 cat latexmkrc $latex = 'latex ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' %O %S'; $pdflatex = 'pdflatex ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' %O %S'; $lualatex = 'lualatex ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' %O %S'; $xelatex = 'xelatex --no-pdf ' . $ENV{'LATEXOPTS'} . ' %O %S'; $makeindex = 'makeindex -s %O -o %D %S'; add_cus_dep( "glo", "gls", 0, "makeglo" ); sub makeglo { return system( "makeindex -s -o '$_[0].gls' '$_[0].glo'" ); } [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:19:04.071086Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:19:10.423094Z, duration: 6, exit-code: 0 latexmk -r latexmkrc -pdf -f -dvi- -ps- -jobname=feature-labs-inc-evalml -interaction=nonstopmode Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"LATEXOPTS"} in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 10) line 1, chunk 1. Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"LATEXOPTS"} in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 10) line 2, chunk 1. Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"LATEXOPTS"} in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 10) line 3, chunk 1. Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"LATEXOPTS"} in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 10) line 4, chunk 1. Subroutine makeglo redefined at (eval 11) line 7, chunk 1. Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"LATEXOPTS"} in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 11) line 1, chunk 1. Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"LATEXOPTS"} in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 11) line 2, chunk 1. Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"LATEXOPTS"} in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 11) line 3, chunk 1. Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"LATEXOPTS"} in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 11) line 4, chunk 1. Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 1 January 2015, version: 4.41. File::Glob::glob() will disappear in perl 5.30. Use File::Glob::bsd_glob() instead. at /usr/bin/latexmk line 7482. Rule 'pdflatex': Rules & subrules not known to be previously run: pdflatex Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date: 'pdflatex' ------------ Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex' ------------ Latexmk: applying rule 'pdflatex'... ------------ Running 'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder --jobname="feature-labs-inc-evalml" "EvalML.tex"' ------------ This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./EvalML.tex LaTeX2e <2017-04-15> Babel <3.18> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded. (./sphinxmanual.cls Document Class: sphinxmanual 2018/12/23 v2.0 Document class (Sphinx manual) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/report.cls Document Class: report 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo))) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/inputenc.sty (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/utf8.def (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/t1enc.dfu) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ot1enc.dfu) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omsenc.dfu))) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cmap/cmap.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/t1enc.def)<>) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsmath.sty For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option. 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(/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/url/url.sty)) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hpdftex.def (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/rerunfilecheck.sty)) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/hypcap.sty) (./sphinxmessages.sty) Writing index file feature-labs-inc-evalml.idx (./feature-labs-inc-evalml.aux) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ts1cmr.fd) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/t1ptm.fd) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.mkii [Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).] ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/epstopdf-base.sty (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/grfext.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/epstopdf-sys.cfg)) *geometry* driver: auto-detecting *geometry* detected driver: pdftex (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/nameref.sty (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/gettitlestring.sty)) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/t1phv.fd)<><><><> (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsa.fd) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsb.fd) [1{/var/lib/texmf/fo nts/map/pdftex/updmap/}] [2] [1] [2] (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/t1pcr.fd) [1 <./evalml_logo.png >] [2] Chapter 1. [3] [4] Chapter 2. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `objectives/overview::doc' on page 5 undefined o n input line 271. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `objectives/custom_objectives::doc' on page 5 un defined on input line 271. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `pipelines/overview::doc' on page 5 undefined on input line 296. [5] (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ts1pcr.fd) ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `guardrails/overview::doc' on page 6 undefined o n input line 374. [6] [7] ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.522 ...t=1120.0\sphinxpxdimen]{{index_22_0}.svg} ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.522 ...t=1120.0\sphinxpxdimen]{{index_22_0}.svg} LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `automl/pipeline_search::doc' on page 8 undefine d on input line 529. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ts1ptm.fd) LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `demos/fraud::doc' on page 8 undefined on input line 546. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `demos/lead_scoring::doc' on page 8 undefined on input line 549. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `objectives/custom_objectives::doc' on page 8 un defined on input line 558. [8] [9] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 [10] [11] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 [12] [13] [14] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 [15] [16] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 [17] Overfull \vbox (7.24121pt too high) detected at line 1767 [18] [19] [20] [21] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2130 ... 10\%|█ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2130 ... 10\%|█ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 [22] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 [23] [24] [25] [26] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [27] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [28] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [29] Overfull \vbox (2.43936pt too high) detected at line 2802 [30] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 [31] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `pipelines/components::doc' on page 32 undefined on input line 3010. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `pipelines/custom_pipelines::doc' on page 32 und efined on input line 3010. [32] ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3057 ...nxpxdimen]{{pipelines_overview_3_0}.svg} ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3057 ...nxpxdimen]{{pipelines_overview_3_0}.svg} LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `pipelines/overview::doc' on page 33 undefined o n input line 3138. [33] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImp uter::doc' on page 34 undefined on input line 3173. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticR egressionClassifier::doc' on page 34 undefined on input line 3203. [34] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImp uter::doc' on page 35 undefined on input line 3247. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardS caler::doc' on page 35 undefined on input line 3255. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEnc oder::doc' on page 35 undefined on input line 3263. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassif ierSelectFromModel::doc' on page 35 undefined on input line 3271. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearReg ressor::doc' on page 35 undefined on input line 3284. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostCl assifier::doc' on page 35 undefined on input line 3292. [35] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `guardrails/overfitting::doc' on page 36 undefin ed on input line 3374. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `pipelines/components::doc' on page 36 undefined on input line 3379. [36] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 3421--3422 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 EvalML pro-vides two util-ity func-tions to check for ab-nor-mal data: \T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_outliers() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and [37] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 [38] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 [39] [40] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ▎ (U+258E) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ▋ (U+258B) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 [41] [42] [43] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 4245--4246 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 pipelines/utils.save_pipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and \T1/ptm/m/it /10 pipelines/utils.load_pipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 moved to \T1/ptm/m/it/10 Pipel \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.demos.load_fraud:evalml.demos. load_fraud' on page 49 undefined on input line 4847. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.demos.load_wine:evalml.demos.l oad_wine' on page 49 undefined on input line 4852. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.demos.load_breast_cancer:evalm l.demos.load_breast_cancer' on page 49 undefined on input line 4857. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.demos.load_diabetes:evalml.dem os.load_diabetes' on page 49 undefined on input line 4862. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 1 on input line 4867. [49] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.preprocessing.load_data:evalml .preprocessing.load_data' on page 50 undefined on input line 4976. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.preprocessing.split_data:evalm l.preprocessing.split_data' on page 50 undefined on input line 4981. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 2 on input line 4986. [50] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.AutoClassificationSearch:evalm l.AutoClassificationSearch' on page 51 undefined on input line 5086. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch:evalml.Au toRegressionSearch' on page 51 undefined on input line 5091. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 3 on input line 5096. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 mul-ti-class=F alse\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_time=Non e\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 pa-tience=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tol-er-ance=None \T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 al- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 lowed_model_families=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cv=No ne\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tuner=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 de-tect_label_leakag e=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 start_iteration_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.AutoClassificationSear ch.__init__:evalml.AutoClassificationSearch.__init__' on page 51 undefined on i nput line 5125. 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Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines= None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tect_label_leakage=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 start_i teration_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- tional_objectives=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch._ _init__:evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.__init__' on page 53 undefined on input lin e 5370. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.d escribe_pipeline:evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.describe_pipeline' on page 53 unde fined on input line 5375. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.g et_pipeline:evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.get_pipeline' on page 53 undefined on i nput line 5380. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.AutoRegressionSearch.s' on page 53 undefined on input line 53 85. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 6 on input line 5390. 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LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.model_family.ModelFamily:evalm l.model_family.ModelFamily' on page 55 undefined on input line 5605. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 8 on input line 5610. [55] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEnc oder:evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder' on page 56 undefined on input l ine 5647. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegress orSelectFromModel:evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel' on pa ge 56 undefined on input line 5652. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassif ierSelectFromModel:evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel' on page 56 undefined on input line 5657. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImp uter:evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer' on page 56 undefined on input l ine 5662. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.StandardS caler:evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler' on page 56 undefined on input line 5667. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 9 on input line 5672. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 10 on input line 5719. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.O neHotEncoder.__init__:evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.__init__' on pa ge 56 undefined on input line 5740. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.O neHotEncoder.describe:evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.describe' on pa ge 56 undefined on input line 5745. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.O' on page 56 unde fined on input line 5750. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.O neHotEncoder.fit_transform:evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.fit_transf orm' on page 56 undefined on input line 5755. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.O neHotEncoder.get_feature_names:evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.get_fe ature_names' on page 56 undefined on input line 5760. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.O neHotEncoder.transform:evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder.transform' on page 56 undefined on input line 5765. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 11 on input line 5770. [56] [57] Overfull \hbox (19.00412pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cent_features=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 threshold=-inf\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 12 on input line 5956. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FRegressorSelectFromModel.__init__:evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelec tFromModel.__init__' on page 58 undefined on input line 5977. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FRegressorSelectFromModel.describe:evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelec tFromModel.describe' on page 58 undefined on input line 5982. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R' on page 58 undefined on input line 5987. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FRegressorSelectFromModel.fit_transform:evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressor SelectFromModel.fit_transform' on page 58 undefined on input line 5992. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FRegressorSelectFromModel.get_indices:evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSe lectFromModel.get_indices' on page 58 undefined on input line 5997. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FRegressorSelectFromModel.get_names:evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSele ctFromModel.get_names' on page 58 undefined on input line 6002. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FRegressorSelectFromModel.transform:evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSele ctFromModel.transform' on page 58 undefined on input line 6007. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 13 on input line 6012. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6019--6019 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estima tors=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6019--6019 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per-cent_feature s=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [58] [59] Overfull \hbox (25.00412pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Overfull \hbox (1.48462pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per- Overfull \hbox (2.50423pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cent_features=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 threshold=-inf\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 14 on input line 6217. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FClassifierSelectFromModel.__init__:evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSel ectFromModel.__init__' on page 60 undefined on input line 6238. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FClassifierSelectFromModel.describe:evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSel ectFromModel.describe' on page 60 undefined on input line 6243. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R' on page 60 undefined on input line 6248. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FClassifierSelectFromModel.fit_transform:evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifi erSelectFromModel.fit_transform' on page 60 undefined on input line 6253. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FClassifierSelectFromModel.get_indices:evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifier SelectFromModel.get_indices' on page 60 undefined on input line 6258. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FClassifierSelectFromModel.get_names:evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSe lectFromModel.get_names' on page 60 undefined on input line 6263. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R FClassifierSelectFromModel.transform:evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSe lectFromModel.transform' on page 60 undefined on input line 6268. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 15 on input line 6273. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6280--6280 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estima tors=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6280--6280 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per-cent_feature s=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [60] [61] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6438--6438 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 impute_strategy='most_frequent'\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 16 on input line 6478. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.S impleImputer.__init__:evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.__init__' on pa ge 62 undefined on input line 6499. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.S impleImputer.describe:evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.describe' on pa ge 62 undefined on input line 6504. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.S' on page 62 unde fined on input line 6509. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.S impleImputer.fit_transform:evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.fit_transf orm' on page 62 undefined on input line 6514. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.S impleImputer.transform:evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer.transform' on page 62 undefined on input line 6519. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 17 on input line 6524. [62] [63] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 18 on input line 6707. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.S tandardScaler.__init__:evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler.__init__' on page 64 undefined on input line 6728. 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[64] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticR egressionClassifier:evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier' o n page 65 undefined on input line 6899. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomFor estClassifier:evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifier' on page 65 un defined on input line 6904. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostCl assifier:evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier' on page 65 undefined on input line 6909. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.LinearReg ressor:evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor' on page 65 undefined on inp ut line 6914. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.components.RandomFor estRegressor:evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegressor' on page 65 unde fined on input line 6919. 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Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7035--7035 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 penalty='l2'\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 C=1.0\T1/ptm/m/n /10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [66] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 23 on input line 7197. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R andomForestClassifier.__init__:evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifi er.__init__' on page 67 undefined on input line 7218. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R andomForestClassifier.describe:evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifi er.describe' on page 67 undefined on input line 7223. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R t' on page 67 undefined on input line 7228. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R andomForestClassifier.predict:evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassifie r.predict' on page 67 undefined on input line 7233. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.R andomForestClassifier.predict_proba:evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestCla ssifier.predict_proba' on page 67 undefined on input line 7238. [67] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 24 on input line 7243. [68] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 eta=0.1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=3\T1/ptm/m/ n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 min_child_weight=1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=100\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 25 on input line 7422. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.X GBoostClassifier.__init__:evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.__init_ _' on page 69 undefined on input line 7443. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.X GBoostClassifier.describe:evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.describ e' on page 69 undefined on input line 7448. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.X' on page 69 undefined on input line 7453. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.X GBoostClassifier.predict:evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier.predict' on page 69 undefined on input line 7458. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.X edict_proba' on page 69 undefined on input line 7463. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 26 on input line 7468. [69] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7586--7586 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 fit_intercept=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 nor-mal- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7586--7586 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ize=False\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/ 10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [70] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 27 on input line 7637. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.L inearRegressor.__init__:evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.__init__' o n page 71 undefined on input line 7658. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.L inearRegressor.describe:evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.describe' o n page 71 undefined on input line 7663. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.L' on page 71 undefined on input line 7668. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.L inearRegressor.predict:evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predict' on page 71 undefined on input line 7673. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.components.L inearRegressor.predict_proba:evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor.predic t_proba' on page 71 undefined on input line 7678. 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[74] [75] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassi ficationPipeline.__init__:evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.__init_ _' on page 76 undefined on input line 8396. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassi ficationPipeline.describe:evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline.describ e' on page 76 undefined on input line 8401. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassi ficationPipeline.feature_importance_graph:evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassification Pipeline.feature_importance_graph' on page 76 undefined on input line 8406. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassi' on page 76 undefined on input line 8411. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassi t_component' on page 76 undefined on input line 8416. 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[79] Overfull \hbox (32.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8854--8854 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [80] [81] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassi ficationPipeline:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline' on page 82 undefined on input line 9080. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassCl assificationPipeline:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline' on page 82 undefined on input line 9085. Overfull \hbox (17.72247pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9085--9086 []|\T1/pcr/m/sl/10 CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline| LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBi naryPipeline:evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline' on page 82 unde fined on input line 9090. 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LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBina ryClassificationPipeline.predict_proba:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassific ationPipeline.predict_proba' on page 83 undefined on input line 9276. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBina' on page 83 undefined on input line 9281. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBina ryClassificationPipeline.score:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPip eline.score' on page 83 undefined on input line 9286. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 37 on input line 9291. [83] Overfull \hbox (56.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9350--9350 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [84] [85] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9560--9560 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9560--9560 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 38 on input line 9643. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMult iclassClassificationPipeline.__init__:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassi ficationPipeline.__init__' on page 86 undefined on input line 9664. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMult iclassClassificationPipeline.describe:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassi ficationPipeline.describe' on page 86 undefined on input line 9669. 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[90] Overfull \hbox (32.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 10207--10207 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [91] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 10417--10417 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [92] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 42 on input line 10496. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegr essionMulticlassPipeline.__init__:evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlass Pipeline.__init__' on page 93 undefined on input line 10517. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegr essionMulticlassPipeline.describe:evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlass Pipeline.describe' on page 93 undefined on input line 10522. 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LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegr essionMulticlassPipeline.score:evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPip eline.score' on page 93 undefined on input line 10567. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 43 on input line 10572. [93] Overfull \hbox (56.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 10631--10631 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [94] [95] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 10841--10841 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 44 on input line 10925. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClas sificationPipeline.__init__:evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline.__i nit__' on page 96 undefined on input line 10946. 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Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 51 on input line 12278. [106] [107] [108] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline :evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline' on page 109 undefined on input line 125 63. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPi peline:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline' on page 109 undefined on in put line 12568. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipe line:evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline' on page 109 undefined on input line 12573. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 52 on input line 12578. [109] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 53 on input line 12664. 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[110] [111] [112] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 55 on input line 13066. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegr essionPipeline.__init__:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.__init__' o n page 113 undefined on input line 13087. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegr essionPipeline.describe:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline.describe' o n page 113 undefined on input line 13092. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegr essionPipeline.feature_importance_graph:evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipe line.feature_importance_graph' on page 113 undefined on input line 13097. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegr' on page 113 undefined on input line 13102. 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Overfull \hbox (25.04225pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 13880--13881 []|\T1/pcr/m/sl/10 PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ([...])| Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 60 on input line 13885. [119] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.FraudCost:evalml.ob jectives.FraudCost' on page 120 undefined on input line 13933. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring:evalml. objectives.LeadScoring' on page 120 undefined on input line 13938. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 61 on input line 13943. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 13950--13950 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 retry_percentage=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 in-ter-c hange_fee=0.02\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.FraudCost._ _init__:evalml.objectives.FraudCost.__init__' on page 120 undefined on input li ne 13972. 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[120] [121] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring .__init__:evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.__init__' on page 122 undefined on inpu t line 14178. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring .decision_function:evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.decision_function' on page 122 undefined on input line 14183. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring .objective_function:evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.objective_function' on page 1 22 undefined on input line 14188. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring .optimize_threshold:evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.optimize_threshold' on page 1 22 undefined on input line 14193. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LeadScoring .score:evalml.objectives.LeadScoring.score' on page 122 undefined on input line 14198. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 63 on input line 14203. [122] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary:eval ml.objectives.AccuracyBinary' on page 123 undefined on input line 14366. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.AUC:evalml.objectiv es.AUC' on page 123 undefined on input line 14371. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro:evalml.obj ectives.AUCMacro' on page 123 undefined on input line 14376. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro:evalml.obj ectives.AUCMicro' on page 123 undefined on input line 14381. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted:evalml. objectives.AUCWeighted' on page 123 undefined on input line 14386. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy:ev alml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy' on page 123 undefined on input line 14391. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.F1:evalml.objective s.F1' on page 123 undefined on input line 14396. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.F1Micro:evalml.obje ctives.F1Micro' on page 123 undefined on input line 14401. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.F1Macro:evalml.obje ctives.F1Macro' on page 123 undefined on input line 14406. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted:evalml.o bjectives.F1Weighted' on page 123 undefined on input line 14411. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary:evalm l.objectives.LogLossBinary' on page 123 undefined on input line 14416. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass:e valml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass' on page 123 undefined on input line 14421. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary:evalml.ob jectives.MCCBinary' on page 123 undefined on input line 14426. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass:evalm l.objectives.MCCMulticlass' on page 123 undefined on input line 14431. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.Precision:evalml.ob jectives.Precision' on page 123 undefined on input line 14436. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro:eval ml.objectives.PrecisionMicro' on page 123 undefined on input line 14441. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro:eval ml.objectives.PrecisionMacro' on page 123 undefined on input line 14446. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted:e valml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted' on page 123 undefined on input line 14451. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.Recall:evalml.objec tives.Recall' on page 123 undefined on input line 14456. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro:evalml. objectives.RecallMicro' on page 123 undefined on input line 14461. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro:evalml. objectives.RecallMacro' on page 123 undefined on input line 14466. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted:eval ml.objectives.RecallWeighted' on page 123 undefined on input line 14471. [123] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 64 on input line 14476. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AccuracyBin ary.decision_function:evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary.decision_function' on pa ge 124 undefined on input line 14505. 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[124] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14561--14561 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14561--14561 [125] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.decisio n_function:evalml.objectives.AUC.decision_function' on page 126 undefined on in put line 14665. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.objecti ve_function:evalml.objectives.AUC.objective_function' on page 126 undefined on input line 14670. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.optimiz e_threshold:evalml.objectives.AUC.optimize_threshold' on page 126 undefined on input line 14675. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUC.score:e valml.objectives.AUC.score' on page 126 undefined on input line 14680. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 66 on input line 14685. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14721--14721 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14721--14721 [126] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.ob jective_function:evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.objective_function' on page 127 und efined on input line 14825. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/ ore:evalml.objectives.AUCMacro.score' on page 127 undefined on input line 14830 . Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 67 on input line 14835. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14843--14843 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14843--14843 [127] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.ob jective_function:evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.objective_function' on page 128 und efined on input line 14919. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/ ore:evalml.objectives.AUCMicro.score' on page 128 undefined on input line 14924 . Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 68 on input line 14929. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14937--14937 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14937--14937 [128] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted .objective_function:evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.objective_function' on page 1 29 undefined on input line 15013. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted .score:evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted.score' on page 129 undefined on input line 15018. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 69 on input line 15023. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15031--15031 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15031--15031 [129] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAcc uracy.decision_function:evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.decision_function' o n page 130 undefined on input line 15107. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAcc uracy.objective_function:evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.objective_function' on page 130 undefined on input line 15112. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAcc uracy.optimize_threshold:evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.optimize_threshold' on page 130 undefined on input line 15117. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.BalancedAcc uracy.score:evalml.objectives.BalancedAccuracy.score' on page 130 undefined on input line 15122. 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Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15445--15445 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15445--15445 [133] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.obj ective_function:evalml.objectives.F1Macro.objective_function' on page 134 undef ined on input line 15521. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Macro.sco re:evalml.objectives.F1Macro.score' on page 134 undefined on input line 15526. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 73 on input line 15531. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15539--15539 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15539--15539 LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted. objective_function:evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.objective_function' on page 134 undefined on input line 15615. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.F1Weighted. score:evalml.objectives.F1Weighted.score' on page 134 undefined on input line 1 5620. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 74 on input line 15625. [134] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15633--15633 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15633--15633 LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBina ry.decision_function:evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.decision_function' on page 135 undefined on input line 15709. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBina ry.objective_function:evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.objective_function' on pa ge 135 undefined on input line 15714. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBina ry.optimize_threshold:evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.optimize_threshold' on pa ge 135 undefined on input line 15719. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossBina ry.score:evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary.score' on page 135 undefined on input line 15724. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 75 on input line 15729. [135] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15765--15765 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15765--15765 [136] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMult iclass.objective_function:evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.objective_functio n' on page 137 undefined on input line 15869. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.LogLossMult iclass.score:evalml.objectives.LogLossMulticlass.score' on page 137 undefined o n input line 15874. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 76 on input line 15879. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15887--15887 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15887--15887 LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.d ecision_function:evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.decision_function' on page 137 und efined on input line 15963. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.o bjective_function:evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.objective_function' on page 137 u ndefined on input line 15968. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.o ptimize_threshold:evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.optimize_threshold' on page 137 u ndefined on input line 15973. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.s core:evalml.objectives.MCCBinary.score' on page 137 undefined on input line 159 78. [137] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 77 on input line 15983. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16019--16019 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16019--16019 [138] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticla ss.objective_function:evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.objective_function' on pa ge 139 undefined on input line 16123. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MCCMulticla ss.score:evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass.score' on page 139 undefined on input line 16128. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 78 on input line 16133. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16141--16141 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16141--16141 [139] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.d ecision_function:evalml.objectives.Precision.decision_function' on page 140 und efined on input line 16217. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.o bjective_function:evalml.objectives.Precision.objective_function' on page 140 u ndefined on input line 16222. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.o ptimize_threshold:evalml.objectives.Precision.optimize_threshold' on page 140 u ndefined on input line 16227. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Precision.s core:evalml.objectives.Precision.score' on page 140 undefined on input line 162 32. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 79 on input line 16237. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16273--16273 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16273--16273 [140] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMi cro.objective_function:evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.objective_function' on page 141 undefined on input line 16377. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMi cro.score:evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro.score' on page 141 undefined on inpu t line 16382. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 80 on input line 16387. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16395--16395 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16395--16395 [141] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMa cro.objective_function:evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.objective_function' on page 142 undefined on input line 16471. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionMa cro.score:evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro.score' on page 142 undefined on inpu t line 16476. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 81 on input line 16481. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16489--16489 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16489--16489 [142] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWe ighted.objective_function:evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.objective_functio n' on page 143 undefined on input line 16565. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.PrecisionWe ighted.score:evalml.objectives.PrecisionWeighted.score' on page 143 undefined o n input line 16570. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 82 on input line 16575. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16583--16583 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16583--16583 [143] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.deci sion_function:evalml.objectives.Recall.decision_function' on page 144 undefined on input line 16659. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.obje ctive_function:evalml.objectives.Recall.objective_function' on page 144 undefin ed on input line 16664. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.Recall.opti mize_threshold:evalml.objectives.Recall.optimize_threshold' on page 144 undefin ed on input line 16669. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/ e:evalml.objectives.Recall.score' on page 144 undefined on input line 16674. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 83 on input line 16679. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16715--16715 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16715--16715 [144] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro .objective_function:evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.objective_function' on page 1 45 undefined on input line 16819. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMicro .score:evalml.objectives.RecallMicro.score' on page 145 undefined on input line 16824. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 84 on input line 16829. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16837--16837 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16837--16837 [145] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro .objective_function:evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.objective_function' on page 1 46 undefined on input line 16913. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallMacro .score:evalml.objectives.RecallMacro.score' on page 146 undefined on input line 16918. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 85 on input line 16923. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16931--16931 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16931--16931 [146] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeigh ted.objective_function:evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.objective_function' on page 147 undefined on input line 17007. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.RecallWeigh ted.score:evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted.score' on page 147 undefined on inpu t line 17012. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 86 on input line 17017. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17025--17025 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17025--17025 [147] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.R2:evalml.objective s.R2' on page 148 undefined on input line 17095. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.MAE:evalml.objectiv es.MAE' on page 148 undefined on input line 17100. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.MSE:evalml.objectiv es.MSE' on page 148 undefined on input line 17105. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.MSLE:evalml.objecti ves.MSLE' on page 148 undefined on input line 17110. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.MedianAE:evalml.obj ectives.MedianAE' on page 148 undefined on input line 17115. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.MaxError:evalml.obj ectives.MaxError' on page 148 undefined on input line 17120. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance:evalml. objectives.ExpVariance' on page 148 undefined on input line 17125. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 87 on input line 17130. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.objectiv e_function:evalml.objectives.R2.objective_function' on page 148 undefined on in put line 17159. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.R2.score:ev alml.objectives.R2.score' on page 148 undefined on input line 17164. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 88 on input line 17169. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17177--17177 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17177--17177 [148] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.objecti ve_function:evalml.objectives.MAE.objective_function' on page 149 undefined on input line 17253. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MAE.score:e valml.objectives.MAE.score' on page 149 undefined on input line 17258. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 89 on input line 17263. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17271--17271 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17271--17271 [149] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.objecti ve_function:evalml.objectives.MSE.objective_function' on page 150 undefined on input line 17347. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MSE.score:e valml.objectives.MSE.score' on page 150 undefined on input line 17352. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 90 on input line 17357. 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LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/ ore:evalml.objectives.MedianAE.score' on page 151 undefined on input line 17540 . Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 92 on input line 17545. [151] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17553--17553 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17553--17553 LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.MaxError.ob jective_function:evalml.objectives.MaxError.objective_function' on page 152 und efined on input line 17629. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/ ore:evalml.objectives.MaxError.score' on page 152 undefined on input line 17634 . Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 93 on input line 17639. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17647--17647 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17647--17647 [152] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance .objective_function:evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.objective_function' on page 1 53 undefined on input line 17723. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ExpVariance .score:evalml.objectives.ExpVariance.score' on page 153 undefined on input line 17728. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 94 on input line 17733. Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17741--17741 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17741--17741 [153] LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.ROC:evalml.objectiv es.ROC' on page 154 undefined on input line 17811. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix:eva lml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix' on page 154 undefined on input line 17816. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 95 on input line 17821. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ROC.score:e valml.objectives.ROC.score' on page 154 undefined on input line 17850. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 96 on input line 17855. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/methods/evalml.objectives.ConfusionMa trix.score:evalml.objectives.ConfusionMatrix.score' on page 154 undefined on in put line 17896. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 97 on input line 17901. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.problem_types.ProblemTypes:eva lml.problem_types.ProblemTypes' on page 154 undefined on input line 17936. [154] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 98 on input line 17941. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.problem_types.handle_problem_t ypes:evalml.problem_types.handle_problem_types' on page 155 undefined on input line 17972. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 99 on input line 17977. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.problem_types.ProblemTypes:eva lml.problem_types.ProblemTypes' on page 155 undefined on input line 17988. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.tuners.Tuner:evalml.tuners.Tun er' on page 155 undefined on input line 18019. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.tuners.SKOptTuner:evalml.tuner s.SKOptTuner' on page 155 undefined on input line 18024. LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `generated/evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner:evalml. tuners.GridSearchTuner' on page 155 undefined on input line 18029. 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LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right. ) (see the transcript file for additional information){/usr/share/texlive/texmf-d ist/fonts/enc/dvips/base/8r.enc} Output written on feature-labs-inc-evalml.pdf (168 pages, 565563 bytes). Transcript written on feature-labs-inc-evalml.log. Latexmk: Index file 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.idx' was written Latexmk: Missing input file: 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.ind' from line 'No file feature-labs-inc-evalml.ind.' Latexmk: References changed. Latexmk: References changed. 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[3] [4] Chapter 2. [5] (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ts1pcr.fd) ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 [6] [7] ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.522 ...t=1120.0\sphinxpxdimen]{{index_22_0}.svg} ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.522 ...t=1120.0\sphinxpxdimen]{{index_22_0}.svg} (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ts1ptm.fd) [8] [9] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 [10] [11] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 [12] [13] [14] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 [15] [16] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 [17] Overfull \vbox (7.24121pt too high) detected at line 1767 [18] [19] [20] [21] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2130 ... 10\%|█ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2130 ... 10\%|█ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 [22] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 [23] [24] [25] [26] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [27] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [28] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [29] Overfull \vbox (2.43936pt too high) detected at line 2802 [30] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 [31] [32] ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3057 ...nxpxdimen]{{pipelines_overview_3_0}.svg} ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3057 ...nxpxdimen]{{pipelines_overview_3_0}.svg} [33] [34] [35] [36] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 3421--3422 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 EvalML pro-vides two util-ity func-tions to check for ab-nor-mal data: \T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_outliers() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and [37] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 [38] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 [39] [40] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ▎ (U+258E) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ▋ (U+258B) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 [41] [42] [43] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 4245--4246 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 pipelines/utils.save_pipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and \T1/ptm/m/it /10 pipelines/utils.load_pipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 moved to \T1/ptm/m/it/10 Pipel \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 mul-ti-class=F alse\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_time=Non e\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 pa-tience=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tol-er-ance=None \T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 al- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 lowed_model_families=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cv=No ne\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tuner=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 de-tect_label_leakag e=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 start_iteration_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 mul-ti-class=F alse\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_time=Non e\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 pa-tience=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tol-er-ance=None \T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 al- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 lowed_model_families=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cv=No ne\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tuner=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 de-tect_label_leakag e=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 start_iteration_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- [51] [52] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5278--5278 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 X\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 y\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m /it/10 fea-ture_types=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 raise_errors=True\T1 /ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines= None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tect_label_leakage=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 start_i teration_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- tional_objectives=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5397--5397 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines= None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 6542) in paragraph at lines 5397--5397 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_time=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 pa-tience=None\T1 /ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tol-er-ance=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 al- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5397--5397 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 lowed_model_families=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cv=No ne\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tuner=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5397--5397 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- tional_objectives=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [53] [54] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5519--5519 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 X\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 y\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m /it/10 fea-ture_types=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 raise_errors=True\T1 /ptm/m/n/10 , [55] [56] [57] Overfull \hbox (19.00412pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cent_features=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 threshold=-inf\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6019--6019 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estima tors=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6019--6019 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per-cent_feature s=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [58] [59] Overfull \hbox (25.00412pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Overfull \hbox (1.48462pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per- Overfull \hbox (2.50423pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cent_features=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 threshold=-inf\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6280--6280 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estima tors=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6280--6280 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per-cent_feature s=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [60] [61] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6438--6438 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 impute_strategy='most_frequent'\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [62] [63] [64] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6931--6931 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 penalty='l2'\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6931--6931 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 C=1.0\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [65] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7035--7035 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 penalty='l2'\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 C=1.0\T1/ptm/m/n /10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [66] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [67] [68] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 eta=0.1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=3\T1/ptm/m/ n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 min_child_weight=1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=100\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [69] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7586--7586 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 fit_intercept=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 nor-mal- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7586--7586 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ize=False\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/ 10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [70] [71] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7801--7801 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7801--7801 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7801--7801 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Underfull \hbox (badness 6708) in paragraph at lines 7905--7905 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=Non e\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran - [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] Overfull \hbox (8.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8510--8510 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [77] [78] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 8720--8720 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [79] Overfull \hbox (32.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8854--8854 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [80] [81] Overfull \hbox (17.72247pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9085--9086 []|[][]\T1/pcr/m/sl/10 CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline[][]| Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9127--9127 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [82] [83] Overfull \hbox (56.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9350--9350 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [84] [85] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9560--9560 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9560--9560 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [86] Overfull \hbox (80.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9778--9778 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [87] [88] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9988--9988 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [89] [90] Overfull \hbox (32.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 10207--10207 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [91] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 10417--10417 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [92] [93] Overfull \hbox (56.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 10631--10631 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [94] [95] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 10841--10841 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [96] Overfull \hbox (20.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11060--11060 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [97] [98] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 11270--11270 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [99] [100] Overfull \hbox (44.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11484--11484 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] Overfull \hbox (25.04225pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 13880--13881 []|[][]\T1/pcr/m/sl/10 PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph[][]\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ([...])| [119] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 13950--13950 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 retry_percentage=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 in-ter-c hange_fee=0.02\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14561--14561 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14561--14561 [125] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14721--14721 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14721--14721 [126] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14843--14843 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14843--14843 [127] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14937--14937 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14937--14937 [128] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15031--15031 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15031--15031 [129] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15163--15163 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15163--15163 [130] [131] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15323--15323 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15323--15323 [132] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15445--15445 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15445--15445 [133] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15539--15539 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15539--15539 [134] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15633--15633 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15633--15633 [135] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15765--15765 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15765--15765 [136] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15887--15887 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15887--15887 [137] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16019--16019 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16019--16019 [138] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16141--16141 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16141--16141 [139] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16273--16273 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16273--16273 [140] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16395--16395 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16395--16395 [141] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16489--16489 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16489--16489 [142] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16583--16583 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16583--16583 [143] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16715--16715 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16715--16715 [144] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16837--16837 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16837--16837 [145] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16931--16931 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16931--16931 [146] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17025--17025 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17025--17025 [147] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17177--17177 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17177--17177 [148] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17271--17271 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17271--17271 [149] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17365--17365 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17365--17365 [150] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17459--17459 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17459--17459 [151] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17553--17553 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17553--17553 Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17647--17647 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17647--17647 [152] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17741--17741 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17741--17741 [153] [154] [155] [156] [157] [158] Underfull \hbox (badness 7685) in paragraph at lines 18552--18552 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 space\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran-dom_state=0\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 with_replacement=False\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 re-place- [159] [160] [161] [162] [163] (./feature-labs-inc-evalml.ind [164] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 8--9 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoClassifi cationSearch Underfull \hbox (badness 6188) in paragraph at lines 10--11 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.F raudCost method\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ), Overfull \hbox (18.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12--14 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Bi naryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (55.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14--16 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (70.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16--18 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (17.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 18--20 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (6.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 20--22 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Li nearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (39.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 22--24 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lo gisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (53.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 24--26 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lo gisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (32.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 26--28 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Mu lticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (30.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 29--31 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (45.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 31--33 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF MulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 33--35 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF RegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (14.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 37--39 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XG BoostMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (19.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 39--41 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (67.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 41--43 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (18.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 43--45 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (74.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 45--47 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (75.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 47--49 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (49.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 49--51 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (51.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 51--53 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (12.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 53--55 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (15.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 55--57 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.StandardScaler Overfull \hbox (27.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 57--59 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.XGBoostClassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 60--61 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.Rando mSearchTuner Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 68--69 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 add() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.RandomSear chTuner method\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 81--82 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 BinaryClassificationPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 c lass in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 85--87 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline [165] Overfull \hbox (10.1225pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 87--89 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 89--90 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 CatBoostRegressionPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 cla ss in Overfull \hbox (85.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 90--92 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (100.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 92--94 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (47.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 94--96 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (36.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 96--98 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LinearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (69.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 98--100 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (83.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 100--102 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (60.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 102--104 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (75.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 104--106 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (22.19069pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 106--108 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 108--110 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (44.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 110--112 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 114--116 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (33.8597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 114--116 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 116--118 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (48.30923pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 116--118 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificati onPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 118--120 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 118--120 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 120--122 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 120--122 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 122--124 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (17.41986pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 122--124 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeli ne Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 124--126 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (31.8694pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 124--126 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 126--128 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (8.85008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 126--128 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 128--130 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (23.29962pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 128--130 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipe line Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 130--132 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 130--132 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline at- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 132--134 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 132--134 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 134--136 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 134--136 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 139--141 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 139--141 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 141--142 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.obj ectives.AUC Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 142--144 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 144--145 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.obj ectives.F1 Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 145--147 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 147--149 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 147--149 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LeadScoring method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 149--151 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 149--151 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 151--153 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 151--153 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.MCCBinary method\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 155--156 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.obj ectives.Recall Overfull \hbox (18.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 156--158 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Bi naryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (55.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 158--160 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (70.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 160--162 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (17.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 162--164 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (19.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 164--166 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (67.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 166--168 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (18.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 168--170 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (49.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 170--172 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (51.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--174 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RandomForestRegressor [166] Overfull \hbox (74.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 174--176 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (75.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 176--178 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (12.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 178--180 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (15.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 180--182 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.StandardScaler Overfull \hbox (27.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 182--184 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (6.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 184--186 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Li nearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (39.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 186--188 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lo gisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (53.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 188--190 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lo gisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (32.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 190--192 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Mu lticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (30.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 193--195 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (45.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 195--197 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF MulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 197--199 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF RegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (14.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 201--203 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XG BoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 203--205 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe_pipeline() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 203--205 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoClassificationSearch method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 205--207 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe_pipeline() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 205--207 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoRegressionSearch method\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 207--208 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_highly_null() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod-ul e Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 208--209 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_id_columns() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod-ule Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 209--210 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_label_leakage() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod- ule Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 222--224 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 222--224 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 224--226 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (33.8597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 224--226 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 226--228 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (48.30923pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 226--228 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificati onPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 228--230 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 228--230 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 230--232 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 230--232 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 232--234 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (17.41986pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 232--234 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeli ne Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 234--236 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (31.8694pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 234--236 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 236--238 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (11.07965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 236--238 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeli ne Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 238--240 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 238--240 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 240--242 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (8.85008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 240--242 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 242--244 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (23.29962pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 242--244 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipe line Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 244--246 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 244--246 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 246--248 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 246--248 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 248--250 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 248--250 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 250--252 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.BinaryC lassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (25.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 252--254 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoos tBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (40.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 254--256 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoos tMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 256--258 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoos tRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 258--260 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (37.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 260--262 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.LogisticRegressionClassifier [167] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 262--263 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (19.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 263--265 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (21.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 265--267 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (44.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 267--269 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (45.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 269--271 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 271--272 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.SimpleImputer Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 272--274 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.StandardScaler Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 276--278 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearR egressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (9.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 278--280 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logisti cRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (23.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 280--282 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logisti cRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (2.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 282--284 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multicl assClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (0.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 285--287 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBinar yClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (15.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 287--289 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMulti classClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 290--291 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoost BinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 291--293 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoost MulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (48.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 293--295 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (104.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 295--297 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (105.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 297--299 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (42.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 299--301 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (45.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 301--303 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.StandardScaler Overfull \hbox (48.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 307--309 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (85.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 309--311 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (100.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 311--313 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (47.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 313--315 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (36.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 315--317 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LinearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (69.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 317--319 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (83.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 319--321 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (62.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 321--323 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.MulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 323--324 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.PipelineBase Overfull \hbox (60.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 324--326 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (75.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 326--328 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (22.19069pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 328--330 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 330--332 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (44.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 332--334 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 334--336 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_feature_names() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 334--336 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (92.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 336--338 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_indices() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines .components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (93.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 338--340 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_indices() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines .components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (80.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 340--342 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_names() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (81.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 342--344 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_names() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 344--345 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_pipeline() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoClas sificationSearch Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 345--346 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_pipeline() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoRegr essionSearch Overfull \hbox (0.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 347--349 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Binar yClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (37.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 349--351 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (52.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 351--353 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 355--357 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linea rRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 357--359 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (35.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 359--361 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (14.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 361--363 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multi classClassificationPipeline [168] Overfull \hbox (12.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 365--367 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBin aryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (27.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 367--369 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMul ticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 369--370 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFReg ressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 370--371 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoo stBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 377--379 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 handle_problem_types() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod- ule Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 379--381 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 379--381 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 381--383 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (45.47957pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 381--383 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionC lassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 383--385 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 383--385 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 385--387 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (27.70021pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 385--387 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassif ier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 387--389 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (29.1404pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 387--389 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegress or Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 389--391 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (52.54993pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 389--391 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectF romModel Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 391--393 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (53.99011pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 391--393 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFr omModel Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 393--395 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 393--395 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 395--397 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 395--397 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 397--399 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (5.79033pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 397--399 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (85.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 399--401 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (100.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 401--403 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (47.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 403--405 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (36.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 405--407 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LinearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (69.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 407--409 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (83.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 409--411 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (60.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 411--413 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (75.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 413--415 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (22.19069pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 415--417 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 417--419 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (44.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 419--421 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 424--426 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 is_search_space_exhausted() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 424--426 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 426--428 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 is_search_space_exhausted() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 426--428 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 428--430 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 is_search_space_exhausted() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 430--432 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 is_search_space_exhausted() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 436--437 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 LinearRegressionPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 437--438 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 LinearRegressor \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 438--439 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 list_model_families() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod-u le Overfull \hbox (31.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 441--443 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (46.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 443--445 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 7047) in paragraph at lines 445--447 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 447--449 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linear RegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (15.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 449--451 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logist icRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 451--453 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logist icRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (8.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 453--455 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multic lassClassificationPipeline [169] Overfull \hbox (6.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 456--458 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBina ryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 458--460 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMult iclassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 464--466 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoos tMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 473--475 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 LogisticRegressionClassifier \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 c lass in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 475--477 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (67.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 487--489 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (82.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 489--491 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 491--493 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. CatBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (31.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 493--495 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (79.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 495--497 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (30.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 497--499 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (61.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 499--501 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (63.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 501--503 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (86.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 503--505 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (87.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 505--507 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (24.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 507--509 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (27.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 509--511 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.StandardScaler Overfull \hbox (39.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 511--513 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (18.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 513--515 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. LinearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (51.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 515--517 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (65.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 517--519 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (42.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 519--521 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (57.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 521--523 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (4.19069pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 523--525 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. RFRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (11.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 525--527 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (26.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 527--529 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (19.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 537--539 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoost BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (34.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 539--541 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoost MulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (31.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 545--547 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (13.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 549--551 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (15.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 551--553 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (38.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 553--555 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (39.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 555--557 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.RFRegressorSelectFromModel [170] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 561--563 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.XGBoostClassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 563--565 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearRe gressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (3.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 565--567 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logistic RegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (17.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 567--569 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logistic RegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (9.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 571--573 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMultic lassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 574--575 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostB inaryPipeline at- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 577--578 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 normalize_confusion_matrix() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 i n mod-ule Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 581--583 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 581--583 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 583--584 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.AUC Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 584--586 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 586--588 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 588--590 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 588--590 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 590--592 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 592--594 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 592--594 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.ExpVariance method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 594--595 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.F1 Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 595--597 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 597--599 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 599--601 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 599--601 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.F1Weighted method\T1/ptm/m/n/ 10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 601--603 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 603--605 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 603--605 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LeadScoring method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 605--607 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 605--607 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 607--609 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 609--610 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.MAE Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 610--612 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 612--614 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 612--614 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.MCCBinary method\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 614--616 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 614--616 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 616--618 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 618--619 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.MSE Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 619--620 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.MSLE Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 620--622 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 622--624 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 622--624 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 624--626 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 624--626 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 626--628 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 628--629 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.R2 Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 629--630 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.Recall Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 630--632 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 630--632 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.RecallMacro method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 632--634 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 632--634 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.RecallMicro method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 634--636 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 634--636 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 636--637 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 OneHotEncoder \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 637--639 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 637--639 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 639--640 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.AUC [171] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 640--642 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 642--643 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.F1 Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 643--645 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 645--647 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 645--647 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LeadScoring method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 647--649 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 647--649 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 649--651 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 649--651 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.MCCBinary method\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 651--653 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 653--654 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.Recall Overfull \hbox (12.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 662--664 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Bin aryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (49.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 664--666 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Cat BoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (64.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 666--668 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Cat BoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (11.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 668--670 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Cat BoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (13.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 670--672 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (61.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 672--674 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (43.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 674--676 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (45.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 676--678 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (21.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 678--680 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (0.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 680--682 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lin earRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (33.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 682--684 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Log isticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (47.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 684--686 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Log isticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (26.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 686--688 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Mul ticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (24.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 689--691 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFB inaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (39.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 691--693 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFM ulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 693--695 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFR egressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 5681) in paragraph at lines 695--697 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGB oostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (8.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 697--699 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGB oostMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (48.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 699--701 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (85.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 701--703 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (100.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 703--705 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (49.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 705--707 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (97.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 707--709 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (79.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 709--711 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (81.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 711--713 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (57.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 713--715 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (69.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 715--717 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (83.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 717--719 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (62.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 719--721 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.MulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (60.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 721--723 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (75.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 723--725 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 725--727 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (44.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 727--729 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 731--732 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 propose() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.Random SearchTuner Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 738--740 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RandomForestClassifier \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class i n [172] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 740--742 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RandomForestRegressor \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 747--749 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RFBinaryClassificationPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 749--751 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RFClassifierSelectFromModel \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 cl ass in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 754--756 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RFRegressorSelectFromModel \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 cla ss in Overfull \hbox (31.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 762--764 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (46.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 764--766 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 7047) in paragraph at lines 766--768 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 768--770 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linear RegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (15.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 770--772 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logist icRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 772--774 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logist icRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (8.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 774--776 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multic lassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (6.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 777--779 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBina ryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 779--781 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMult iclassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 781--782 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFRegr essionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 782--783 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoos tBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 783--785 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoos tMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 790--791 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.Bala ncedAccuracy Underfull \hbox (badness 5607) in paragraph at lines 799--800 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogL ossBinary method\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 800--801 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogL ossMulticlass Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 811--812 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.Prec isionWeighted Overfull \hbox (0.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 818--820 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Binar yClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (37.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 820--822 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (52.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 822--824 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 826--828 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linea rRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 828--830 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (35.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 830--832 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (14.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 832--834 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multi classClassificationPipeline [173] Overfull \hbox (12.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 835--837 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBin aryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (27.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 837--839 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMul ticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 839--840 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFReg ressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 840--841 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoo stBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 845--846 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 SimpleImputer \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 848--849 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 StandardScaler \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Overfull \hbox (37.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 849--851 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (52.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 851--853 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 855--857 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linea rRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 857--859 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (35.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 859--861 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (12.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 861--863 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBin aryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (27.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 863--865 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMul ticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 5771) in paragraph at lines 865--867 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFReg ressionPipeline at- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 871--873 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (33.8597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 871--873 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 873--875 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (48.30923pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 873--875 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificati onPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 875--877 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 875--877 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 877--879 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 877--879 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 879--881 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (45.47957pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 879--881 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionC lassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 881--883 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (27.70021pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 881--883 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassif ier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 883--885 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (29.1404pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 883--885 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegress or Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 885--887 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (5.79033pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 885--887 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 887--889 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 887--889 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 889--891 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (17.41986pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 889--891 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeli ne Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 891--893 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (31.8694pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 891--893 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 893--895 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (8.85008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 893--895 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 895--897 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921--922 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 XGBoostClassifier \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in [174] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 922--923 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 XGBoostMulticlassPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 clas s in [175]) (./feature-labs-inc-evalml.aux) Package rerunfilecheck Warning: File `feature-labs-inc-evalml.out' has changed. (rerunfilecheck) Rerun to get outlines right (rerunfilecheck) or use package `bookmark'. ) (see the transcript file for additional information){/usr/share/texlive/texmf-d ist/fonts/enc/dvips/base/8r.enc} Output written on feature-labs-inc-evalml.pdf (179 pages, 619611 bytes). Transcript written on feature-labs-inc-evalml.log. Latexmk: Index file 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.idx' was written Latexmk: References changed. Latexmk: Log file says output to 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.pdf' Rule 'pdflatex': File changes, etc: Changed files, or newly in use since previous run(s): 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.aux' 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.out' 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.toc' ------------ Run number 3 of rule 'pdflatex' ------------ ------------ Running 'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder --jobname="feature-labs-inc-evalml" "EvalML.tex"' ------------ Latexmk: applying rule 'pdflatex'... This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./EvalML.tex LaTeX2e <2017-04-15> Babel <3.18> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded. 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(./feature-labs-inc-evalml.out) (./feature-labs-inc-evalml.out) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/t1phv.fd)<><><><> (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsa.fd) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsb.fd) [1{/var/lib/texmf/fo nts/map/pdftex/updmap/}] [2] (./feature-labs-inc-evalml.toc) [1] [2] (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/t1pcr.fd) [1 <./evalml_logo .png>] [2] Chapter 1. [3] [4] Chapter 2. [5] (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ts1pcr.fd) ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.358 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.359 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.360 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:18 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.361 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.362 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.363 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:31 [6] [7] ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.522 ...t=1120.0\sphinxpxdimen]{{index_22_0}.svg} ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.522 ...t=1120.0\sphinxpxdimen]{{index_22_0}.svg} (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ts1ptm.fd) [8] [9] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.755 ...ts} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.756 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:21 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.757 ...0\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.758 ...████████ | Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.759 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.760 ...��████████| Elapsed:00:40 [10] [11] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1003 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1004 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1005 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:20 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1006 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:28 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1007 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1008 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:36 [12] [13] [14] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1323 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:08 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1324 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1325 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:26 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1326 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:35 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1327 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1328 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:45 [15] [16] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1573 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1574 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1575 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1576 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:24 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1577 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.1578 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 [17] Overfull \vbox (7.24121pt too high) detected at line 1767 [18] [19] [20] [21] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2130 ... 10\%|█ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2130 ... 10\%|█ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2131 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2132 ... 30\%|███ | Elapsed:00:15 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2133 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2134 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2138 ...50\%|█████ | Elapsed:00:23 [22] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2270 ...s} 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2271 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2272 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:19 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2273 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:25 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2274 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2275 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:32 [23] [24] [25] [26] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [27] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [28] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 2779 Overfull \vbox (2.68169pt too high) detected at line 2779 [29] Overfull \vbox (2.43936pt too high) detected at line 2802 [30] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2857 ... 20\%|██ | Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2858 ... 40\%|████ | Elapsed:00:06 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2859 ...\%|██████ | Elapsed:00:14 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2860 ...��███████ | Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2861 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.2862 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:23 [31] [32] ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3057 ...nxpxdimen]{{pipelines_overview_3_0}.svg} ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3057 ...nxpxdimen]{{pipelines_overview_3_0}.svg} [33] [34] [35] [36] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 3421--3422 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 EvalML pro-vides two util-ity func-tions to check for ab-nor-mal data: \T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_outliers() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and [37] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3622 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3623 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:00 [38] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3738 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3739 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:10 [39] [40] ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ▎ (U+258E) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3932 ... 33\%|███▎ | Elapsed:00:05 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ▋ (U+258B) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3933 ...|██████▋ | Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3934 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ✔ (U+2714) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char █ (U+2588) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.3935 ...�████████| Elapsed:00:17 [41] [42] [43] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 4245--4246 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 pipelines/utils.save_pipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and \T1/ptm/m/it /10 pipelines/utils.load_pipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 moved to \T1/ptm/m/it/10 Pipel \T1/ptm/m/n/10 and [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 mul-ti-class=F alse\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_time=Non e\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 pa-tience=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tol-er-ance=None \T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 al- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 lowed_model_families=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cv=No ne\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tuner=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 de-tect_label_leakag e=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 start_iteration_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5103--5103 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 mul-ti-class=F alse\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_time=Non e\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 pa-tience=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tol-er-ance=None \T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 al- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 lowed_model_families=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cv=No ne\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tuner=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 de-tect_label_leakag e=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 start_iteration_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5152--5152 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- [51] [52] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5278--5278 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 X\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 y\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m /it/10 fea-ture_types=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 raise_errors=True\T1 /ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines= None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tect_label_leakage=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 start_i teration_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5348--5348 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- tional_objectives=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5397--5397 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 objective=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_pipelines= None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 6542) in paragraph at lines 5397--5397 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_time=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 pa-tience=None\T1 /ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tol-er-ance=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 al- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5397--5397 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 lowed_model_families=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cv=No ne\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 tuner=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5397--5397 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 add_result_callback=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ad-di- tional_objectives=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [53] [54] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5519--5519 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 X\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 y\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m /it/10 fea-ture_types=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 raise_errors=True\T1 /ptm/m/n/10 , [55] [56] [57] Overfull \hbox (19.00412pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cent_features=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 threshold=-inf\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5916--5916 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6019--6019 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estima tors=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6019--6019 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per-cent_feature s=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [58] [59] Overfull \hbox (25.00412pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Overfull \hbox (1.48462pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per- Overfull \hbox (2.50423pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 cent_features=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 threshold=-inf\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6177--6177 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6280--6280 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 number_features=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estima tors=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6280--6280 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 per-cent_feature s=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [60] [61] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6438--6438 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 impute_strategy='most_frequent'\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [62] [63] [64] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6931--6931 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 penalty='l2'\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6931--6931 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 C=1.0\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [65] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7035--7035 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 penalty='l2'\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 C=1.0\T1/ptm/m/n /10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [66] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7146--7146 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [67] [68] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 eta=0.1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=3\T1/ptm/m/ n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 min_child_weight=1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7361--7361 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=100\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [69] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7586--7586 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 fit_intercept=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 nor-mal- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7586--7586 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ize=False\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/ 10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [70] [71] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7801--7801 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7801--7801 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 7801--7801 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- Underfull \hbox (badness 6708) in paragraph at lines 7905--7905 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_estimators=10\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 max_depth=Non e\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 n_jobs=-1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran - [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] Overfull \hbox (8.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8510--8510 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [77] [78] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 8720--8720 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [79] Overfull \hbox (32.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8854--8854 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [80] [81] Overfull \hbox (17.72247pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9085--9086 []|[][]\T1/pcr/m/sl/10 CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline[][]| Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9127--9127 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [82] [83] Overfull \hbox (56.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9350--9350 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [84] [85] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9560--9560 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9560--9560 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [86] Overfull \hbox (80.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 9778--9778 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [87] [88] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9988--9988 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [89] [90] Overfull \hbox (32.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 10207--10207 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [91] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 10417--10417 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [92] [93] Overfull \hbox (56.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 10631--10631 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [94] [95] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 10841--10841 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [96] Overfull \hbox (20.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11060--11060 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [97] [98] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 11270--11270 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 parameters\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran- [99] [100] Overfull \hbox (44.43376pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11484--11484 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 show_all_features=False\T1/pcr/m/n/10 ) [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] Overfull \hbox (25.04225pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 13880--13881 []|[][]\T1/pcr/m/sl/10 PipelineBase.feature_importance_graph[][]\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ([...])| [119] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 13950--13950 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 retry_percentage=0.5\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 in-ter-c hange_fee=0.02\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14561--14561 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14561--14561 [125] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14721--14721 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14721--14721 [126] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14843--14843 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14843--14843 [127] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14937--14937 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 14937--14937 [128] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15031--15031 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15031--15031 [129] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15163--15163 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15163--15163 [130] [131] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15323--15323 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15323--15323 [132] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15445--15445 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15445--15445 [133] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15539--15539 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15539--15539 [134] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15633--15633 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15633--15633 [135] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15765--15765 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15765--15765 [136] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15887--15887 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 15887--15887 [137] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16019--16019 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16019--16019 [138] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16141--16141 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16141--16141 [139] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16273--16273 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16273--16273 [140] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16395--16395 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16395--16395 [141] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16489--16489 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16489--16489 [142] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16583--16583 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16583--16583 [143] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16715--16715 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16715--16715 [144] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16837--16837 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16837--16837 [145] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16931--16931 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 16931--16931 [146] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17025--17025 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17025--17025 [147] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17177--17177 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17177--17177 [148] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17271--17271 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17271--17271 [149] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17365--17365 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17365--17365 [150] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17459--17459 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17459--17459 [151] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17553--17553 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17553--17553 Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17647--17647 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17647--17647 [152] Overfull \hbox (69.69008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17741--17741 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 17741--17741 [153] [154] [155] [156] [157] [158] Underfull \hbox (badness 7685) in paragraph at lines 18552--18552 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 space\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ran-dom_state=0\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 with_replacement=False\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 re-place- [159] [160] [161] [162] [163] (./feature-labs-inc-evalml.ind [164] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 8--9 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoClassifi cationSearch Underfull \hbox (badness 6188) in paragraph at lines 10--11 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.F raudCost method\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ), Overfull \hbox (18.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12--14 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Bi naryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (55.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14--16 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (70.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16--18 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (17.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 18--20 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (6.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 20--22 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Li nearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (39.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 22--24 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lo gisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (53.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 24--26 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lo gisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (32.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 26--28 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Mu lticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (30.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 29--31 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (45.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 31--33 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF MulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 33--35 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF RegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (14.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 37--39 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XG BoostMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (19.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 39--41 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (67.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 41--43 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (18.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 43--45 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (74.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 45--47 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (75.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 47--49 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (49.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 49--51 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (51.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 51--53 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (12.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 53--55 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (15.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 55--57 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.StandardScaler Overfull \hbox (27.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 57--59 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.XGBoostClassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 60--61 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 __init__() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.Rando mSearchTuner Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 68--69 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 add() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.RandomSear chTuner method\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 81--82 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 BinaryClassificationPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 c lass in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 85--87 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline [165] Overfull \hbox (10.1225pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 87--89 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 89--90 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 CatBoostRegressionPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 cla ss in Overfull \hbox (85.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 90--92 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (100.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 92--94 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (47.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 94--96 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (36.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 96--98 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LinearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (69.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 98--100 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (83.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 100--102 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (60.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 102--104 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (75.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 104--106 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (22.19069pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 106--108 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 108--110 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (44.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 110--112 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 component_graph \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 114--116 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (33.8597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 114--116 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 116--118 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (48.30923pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 116--118 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificati onPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 118--120 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 118--120 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 120--122 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 120--122 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 122--124 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (17.41986pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 122--124 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeli ne Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 124--126 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (31.8694pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 124--126 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 126--128 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (8.85008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 126--128 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 128--130 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Overfull \hbox (23.29962pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 128--130 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipe line Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 130--132 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 130--132 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline at- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 132--134 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 132--134 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 134--136 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 custom_hyperparameters Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 134--136 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 139--141 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 139--141 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 141--142 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.obj ectives.AUC Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 142--144 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 144--145 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.obj ectives.F1 Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 145--147 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 147--149 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 147--149 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LeadScoring method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 149--151 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 149--151 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 151--153 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 151--153 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.MCCBinary method\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 155--156 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 decision_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.obj ectives.Recall Overfull \hbox (18.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 156--158 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Bi naryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (55.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 158--160 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (70.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 160--162 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (17.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 162--164 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Ca tBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (19.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 164--166 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (67.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 166--168 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (18.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 168--170 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (49.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 170--172 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (51.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--174 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RandomForestRegressor [166] Overfull \hbox (74.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 174--176 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (75.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 176--178 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (12.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 178--180 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (15.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 180--182 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.StandardScaler Overfull \hbox (27.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 182--184 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 mponents.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (6.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 184--186 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Li nearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (39.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 186--188 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lo gisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (53.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 188--190 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lo gisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (32.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 190--192 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Mu lticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (30.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 193--195 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (45.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 195--197 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF MulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 197--199 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RF RegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (14.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 201--203 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XG BoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 203--205 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe_pipeline() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 203--205 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoClassificationSearch method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 205--207 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 describe_pipeline() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 205--207 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoRegressionSearch method\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 207--208 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_highly_null() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod-ul e Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 208--209 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_id_columns() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod-ule Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 209--210 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 detect_label_leakage() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod- ule Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 222--224 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 222--224 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.BinaryClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 224--226 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (33.8597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 224--226 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 226--228 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (48.30923pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 226--228 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificati onPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 228--230 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 228--230 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 230--232 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 230--232 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 232--234 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (17.41986pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 232--234 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeli ne Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 234--236 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (31.8694pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 234--236 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 236--238 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (11.07965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 236--238 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.MulticlassClassificationPipeli ne Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 238--240 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 238--240 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.PipelineBase method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 240--242 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (8.85008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 240--242 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 242--244 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Overfull \hbox (23.29962pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 242--244 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipe line Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 244--246 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 244--246 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 246--248 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 246--248 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 248--250 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 feature_importance_graph() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 248--250 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 250--252 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.BinaryC lassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (25.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 252--254 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoos tBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (40.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 254--256 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoos tMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 256--258 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoos tRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 258--260 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (37.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 260--262 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.LogisticRegressionClassifier [167] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 262--263 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (19.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 263--265 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (21.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 265--267 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (44.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 267--269 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (45.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 269--271 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 271--272 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.SimpleImputer Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 272--274 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.compone nts.StandardScaler Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 276--278 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearR egressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (9.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 278--280 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logisti cRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (23.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 280--282 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logisti cRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (2.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 282--284 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multicl assClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (0.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 285--287 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBinar yClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (15.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 287--289 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMulti classClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 290--291 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoost BinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 291--293 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoost MulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (48.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 293--295 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (104.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 295--297 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (105.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 297--299 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (42.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 299--301 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (45.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 301--303 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 fit_transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.StandardScaler Overfull \hbox (48.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 307--309 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (85.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 309--311 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (100.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 311--313 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (47.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 313--315 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (36.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 315--317 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LinearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (69.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 317--319 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (83.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 319--321 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (62.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 321--323 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.MulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 323--324 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.PipelineBase Overfull \hbox (60.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 324--326 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (75.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 326--328 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (22.19069pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 328--330 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 330--332 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (44.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 332--334 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_component() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 334--336 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_feature_names() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 334--336 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (92.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 336--338 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_indices() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines .components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (93.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 338--340 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_indices() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines .components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (80.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 340--342 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_names() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (81.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 342--344 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_names() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 344--345 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_pipeline() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoClas sificationSearch Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 345--346 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 get_pipeline() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.AutoRegr essionSearch Overfull \hbox (0.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 347--349 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Binar yClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (37.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 349--351 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (52.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 351--353 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 355--357 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linea rRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 357--359 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (35.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 359--361 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (14.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 361--363 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multi classClassificationPipeline [168] Overfull \hbox (12.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 365--367 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBin aryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (27.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 367--369 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMul ticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 369--370 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFReg ressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 370--371 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 graph() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoo stBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 377--379 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 handle_problem_types() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod- ule Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 379--381 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 379--381 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 381--383 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (45.47957pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 381--383 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionC lassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 383--385 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 383--385 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.OneHotEncoder Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 385--387 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (27.70021pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 385--387 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassif ier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 387--389 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (29.1404pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 387--389 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegress or Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 389--391 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (52.54993pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 389--391 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RFClassifierSelectF romModel Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 391--393 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (53.99011pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 391--393 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RFRegressorSelectFr omModel Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 393--395 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 393--395 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.SimpleImputer Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 395--397 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 395--397 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.StandardScaler Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 397--399 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameter_ranges Overfull \hbox (5.79033pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 397--399 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (85.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 399--401 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (100.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 401--403 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (47.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 403--405 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (36.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 405--407 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LinearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (69.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 407--409 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (83.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 409--411 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (60.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 411--413 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (75.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 413--415 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (22.19069pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 415--417 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 417--419 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (44.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 419--421 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 hyperparameters \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 424--426 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 is_search_space_exhausted() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 424--426 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.GridSearchTuner method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 426--428 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 is_search_space_exhausted() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 426--428 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.RandomSearchTuner method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 428--430 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 is_search_space_exhausted() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 430--432 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 is_search_space_exhausted() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 436--437 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 LinearRegressionPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 437--438 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 LinearRegressor \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 438--439 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 list_model_families() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 in mod-u le Overfull \hbox (31.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 441--443 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (46.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 443--445 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 7047) in paragraph at lines 445--447 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 447--449 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linear RegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (15.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 449--451 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logist icRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 451--453 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logist icRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (8.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 453--455 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multic lassClassificationPipeline [169] Overfull \hbox (6.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 456--458 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBina ryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 458--460 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMult iclassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 464--466 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 load() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoos tMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 473--475 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 LogisticRegressionClassifier \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 c lass in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 475--477 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (67.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 487--489 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (82.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 489--491 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 491--493 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. CatBoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (31.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 493--495 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (79.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 495--497 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (30.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 497--499 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (61.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 499--501 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (63.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 501--503 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (86.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 503--505 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (87.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 505--507 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (24.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 507--509 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (27.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 509--511 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.StandardScaler Overfull \hbox (39.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 511--513 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. components.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (18.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 513--515 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. LinearRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (51.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 515--517 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (65.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 517--519 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (42.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 519--521 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (57.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 521--523 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (4.19069pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 523--525 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. RFRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (11.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 525--527 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (26.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 527--529 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 model_family \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines. XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (19.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 537--539 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoost BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (34.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 539--541 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoost MulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (31.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 545--547 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (13.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 549--551 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (15.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 551--553 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (38.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 553--555 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (39.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 555--557 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.RFRegressorSelectFromModel [170] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 561--563 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.componen ts.XGBoostClassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 563--565 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearRe gressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (3.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 565--567 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logistic RegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (17.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 567--569 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logistic RegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (9.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 571--573 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMultic lassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 574--575 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 name \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostB inaryPipeline at- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 577--578 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 normalize_confusion_matrix() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 i n mod-ule Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 581--583 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 581--583 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 583--584 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.AUC Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 584--586 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 586--588 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 588--590 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 588--590 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.AUCWeighted method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 590--592 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 592--594 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 592--594 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.ExpVariance method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 594--595 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.F1 Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 595--597 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 597--599 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 599--601 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 599--601 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.F1Weighted method\T1/ptm/m/n/ 10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 601--603 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 603--605 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 603--605 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LeadScoring method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 605--607 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 605--607 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 607--609 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 609--610 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.MAE Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 610--612 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 612--614 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 612--614 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.MCCBinary method\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 614--616 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 614--616 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.MCCMulticlass method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 616--618 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 618--619 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.MSE Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 619--620 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.MSLE Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 620--622 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 622--624 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 622--624 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.PrecisionMacro method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 624--626 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 624--626 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.PrecisionMicro method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 626--628 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 628--629 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.R2 Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 629--630 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.Recall Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 630--632 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 630--632 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.RecallMacro method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 632--634 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 632--634 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.RecallMicro method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 634--636 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 objective_function() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 634--636 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.RecallWeighted method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 636--637 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 OneHotEncoder \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 637--639 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 637--639 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.AccuracyBinary method\T1/ptm/ m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 639--640 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.AUC [171] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 640--642 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 642--643 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.F1 Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 643--645 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 645--647 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 645--647 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LeadScoring method\T1/ptm/m/n /10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 647--649 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 647--649 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogLossBinary method\T1/ptm/m /n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 649--651 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 649--651 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.MCCBinary method\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 651--653 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 653--654 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 optimize_threshold() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.ob jectives.Recall Overfull \hbox (12.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 662--664 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Bin aryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (49.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 664--666 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Cat BoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (64.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 666--668 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Cat BoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (11.2003pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 668--670 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Cat BoostRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (13.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 670--672 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (61.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 672--674 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (43.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 674--676 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (45.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 676--678 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (21.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 678--680 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 ponents.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (0.64038pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 680--682 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Lin earRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (33.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 682--684 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Log isticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (47.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 684--686 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Log isticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (26.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 686--688 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Mul ticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (24.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 689--691 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFB inaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (39.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 691--693 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFM ulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 693--695 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFR egressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 5681) in paragraph at lines 695--697 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGB oostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (8.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 697--699 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGB oostMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (48.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 699--701 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.BinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (85.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 701--703 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (100.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 703--705 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.CatBoostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (49.69048pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 705--707 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.LinearRegressor Overfull \hbox (97.3796pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 707--709 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.LogisticRegressionClassifier Overfull \hbox (79.60023pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 709--711 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.RandomForestClassifier Overfull \hbox (81.04042pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 711--713 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.RandomForestRegressor Overfull \hbox (57.69035pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 713--715 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.components.XGBoostClassifier Overfull \hbox (69.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 715--717 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (83.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 717--719 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (62.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 719--721 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.MulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (60.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 721--723 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (75.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 723--725 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.RFMulticlassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.63065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 725--727 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (44.08018pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 727--729 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 predict_proba() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelin es.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 731--732 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 propose() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.tuners.Random SearchTuner Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 738--740 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RandomForestClassifier \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class i n [172] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 740--742 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RandomForestRegressor \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 747--749 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RFBinaryClassificationPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 749--751 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RFClassifierSelectFromModel \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 cl ass in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 754--756 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 RFRegressorSelectFromModel \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 cla ss in Overfull \hbox (31.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 762--764 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (46.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 764--766 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 7047) in paragraph at lines 766--768 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoo stRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 768--770 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linear RegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (15.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 770--772 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logist icRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (29.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 772--774 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logist icRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (8.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 774--776 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multic lassClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (6.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 777--779 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBina ryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 779--781 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMult iclassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 781--782 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFRegr essionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 782--783 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoos tBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 783--785 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 save() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoos tMulticlassPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 790--791 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.Bala ncedAccuracy Underfull \hbox (badness 5607) in paragraph at lines 799--800 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogL ossBinary method\T1/ptm/m/n/10 ), Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 800--801 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.LogL ossMulticlass Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 811--812 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.objectives.Prec isionWeighted Overfull \hbox (0.53014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 818--820 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Binar yClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (37.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 820--822 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (52.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 822--824 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 826--828 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linea rRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 828--830 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (35.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 830--832 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (14.97968pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 832--834 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Multi classClassificationPipeline [173] Overfull \hbox (12.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 835--837 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBin aryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (27.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 837--839 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMul ticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 839--840 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFReg ressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 840--841 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 score() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoo stBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 845--846 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 SimpleImputer \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 848--849 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 StandardScaler \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Overfull \hbox (37.75972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 849--851 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostBinaryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (52.20926pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 851--853 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBo ostMulticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 855--857 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Linea rRegressionPipeline Overfull \hbox (21.31989pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 857--859 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionBinaryPipeline Overfull \hbox (35.76942pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 859--861 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.Logis ticRegressionMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (12.7501pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 861--863 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBin aryClassificationPipeline Overfull \hbox (27.19965pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 863--865 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMul ticlassClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 5771) in paragraph at lines 865--867 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 summary \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFReg ressionPipeline at- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 871--873 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (33.8597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 871--873 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostBinaryClassificationPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 873--875 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (48.30923pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 873--875 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostMulticlassClassificati onPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 875--877 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 875--877 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.CatBoostRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 877--879 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 877--879 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.LinearRegressor Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 879--881 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (45.47957pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 879--881 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.LogisticRegressionC lassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 881--883 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (27.70021pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 881--883 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestClassif ier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 883--885 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (29.1404pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 883--885 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.RandomForestRegress or Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 885--887 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (5.79033pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 885--887 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.components.XGBoostClassifier Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 887--889 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 887--889 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LinearRegressionPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 889--891 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (17.41986pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 889--891 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionBinaryPipeli ne Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 891--893 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (31.8694pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 891--893 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.LogisticRegressionMulticlassPi peline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 893--895 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (8.85008pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 893--895 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFBinaryClassificationPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 895--897 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Overfull \hbox (23.29962pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 895--897 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFMulticlassClassificationPipe line Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 897--899 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 897--899 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.RFRegressionPipeline at- Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 899--901 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 899--901 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostBinaryPipeline Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 901--903 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 supported_problem_types Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 901--903 \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.XGBoostMulticlassPipeline Overfull \hbox (24.78084pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 906--908 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.OneHotEncoder Overfull \hbox (80.44995pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 908--910 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.RFClassifierSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (81.89014pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 910--912 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.RFRegressorSelectFromModel Overfull \hbox (18.12065pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 912--914 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.SimpleImputer Overfull \hbox (21.09074pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 914--916 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 transform() \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 evalml.pipelines.c omponents.StandardScaler Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 920--921 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 XGBoostBinaryPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 921--922 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 XGBoostClassifier \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 class in [174] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 922--923 []\T1/pcr/m/n/10 XGBoostMulticlassPipeline \T1/ptm/m/n/10 (\T1/ptm/m/it/10 clas s in [175]) (./feature-labs-inc-evalml.aux) ) (see the transcript file for additional information){/usr/share/texlive/texmf-d ist/fonts/enc/dvips/base/8r.enc} Output written on feature-labs-inc-evalml.pdf (179 pages, 619555 bytes). Transcript written on feature-labs-inc-evalml.log. Latexmk: Index file 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.idx' was written Latexmk: Log file says output to 'feature-labs-inc-evalml.pdf' Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages): pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 256 Latexmk: Errors, in force_mode: so I tried finishing targets [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2020-04-15T17:19:10.831985Z, end-time: 2020-04-15T17:19:11.034861Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 mv -f /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/