Read the Docs build information Build id: 105339 Project: vertexai-plaidml Version: latest Commit: 8a5ff0917b7247bc2c513096c62acb1d51736044 Date: 2018-05-01T00:20:27.575369Z State: finished Success: True [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:47.365234Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:50.529448Z, duration: 3, exit-code: 0 git clone --recursive . Cloning into '.'... [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:50.751787Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:51.390407Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git checkout --force origin/master Note: checking out 'origin/master'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at 8a5ff09... Add docs and fixes for various issues (#107) [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:51.479965Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:51.489490Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git clean -d -f -f [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:51.585341Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:51.591732Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git show-ref --tags dbff7d25b14dbe58f9e1567f694ea131a7e00cc4 refs/tags/0.1.1 87efe58f47290246d3ea0bffdca4de217e3ae93d refs/tags/0.1.3 123e5adca1bf8b439156492b635bfb2efdf8327a refs/tags/0.2.0 ca9132abe68e0def885b5b37332df6112ff9dcea refs/tags/0.3.0 54b747eeac0af734e44d63780291d3ffbd660932 refs/tags/0.3.0rc1 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:51.655391Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:51.663683Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git branch -r origin/HEAD -> origin/master origin/brianretford-patch-1 origin/brianretford-patch-2 origin/master origin/repo [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:52.597420Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:54.208100Z, duration: 1, exit-code: 0 python2.7 -mvirtualenv --no-site-packages --no-download New python executable in /home/docs/checkouts/ Also creating executable in /home/docs/checkouts/ Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:20:54.274363Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:16.872324Z, duration: 22, exit-code: 0 python pip install --use-wheel --upgrade --cache-dir /home/docs/checkouts/ Pygments==2.2.0 setuptools<40 docutils==0.13.1 mock==1.0.1 pillow==2.6.1 alabaster>=0.7,<0.8,!=0.7.5 commonmark==0.5.4 recommonmark==0.4.0 sphinx==1.6.5 sphinx-rtd-theme<0.3 readthedocs-sphinx-ext<0.6 Collecting Pygments==2.2.0 Downloading (841kB) Collecting setuptools<40 Downloading (566kB) Collecting docutils==0.13.1 Downloading (537kB) Collecting mock==1.0.1 Downloading (818kB) Collecting pillow==2.6.1 Downloading (7.3MB) Collecting alabaster!=0.7.5,<0.8,>=0.7 Downloading Collecting commonmark==0.5.4 Downloading (120kB) Collecting recommonmark==0.4.0 Downloading Collecting sphinx==1.6.5 Downloading (1.9MB) Collecting sphinx-rtd-theme<0.3 Downloading (1.4MB) Collecting readthedocs-sphinx-ext<0.6 Downloading Collecting sphinxcontrib-websupport (from sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading Collecting six>=1.5 (from sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading Collecting requests>=2.0.0 (from sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (88kB) Collecting typing; python_version < "3.5" (from sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading Collecting imagesize (from sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading Collecting babel!=2.0,>=1.3 (from sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (6.8MB) Collecting snowballstemmer>=1.1 (from sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (64kB) Collecting Jinja2>=2.3 (from sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (126kB) Collecting nilsimsa>=0.3.7 (from readthedocs-sphinx-ext<0.6) Downloading (276kB) Collecting urllib3<1.23,>=1.21.1 (from requests>=2.0.0->sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (132kB) Collecting idna<2.7,>=2.5 (from requests>=2.0.0->sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (56kB) Collecting chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 (from requests>=2.0.0->sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (133kB) Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests>=2.0.0->sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (150kB) Collecting pytz>=0a (from babel!=2.0,>=1.3->sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading (510kB) Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 (from Jinja2>=2.3->sphinx==1.6.5) Downloading Building wheels for collected packages: mock, pillow, commonmark, nilsimsa, MarkupSafe Running bdist_wheel for mock: started Running bdist_wheel for mock: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for pillow: started Running bdist_wheel for pillow: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for commonmark: started Running bdist_wheel for commonmark: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for nilsimsa: started Running bdist_wheel for nilsimsa: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for MarkupSafe: started Running bdist_wheel for MarkupSafe: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Successfully built mock pillow commonmark nilsimsa MarkupSafe Installing collected packages: Pygments, setuptools, docutils, mock, pillow, alabaster, commonmark, recommonmark, sphinxcontrib-websupport, six, urllib3, idna, chardet, certifi, requests, typing, imagesize, pytz, babel, snowballstemmer, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, sphinx, sphinx-rtd-theme, nilsimsa, readthedocs-sphinx-ext Found existing installation: setuptools 28.8.0 Uninstalling setuptools-28.8.0: Successfully uninstalled setuptools-28.8.0 Successfully installed Jinja2-2.10 MarkupSafe-1.0 Pygments-2.2.0 alabaster-0.7.10 babel-2.5.3 certifi-2018.4.16 chardet-3.0.4 commonmark-0.5.4 docutils-0.13.1 idna-2.6 imagesize-1.0.0 mock-1.0.1 nilsimsa-0.3.8 pillow-2.6.1 pytz-2018.4 readthedocs-sphinx-ext-0.5.10 recommonmark-0.4.0 requests-2.18.4 setuptools-39.1.0 six-1.11.0 snowballstemmer-1.2.1 sphinx-1.6.5 sphinx-rtd-theme-0.2.4 sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.0.1 typing-3.6.4 urllib3-1.22 You are using pip version 9.0.1, however version 10.0.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:16.936433Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:27.759586Z, duration: 10, exit-code: 0 python pip install --exists-action=w --cache-dir /home/docs/checkouts/ -rdocs/requirements.txt Collecting sphinx==1.7.1 (from -r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading (1.9MB) Collecting sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1 (from -r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Requirement already satisfied: recommonmark==0.4.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r docs/requirements.txt (line 3)) Collecting sphinxcontrib-fulltoc (from -r docs/requirements.txt (line 4)) Downloading Collecting sphinxcontrib-plantuml (from -r docs/requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading Collecting enum34>=1.1.6 (from -r docs/requirements.txt (line 6)) Downloading Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from -r docs/requirements.txt (line 7)) Collecting mock==2 (from -r docs/requirements.txt (line 8)) Downloading (56kB) Requirement already satisfied: sphinxcontrib-websupport in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.0.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: docutils>=0.11 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Collecting packaging (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading Requirement already satisfied: typing; python_version < "3.5" in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: Pygments>=2.0 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: imagesize in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: babel!=2.0,>=1.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: snowballstemmer>=1.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2>=2.3 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: alabaster<0.8,>=0.7 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Collecting port-for==0.3.1 (from sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Collecting watchdog>=0.7.1 (from sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading (83kB) Collecting PyYAML>=3.10 (from sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading (253kB) Collecting argh>=0.24.1 (from sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Collecting pathtools>=0.1.2 (from sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Collecting tornado>=3.2 (from sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading (506kB) Collecting livereload>=2.3.0 (from sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Requirement already satisfied: commonmark<=0.5.4 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from recommonmark==0.4.0->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 3)) Collecting funcsigs>=1; python_version < "3.3" (from mock==2->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 8)) Downloading Collecting pbr>=0.11 (from mock==2->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 8)) Downloading (98kB) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.23,>=1.21.1 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.0.0->sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.7,>=2.5 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.0.0->sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.0.0->sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from requests>=2.0.0->sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.2 (from packaging->sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading (56kB) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=0a in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from babel!=2.0,>=1.3->sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /home/docs/checkouts/ (from Jinja2>=2.3->sphinx==1.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 1)) Collecting futures (from tornado>=3.2->sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Collecting singledispatch (from tornado>=3.2->sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Collecting backports_abc>=0.4 (from tornado>=3.2->sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1->-r docs/requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Building wheels for collected packages: sphinxcontrib-fulltoc, sphinxcontrib-plantuml, port-for, watchdog, PyYAML, pathtools, tornado Running bdist_wheel for sphinxcontrib-fulltoc: started Running bdist_wheel for sphinxcontrib-fulltoc: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for sphinxcontrib-plantuml: started Running bdist_wheel for sphinxcontrib-plantuml: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for port-for: started Running bdist_wheel for port-for: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for watchdog: started Running bdist_wheel for watchdog: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for PyYAML: started Running bdist_wheel for PyYAML: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for pathtools: started Running bdist_wheel for pathtools: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Running bdist_wheel for tornado: started Running bdist_wheel for tornado: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /home/docs/checkouts/ Successfully built sphinxcontrib-fulltoc sphinxcontrib-plantuml port-for watchdog PyYAML pathtools tornado Installing collected packages: pyparsing, packaging, sphinx, port-for, PyYAML, argh, pathtools, watchdog, futures, singledispatch, backports-abc, tornado, livereload, sphinx-autobuild, sphinxcontrib-fulltoc, sphinxcontrib-plantuml, enum34, funcsigs, pbr, mock Found existing installation: Sphinx 1.6.5 Uninstalling Sphinx-1.6.5: Successfully uninstalled Sphinx-1.6.5 Found existing installation: mock 1.0.1 Uninstalling mock-1.0.1: Successfully uninstalled mock-1.0.1 Successfully installed PyYAML-3.12 argh-0.26.2 backports-abc-0.5 enum34-1.1.6 funcsigs-1.0.2 futures-3.2.0 livereload-2.5.1 mock-2.0.0 packaging-17.1 pathtools-0.1.2 pbr-4.0.2 port-for-0.3.1 pyparsing-2.2.0 singledispatch- sphinx-1.7.1 sphinx-autobuild-0.7.1 sphinxcontrib-fulltoc-1.2.0 sphinxcontrib-plantuml-0.11 tornado-5.0.2 watchdog-0.8.3 You are using pip version 9.0.1, however version 10.0.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:28.308951Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:28.377176Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 cat docs/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # # This file does only contain a selection of the most common options. For a # full list see the documentation: # # -- Path setup -------------------------------------------------------------- # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. # # import os # import sys # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) import os import sys # We assume that docs/ is located in the top level of the repository. repo_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(repo_root)) from recommonmark.parser import CommonMarkParser from recommonmark.transform import AutoStructify # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = u'PlaidML' copyright = u'2018, Vertex.AI' author = u'Vertex.AI' # The short X.Y version version = u'' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags release = u'' # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.githubpages', 'sphinxcontrib.fulltoc', 'sphinxcontrib.plantuml', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon', 'sphinx.ext.autosummary', ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_parsers = { '.md': CommonMarkParser, } # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = None # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path . exclude_patterns = [u'_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store', 'venv'] # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- html_short_title = "PlaidML" # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'alabaster' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. # html_theme_options = { 'sidebar_width': '260px', 'show_powered_by': False, } # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names # to template names. # # The default sidebars (for documents that don't match any pattern) are # defined by theme itself. Builtin themes are using these templates by # default: ``['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html', # 'searchbox.html']``. # html_sidebars = { 'index': ["about.html", "globaltoc.html", "indexlink.html", "searchbox.html"], '**': ["about.html", "localtoc.html", "indexlink.html", "searchbox.html"] } # -- Options for HTMLHelp output --------------------------------------------- # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'PlaidMLdoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------ latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # # 'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment # # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'PlaidML.tex', u'PlaidML Documentation', u'Vertex.AI', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------ # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [(master_doc, 'plaidml', u'PlaidML Documentation', [author], 1)] # -- Options for Texinfo output ---------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, 'PlaidML', u'PlaidML Documentation', author, 'PlaidML', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # -- Extension configuration ------------------------------------------------- plantuml = os.environ.get('PLANTUMLSH') # The Napoleon extension allows google style doc comments, but it also uses # numpy style too, by default; for consistency, we'll use only google style. napoleon_numpy_docstring = False # The rtype option just adds noise; disable it. napoleon_use_rtype = False # The generate mode will recursively produce stub pages for everything listed # in an autosummary; this lets us document all the stuff inside plaidml without # having to explicitly list each item. It doesn't work on the package itself, # though, so we still have to list the contents of 'plaidml' itself inside the # 'plaidml.rst' file; everything underneath that is produced into the api/ # subdirectory as needed. autosummary_generate = True # Autosummary does not respect the autodoc_mock_imports option, so we have to # mock out these libraries ourselves; we can't simply require them, since they # won't be available on readthedocs. import six if six.PY3: from unittest.mock import MagicMock else: from mock import Mock as MagicMock class Mock(MagicMock): @classmethod def __getattr__(cls, name): return Mock() def setup(app): MOCK_MODULES = ['numpy', 'scipy'] sys.modules.update((mod_name, Mock()) for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES) app.add_config_value( 'recommonmark_config', { 'auto_toc_tree_section': 'Contents', # This feature has been deprecated, and, indeed, recommonmark will # choke on inter-document links if it's left enabled. 'enable_auto_doc_ref': False, }, True) app.add_transform(AutoStructify) ########################################################################### # auto-created specific configuration # ########################################################################### # # The following code was added during an automated build on # It is auto created and injected for every build. The result is based on the # file found in the codebase: # # import sys import os.path from six import string_types from sphinx import version_info # Get suffix for proper linking to GitHub # This is deprecated in Sphinx 1.3+, # as each page can have its own suffix if globals().get('source_suffix', False): if isinstance(source_suffix, string_types): SUFFIX = source_suffix else: SUFFIX = source_suffix[0] else: SUFFIX = '.rst' # Add RTD Static Path. Add to the end because it overwrites previous files. if not 'html_static_path' in globals(): html_static_path = [] if os.path.exists('_static'): html_static_path.append('_static') html_static_path.append('/home/docs/checkouts/') # Add RTD Theme only if they aren't overriding it already using_rtd_theme = False if 'html_theme' in globals(): if html_theme in ['default']: # Allow people to bail with a hack of having an html_style if not 'html_style' in globals(): import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_style = None html_theme_options = {} if 'html_theme_path' in globals(): html_theme_path.append(sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()) else: html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] using_rtd_theme = True else: import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_style = None html_theme_options = {} if 'html_theme_path' in globals(): html_theme_path.append(sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()) else: html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] using_rtd_theme = True if globals().get('websupport2_base_url', False): websupport2_base_url = '' if 'http' not in settings.MEDIA_URL: websupport2_static_url = '' else: websupport2_static_url = '' #Add project information to the template context. context = { 'using_theme': using_rtd_theme, 'html_theme': html_theme, 'current_version': "latest", 'version_slug': "latest", 'MEDIA_URL': "", 'PRODUCTION_DOMAIN': "", 'versions': [ ("latest", "/en/latest/"), ("stable", "/en/stable/"), ], 'downloads': [ ("pdf", "//"), ("htmlzip", "//"), ("epub", "//"), ], 'subprojects': [ ], 'slug': 'vertexai-plaidml', 'name': u'plaidml', 'rtd_language': u'en', 'programming_language': u'words', 'canonical_url': '', 'analytics_code': '', 'single_version': False, 'conf_py_path': '/docs/', 'api_host': '', 'github_user': 'plaidml', 'github_repo': 'plaidml', 'github_version': 'master', 'display_github': True, 'bitbucket_user': 'None', 'bitbucket_repo': 'None', 'bitbucket_version': 'master', 'display_bitbucket': False, 'gitlab_user': 'None', 'gitlab_repo': 'None', 'gitlab_version': 'master', 'display_gitlab': False, 'READTHEDOCS': True, 'using_theme': (html_theme == "default"), 'new_theme': (html_theme == "sphinx_rtd_theme"), 'source_suffix': SUFFIX, 'user_analytics_code': '', 'global_analytics_code': 'UA-17997319-2', 'commit': '8a5ff091', } if 'html_context' in globals(): html_context.update(context) else: html_context = context # Add custom RTD extension if 'extensions' in globals(): extensions.append("readthedocs_ext.readthedocs") else: extensions = ["readthedocs_ext.readthedocs"] [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:28.449399Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:38.898938Z, duration: 10, exit-code: 0 python sphinx-build -T -b readthedocs -d _build/doctrees-readthedocs -D language=en . _build/html Running Sphinx v1.7.1 loading translations [en]... done making output directory... WARNING: The config value `plantuml' has type `NoneType', defaults to `str'. loading pickled environment... not yet created [autosummary] generating autosummary for: adding_ops.rst,, building_a_frontend.rst, contributing.rst, index.rst,,, overview.rst, plaidml.rst, writing_tile_code.rst WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Classes': no module named plaidml.Classes WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Functions': no module named plaidml.Functions [autosummary] generating autosummary for: /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/ [autosummary] generating autosummary for: /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, ..., /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/, /home/docs/checkouts/ building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [readthedocs]: targets for 10 source files that are out of date updating environment: 126 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 0%] adding_ops reading sources... [ 1%] api/plaidml.Applier reading sources... [ 2%] api/plaidml.Composer reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.DType reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.Device reading sources... [ 4%] api/plaidml.Dimension reading sources... [ 5%] api/plaidml.Function reading sources... [ 6%] api/plaidml.Integer reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invocation reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invoker reading sources... [ 8%] api/plaidml.Placeholder reading sources... [ 9%] api/plaidml.Real reading sources... [ 10%] api/plaidml.Shape reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Tensor reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Var reading sources... [ 12%] api/plaidml.context.Context reading sources... [ 13%] api/plaidml.exceptions reading sources... [ 14%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled reading sources... [ 16%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss reading sources... [ 17%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded reading sources... [ 18%] api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument reading sources... [ 20%] api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound reading sources... [ 21%] api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange reading sources... [ 22%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted reading sources... [ 24%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated reading sources... [ 25%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown reading sources... [ 27%] api/plaidml.keras reading sources... [ 28%] api/plaidml.keras.install_backend reading sources... [ 29%] api/plaidml.library.Library reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op.ArgMax reading sources... [ 31%] api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding reading sources... [ 32%] api/plaidml.op.AveragePool reading sources... [ 33%] api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.Cast reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMax reading sources... [ 35%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMin reading sources... [ 36%] api/plaidml.op.Concatenate reading sources... [ 37%] api/plaidml.op.Convolution reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose reading sources... [ 39%] api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum reading sources... [ 40%] api/plaidml.op.Dot reading sources... [ 41%] api/plaidml.op.Elu reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax reading sources... [ 43%] api/plaidml.op.Flatten reading sources... [ 44%] api/plaidml.op.Gather reading sources... [ 45%] api/plaidml.op.Gemm reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Gradients reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Hardmax reading sources... [ 47%] api/plaidml.op.Identity reading sources... [ 48%] api/plaidml.op.IsMax reading sources... [ 49%] api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MatMul reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MaxPool reading sources... [ 51%] api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce reading sources... [ 52%] api/plaidml.op.Mean reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.MinReduce reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.NotEqual reading sources... [ 54%] api/plaidml.op.Pow reading sources... [ 55%] api/plaidml.op.Prod reading sources... [ 56%] api/plaidml.op.Relu reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.Reshape reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor reading sources... [ 58%] api/plaidml.op.Softmax reading sources... [ 59%] api/plaidml.op.Sqrt reading sources... [ 60%] api/plaidml.op.Summation reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.Variance reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.ceiling reading sources... [ 62%] api/plaidml.op.clip reading sources... [ 63%] api/plaidml.op.cos reading sources... [ 64%] api/plaidml.op.equal reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.exp reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.floor reading sources... [ 66%] api/plaidml.op.gradients reading sources... [ 67%] api/plaidml.op.hardmax reading sources... [ 68%] api/plaidml.op.log reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.log_softmax reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.max_reduce reading sources... [ 70%] api/plaidml.op.mean reading sources... [ 71%] api/plaidml.op.min_reduce reading sources... [ 72%] api/plaidml.op.pad_compute reading sources... [ 73%] api/ reading sources... [ 73%] api/plaidml.op.sigmoid reading sources... [ 74%] api/plaidml.op.sin reading sources... [ 75%] api/plaidml.op.softmax reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.squeeze reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.summation reading sources... [ 77%] api/plaidml.op.tanh reading sources... [ 78%] api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze reading sources... [ 79%] api/plaidml.tile reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.Error reading sources... [ 81%] api/plaidml.tile.LogicError reading sources... [ 82%] api/plaidml.tile.Operation reading sources... [ 83%] api/plaidml.tile.Shape reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.Source reading sources... [ 85%] api/plaidml.tile.Value reading sources... [ 86%] api/plaidml.tile.binary_op reading sources... [ 87%] api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.compose reading sources... [ 89%] api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes reading sources... [ 90%] api/plaidml.tile.maximum reading sources... [ 91%] api/plaidml.tile.minimum reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.to_dot reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.unary_op reading sources... [ 93%] building reading sources... [ 94%] building_a_frontend reading sources... [ 95%] contributing reading sources... [ 96%] index reading sources... [ 96%] installing reading sources... [ 97%] op_tutorial reading sources... [ 98%] overview reading sources... [ 99%] plaidml reading sources... [100%] writing_tile_code /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cat-xent-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cat-xent-split.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-sum-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-sum-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-mat-mul.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-max-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-max-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-pool-1D.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-pool-1D.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-conv-1D-color.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-conv-1D-color.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D.png looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree done preparing documents... done writing output... [ 0%] adding_ops writing output... [ 1%] api/plaidml.Applier writing output... [ 2%] api/plaidml.Composer writing output... [ 3%] api/plaidml.DType writing output... [ 3%] api/plaidml.Device writing output... [ 4%] api/plaidml.Dimension writing output... [ 5%] api/plaidml.Function writing output... [ 6%] api/plaidml.Integer writing output... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invocation writing output... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invoker writing output... [ 8%] api/plaidml.Placeholder writing output... [ 9%] api/plaidml.Real writing output... [ 10%] api/plaidml.Shape writing output... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Tensor writing output... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Var writing output... [ 12%] api/plaidml.context.Context writing output... [ 13%] api/plaidml.exceptions writing output... [ 14%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted writing output... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists writing output... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled writing output... [ 16%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss writing output... [ 17%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded writing output... [ 18%] api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition writing output... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal writing output... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument writing output... [ 20%] api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound writing output... [ 21%] api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange writing output... [ 22%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied writing output... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError writing output... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted writing output... [ 24%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated writing output... [ 25%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable writing output... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented writing output... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown writing output... [ 27%] api/plaidml.keras writing output... [ 28%] api/plaidml.keras.install_backend writing output... [ 29%] api/plaidml.library.Library writing output... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op writing output... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op.ArgMax writing output... [ 31%] api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding writing output... [ 32%] api/plaidml.op.AveragePool writing output... [ 33%] api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy writing output... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.Cast writing output... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMax writing output... [ 35%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMin writing output... [ 36%] api/plaidml.op.Concatenate writing output... [ 37%] api/plaidml.op.Convolution writing output... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat writing output... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose writing output... [ 39%] api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum writing output... [ 40%] api/plaidml.op.Dot writing output... [ 41%] api/plaidml.op.Elu writing output... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal writing output... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax writing output... [ 43%] api/plaidml.op.Flatten writing output... [ 44%] api/plaidml.op.Gather writing output... [ 45%] api/plaidml.op.Gemm writing output... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Gradients writing output... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Hardmax writing output... [ 47%] api/plaidml.op.Identity writing output... [ 48%] api/plaidml.op.IsMax writing output... [ 49%] api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax writing output... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MatMul writing output... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MaxPool writing output... [ 51%] api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce writing output... [ 52%] api/plaidml.op.Mean writing output... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.MinReduce writing output... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.NotEqual writing output... [ 54%] api/plaidml.op.Pow writing output... [ 55%] api/plaidml.op.Prod writing output... [ 56%] api/plaidml.op.Relu writing output... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.Reshape writing output... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor writing output... [ 58%] api/plaidml.op.Softmax writing output... [ 59%] api/plaidml.op.Sqrt writing output... [ 60%] api/plaidml.op.Summation writing output... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.Variance writing output... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.ceiling writing output... [ 62%] api/plaidml.op.clip writing output... [ 63%] api/plaidml.op.cos writing output... [ 64%] api/plaidml.op.equal writing output... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.exp writing output... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.floor writing output... [ 66%] api/plaidml.op.gradients writing output... [ 67%] api/plaidml.op.hardmax writing output... [ 68%] api/plaidml.op.log writing output... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.log_softmax writing output... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.max_reduce writing output... [ 70%] api/plaidml.op.mean writing output... [ 71%] api/plaidml.op.min_reduce writing output... [ 72%] api/plaidml.op.pad_compute writing output... [ 73%] api/ writing output... [ 73%] api/plaidml.op.sigmoid writing output... [ 74%] api/plaidml.op.sin writing output... [ 75%] api/plaidml.op.softmax writing output... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.squeeze writing output... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.summation writing output... [ 77%] api/plaidml.op.tanh writing output... [ 78%] api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze writing output... [ 79%] api/plaidml.tile writing output... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo writing output... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.Error writing output... [ 81%] api/plaidml.tile.LogicError writing output... [ 82%] api/plaidml.tile.Operation writing output... [ 83%] api/plaidml.tile.Shape writing output... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf writing output... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.Source writing output... [ 85%] api/plaidml.tile.Value writing output... [ 86%] api/plaidml.tile.binary_op writing output... [ 87%] api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims writing output... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype writing output... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.compose writing output... [ 89%] api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes writing output... [ 90%] api/plaidml.tile.maximum writing output... [ 91%] api/plaidml.tile.minimum writing output... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.to_dot writing output... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.unary_op writing output... [ 93%] building writing output... [ 94%] building_a_frontend writing output... [ 95%] contributing writing output... [ 96%] index writing output... [ 96%] installing writing output... [ 97%] op_tutorial writing output... [ 98%] overview writing output... [ 99%] plaidml writing output... [100%] writing_tile_code generating indices...WARNING: plantuml command None cannot be run genindex py-modindex highlighting module code... [ 14%] plaidml highlighting module code... [ 28%] plaidml.context highlighting module code... [ 42%] plaidml.exceptions highlighting module code... [ 57%] plaidml.keras highlighting module code... [ 71%] plaidml.library highlighting module code... [ 85%] plaidml.op highlighting module code... [100%] plaidml.tile writing additional pages... search copying images... [100%] images/plaid-final.png copying static files... WARNING: html_static_path entry '/home/docs/checkouts/' does not exist done copying readthedocs static files... done copying searchtools... done copying extra files... done dumping search index in English (code: en) ... done dumping object inventory... done build succeeded, 22 warnings. The HTML pages are in _build/html. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:39.012410Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:47.963532Z, duration: 8, exit-code: 0 python sphinx-build -T -b json -d _build/doctrees-json -D language=en . _build/json Running Sphinx v1.7.1 loading translations [en]... done making output directory... WARNING: The config value `plantuml' has type `NoneType', defaults to `str'. loading pickled environment... not yet created [autosummary] generating autosummary for: adding_ops.rst, api/plaidml.Applier.rst, api/plaidml.Composer.rst, api/plaidml.DType.rst, api/plaidml.Device.rst, api/plaidml.Dimension.rst, api/plaidml.Function.rst, api/plaidml.Integer.rst, api/plaidml.Invocation.rst, api/plaidml.Invoker.rst, ..., api/plaidml.tile.unary_op.rst,, building_a_frontend.rst, contributing.rst, index.rst,,, overview.rst, plaidml.rst, writing_tile_code.rst WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Classes': no module named plaidml.Classes WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Functions': no module named plaidml.Functions building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [json]: targets for 126 source files that are out of date updating environment: 126 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 0%] adding_ops reading sources... [ 1%] api/plaidml.Applier reading sources... [ 2%] api/plaidml.Composer reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.DType reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.Device reading sources... [ 4%] api/plaidml.Dimension reading sources... [ 5%] api/plaidml.Function reading sources... [ 6%] api/plaidml.Integer reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invocation reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invoker reading sources... [ 8%] api/plaidml.Placeholder reading sources... [ 9%] api/plaidml.Real reading sources... [ 10%] api/plaidml.Shape reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Tensor reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Var reading sources... [ 12%] api/plaidml.context.Context reading sources... [ 13%] api/plaidml.exceptions reading sources... [ 14%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled reading sources... [ 16%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss reading sources... [ 17%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded reading sources... [ 18%] api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument reading sources... [ 20%] api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound reading sources... [ 21%] api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange reading sources... [ 22%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted reading sources... [ 24%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated reading sources... [ 25%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown reading sources... [ 27%] api/plaidml.keras reading sources... [ 28%] api/plaidml.keras.install_backend reading sources... [ 29%] api/plaidml.library.Library reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op.ArgMax reading sources... [ 31%] api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding reading sources... [ 32%] api/plaidml.op.AveragePool reading sources... [ 33%] api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.Cast reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMax reading sources... [ 35%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMin reading sources... [ 36%] api/plaidml.op.Concatenate reading sources... [ 37%] api/plaidml.op.Convolution reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose reading sources... [ 39%] api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum reading sources... [ 40%] api/plaidml.op.Dot reading sources... [ 41%] api/plaidml.op.Elu reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax reading sources... [ 43%] api/plaidml.op.Flatten reading sources... [ 44%] api/plaidml.op.Gather reading sources... [ 45%] api/plaidml.op.Gemm reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Gradients reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Hardmax reading sources... [ 47%] api/plaidml.op.Identity reading sources... [ 48%] api/plaidml.op.IsMax reading sources... [ 49%] api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MatMul reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MaxPool reading sources... [ 51%] api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce reading sources... [ 52%] api/plaidml.op.Mean reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.MinReduce reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.NotEqual reading sources... [ 54%] api/plaidml.op.Pow reading sources... [ 55%] api/plaidml.op.Prod reading sources... [ 56%] api/plaidml.op.Relu reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.Reshape reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor reading sources... [ 58%] api/plaidml.op.Softmax reading sources... [ 59%] api/plaidml.op.Sqrt reading sources... [ 60%] api/plaidml.op.Summation reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.Variance reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.ceiling reading sources... [ 62%] api/plaidml.op.clip reading sources... [ 63%] api/plaidml.op.cos reading sources... [ 64%] api/plaidml.op.equal reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.exp reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.floor reading sources... [ 66%] api/plaidml.op.gradients reading sources... [ 67%] api/plaidml.op.hardmax reading sources... [ 68%] api/plaidml.op.log reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.log_softmax reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.max_reduce reading sources... [ 70%] api/plaidml.op.mean reading sources... [ 71%] api/plaidml.op.min_reduce reading sources... [ 72%] api/plaidml.op.pad_compute reading sources... [ 73%] api/ reading sources... [ 73%] api/plaidml.op.sigmoid reading sources... [ 74%] api/plaidml.op.sin reading sources... [ 75%] api/plaidml.op.softmax reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.squeeze reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.summation reading sources... [ 77%] api/plaidml.op.tanh reading sources... [ 78%] api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze reading sources... [ 79%] api/plaidml.tile reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.Error reading sources... [ 81%] api/plaidml.tile.LogicError reading sources... [ 82%] api/plaidml.tile.Operation reading sources... [ 83%] api/plaidml.tile.Shape reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.Source reading sources... [ 85%] api/plaidml.tile.Value reading sources... [ 86%] api/plaidml.tile.binary_op reading sources... [ 87%] api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.compose reading sources... [ 89%] api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes reading sources... [ 90%] api/plaidml.tile.maximum reading sources... [ 91%] api/plaidml.tile.minimum reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.to_dot reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.unary_op reading sources... [ 93%] building reading sources... [ 94%] building_a_frontend reading sources... [ 95%] contributing reading sources... [ 96%] index reading sources... [ 96%] installing reading sources... [ 97%] op_tutorial reading sources... [ 98%] overview reading sources... [ 99%] plaidml reading sources... [100%] writing_tile_code /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cat-xent-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cat-xent-split.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-sum-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-sum-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-mat-mul.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-max-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-max-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-pool-1D.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-pool-1D.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-conv-1D-color.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-conv-1D-color.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D.png looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree done preparing documents... done writing output... [ 0%] adding_ops writing output... [ 1%] api/plaidml.Applier writing output... [ 2%] api/plaidml.Composer writing output... [ 3%] api/plaidml.DType writing output... [ 3%] api/plaidml.Device writing output... [ 4%] api/plaidml.Dimension writing output... [ 5%] api/plaidml.Function writing output... [ 6%] api/plaidml.Integer writing output... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invocation writing output... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invoker writing output... [ 8%] api/plaidml.Placeholder writing output... [ 9%] api/plaidml.Real writing output... [ 10%] api/plaidml.Shape writing output... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Tensor writing output... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Var writing output... [ 12%] api/plaidml.context.Context writing output... [ 13%] api/plaidml.exceptions writing output... [ 14%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted writing output... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists writing output... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled writing output... [ 16%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss writing output... [ 17%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded writing output... [ 18%] api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition writing output... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal writing output... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument writing output... [ 20%] api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound writing output... [ 21%] api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange writing output... [ 22%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied writing output... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError writing output... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted writing output... [ 24%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated writing output... [ 25%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable writing output... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented writing output... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown writing output... [ 27%] api/plaidml.keras writing output... [ 28%] api/plaidml.keras.install_backend writing output... [ 29%] api/plaidml.library.Library writing output... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op writing output... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op.ArgMax writing output... [ 31%] api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding writing output... [ 32%] api/plaidml.op.AveragePool writing output... [ 33%] api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy writing output... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.Cast writing output... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMax writing output... [ 35%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMin writing output... [ 36%] api/plaidml.op.Concatenate writing output... [ 37%] api/plaidml.op.Convolution writing output... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat writing output... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose writing output... [ 39%] api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum writing output... [ 40%] api/plaidml.op.Dot writing output... [ 41%] api/plaidml.op.Elu writing output... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal writing output... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax writing output... [ 43%] api/plaidml.op.Flatten writing output... [ 44%] api/plaidml.op.Gather writing output... [ 45%] api/plaidml.op.Gemm writing output... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Gradients writing output... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Hardmax writing output... [ 47%] api/plaidml.op.Identity writing output... [ 48%] api/plaidml.op.IsMax writing output... [ 49%] api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax writing output... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MatMul writing output... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MaxPool writing output... [ 51%] api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce writing output... [ 52%] api/plaidml.op.Mean writing output... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.MinReduce writing output... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.NotEqual writing output... [ 54%] api/plaidml.op.Pow writing output... [ 55%] api/plaidml.op.Prod writing output... [ 56%] api/plaidml.op.Relu writing output... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.Reshape writing output... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor writing output... [ 58%] api/plaidml.op.Softmax writing output... [ 59%] api/plaidml.op.Sqrt writing output... [ 60%] api/plaidml.op.Summation writing output... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.Variance writing output... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.ceiling writing output... [ 62%] api/plaidml.op.clip writing output... [ 63%] api/plaidml.op.cos writing output... [ 64%] api/plaidml.op.equal writing output... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.exp writing output... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.floor writing output... [ 66%] api/plaidml.op.gradients writing output... [ 67%] api/plaidml.op.hardmax writing output... [ 68%] api/plaidml.op.log writing output... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.log_softmax writing output... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.max_reduce writing output... [ 70%] api/plaidml.op.mean writing output... [ 71%] api/plaidml.op.min_reduce writing output... [ 72%] api/plaidml.op.pad_compute writing output... [ 73%] api/ writing output... [ 73%] api/plaidml.op.sigmoid writing output... [ 74%] api/plaidml.op.sin writing output... [ 75%] api/plaidml.op.softmax writing output... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.squeeze writing output... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.summation writing output... [ 77%] api/plaidml.op.tanh writing output... [ 78%] api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze writing output... [ 79%] api/plaidml.tile writing output... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo writing output... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.Error writing output... [ 81%] api/plaidml.tile.LogicError writing output... [ 82%] api/plaidml.tile.Operation writing output... [ 83%] api/plaidml.tile.Shape writing output... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf writing output... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.Source writing output... [ 85%] api/plaidml.tile.Value writing output... [ 86%] api/plaidml.tile.binary_op writing output... [ 87%] api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims writing output... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype writing output... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.compose writing output... [ 89%] api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes writing output... [ 90%] api/plaidml.tile.maximum writing output... [ 91%] api/plaidml.tile.minimum writing output... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.to_dot writing output... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.unary_op writing output... [ 93%] building writing output... [ 94%] building_a_frontend writing output... [ 95%] contributing writing output... [ 96%] index writing output... [ 96%] installing writing output... [ 97%] op_tutorial writing output... [ 98%] overview writing output... [ 99%] plaidml writing output... [100%] writing_tile_code generating indices...WARNING: plantuml command None cannot be run genindex py-modindex highlighting module code... [ 14%] plaidml highlighting module code... [ 28%] plaidml.context highlighting module code... [ 42%] plaidml.exceptions highlighting module code... [ 57%] plaidml.keras highlighting module code... [ 71%] plaidml.library highlighting module code... [ 85%] plaidml.op highlighting module code... [100%] plaidml.tile writing additional pages... search copying images... [100%] images/plaid-final.png copying static files... WARNING: html_static_path entry '/home/docs/checkouts/' does not exist done copying extra files... done dumping search index in English (code: en) ... done dumping object inventory... done build succeeded, 22 warnings. You can now process the JSON files in _build/json. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:48.083798Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:53.128898Z, duration: 5, exit-code: 0 python sphinx-build -T -b readthedocssinglehtmllocalmedia -d _build/doctrees-readthedocssinglehtmllocalmedia -D language=en . _build/localmedia Running Sphinx v1.7.1 loading translations [en]... done making output directory... loading pickled environment... not yet created WARNING: The config value `plantuml' has type `NoneType', defaults to `str'. [autosummary] generating autosummary for: adding_ops.rst, api/plaidml.Applier.rst, api/plaidml.Composer.rst, api/plaidml.DType.rst, api/plaidml.Device.rst, api/plaidml.Dimension.rst, api/plaidml.Function.rst, api/plaidml.Integer.rst, api/plaidml.Invocation.rst, api/plaidml.Invoker.rst, ..., api/plaidml.tile.unary_op.rst,, building_a_frontend.rst, contributing.rst, index.rst,,, overview.rst, plaidml.rst, writing_tile_code.rst WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Classes': no module named plaidml.Classes WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Functions': no module named plaidml.Functions building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [readthedocssinglehtmllocalmedia]: all documents updating environment: 126 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 0%] adding_ops reading sources... [ 1%] api/plaidml.Applier reading sources... [ 2%] api/plaidml.Composer reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.DType reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.Device reading sources... [ 4%] api/plaidml.Dimension reading sources... [ 5%] api/plaidml.Function reading sources... [ 6%] api/plaidml.Integer reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invocation reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invoker reading sources... [ 8%] api/plaidml.Placeholder reading sources... [ 9%] api/plaidml.Real reading sources... [ 10%] api/plaidml.Shape reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Tensor reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Var reading sources... [ 12%] api/plaidml.context.Context reading sources... [ 13%] api/plaidml.exceptions reading sources... [ 14%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled reading sources... [ 16%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss reading sources... [ 17%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded reading sources... [ 18%] api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument reading sources... [ 20%] api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound reading sources... [ 21%] api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange reading sources... [ 22%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted reading sources... [ 24%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated reading sources... [ 25%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown reading sources... [ 27%] api/plaidml.keras reading sources... [ 28%] api/plaidml.keras.install_backend reading sources... [ 29%] api/plaidml.library.Library reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op.ArgMax reading sources... [ 31%] api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding reading sources... [ 32%] api/plaidml.op.AveragePool reading sources... [ 33%] api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.Cast reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMax reading sources... [ 35%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMin reading sources... [ 36%] api/plaidml.op.Concatenate reading sources... [ 37%] api/plaidml.op.Convolution reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose reading sources... [ 39%] api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum reading sources... [ 40%] api/plaidml.op.Dot reading sources... [ 41%] api/plaidml.op.Elu reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax reading sources... [ 43%] api/plaidml.op.Flatten reading sources... [ 44%] api/plaidml.op.Gather reading sources... [ 45%] api/plaidml.op.Gemm reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Gradients reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Hardmax reading sources... [ 47%] api/plaidml.op.Identity reading sources... [ 48%] api/plaidml.op.IsMax reading sources... [ 49%] api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MatMul reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MaxPool reading sources... [ 51%] api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce reading sources... [ 52%] api/plaidml.op.Mean reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.MinReduce reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.NotEqual reading sources... [ 54%] api/plaidml.op.Pow reading sources... [ 55%] api/plaidml.op.Prod reading sources... [ 56%] api/plaidml.op.Relu reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.Reshape reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor reading sources... [ 58%] api/plaidml.op.Softmax reading sources... [ 59%] api/plaidml.op.Sqrt reading sources... [ 60%] api/plaidml.op.Summation reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.Variance reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.ceiling reading sources... [ 62%] api/plaidml.op.clip reading sources... [ 63%] api/plaidml.op.cos reading sources... [ 64%] api/plaidml.op.equal reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.exp reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.floor reading sources... [ 66%] api/plaidml.op.gradients reading sources... [ 67%] api/plaidml.op.hardmax reading sources... [ 68%] api/plaidml.op.log reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.log_softmax reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.max_reduce reading sources... [ 70%] api/plaidml.op.mean reading sources... [ 71%] api/plaidml.op.min_reduce reading sources... [ 72%] api/plaidml.op.pad_compute reading sources... [ 73%] api/ reading sources... [ 73%] api/plaidml.op.sigmoid reading sources... [ 74%] api/plaidml.op.sin reading sources... [ 75%] api/plaidml.op.softmax reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.squeeze reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.summation reading sources... [ 77%] api/plaidml.op.tanh reading sources... [ 78%] api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze reading sources... [ 79%] api/plaidml.tile reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.Error reading sources... [ 81%] api/plaidml.tile.LogicError reading sources... [ 82%] api/plaidml.tile.Operation reading sources... [ 83%] api/plaidml.tile.Shape reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.Source reading sources... [ 85%] api/plaidml.tile.Value reading sources... [ 86%] api/plaidml.tile.binary_op reading sources... [ 87%] api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.compose reading sources... [ 89%] api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes reading sources... [ 90%] api/plaidml.tile.maximum reading sources... [ 91%] api/plaidml.tile.minimum reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.to_dot reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.unary_op reading sources... [ 93%] building reading sources... [ 94%] building_a_frontend reading sources... [ 95%] contributing reading sources... [ 96%] index reading sources... [ 96%] installing reading sources... [ 97%] op_tutorial reading sources... [ 98%] overview reading sources... [ 99%] plaidml reading sources... 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WARNING: plantuml command None cannot be run done writing additional files... copying images... [100%] images/plaid-final.png copying static files... WARNING: html_static_path entry '/home/docs/checkouts/' does not exist done copying readthedocs static files... done copying extra files... done dumping object inventory... done build succeeded, 22 warnings. The HTML page is in _build/localmedia. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:53.200255Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:59.557136Z, duration: 6, exit-code: 0 python sphinx-build -b latex -D language=en -d _build/doctrees . _build/latex Running Sphinx v1.7.1 loading translations [en]... done making output directory... WARNING: The config value `plantuml' has type `NoneType', defaults to `str'. loading pickled environment... not yet created [autosummary] generating autosummary for: adding_ops.rst, api/plaidml.Applier.rst, api/plaidml.Composer.rst, api/plaidml.DType.rst, api/plaidml.Device.rst, api/plaidml.Dimension.rst, api/plaidml.Function.rst, api/plaidml.Integer.rst, api/plaidml.Invocation.rst, api/plaidml.Invoker.rst, ..., api/plaidml.tile.unary_op.rst,, building_a_frontend.rst, contributing.rst, index.rst,,, overview.rst, plaidml.rst, writing_tile_code.rst WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Classes': no module named plaidml.Classes WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Functions': no module named plaidml.Functions building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [latex]: all documents updating environment: 126 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 0%] adding_ops reading sources... [ 1%] api/plaidml.Applier reading sources... [ 2%] api/plaidml.Composer reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.DType reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.Device reading sources... [ 4%] api/plaidml.Dimension reading sources... [ 5%] api/plaidml.Function reading sources... [ 6%] api/plaidml.Integer reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invocation reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invoker reading sources... [ 8%] api/plaidml.Placeholder reading sources... [ 9%] api/plaidml.Real reading sources... [ 10%] api/plaidml.Shape reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Tensor reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Var reading sources... [ 12%] api/plaidml.context.Context reading sources... [ 13%] api/plaidml.exceptions reading sources... [ 14%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled reading sources... [ 16%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss reading sources... [ 17%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded reading sources... [ 18%] api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument reading sources... [ 20%] api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound reading sources... [ 21%] api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange reading sources... [ 22%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted reading sources... [ 24%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated reading sources... [ 25%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown reading sources... [ 27%] api/plaidml.keras reading sources... [ 28%] api/plaidml.keras.install_backend reading sources... [ 29%] api/plaidml.library.Library reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op.ArgMax reading sources... [ 31%] api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding reading sources... [ 32%] api/plaidml.op.AveragePool reading sources... [ 33%] api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.Cast reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMax reading sources... [ 35%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMin reading sources... [ 36%] api/plaidml.op.Concatenate reading sources... [ 37%] api/plaidml.op.Convolution reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose reading sources... [ 39%] api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum reading sources... [ 40%] api/plaidml.op.Dot reading sources... [ 41%] api/plaidml.op.Elu reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax reading sources... [ 43%] api/plaidml.op.Flatten reading sources... [ 44%] api/plaidml.op.Gather reading sources... [ 45%] api/plaidml.op.Gemm reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Gradients reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Hardmax reading sources... [ 47%] api/plaidml.op.Identity reading sources... [ 48%] api/plaidml.op.IsMax reading sources... [ 49%] api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MatMul reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MaxPool reading sources... [ 51%] api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce reading sources... [ 52%] api/plaidml.op.Mean reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.MinReduce reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.NotEqual reading sources... [ 54%] api/plaidml.op.Pow reading sources... [ 55%] api/plaidml.op.Prod reading sources... [ 56%] api/plaidml.op.Relu reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.Reshape reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor reading sources... [ 58%] api/plaidml.op.Softmax reading sources... [ 59%] api/plaidml.op.Sqrt reading sources... [ 60%] api/plaidml.op.Summation reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.Variance reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.ceiling reading sources... [ 62%] api/plaidml.op.clip reading sources... [ 63%] api/plaidml.op.cos reading sources... [ 64%] api/plaidml.op.equal reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.exp reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.floor reading sources... [ 66%] api/plaidml.op.gradients reading sources... [ 67%] api/plaidml.op.hardmax reading sources... [ 68%] api/plaidml.op.log reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.log_softmax reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.max_reduce reading sources... [ 70%] api/plaidml.op.mean reading sources... [ 71%] api/plaidml.op.min_reduce reading sources... [ 72%] api/plaidml.op.pad_compute reading sources... [ 73%] api/ reading sources... [ 73%] api/plaidml.op.sigmoid reading sources... [ 74%] api/plaidml.op.sin reading sources... [ 75%] api/plaidml.op.softmax reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.squeeze reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.summation reading sources... [ 77%] api/plaidml.op.tanh reading sources... [ 78%] api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze reading sources... [ 79%] api/plaidml.tile reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.Error reading sources... [ 81%] api/plaidml.tile.LogicError reading sources... [ 82%] api/plaidml.tile.Operation reading sources... [ 83%] api/plaidml.tile.Shape reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.Source reading sources... [ 85%] api/plaidml.tile.Value reading sources... [ 86%] api/plaidml.tile.binary_op reading sources... [ 87%] api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.compose reading sources... [ 89%] api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes reading sources... [ 90%] api/plaidml.tile.maximum reading sources... [ 91%] api/plaidml.tile.minimum reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.to_dot reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.unary_op reading sources... [ 93%] building reading sources... [ 94%] building_a_frontend reading sources... [ 95%] contributing reading sources... [ 96%] index reading sources... [ 96%] installing reading sources... [ 97%] op_tutorial reading sources... [ 98%] overview reading sources... [ 99%] plaidml reading sources... [100%] writing_tile_code /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cat-xent-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cat-xent-split.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-sum-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-sum-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-mat-mul.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-max-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-max-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-pool-1D.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-pool-1D.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-conv-1D-color.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-conv-1D-color.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D.png looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree done processing PlaidML.tex...index installing building overview plaidml api/plaidml.keras api/plaidml.keras.install_backend api/plaidml.op api/plaidml.op.ArgMax api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding api/plaidml.op.AveragePool api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy api/plaidml.op.Cast api/plaidml.op.ClipMax api/plaidml.op.ClipMin api/plaidml.op.Concatenate api/plaidml.op.Convolution api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum api/plaidml.op.Dot api/plaidml.op.Elu api/plaidml.op.Equal api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax api/plaidml.op.Flatten api/plaidml.op.Gather api/plaidml.op.Gemm api/plaidml.op.Gradients api/plaidml.op.Hardmax api/plaidml.op.Identity api/plaidml.op.IsMax api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax api/plaidml.op.MatMul api/plaidml.op.MaxPool api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce api/plaidml.op.Mean api/plaidml.op.MinReduce api/plaidml.op.NotEqual api/plaidml.op.Pow api/plaidml.op.Prod api/plaidml.op.Relu api/plaidml.op.Reshape api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor api/plaidml.op.Softmax api/plaidml.op.Sqrt api/plaidml.op.Summation api/plaidml.op.Variance api/plaidml.op.ceiling api/plaidml.op.clip api/plaidml.op.cos api/plaidml.op.equal api/plaidml.op.exp api/plaidml.op.floor api/plaidml.op.gradients api/plaidml.op.hardmax api/plaidml.op.log api/plaidml.op.log_softmax api/plaidml.op.max_reduce api/plaidml.op.mean api/plaidml.op.min_reduce api/plaidml.op.pad_compute api/ api/plaidml.op.sigmoid api/plaidml.op.sin api/plaidml.op.softmax api/plaidml.op.squeeze api/plaidml.op.summation api/plaidml.op.tanh api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze api/plaidml.tile api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo api/plaidml.tile.Operation api/plaidml.tile.Shape api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf api/plaidml.tile.Source api/plaidml.tile.Value api/plaidml.tile.binary_op api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype api/plaidml.tile.compose api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes api/plaidml.tile.maximum api/plaidml.tile.minimum api/plaidml.tile.to_dot api/plaidml.tile.unary_op api/plaidml.tile.Error api/plaidml.tile.LogicError api/plaidml.exceptions api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown api/plaidml.Applier api/plaidml.Composer api/plaidml.context.Context api/plaidml.DType api/plaidml.Device api/plaidml.Dimension api/plaidml.Function api/plaidml.Integer api/plaidml.Invocation api/plaidml.Invoker api/plaidml.library.Library api/plaidml.Placeholder api/plaidml.Real api/plaidml.Shape api/plaidml.Tensor api/plaidml.Var contributing adding_ops building_a_frontend writing_tile_code resolving references... /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: no matching candidate for image URI u'' writing... WARNING: plantuml command None cannot be run done copying images... [100%] images/plaid-final.png copying TeX support files... done build succeeded, 22 warnings. The LaTeX files are in _build/latex. Run 'make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex (use `make latexpdf' here to do that automatically). [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:21:59.670365Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:00.657094Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode /home/docs/checkouts/ This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (/home/docs/checkouts/ test/docs/_build/latex/PlaidML.tex LaTeX2e <2016/02/01> Babel <3.9q> and hyphenation patterns for 81 language(s) loaded. 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Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1109--1109 \T1/ptm/m/it/10 1>\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 pads=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T 1/ptm/m/it/10 group=1\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ker-nel_shape=None\T1/ptm /m/n/10 , Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 12 on input line 1151. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 13 on input line 1191. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1201--1201 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 x\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 ker-nel\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1 /ptm/m/it/10 out-put_shape\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 strides\T1/ptm/m/n/1 0 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 padding\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , [14] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 14 on input line 1243. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 15 on input line 1295. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 16 on input line 1347. [15] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 17 on input line 1399. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 18 on input line 1454. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 19 on input line 1504. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 20 on input line 1556. [16] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 21 on input line 1608. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1618--1618 []\T1/ptm/m/it/10 a\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 b\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m /it/10 c\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 al-pha=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/ it/10 beta=None\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 broad-cast=True\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , \T1/ptm/m/it/10 transA=False\T1/ptm/m/n/10 , Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 22 on input line 1660. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 23 on input line 1712. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 24 on input line 1764. [17] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 25 on input line 1816. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 26 on input line 1868. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 27 on input line 1920. [18] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 28 on input line 1974. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 29 on input line 2026. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 30 on input line 2078. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 31 on input line 2130. [19] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 32 on input line 2182. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 33 on input line 2237. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 34 on input line 2289. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 35 on input line 2339. [20] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 36 on input line 2391. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 37 on input line 2443. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 38 on input line 2495. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 39 on input line 2547. [21] Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 40 on input line 2599. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 41 on input line 2651. Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed (longtable) in table 42 on input line 2701. 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See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5839 ...ight=40bp]{{docs/images/code-max-0}.png} [50] [51] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5941--5942 \T1/pcr/m/n/10 constraint, however, index variables may still be negative: the original code LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-pool-1D}.png' not found on input line 59 45. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-pool-1D.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5945]{{docs/images/math-pool-1D}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/code-pool-1D}.png' not found on input line 59 47. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/code-pool-1D.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5947]{{docs/images/code-pool-1D}.png} [52] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw}.png' not found on input lin e 6007. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6007 ...0bp]{{docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub}.png' not found on input lin e 6020. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6020 ...0bp]{{docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub}.png' not found on input lin e 6024. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6024 ...0bp]{{docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub}.png} [53] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw}.png' not found on input lin e 6045. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6045 ...0bp]{{docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw}.png} Overfull \hbox (369.25697pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6051--6051 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6051--6051 LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-conv-1D-color}.png' not found on input l ine 6073. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-conv-1D-color.png' not found . See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6073 ...p]{{docs/images/math-conv-1D-color}.png} [54] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/code-conv-1D-color}.png' not found on input l ine 6075. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/code-conv-1D-color.png' not found . See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6075 ...p]{{docs/images/code-conv-1D-color}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D}.png' not found on input lin e 6089. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6089 ...0bp]{{docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D}.png} LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `adding_ops::doc' on page 55 undefined on input line 6104. [55] [56] [57] [58] Chapter 6. [59] [60] Chapter 7. [61] [62] LaTeX Warning: Reference `plaidml:module-plaidml' on page 63 undefined on input line 6258. LaTeX Warning: Reference `api/plaidml.exceptions:module-plaidml.exceptions' on page 63 undefined on input line 6259. LaTeX Warning: Reference `api/plaidml.keras:module-plaidml.keras' on page 63 un defined on input line 6260. LaTeX Warning: Reference `api/plaidml.op:module-plaidml.op' on page 63 undefine d on input line 6261. LaTeX Warning: Reference `api/plaidml.tile:module-plaidml.tile' on page 63 unde fined on input line 6262. [63] No file PlaidML.ind. Package longtable Warning: Table widths have changed. Rerun LaTeX. (./PlaidML.aux) Package rerunfilecheck Warning: File `PlaidML.out' has changed. (rerunfilecheck) Rerun to get outlines right (rerunfilecheck) or use package `bookmark'. LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references. LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right. ) (see the transcript file for additional information){/usr/share/texlive/texmf-d ist/fonts/enc/dvips/base/8r.enc} Output written on PlaidML.pdf (67 pages, 357958 bytes). Transcript written on PlaidML.log. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:00.738480Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:00.869198Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 makeindex -s PlaidML.idx This is makeindex, version 2.15 [TeX Live 2015] (kpathsea + Thai support). Scanning style file ./ (7 attributes redefined, 0 ignored). Scanning input file PlaidML.idx....done (127 entries accepted, 0 rejected). Sorting entries....done (955 comparisons). Generating output file PlaidML.ind....done (190 lines written, 0 warnings). Output written in PlaidML.ind. Transcript written in PlaidML.ilg. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:00.931223Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:01.925910Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode /home/docs/checkouts/ This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (/home/docs/checkouts/ test/docs/_build/latex/PlaidML.tex LaTeX2e <2016/02/01> Babel <3.9q> and hyphenation patterns for 81 language(s) loaded. 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LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.73}.svg} ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.73}.svg} (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ts1ptm.fd) [1 <./ g>] [2] Chapter 1. [3] [4] Chapter 2. [5] [6] Chapter 3. [7] [8] Chapter 4. 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[41] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-cat-xent-raw}.png' not found on input li ne 5489. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-cat-xent-raw.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5489 ...bp]{{docs/images/math-cat-xent-raw}.png} [42] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-cat-xent-split}.png' not found on input line 5493. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-cat-xent-split.png' not foun d. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5493 ...]{{docs/images/math-cat-xent-split}.png} Overfull \hbox (716.71332pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 5509--5509 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5509--5509 (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ts1pcr.fd) [43] [44] [45] [46] Overfull \hbox (1158.13841pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 5685--5685 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5685--5685 [47] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-sum-0}.png' not found on input line 5778 . ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-sum-0.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5778 ...ight=70bp]{{docs/images/math-sum-0}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/code-sum-0}.png' not found on input line 5780 . ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/code-sum-0.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5780 ...ight=40bp]{{docs/images/code-sum-0}.png} Overfull \hbox (282.94801pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 5782--5782 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5782--5782 [48] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-mat-mul}.png' not found on input line 58 01. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-mat-mul.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5801]{{docs/images/math-mat-mul}.png} [49] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-max-0}.png' not found on input line 5837 . ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-max-0.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5837 ...ight=60bp]{{docs/images/math-max-0}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/code-max-0}.png' not found on input line 5839 . ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/code-max-0.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5839 ...ight=40bp]{{docs/images/code-max-0}.png} [50] [51] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5941--5942 \T1/pcr/m/n/10 constraint, however, index variables may still be negative: the original code LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-pool-1D}.png' not found on input line 59 45. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-pool-1D.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5945]{{docs/images/math-pool-1D}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/code-pool-1D}.png' not found on input line 59 47. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/code-pool-1D.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.5947]{{docs/images/code-pool-1D}.png} [52] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw}.png' not found on input lin e 6007. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6007 ...0bp]{{docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub}.png' not found on input lin e 6020. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6020 ...0bp]{{docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub}.png' not found on input lin e 6024. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6024 ...0bp]{{docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub}.png} [53] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw}.png' not found on input lin e 6045. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6045 ...0bp]{{docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw}.png} Overfull \hbox (369.25697pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6051--6051 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6051--6051 LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-conv-1D-color}.png' not found on input l ine 6073. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-conv-1D-color.png' not found . See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6073 ...p]{{docs/images/math-conv-1D-color}.png} [54] LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/code-conv-1D-color}.png' not found on input l ine 6075. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/code-conv-1D-color.png' not found . See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6075 ...p]{{docs/images/code-conv-1D-color}.png} LaTeX Warning: File `{docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D}.png' not found on input lin e 6089. ! Package pdftex.def Error: File `docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D.png' not found. See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.6089 ...0bp]{{docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D}.png} [55] [56] [57] [58] Chapter 6. [59] [60] Chapter 7. [61] [62] [63] (./PlaidML.ind [64] [65] [66]) (./PlaidML.aux) Package rerunfilecheck Warning: File `PlaidML.out' has changed. (rerunfilecheck) Rerun to get outlines right (rerunfilecheck) or use package `bookmark'. ) (see the transcript file for additional information){/usr/share/texlive/texmf-d ist/fonts/enc/dvips/base/8r.enc} Output written on PlaidML.pdf (70 pages, 377952 bytes). Transcript written on PlaidML.log. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:02.045281Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:02.122310Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 mv -f /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/ [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:02.203932Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:13.532279Z, duration: 11, exit-code: 0 python sphinx-build -T -b epub -d _build/doctrees-epub -D language=en . _build/epub Running Sphinx v1.7.1 loading translations [en]... done making output directory... WARNING: The config value `plantuml' has type `NoneType', defaults to `str'. loading pickled environment... not yet created [autosummary] generating autosummary for: adding_ops.rst, api/plaidml.Applier.rst, api/plaidml.Composer.rst, api/plaidml.DType.rst, api/plaidml.Device.rst, api/plaidml.Dimension.rst, api/plaidml.Function.rst, api/plaidml.Integer.rst, api/plaidml.Invocation.rst, api/plaidml.Invoker.rst, ..., api/plaidml.tile.unary_op.rst,, building_a_frontend.rst, contributing.rst, index.rst,,, overview.rst, plaidml.rst, writing_tile_code.rst WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Classes': no module named plaidml.Classes WARNING: [autosummary] failed to import u'plaidml.Functions': no module named plaidml.Functions building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date building [epub]: targets for 126 source files that are out of date updating environment: 126 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [ 0%] adding_ops reading sources... [ 1%] api/plaidml.Applier reading sources... [ 2%] api/plaidml.Composer reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.DType reading sources... [ 3%] api/plaidml.Device reading sources... [ 4%] api/plaidml.Dimension reading sources... [ 5%] api/plaidml.Function reading sources... [ 6%] api/plaidml.Integer reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invocation reading sources... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invoker reading sources... [ 8%] api/plaidml.Placeholder reading sources... [ 9%] api/plaidml.Real reading sources... [ 10%] api/plaidml.Shape reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Tensor reading sources... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Var reading sources... [ 12%] api/plaidml.context.Context reading sources... [ 13%] api/plaidml.exceptions reading sources... [ 14%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists reading sources... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled reading sources... [ 16%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss reading sources... [ 17%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded reading sources... [ 18%] api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal reading sources... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument reading sources... [ 20%] api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound reading sources... [ 21%] api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange reading sources... [ 22%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError reading sources... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted reading sources... [ 24%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated reading sources... [ 25%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented reading sources... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown reading sources... [ 27%] api/plaidml.keras reading sources... [ 28%] api/plaidml.keras.install_backend reading sources... [ 29%] api/plaidml.library.Library reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op reading sources... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op.ArgMax reading sources... [ 31%] api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding reading sources... [ 32%] api/plaidml.op.AveragePool reading sources... [ 33%] api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.Cast reading sources... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMax reading sources... [ 35%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMin reading sources... [ 36%] api/plaidml.op.Concatenate reading sources... [ 37%] api/plaidml.op.Convolution reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat reading sources... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose reading sources... [ 39%] api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum reading sources... [ 40%] api/plaidml.op.Dot reading sources... [ 41%] api/plaidml.op.Elu reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal reading sources... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax reading sources... [ 43%] api/plaidml.op.Flatten reading sources... [ 44%] api/plaidml.op.Gather reading sources... [ 45%] api/plaidml.op.Gemm reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Gradients reading sources... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Hardmax reading sources... [ 47%] api/plaidml.op.Identity reading sources... [ 48%] api/plaidml.op.IsMax reading sources... [ 49%] api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MatMul reading sources... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MaxPool reading sources... [ 51%] api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce reading sources... [ 52%] api/plaidml.op.Mean reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.MinReduce reading sources... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.NotEqual reading sources... [ 54%] api/plaidml.op.Pow reading sources... [ 55%] api/plaidml.op.Prod reading sources... [ 56%] api/plaidml.op.Relu reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.Reshape reading sources... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor reading sources... [ 58%] api/plaidml.op.Softmax reading sources... [ 59%] api/plaidml.op.Sqrt reading sources... [ 60%] api/plaidml.op.Summation reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.Variance reading sources... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.ceiling reading sources... [ 62%] api/plaidml.op.clip reading sources... [ 63%] api/plaidml.op.cos reading sources... [ 64%] api/plaidml.op.equal reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.exp reading sources... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.floor reading sources... [ 66%] api/plaidml.op.gradients reading sources... [ 67%] api/plaidml.op.hardmax reading sources... [ 68%] api/plaidml.op.log reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.log_softmax reading sources... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.max_reduce reading sources... [ 70%] api/plaidml.op.mean reading sources... [ 71%] api/plaidml.op.min_reduce reading sources... [ 72%] api/plaidml.op.pad_compute reading sources... [ 73%] api/ reading sources... [ 73%] api/plaidml.op.sigmoid reading sources... [ 74%] api/plaidml.op.sin reading sources... [ 75%] api/plaidml.op.softmax reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.squeeze reading sources... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.summation reading sources... [ 77%] api/plaidml.op.tanh reading sources... [ 78%] api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze reading sources... [ 79%] api/plaidml.tile reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo reading sources... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.Error reading sources... [ 81%] api/plaidml.tile.LogicError reading sources... [ 82%] api/plaidml.tile.Operation reading sources... [ 83%] api/plaidml.tile.Shape reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf reading sources... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.Source reading sources... [ 85%] api/plaidml.tile.Value reading sources... [ 86%] api/plaidml.tile.binary_op reading sources... [ 87%] api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype reading sources... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.compose reading sources... [ 89%] api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes reading sources... [ 90%] api/plaidml.tile.maximum reading sources... [ 91%] api/plaidml.tile.minimum reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.to_dot reading sources... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.unary_op reading sources... [ 93%] building reading sources... [ 94%] building_a_frontend reading sources... [ 95%] contributing reading sources... [ 96%] index reading sources... [ 96%] installing reading sources... [ 97%] op_tutorial reading sources... [ 98%] overview reading sources... [ 99%] plaidml reading sources... [100%] writing_tile_code /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cat-xent-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cat-xent-split.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-sum-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-sum-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-mat-mul.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-max-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-max-0.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-pool-1D.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-pool-1D.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cum-sum-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-cum-sum-sub.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-cum-sum-sub.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-conv-1D-raw.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-conv-1D-color.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/code-conv-1D-color.png /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: image file not readable: docs/images/math-dil-conv-2D.png looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... /home/docs/checkouts/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree done preparing documents... done writing output... [ 0%] adding_ops writing output... [ 1%] api/plaidml.Applier writing output... [ 2%] api/plaidml.Composer writing output... [ 3%] api/plaidml.DType writing output... [ 3%] api/plaidml.Device writing output... [ 4%] api/plaidml.Dimension writing output... [ 5%] api/plaidml.Function writing output... [ 6%] api/plaidml.Integer writing output... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invocation writing output... [ 7%] api/plaidml.Invoker writing output... [ 8%] api/plaidml.Placeholder writing output... [ 9%] api/plaidml.Real writing output... [ 10%] api/plaidml.Shape writing output... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Tensor writing output... [ 11%] api/plaidml.Var writing output... [ 12%] api/plaidml.context.Context writing output... [ 13%] api/plaidml.exceptions writing output... [ 14%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Aborted writing output... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.AlreadyExists writing output... [ 15%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Cancelled writing output... [ 16%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DataLoss writing output... [ 17%] api/plaidml.exceptions.DeadlineExceeded writing output... [ 18%] api/plaidml.exceptions.FailedPrecondition writing output... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Internal writing output... [ 19%] api/plaidml.exceptions.InvalidArgument writing output... [ 20%] api/plaidml.exceptions.NotFound writing output... [ 21%] api/plaidml.exceptions.OutOfRange writing output... [ 22%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PermissionDenied writing output... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.PlaidMLError writing output... [ 23%] api/plaidml.exceptions.ResourceExhausted writing output... [ 24%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unauthenticated writing output... [ 25%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unavailable writing output... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unimplemented writing output... [ 26%] api/plaidml.exceptions.Unknown writing output... [ 27%] api/plaidml.keras writing output... [ 28%] api/plaidml.keras.install_backend writing output... [ 29%] api/plaidml.library.Library writing output... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op writing output... [ 30%] api/plaidml.op.ArgMax writing output... [ 31%] api/plaidml.op.AutoPadding writing output... [ 32%] api/plaidml.op.AveragePool writing output... [ 33%] api/plaidml.op.BinaryCrossentropy writing output... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.Cast writing output... [ 34%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMax writing output... [ 35%] api/plaidml.op.ClipMin writing output... [ 36%] api/plaidml.op.Concatenate writing output... [ 37%] api/plaidml.op.Convolution writing output... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionDataFormat writing output... [ 38%] api/plaidml.op.ConvolutionTranspose writing output... [ 39%] api/plaidml.op.CumulativeSum writing output... [ 40%] api/plaidml.op.Dot writing output... [ 41%] api/plaidml.op.Elu writing output... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal writing output... [ 42%] api/plaidml.op.Equal_ArgMax writing output... [ 43%] api/plaidml.op.Flatten writing output... [ 44%] api/plaidml.op.Gather writing output... [ 45%] api/plaidml.op.Gemm writing output... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Gradients writing output... [ 46%] api/plaidml.op.Hardmax writing output... [ 47%] api/plaidml.op.Identity writing output... [ 48%] api/plaidml.op.IsMax writing output... [ 49%] api/plaidml.op.LogSoftmax writing output... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MatMul writing output... [ 50%] api/plaidml.op.MaxPool writing output... [ 51%] api/plaidml.op.MaxReduce writing output... [ 52%] api/plaidml.op.Mean writing output... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.MinReduce writing output... [ 53%] api/plaidml.op.NotEqual writing output... [ 54%] api/plaidml.op.Pow writing output... [ 55%] api/plaidml.op.Prod writing output... [ 56%] api/plaidml.op.Relu writing output... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.Reshape writing output... [ 57%] api/plaidml.op.SliceTensor writing output... [ 58%] api/plaidml.op.Softmax writing output... [ 59%] api/plaidml.op.Sqrt writing output... [ 60%] api/plaidml.op.Summation writing output... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.Variance writing output... [ 61%] api/plaidml.op.ceiling writing output... [ 62%] api/plaidml.op.clip writing output... [ 63%] api/plaidml.op.cos writing output... [ 64%] api/plaidml.op.equal writing output... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.exp writing output... [ 65%] api/plaidml.op.floor writing output... [ 66%] api/plaidml.op.gradients writing output... [ 67%] api/plaidml.op.hardmax writing output... [ 68%] api/plaidml.op.log writing output... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.log_softmax writing output... [ 69%] api/plaidml.op.max_reduce writing output... [ 70%] api/plaidml.op.mean writing output... [ 71%] api/plaidml.op.min_reduce writing output... [ 72%] api/plaidml.op.pad_compute writing output... [ 73%] api/ writing output... [ 73%] api/plaidml.op.sigmoid writing output... [ 74%] api/plaidml.op.sin writing output... [ 75%] api/plaidml.op.softmax writing output... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.squeeze writing output... [ 76%] api/plaidml.op.summation writing output... [ 77%] api/plaidml.op.tanh writing output... [ 78%] api/plaidml.op.unsqueeze writing output... [ 79%] api/plaidml.tile writing output... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.DTypeInfo writing output... [ 80%] api/plaidml.tile.Error writing output... [ 81%] api/plaidml.tile.LogicError writing output... [ 82%] api/plaidml.tile.Operation writing output... [ 83%] api/plaidml.tile.Shape writing output... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.ShapeOf writing output... [ 84%] api/plaidml.tile.Source writing output... [ 85%] api/plaidml.tile.Value writing output... [ 86%] api/plaidml.tile.binary_op writing output... [ 87%] api/plaidml.tile.broadcast_dims writing output... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.common_dtype writing output... [ 88%] api/plaidml.tile.compose writing output... [ 89%] api/plaidml.tile.compute_aggregation_axes writing output... [ 90%] api/plaidml.tile.maximum writing output... [ 91%] api/plaidml.tile.minimum writing output... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.to_dot writing output... [ 92%] api/plaidml.tile.unary_op writing output... [ 93%] building writing output... [ 94%] building_a_frontend writing output... [ 95%] contributing writing output... [ 96%] index writing output... [ 96%] installing writing output... [ 97%] op_tutorial writing output... [ 98%] overview writing output... [ 99%] plaidml writing output... [100%] writing_tile_code WARNING: plantuml command None cannot be run generating indices... genindex py-modindex writing additional pages... copying images... [ 50%] images/plaid-final.png copying images... [100%] copying static files... WARNING: html_static_path entry '/home/docs/checkouts/' does not exist done copying extra files... done WARNING: conf value "version" should not be empty for EPUB3 writing mimetype file... writing META-INF/container.xml file... writing content.opf file... WARNING: unknown mimetype for .nojekyll, ignoring writing nav.xhtml file... writing toc.ncx file... writing PlaidML.epub file... build succeeded, 24 warnings. The ePub file is in _build/epub. [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:13.604079Z, end-time: 2018-05-01T05:22:13.666475Z, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 mv -f /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/